• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,887 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Enter Trixie: 21

Author's Note:

Ms. Trixie Lulamoon's POV

<--- --- --->


I had not slept particularly well, but that was no surprise; while I had grown used to sleeping in my trailer over the years, but even a decade in the trailer simply can not change how uncomfortable it is. I may have been proud of the trailer, it is after all mine.

The trailer holds everything I own, and most everything I had ever cared about. Maybe, just maybe; this is, why I am so proud of it in the first place. (Shouldn’t I be?)

It had been an investment, in my future; the first investment, I had ever done. The trailer had served me well; both as the stage upon which I perform, and the home wherein I can feel safe. I still feel safe in this trailer.

Cramped as it is, it still holds everything I own. While it is not much, but it is all I have.

While it is not overly cold, in the cramped space of my trailer; but the quilt or cover had still escaped me, during the night. Nothing I had not grown used to. As a matter of fact, it is what I had come to expect.

The Cape and the Hat, is all the clothes I own. I had held on to them, for dear life; they are props of the show carrying my name. I had taking the pain, to place them on the wall, covering the one window. The cape eagerly shield me, my eyes; from the glare of the sun, brightening up the day outside. The sun is an extension of my pain.

As I open my eyes, to the spares light in my trailer; I see my spares belonging, everything seem to be where I had left them the night before.

I had beaten a hasty retreat, true to myself; escaping the scorn, I was sure to receive the following day. If not earlier. Well, such is the life of the travelling entertainer.

There is a fresh scent of greenery and vegetables on the air; shocking me to full wakefulness. Not so much that I don’t like the scent of greenery, or the vegetables themselves. It is just that they represent one particularly hard defeat, in my past.

At least, I am far from Ponyville. Far, very far. If only I had known, just how far from Ponyville I am at the moment.

There had been a rapping on the door to my trailer, but I had ignored it; far too tired, to even consider it at the time.

I have little to nothing, I can eat in the trailer; I will have to go out, foraging for the first meal of the day.

Too late, to worry about the past; it is time to cease the day, for all it is worth!” I ponder, as I raise to my hooves, reverently snatching the cloak from its perch shielding me from the external light.

Clinging to the perceived glory of a moment, I wrap myself in the cloak; before I pull the wizards hat, placing it onto my head and head towards the door. Naturally, the door is far too close and I almost bump into it with my muzzle. Only to reach out, pushing it up in the very last moment; saving myself from the painful embarrassment, of bumping into the door of my own trailer. Even if I am alone, it is still a Painful Embarrassment to me. One I would avoid.

With a pride, battered and bruised; I can take only so much.

Why expose myself to more, if it can be avoided?

As I am stepping out, I can see an envelope stuck to the side of the door, where I could safely snatch it up, with relative ease. Even if I had not been a Unicorn, in the first place.

I hold up the message before me, intent on reading what it says.


“Welcome to Twilight Town, Trixie Lulamoon!

You are expected, summoned as Performer, Magician!

A Home will be provided to you, as you arrive; including all the local comforts, at the standard available. All free och charge, of course!

Furthermore; a stage is built for your performances, whereupon you can perform for the expectant audience. Feel free to bring your props; but if you need more, it will be provided!

Yours Truly, Mayor Julie Trotter of Twilight town.


“Oh!!” I exclaim, as I collect myself after reading the letter sent to me.

“Well, what am I waiting for; an expecting audience awaits me!” I mumble to myself.

I better hitch myself up, so I can get going!” I ponder.

A moment later, I have hitched the trailer behind me, trotting along the road to my destiny.

If someone is awaiting me, expecting a performance; who am I to keep them waiting? It isn’t, as if I had anything better to do.

Mayor: Julie Trotter?” I ponder; “What a strange name…” I consider.

“If it isn’t Ponyville, I guess I am safe..” I breathe; “and it doesn’t sound as if this is anywhere I have ever been; so I should be safe, from whatever reputation I could possibly have built up anywhere!”´I conclude.

The road is smooth, a mix of earth and sand. Surprisingly comfortable under my hooves, as well as being easy on the wheels of my trailer.

“The best road I have traveled, this far!” I exclaim.

I trot forth on the road in good spirits, looking forwards to the destination.

While I may be hungry, but the time is passing by fairly quickly all the same. Maybe the road has something to do with it. Or, it could be the message I had received.

