• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,874 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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April: 8

Author's Note:

Secretary April Trotter's POV


I am waking up, in my own bed.

Just as I had been expecting; the bed sheet is a glossy black, and the quilt an equally glossy but crystal clear silicon.

With the quilt crystal clear, there is nothing obscuring my vision. My body is a luscious spring green and my mane a bright red. My eyes, the bright blue of fiery Sapphires.

As I fold the quilt up onto the side of the wall, I sit up and slide my hooves out of bed.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard; as my hooves hit the floor, underhoof.

The white beech wood, covered with an inch of clear silicon. However, the walls are laid with pink cherry wood; while the ceiling is coated with the mate black silicon holding the pin-prick LED star-skape securely into place overhead.

Of course, this is my bed room; so it should be sparsely furnished!” I ponder, with a snicker.

I do have a night stand, but that is the only furniture I have aside from the bed upon which I am sleeping.

The twin doors to my wardrobes, on the hoof end of my bed; just with the inches to spare, to permit the bed to be made. The wardrobes, holding my clothes and my bed linen respectively.

As a Pony, I rarely do need to wear clothes, I am not expected to or required to; aside from the few, sparse official occasions.

However; I do enjoy wearing the skirt and top, nonetheless. If it is my position, or some old and long forgotten memory tying the reflexive habit onto me.

With just a few steps, I trot over to my wardrobe; opening the doors, to find the clothes I do have. I do have a skirt, befitting me in my current position. I step into the garment, feeling it slide right over my hips; before I pick a matching top, slipping right into it. Now, I am dressed up and ready to face the day.

As I turn around, I afford the framed picture of me and my sister an appreciative glance.

Her coat, a light pinkish hue, and her mane a lavender. Just like mine, her eyes are clearly blue. We are after all siblings and sisters.

As opposed to my older sister: May who thrives in the limelight; I commonly prefer a more modest position, keeping track of her schedule and other behind the scene tasks. Seeing her smile, is making my day. I know she enjoys to see me smile out of joy.

Cutting ribbons in the open, was never my thing in the first place. What’s the fun in that?

I step up to the door, lifting my right fore-hoof; extending it onto the plaque, and thus opening the door. Such a convenient device, knowing who I am and that I am permitted to open the door. I step out of my bed room; and the door quietly swoosh closed just inches behind my rump, plump as it is. I enjoy myself the way I am, and why not?

The floor is laid with white beech wood, coated with an inch of squishy silicon.

”Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard as I am trotting along towards the flight of stairs.

If the floor in my room is identical to the floor outside; the wall outside my room is laid with pink cherry wood as well. Likewise, the ceiling is coated with mate black silicon, in order to hold the pin-prick LED star skape in place as well.

However, I can clearly see the picket fence preventing me to fall over and down onto the floor of our living room. While not lethal or particularly dangerous; it would still be painful enough, to warrant the caution. I do not wish to fall down, onto the floor of our living room. I really don’t. Who would?

I slowly trot all the way over to the flight of stairs down to the ground floor, where our living room is. While I think it would have been beautiful, with beech wood for the stairs covered with an inch of crystal-clear silicon; my older sister chose to utilize classical blue Sapphire, instead. It’s fancy and beautiful, just that I would have preferred the beech wood.

As I trot down the flight of stairs, I feel the sticky sensation of the floor underhoof.

”Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I trot down to the living room one floor under my bed room.

I can’t help, but snicker in delight; as I hear the squeaky noises my hooves are making, as I trot down the flight of stairs. With that, I make sure to take just one step at the time; not to miss a single squeak, silly as this may be. I am after all a grown mare, an adult.

”I should be above these foalish little things, shouldn’t I?” I ponder, but I just could not help myself.

The coated beech wood-floor, the pink cherry wood laid walls and the LED pin-prick star skape held in place with mate black silicon seems to be the theme of our home. I should not mind, should I? it is beautiful, after all.

As I had reached the end of the stairs; I catch eye of the head set, waiting for me on the three seated cinematic sofa. Of course, I am trotting over to the sofa; picking up the neat accessory, the head set is looking like. My head set, my sister’s is still waiting for her.

If I had been to pick the wrong head set, I would have noticed how it would not quite fit me. I just need to try both and know which is mine.

As I am picking the green head set up, I feel its cool mechanical touch; only to realize it is warming up to my touch, as I am holding it in my right hoof. A moment later, I am putting it onto my head; feeling how it is adjusting to my individual body heat in the process. While it is warming up, it is activating automatically in the process.

Of course, she would make one for me too..” I ponder; ”and she had to make it inconspicuously invisible as well!” I continue, snickering to myself.

”Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard from the flight of stairs, leading down to the living room; as my elder sister is trotting down.

”Good morning, Sister!” she offers, as she set hoof on the floor of the living room.

”Good morning, Sister!” I respond.

