• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,891 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Double Surprise: 10

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie's POV


I experience a shudder, all over my body; I know this experience, it’s a sign I had long and extensive experience with.

A friend of May have her birthday today.

Once the sign had appeared, and I do recognize what it is; there is no time to waste or lose, I have to act. While I don’t know the girl personally, I still have to offer her a gift. I just wish, I could throw her a full-scale party; but understand, that I can’t. Maybe, next year.

At this point, the idea hit me; I could at least give her a gift, but I will have to make it myself.

My resources may be limited, so I could not give her all that much; I have friends, I can rely on.

I open the door of my home, stepping out on the porch; trotting along the path towards the street, as the door closes behind me. Once I reach the street, I turn away from the Town Hall; bouncing along the street to the edge of town.

After a few moments, I finally do reach my destination, the stylus may be lying around on her desk.

If only I could draw up, what I have in mind; I could render the gift in an instant!” I ponder, and starts planning for what I had in mind.

Not quite a doll, or statuette. But if I could just draw the girl, I have in mind; I could have a gift ready, to wrap up as a gift.

Since I know what a girl looks like, drawing a girl is not a real problem, or obstacle to me. The challenge is in how I draw her, to render correctly; to make her look like the Neko Girl I had in mind. At least, the Stylus has control enough, for me; holding the drawing device in the forelocks of my mane.

I sketch up the general outlines of the Neko Girl, step by step; watching as she slowly coalesces into the form of her I had in mind. The tall and lankly girl, yet tentatively graceful in appearance and movements.

Once I had her body down, I start to fill in the details of the finer features; making her into a character, a person in her own right. Of course, I did not have to time to make the extensive searches on the subject; so I had to invent her from scratch, building her into an original character.

She is retaining a beautiful face, with eyes, nose and mouth with each feature prominent and pronounced into a synergistic whole. I had to balance each feature, into a complete picture; rather than just pushing the features individually.

Based on the theme, I made her vaguely oriental; adjusting for the more common image of how Anime is drawn, finally pulling her into as realistic a shape as I could muster. Being a Pony, and new at the job should have been offered me a serious and solid challenge; but being Pinkie, I know what I am doing and where I am going like none-one else.

As I had completed her body, I continue to the accessories; starting with drawing her lips a bright metallic bloody red in a shimmering and glossy hue. Something I imagine Rarity would approve, even if I know I may not have the time to ask for her approval in this instance.

As opposed to making her lips with traditional make-up lip-stick; I make her make-up into accessories with a set of colours in the forms of applicable or insertable tubes giving the effect of the more traditional make-up. While I am not the expert on make-up and the products going into it; I opt for a more long-lasting solution, so that the girl can enjoy the gift longer. I couple the lip-stick with an eye-shadow and mascara for the complete experience.

Now I move up, to the clothes; applying complete ensembles. Full-length stockings and gloves in a matching style; all coupled with one and two piece bikini or swimsuits in colours matching her make-up.

She needs a more traditional wardrobe; so I opt to draw her with kimono and the corresponding items to complete the looks. Then I add a more western, or action-oriented suit for her to wear.

Since I am not experienced in drawing the textures, I am opting for the same material; namely the smooth silicone, easily stretching with the movements and following the body in a smoother manner than I could otherwise had accomplished.

Since Anime is known for the notorious hair-styles, and the females in particular; I chose to go wild, giving her a thick, tight braid along the entire length of her spine. Stylistic bangs or forelocks should be perfectly her, or so I reason; as I give her these in the same hue as the rest of her hair or mane. Well, why not!

Maybe a diminutive braid in front of her right and left ear, respectively; just reaching to her shoulder, with a metallic electric blue bow holding it together would be fun. Though I opted to leave her main braid along her back just magically holding together for no particular reason. Anime hair-styles never respect reason or logic anyway; which suits me perfectly fine, considering the inner workings of my own mane.

I am opting for B cup orbs for her breasts, and why not. Should go just right with her stature, as well as leave her with a comfortable jiggle to her bust. While I am at it, I had afforded her nipples, but leave an Easter-egg surprise in the package. Something a little extra, for the girl to discover in her own time.

As a Pony, I guess I am not quite the prude.

While I am at it, I am painting her palms as prominently silicone-white suction-cups; even if the feature is not obvious or openly eye-catching most of the time. I offer her bright cerise touch-pads reaching from the final joint of each finger and all the way in under the nail. She is sporting semi-square nails, starting just after the final joint; crystal-clear and highly glossy. She is after all a girl, so I take the liberty of pronouncing this aspect of her. Had she been a full-size woman, five foot tall, the nails would have reached some five millimeters beyond the tip of the finger.

Of course, she is just one foot tall; befitting a doll, for a girl to play with. I doubt she would have enjoyed her in full-size or five foot tall anyway.

In the end, I am recording speech for her voice to be based on. Giving her a perfectly enjoyable Equestrian, English and Japanese speech. I am quite sure, she could enjoy this. Even if I doubt most of the dolls, or robots would have more than a few lines of recorded speech.

If I can speak perfect English, I feel confident in my capability to teach this Neko Girl to speak too.

If and when the girl realizes the extent of features included, and the range of her speaking capabilities; I am sure she will have something to consider.

To unlock the Neko Girl, she will have to look her in the eye. I had even left her with a manual to explain.

Oh, but wait; there is more, I had left a small set of Easter-eggs for the girl to find on her own. Inspired by the Equestria Girls, the Neko Girl can Pony Up as we call it; showing her ears, muzzle and tail.

”Of course, it would have been fun to see; as the girl is accepting the gift!” I ponder.

”Maybe I could offer her one final gift!” I mumble, sketching up the design for a head-set for the doll.

Once I am done, I hit Render; waiting for the process to run its course.

”Ping” is heard, as the render is complete.

”Oh!” I exclaim, as I see the box materialize before me.

”This package is, Huge!” I exclaim.

”Hitomi” the name on the package is reading.

”Looking good!” I exclaim, snickering.

Now, I almost wish I had a doll like this..” I ponder; ”but she is a gift to her friend!” I conclude.

Besides, she is a bit large for me; if I had wanted the doll for myself. Erm, Neko Girl. Almost like the Equestria Girl dolls, but probably more fun to play with.

While I am ogling the package, with the doll; I soon notice how the package is being gift-wrapped, before it is vanishing out of sight. Only to appear, in the locker of May Trotter an instant later.

”Package delivered!” I hear a voice in my head-set chime.

But of course!” I ponder, snickering.

”May, just in case you had not prepared a birthday gift for your friend; I took the liberty, of handling this for you!” I point out.

”Than you, Pinkie!” May responds.

”You are quite welcome, May..” I respond; ”and I believe, she is in your locker!” I conclude.

”I will make sure to check..” she responds; ”and I am sure she will be delighted!” May concludes.

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