Soon enough, I reach my destination. I spot the houses of town, with the monumental structure of the Mayor.

For such a small town, they most certainly do have a very imposing building for their Mayor!” I ponder.

At the border of Town, I can see a Pink mare pronking. For a moment, I am prepared to stop dead in my track; turning back, in full gallop.

“Greetings, Trixie; welcome to Twilight town!” she exclaims; beaming at me, with the intensity of Celestia’s sun.

Still pronking, not missing a beat; she is still by the border of Town, smiling jovially.

Something is seriously wrong, with this mare!” I ponder; “Greetings!” I respond, despite myself, trying on a brave smile of my own.

“Right this way, please..” Pinkie prompts; “and I will show you to your new home!” she pushes forth.

“My new home?!” I inquire, insecure and unsure of myself and most everything else.

“Yes, silly Trixie!” she responds; “Your very own home..” she continues; “Even Trixie would need a home, in order to perform her best!” she declares; “wouldn’t she??” she then urges.

I can’t deny her claim, as much as I may have wanted to; finding myself, following her as she is moving along the road towards town.

This mare is Dangerous!!” I ponder, as I continue to follow her towards the designated destination, she is leading me to.

But, but, but..” I sputter; “My own home!” I breathe.

“Yes, but of course!” she merely points out, as if it had been the most obvious in the world.

I can see a light blue building, at the corner of the street. Why did they build a house in my colours? I stop, faltering; trying to make Heads or Tails, of what I can so obviously see before me.

There is no point, in arguing with the sight before my very eyes. The cottage is right there, refusing to be denied. While it is just an ordinary cottage, just like every other home in town; but it is mine, all the same.

“Trixie Lulamoon” reads the name on the mailbox.

But of course, this just had to be my home. Well, why not? If the pink mare had picked me up, greeted me; then, this just had to be my home.

There is a path laid with stone bricks, leading from the street to the door of my home.

Furthermore, there is a path, intended for my trailer. There is a small building at the end of the second path, large enough to house my trailer; the door currently open, awaiting the trailer I am hitched to. I tentatively move over to the second path, pulling the trailer inside; unhitching myself, before I trot out of the small building.

The door slams shut behind me, on my command; just as I had stepped out of the building, as I trot over to the door to what had been presented as my new home.

Of course, this is my home; I just have trouble, accepting it right now. Do I have a choice? I could always run off, with my trailer in tow.

Where would I go? What if they were to pursuit? It is pointless, futile.

“You could, but then you would miss out on everything you have here!” Pinkie merely exclaims, grinning widely.

What is she on about, now?” I ponder; “How could she possibly know, what I am thinking?” I continue, as I am trotting towards the door to my new home.

Of course, she couldn’t know; no Pony can read the mind, of any other Pony. Yes, she appears to know, exactly what I am thinking; even before, I even know what I am thinking myself.

She is Scary. She is Dangerous. Yet, they just shrug it off; just saying, she is just being Pinkie Pie. Leaving it at that, as if it had even explained anything.

Of course, after a moment; I am reaching the door of my new home, looking critically at the door. Almost, as if I had never seen it before. Well, I haven’t seen this particular door; but I have seen numerous doors before, and none is quite like this door.

“What!!” I exclaim.

“Exactly!” she puts forth; “It’s the latest, in security; only you can open this door, and anyone else you choose to authorize to enter your home!” she explains.

“Then, this is truly my home?” I inquire, incredulously.

I lift up my right fore-hoof; extending it towards the black, hexagonal plaque to the right of the door; only for the door to slide up before me.

“Whoa!!!” I exclaim.

“Exactly!” she merely responds; “This is your home!” she merely points out.

Glittering, glossy stone tiles are laid on the floor; coated with an inch of crystal clear Silicone to make the floor soft to the touch.

I step into my home, placing my hooves on the smooth surface inside; only for the door to slide shut behind me, quietly just as I had cleared the threshold.

The walls are laid with light Beech wood, with a four foot tall Cherry wood picket fence.

“Curious furnishing choices here!” I utter, quietly to myself.

The ceiling had been coated with mate, black Silicone to hold the pin prick LED star Skape in place. The night sky is beautiful, I realize.

Why did they put in the effort, to create such a beautiful effect in my ceiling?” I ponder; no response or answer forthcoming, of course.

Well, why would anyone, or anything deign to answer, or respond. Not as if any Pony bothered, before.