”I take it, you found your head set?” she now inquires, with a warm snicker.

”Yes, as a matter of fact; I did, and it feels good to wear..” I respond; ”even if I barely do feel it, truth be told!” I then add.

She is trotting up to the sofa, in order to pick up her head set; picking it up and holds it in her right hoof as it is warming up. Just as it is activating, she is putting it onto her head, snickering merrily.

”Time for our breakfast!” I put forth; ”Let’s see, what do we have today?” I offer, as I trot over to our kitchen.

I only extend my right fore-hoof, in order to open the door; before I am stepping right in, in order to examine what I have to work with.

”Oh, carrots..” I mumble; ”shredded carrots, and a lot of it!” I continue, snickering.

I do have some orange and apple juice, aside from cool, running water in the tap. Quite serviceable water, that is.

”Neither tea, nor coffee; but I guess, I could do without these!” I ponder.

Oh, and I do have a few slices of apple; the size of melon, as well. How curious.

Now I am picking up a pitcher of orange juice, feels like the right way to start a day to me. A pair of glasses and a pair of bowls; aside from the shredded carrot.

I step out of the kitchen, putting the food and drink onto the table; ”Breakfast is served!” I exclaim, as I sit down in my seat.

Of course, she is already occupying the inner of the three seats of our cinematic sofa.

”Thank you!” she responds, as I am serving her breakfast, before I serve my own meal and sit down.

Most of the meal is enjoyed in silence. Maybe there is nothing to say, but we did not really have a yesterday to discuss either. It just feels as if I had been with her since forever.

”If this was an apple, what does a melon look like?” she muses, snickering.

”I’m not sure I want to know..” I merely mumble in response; ”but we do have a day ahead of us!” I continue.

”Twilight Town seems like such a nice place, but that is no excuse for being late!” she puts forth.

”Exactly..” I mumble.

As the last of the meal is consumed, I pick up the dishes and trot out to the kitchen; only stopping, in order to place my hoof onto the plaque.

The door quietly opens for me, quite eagerly; I step in, and the door slides shut behind me. I place the dishes on the sink, before I start pouring up the warm to hot water; dealing with the dishes, produced by our meal together. Once done, I dry it off and put it all back into place for us to find it ready for use; next time we need them.

Guess I am the tidy mare, after all.

I turn back, extending my right hoof and place it onto the plaque; the door opens, and I spill right out into the living-room once more.

”Time to go to work!” she points out, with an eager snicker to her voice.

”We can’t be late, for work!” I respond, as I am stepping into a set of golden shoes.

While the distance may not be all that much, but this is no excuse for slacking off or being late.

My sister May had put her shoes on, just as I did; she is ready for work, as she steps up to the plaque by the door. I watch her extending her right fore-hoof, as she is pressing it onto the plaque and thus opening the door for the both of us; I follow her out, just a step behind.

The first house we pass, on our way to work is Twilight Sparkles; we turn towards the town hall in the crossroad; trotting along the road.

”It seems to be yet another nice day in Twilight Town!” I observe.

”Yes, so it would appear!” she responds, with a bemused snicker.

”Clippety, clop; clippety, clop; clippety, clop..” is heard, as we are trotting down the road to the Town Hall.

There is still a distinct trace of squeaks, with these shoes on; which is just the way I like it, and I can see my sister does not mind either. Why should she? It’s such a delightful little noise we are making as we move.

A few minutes of trotting down the road, and we come across the stairs leading up to the imposing Town Hall.

While the stairs themselves feels fairly regular and mundane; the building is in the Monumental style, befitting of an official building like the Town Hall. Twilight town deserves nothing less.

I stop before the doors, with my sister by my side; then the doors open before us, and we trot right in.

The doors open before us, door by door; all the way through the building.

Her office is at the end, with large windows facing the forest. I have a smaller office on her right.

I have enough room for a desk, from which I can manage her schedule and keep track of what she is expected to do throughout the day and week. I would have expected a phone, but with the head set on; what’s the use, when I have the head set.

My desk may be just two feet by four, but I have a large screen before me upon which I can see the schedule.

However, there is nothing on my schedule, right now; maybe it is due, to the fact that I am new here and that Twilight Sparkle herself only arrived a few days ago. Of course, the village of Twilight town is small and laid-back; nothing really happen.

My job, is just to make sure my sister knows where she needs to be and when. She needs to be seen, in town; so Ponies knows, everything is well in hoof. Simple and straightforward enough for me. Still an important task to manage.

”The lunch block is between; 10:00 and 14:00” I observe.

I tentatively put her lunch at 12:00, for now; knowing I could still adjust it, if and when desired. I just placed it at twelve o’clock, to have her lunch planned for her. I could always follow her to the nearest establishment, or follow her home for lunch. Of course, if there is an establishment, and if a lunch had been scheduled; she would be going there. Unless it was just horrible and awful. Just not something I could see happening in Twilight town.

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