• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,889 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Town Hall: 7

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle's POV


I put on my shoes, before I approach the door; extending my right fore-hoof and press it onto the plaque to open the door. As the door slides up, I step out.

The path is laid with dark reddish stone tiles; one foot by two, as if stacked,. The lawn looks green and lush to me. I can’t help, but giggle for a moment.

I have a glossy black stone fence, in a style similar to the laid path to my home. There is a pavement along the road, laid with white stone. Almost looks like marble.

”Clipetty, clop; clippety, clop; clippety, clop..” is heard as I trot down the path.

I look right and left, to see what my neighbourhood looks like. I have a neighbouring house on each side of my home; a house on the opposite side of the road, before each of the buildings.

I can see nothing beyond the neighbour on my left, but the road continues further on my right side. At the end of the road, is a grand building. ”Town Hall” reads the letters before the building.

With little else to do, I trot down the road to see what the town center is like.

”Clip, clip, clop; clip, clip, clop; clip, clip, clop..” is heard as I continue down the road towards the town of Twilight Town.

The name is a little bit odd, or possibly a bit too much on the muzzle?” I ponder.

The road continues for what seems to be about a mile in my perspective; before I reach the limit of the town proper itself. Just that the road is lined with a few empty lots, on both the right and the left side of the street.

After a moment, I come across a crossroad; with a road on the east-west bound. As I am looking to the east, I can see the sun, while I see the moon on the west side.

I have a new crossroad, every two lots. The Town hall is just ahead, after the third crossroad. The Town hall itself is a monumental, dark stone building looming over me as I approach.

There is a staircase leading up to the entrance; seven steps long, each step half a foot high and two foot deep. I manage to climb the flight of stairs with ease, of course. I could but assume it had been intended, for me to be able to enter the Town hall.

”Cliip, clop; cliip, clop; cliip, clop..” is heard, as I am traversing the flight of stairs.

I momentarily stop, at the middle of the open space before the entry of the Town hall. The door springs up before me, opening up a large vista of space inside. As I step in, I notice the glossy black stone floor. However, the white stonewall had been laid with a pink beech-wood picket fence measuring some four feet tall.

Strangely enough, but still expected; the ceiling is coated with mate black silicone, holding a pin-prick LED star skape.

”What in the name of Luna?” I mumble; ”The stars of this world are beautiful!” I ponder, awestruck.

If the stars are indeed anything the likes of these star skapes, no wonder they are so fond of using them to decorate their ceilings. I can’t complain, having my very own ceiling decorated, with one just like this one.

In place of the expected, large hall of open space; the hall just march on, further inside as if it had been a cave.

The hall is seven by twenty one foot.

”Clip, clop, clip, clop..” I hear the echoes of my hoof steps as I continue to move further inside.

At the end of the hall, there is a fairly heavy oak door before me. It is open.

I have another hall, with a monumental staircase leading up on my right, and one leading down on the left. However, the hall is leading to the right and left. I also have another door before me. Two heavy oak wood doors.

There are noises from inside, footsteps apparently; then the doors swing open, only to present a girl before me.

”The mayor, I presume!” I respond.

Wait, this is the girl who built the entire town!” I realize, a moment later.

Only now, she is physically standing before me. She is no illusion, or augmented reality. The girl had drawn the image of all these structures. She had even rendered herself into my world.

Naturally, she had given herself an oak wood desk. An item she had picked up, the way she imagined one in this position would have. Her office mimics the style of the building, naturally.

There are two large, expansive windows behind the desk. She has two identical windows on the right, and on the left wall as well. Had I stepped up to the window, I would have seen the landscape more clearly; the ground now several yards down, and a beautiful forest outside. Majestic linden trees. A truly mysterious and majestic backdrop, if I may say so myself.

”Greetings, Twilight Sparkle; and welcome to Twilight Town!” she promptly exclaims.

”Greetings, and thank you!” I respond.

With that; she is promptly booping me, with a cheerful giggle.

”What do you think of the Town hall?” she inquires, after a moment.

”Quite Regal, from what I can see!” I respond.

”Thank you, Twilight..” the Mayor responds; ”but, while you are here; I have something for you, your very own private library!” she offers.

”A Library?” I respond; A private library, just for me?” I continue.

”Yes, a library..” she responds; ”I had the impression, you always were comfortable in the company of books; so I dedicate the Library of Twilight Town to you, Twilight!” she concludes.

”Yes, I do love my books, and they are good company I keep!” I respond.

”Thank you, Miss Mayor...” I respond; ”if I may address you as such, in private?” I inquire; ”It is an honour, to have you dedicate the Town Library in my name!” I conclude; ”Yes, I am quite comfortable, in the company of books..” I start; ”though I am most happy, to be in the company of my friends!” I offer.

”While I may be the founder, of the village of Twilight Town; but it would never have been here, without you Twilight Sparkle!” she explains; ”Maybe I could offer you the title, of First Citizen?” she inquires.

”I need no titles; but I guess you could add it, to the register if you like?” I suggest; ”as the first of many titles I care little for!” I then add.

”Titles look good in the annals of history; but few cares for them, while they are alive, in the first place!” she concedes.

”Well, I guess there is the one title I do care about; Friend, or Student!” I offer.

”Yes, these are excellent titles; even though you need no title with me or in town, Twilight Sparkle will do just fine!” she proposes.

Of course, the village of Twilight Town is not large, and I doubt it will grow all that much any time soon. Something I am quite fine with, if I am to say so myself.

”With the Titles out of the way; just call me May: M A Y!” she offers.

”Short, and to the point!” I giggle; ”The month, or the beginning of the Question?” I inquire.

”Yes, exactly!” she teases; ”But it is also a name, my name; how befitting, wouldn’t you say?” she inquires.

On second thought; ”May Trotter” the plaque on her desk reads.

”Unless you object, I will be keeping this spell going for as long as I can sustain it!” she is promising.

”While I am taken aback by your generosity; maybe I could suggest one small gift, for Rarity?” I inquire.

”Anything within my power to grant, and it shall be yours!” she promises.

”If it is at all possible, and not too much to ask for; Rarity would love a Boutique, like the one she is used to run!” I suggest.

”If and once I can dig up what she needs and draw it up for rendering; would it be acceptable, for her Boutique to be close to Town Hall in the center of Town?” May inquires.

”With no foul whether, to expect; I am sure, she would appreciate this!” I respond.

What if I made myself into a Pony and moved into town?” May Trotter ponders, giggling at the idea but says nothing.

”It was nice, seeing you; but I guess I have taken enough of your time, and I do have a home to tend to!” I consider; ”Besides, it feels as if I should prepare to see the library!” I continue.

”It certainly was nice, talking to you!” she responds; ”As I said, if it is anything; please, do not hesitate to ask!” she then continues.

”Guess I will be seeing you, May!” I respond, as I turn around and walk out of the room.

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