To the right of the door, to my living room; I have the shoe rack, jacket hanger and the hat rack. While I had not worn shoes, or even boots; I do wear my cloak and my hat, as I entered my home. Maybe I could leave them here, in the cloaking room; before I enter my home, proper?

Curious, strange architecture and furnishing choices; but it is at least consistent, and I guess it will grow on me. I already find it comforting and comfortable.

Maybe, just maybe; I should not be complaining, as I had been gifted a perfectly livable home.

As I set hoof on the floor, I find the same Oak wood Parquet. The only real difference, is the bookshelves on the wall. Maybe Twilight Sparkle had dipped her hoof a bit too heavily on the wall? Just as I could sense Rarity’s sensibilities in the general mood of my new home. Should I be blaming Fluttershy for the overall structure of the Cottage too?

Well, why bother? I got tired of looking for who was to be blamed for what my home looks like. I should be considering, how I could make this my own home.

I will have to life it in, in order to make it my own. I had spares few belongings, so I will have to pick and choose what will be filling my home with.

On the right, I have a three seated Cinema sofa and a sofa table before it. On my left, the entire short wall is covered with a full screen television set. How curious.

The table is chromed stainless steel with a Sapphire glass table top. Quite elegant, if I could say so myself. Maybe it is a bit too much, for me. But I should not complain, should I?

At first glance, the sofa looks as if it had been clad with Leather; but it is a black Silicone, smooth, glossy and quite comfortable.

The first compartment contains Sparkle Cola and Rad Cola; while the other contains a selection of snacks, readily available for my convenience and comfort.

Behind the sofa, I have the door to my bed room. There is a comfortable bed, already maid; ready for me, when I choose to retire for the night.

The sheet is a mate, black Silicone; while the pillow is crystal clear and squishy, and the quilt is three inch thick Silicone. Though I soon notice my mark on the quilt.

Behind the bed, on the hoof end of the bed; I find two wardrobes, with twin doors. On the right, I have the daytime wear, and on the left I have the nighttime wear. How very thought full.

As I open the doors to the wardrobe, I am faced with a mirror covering the entire inner walls; right, left and center.

At first, I don’t notice anything off. Why should anything be off, in the first place

After a while, I notice details not being quite right; not quite, as I had been expecting.

Almost, as if it had not been my body.

I had clearly seen Pinkie Pie pronking before me, as she was leading me to my home. But alas; Pinkie is just being Pinkie. She never contends with following the norm, in the first place.

She is the first, last and only Earth pony to be able to fly. Why would an Earth pony fly, in the first place. Not even a Unicorn would bother to fly. I would know, I am one.

Once you have seen Pinkie Pie, you know to through all expectations out the window. It is pointless to expect, what she will do next. She is even worse than the Draconequus, Discord. But alas, he is supposed to be Chaos. He effectively disqualified himself, in the comparison.

Let’s just hope; discord is not around, and that we don’t need to see him.

Well; at least, now I know what I look like. Not so much, that I had expected to need to; I had thought, I knew what I look like. Well, why shouldn’t I?

Why, indeed!!

Oh, well; maybe I shouldn’t complain, I can still recognize myself. Even if I don’t look, exactly as I had been expecting.

“A bit fancy, for me; but I think I can live with it!” I ponder, as I consider the situation I had just found myself in.

At least; I have a roof over my head, and what looks like a comfortable bed to sleep in..

There is bound to be a kitchen, Mare’s room and shower to. Or, at least; so I would expect, without feeling the urge to check it, right away

Then I notice it, laying before me on the table; a head set, with both a pair of ear pieces, and a microphone. Only, it is in my skin tone; effectively making it invisible, once I am putting it on.

Curious, I lift it up; tentatively putting it onto my head, feeling the cold object making itself perfectly comfortable on my head. Not only that, it is very comfortable to wear; to the point, where I barely notice it, after just a moment. Once on, it warms up to my body temperature; making it even harder to notice.

At first, it had been quiet, inert; but then it warms up, activating as it grows warm to the touch.

Is this how Vinyl Scratch feels; wearing her head phones and glasses everywhere?” I ponder, snickering to myself.

Of course; I had never considered it, before now. But alas, why should I bother consider it?

She never complained.

<--- --- --->


I wake up, in my bed; the quilt curiously enough remains over me, as if it feared to let me go. I feel its loving warmth, as it is hugging me tightly; embracing me, where I lie. It merely covers the surface of my bed, but since I am on this surface; it is eagerly covering me, keeping me comfortably warm, in the process.

