• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,874 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Going out, Coming out: 9

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV


I made the effort, of making my own bed the other night; though I had rendered the entire set of bed linen out of silicone, to match what my friends in Twilight Town has. Now, it is Monday and I will have to go to school.

The smooth sheet is stretched out over my mattress. I had chosen to make it in lavender, because of Twilight Sparkle. I had placed her mark on the middle of the pillow and a line of three marks on the upper end of the quilt too.

I had put on a pair of porcelain white panties and top, to sleep in. Certainly was comfortable enough, if I could say so myself.

As I wake up, I fold the quilt up against the wall, before I slide my feet out from under the quilt; before I slide down, only for my bare feet to hit the floor with a thud.

Once I am standing on my own two feet, with my back facing the bed, I turn around, folding the quilt down neatly.

If I am a Unicorn, maybe I should be making the point?” I ponder, as I draw up the accessories for what I had in mind, pressing ”Render"; waiting for the items to materialize.

”Ping” is heard, as the render is complete, and I can see the diminutive horn and equine muzzle-shaped mask.

For some reason, I feel confident enough to just place the horn on my forehead; gently pressing it into place, leaving it there without a single thought. Somehow, the horn sticks to my skin; maintaining its place, where I had left it. Maybe it is the alteration of my hairstyle or mane, guiding the horn into its proper place; but it does feel as if I had hit the mark, competently.

Now I am picking up the muzzle, placing it over my nose and mouth; leaving my face with that distinctly equine appearance to it, particularly in the profile.

”If I want, or need to remove either the horn or the muzzle; I am sure Twilight could help me out, if and when I do ask her to!” I ponder, secure in the assistance of my friend.

After all; what is friendship, if not this?

Of course both the horn and the muzzle is in the same hue as my skin.

I had chosen a standard design based on a filly named Sweetie Belle, the younger sister of Rarity. she has a fairly small, blunt horn; which is exactly the way I like it. Even if I by any chance could summon magic, and learn to cast as simple a spell as levitation of a small object; I don’t really need my horn to be long, or pointy. Besides; this would just give me other, and unpredictable consequences to deal with.

All I want and need, is to establish that I am a Unicorn filly and nothing more. My horn ends up at three inches in length and just above an inch in width. It is rigid and hard.

I love how cute and adorable my muzzle came out. It makes me feel right at home with my friend Twilight.

While I still do take my head-set off of me as I go to bed, I am putting it right back on as I go up. I only take it off, as I go to the shower, or take a bath. Even if I could render a new head-set as I get back into my room, doesn’t mean I feel like doing it every once in a while just because it got wet or I crushed it in bed.

The muzzle would be fairly obvious and on the nose; but I doubt they notice the horn, not to mention the head-set I am wearing. I had taken steps to make it hard to notice, after all.

Once I had put the head-set on, I walk over to my wardrobe, where I open the doors and examine what i have to wear. Now I am pulling the top or brassiere over my head, leaving it in the wardrobe; before slipping my panties off of me, kicking them up and leave them with the top. For now, I just leave them on a hanger.

Could I have used white, skin-tone, transparent or purple panties and top?” I ponder, as I am considering my options.

I had opted for the black, glossy material the night before; so I end up choosing these, just as I had planned all along. Had I chosen white, I could mix them up with the once I wear at night. Had I chosen clear, or skin-tone, I would look as if I am nude; ruining the entire deal, in the first place. I just could not choose purple; because it kind of feels, as if I had still been nude. Even if my skin is by no means anything near purple; but rather a fairly light pinkish hue, in the first place.

As I am slipping the panties I had chosen to wear during the day, I pull them all the way up; only to afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to ascertain that ever elusive perfect fit the best I could.

With the panties on, I am picking the top matching the panties I am already wearing; pulling it down, before I give it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; thus ascertaining the perfect fit. While it is slightly warmer and considerably sleeker and slipperier; this is my underwear bikini for the day.

Now I pick a skirt, matching what twilight wore at Crystal Prep. I pull it up, as I feel it tightly hugging my hips in the process. The next thing I choose is the silky looking white blouse that I am putting on. I slip my hands right and left in through the sleeves; before I carefully button it all the way up for that strict and smart look. Finally, I pull the jacket matching her skirt, pulling it on; slipping my right and left hands through the sleeves. With that, I feel securely dressed up.