“Okay..” I mumble; ”this is new, but Trixie likes it all the same!” I conclude.

The quilt had been laying flat, covering the bed, all night. I had enjoyed it, unconsciously; since I had been sleeping, in the cozy grip of my quilt. No complaint there.

Now the quilt refuses to let me up, but I eventually manage to slip my hooves out from under it. It is not a prison, or restraint; it merely lies flat, refusing to budge.

After a moment, I am folding the corner in towards the wall behind myself; slipping my hind hooves out from under the quilt, whereupon I find myself sitting comfortably on top of my bed. It is soft, squishy and comfortable. Why shouldn’t it be? Indeed, why shouldn’t it?

I push myself forwards, off of the bed; landing on the floor with the familiar twin thud, but hear a new squeaking noise as my hooves are hitting the floor.

Of course, they had coated my floor with the soft Silicone in my bed room too!” I ponder.

“Well, it is comfortable; so, why not?” I mumble, to myself.

While I do not need to wear anything, but I am used to wearing my cape and hat. Only; the cape and hat are still waiting for me, in the cloaking room, how befitting.

Maybe, just maybe; I should put something on, if I have something I could wear!” I consider, as I move over to my wardrobe.

Not that I care all that much, what Rarity says!” I ponder; “but I enjoy wearing something, to make me stand out!” I conclude.

As I open the door, to my daytime wardrobe; I gasp in surprise and chock, upon finding something I find befitting of myself. While I have no regular cape or hat here, but these should be kept in my cloaking room in the first place.

Not sure, if I care too much; for indoors shoes, but still. I find myself, slipping them on; they fit surprisingly well, and stick to my hooves comfortably. There is also a skirt, I am slipping into, only to find it acquiring the perfect fit without my effort.

“Oh, this I approve!” I exclaim, as my eyes fall upon the next item in my wardrobe.

I had found a short jacket top with a billowing cape behind it. The moment my eyes fell upon it, I pull it out; slipping into it right and left, only to button it up all the way up. Well, why not? The buttons would not have been there, for mere decorative purpose, would they? Well, listening to Rarity; this certainly would not be beyond her, if she thought it looks good. Though she knew me, well enough; to avoid such a travesty, rather than crafting me the best garments she could put forth. Just for me. Such is Rarity. She takes pride, in what she can craft for any and every Pony entering her Boutique. Well, even if it had not even been a Pony.

If a Changeling, Diamond dog or something were to deign to enter her Boutique; she would offer her best, all the same.

I should not mock her, for it. How could I? This is Rarity, after all.

Since the ensemble is fitting me, I am done dressing up; I take a step back and close the doors, before I turn around and fold the quilt back down.

With the bed maid, I am done in my bed room.

I move over to the door, opening it as if it had been nothing. Of course, it is easy to open the door. Why shouldn’t it? This is my home, and I belong.

As I step out of my bed room; the door slides shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold. With that, I am standing in my living room.

I take a moment, scanning the still somewhat unfamiliar surroundings. I am still used to the cramped and uncomfortable trailer.

“Whoa!!” I exclaim, as I see the fairly large room.

It may not be a throne room, but still; it is still large, quite large in my perspective.

“Imagine that, I actually have a home..” I breathe; “and I did not even have to ask for it, she just gave it to me; as if it had been the most natural thing in the world, and none were even batting an eye over it!” I then ponder, in stunned bemusement.

Not only had she offered me a home, but I had been summoned as a Magician and Entertainer.

Not that she had explained herself, or anything. On the other rubbery hoof, she never did. It is pointless to ask Pinkie for explanations. All the answer ever did, is to give you a severe headache for the trouble.

Who needs a headache? Seriously? Who! Certainly not me.

After a short moment of consideration, I take the middle seat; enjoying the cushy position, leaning back. Well, why not?

I open the fridge in the arm rest, extracting a Sparkle Cola; opening it, before I take a swig. Comfortably sipping on the fizzy beverage in the bottle.

How many of these, do I have?" I ponder, unsure of how much I had been afforded.

Either way, I could as well sample one; just to see what they are, and I am thirsty right now!” I reason.

It’s the regular, half liter. A Pint, would it be? Either way, this is a standard size bottle to drink from. (I’ll refer to half a liter as a Pint from now on: at least, in this context)

This fizzy beverage is a bit acidic, but I guess it is to be expected.

“Sparkle Cola!” I mumble, pondering the beverage in my right fore-hoof, as I take another sip.

The beverage sure does sparkle, and it does have a good spark to it. Well, why not?

Once I have enjoyed the drink, I put it down in the cup holder; only to see the empty bottle disappear, as a full bottle takes its place in the fridge. With that; the bottle count is back, at full strength.

“Maybe I should have something to eat; because I would enjoy, to have my breakfast now!” I ponder.

“Your kitchen is fully stocked, for you to enjoy a good meal!” I hear a voice pointing out.

Of course, it is Pinkie Pie; who else? Pinkie Pie would know, my kitchen is fully stocked. Wouldn’t she?

Would she be Pinkie Pie, if she didn’t?

I raise to my hooves, stepping over to the kitchen; opening the door, stepping in. Only for the door to slide shut, once I had cleared the threshold. How predictable, but still.

This fridge contains juice, carrot and more. I select a spread, of what I am craving at the moment. If I have it, I could as well select it; while it is good and fresh, rather than waiting until it is not. Rather than stepping out of the kitchen; I enjoy my food, where I stand. Well, why bother? I could as well just enjoy my breakfast here.

Not that I had anything demanding my presence. Still, I have one detail I want to tend to. Right now. I have a stage to inspect.

<--- --- --->


I step into my cloaking room, knowing exactly what to expect. Or, at least; that is, what I had been expecting.

My old cloak and hat are still, where I had left them. But of course. Where else would they have been? No Pony could have entered my home, in order to steal them from me.

What I had not been prepared for, what I could not have prepared for; is that items could enter my home, freshly rendered.

Now I have three identical cloaks and hats, by the side of the originals. Only these, are brand new and untarnished by time and hardship.

Maybe, just maybe Trixie needs a fresh start?” I ponder.

“These old rags wouldn’t do!” I hear Rarity exclaim in my head, almost as if she had been in the small room with me.

Of course, she isn’t; it is just my mind, playing tricks upon me. Though I knew only too well, what the mare would say; had she been here right now.

If anything had been off, changed; it is me, not my wardrobe. My Cloak and Hat are what they had always been. Even if I guess they could have changed in order to feel like the genuine article.

“I should try on the new Cloak, for my first appearance!” I mumble, to myself.

As I pick it, from where it hang before me; slipping it on, I find it fitting me perfectly. Well, what had I been expecting? Of course, it fits. The only difference, besides being brand new; is that is in the general style, I have come to expect from my time here.

Easy to clean and maintain. Just as I guess it will be easy, to replace as well. I will wear immaculate stage props, from now on. No second rate, worn out clothes for me.

Not that I had ever been one for old and warn out clothes or anything; only fate had forced me to wear or use them, as I could not afford anything better back then. That time is over, once and for all.

I had been summoned as an Entertainer, a Magician; just as I had been promised the full support of the town. Unless one of these parts broke down, my days as a poor roadside performer is over. Not that I could complain, now.

I slip my indoors shoes off of my hooves, replacing them with the outdoors shoes I had just found in my Cloaking Room.

The indoors shoes had been light, quiet and comfortable to wear; to the point, where I had almost forgotten they were even on. The outdoors shoes are heavier and not quite as quiet. Though I guess they would not wear down as fast, outside. How considerate.

Once I had changed into my outdoors wears, I open the door; stepping out, only for the door to close behind me.

Naturally, my trailer is where I had left it. I move over to it, considering to hitch myself up; only to change my mind, in the last moment.

“I will still have to pull the trailer to the stage, but I do not feel like wearing these while I pull the trailer over!” I ponder, slipping out of the cloak and lifting my hat off of my head.

I leave the Hat and the Cloak in my Trailer; before I hitch myself to the trailer, pulling it out to the street. From there, I continue to the center of town, from where I can see the stage.

There is a path, conveniently leading in behind the stage. I follow the path to my stage; before I open my Trailer, offloading the props for my next performance. With the props unloaded; I take the time to explore the space behind the stage, where I store all my current props.

First now, I once more put on my new clothes for the performance.

A nostalgic sensation is flooding my system, as it all comes back to me where I stand.

“Trixie will be entertaining the Crowd, as the Premier Magician in Town!” I exclaim, with pride.

<--- --- --->