However, I am picking a pair of knee-long socks matching the blouse; slipping my right and foot into the respective sock.

”There, now I just need my breakfast; before I can face the day, as I go to school!” I point out.

At this point, I no longer feel the muzzle or horn; just as I barely feel the head-set I am wearing. I’m comfortable in myself and what I am wearing.

Of course, these clothes or ensemble is new; so I guess, I am bound to turn a few heads. People noticing the new look, I had just chosen for myself. Our school does not have any manner of uniform, even for the employed staff.

Once I had dressed up, I walk over to the door, stopping only to pull the door up; before I step out, turning around to close the door behind myself.

Should I make myself a pair of shoes, matching Twilight’s; or should I just use my old, regular shoes?” I ponder.

For now, I let the question rest; focusing on what I have before me, the breakfast.

My step has a hint of a squeak to it, but I ignore it; affording it an inward snicker, in bemusement. As I am walking towards the kitchen, I realize the socks are a bit on the tight side, but I guess they are growing on me all the same. These are just regular, knee-length socks; no toes socks, or anything special. Why should they be, I did not make them for me to stick out in the crowd.

It is not exactly Halloween, any time soon; but had it been, I would have chosen a more obvious reference for everyone to pick up on instantly. Maybe I should have chosen a longer and more pointy horn, for that occasion too?

As it is, I am just expressing myself.

My parents are at work, so I am all alone; my breakfast prepared and wrapped for me, waiting for me in the fridge.

Bacon and eggs, is on my breakfast menu. Sounds positively delightful, to me. As a Human, these are just the regular; as opposed to, what a Horse or Pony would have enjoyed. I can’t eat regular pony feed, as a human; based on the required nutrients, and my digestive system. I am after all human.

”Maybe some fried potatoes would have been nice?” I ponder, but I could spare this for lunch.

I open the door to the fridge, pulling the plate out and close the door after myself; before I walk over to the microwave oven and open the door, depositing my meal inside and close the door.

Now I push the button, waiting for my meal to cook.

”Ping” is heard, as the food had been properly nuked, to comfortable eating temperature.

I step forwards, pulling the door up; before I pull the plate out of the oven and close the door behind me, before I walk back to the table and deposit the plate on my place.

With fork in hand, I stab the bacon and lift it to my mouth; only to open my mouth and chew. I slice my eggs in bite-size morsels. Stabbing one piece of bacon or egg at the time; lifting it to my mouth and bite.

Piece by piece, I chew and swallow. Enjoying the meal I have before me.

As I finish the meal, I carry the plate back to the sink, washing it off before slipping it into the washing machine. With that, my breakfast is concluded, once and for all.

I leave the kitchen, walking back to my room. Twilight is in her cottage, just as expected.

Now I walk to my desk, picking up the stylus as I sit down. Sketching up a pair of shoes for myself, such as I envision what I had in mind to wear. Black, glossy. At first I had considered a pair of leather shoes of some description; though I change my mind, reverting to my original idea of the silicone look and feel to them.

I watch the shoes being rendered.

”Ping” is heard, as the render is completed.

I pick up the shoes, slipping my feet into them right and left.

There, perfect!” I ponder, as I feel the tight and comfortable fit of the new shoes.

With the shoes on, I step out of my room; closing the door, after myself. Only stopping, in order to pick up my back-pack on my way out. Naturally, the back-pack had been prepared beforehand. Why leave this to chance, in the very last instant as I go.

Fully dressed for school; I open the door and step out, closing and locking the door behind myself.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I walk down the path from the door of my home towards the road.

The path had been laid with hard, black stone. I enjoy the feel it generates under the soles of my feet as I walk.

As I reach the street, I turn to the right, continuing along the pavement, towards the shortcut through the park.

A few minutes later, I turn to the left and enter the path through the park. This path is just covered with sparse grasses in deeper and bluer green grass.

There are trees lining the path, beech after beech lining the path I had chosen to take. The trees lining my path is lending that serene sense of mind as I continue along the path. Something I am feeling secure in Twilight would have been enjoying if she could have been following me.

She will just have to wait.

Since it is daytime, there is no star skape overhead; but the sun is beaming down from on high, lighting my path with comfortable and competent ease. Almost, as if Celestia herself had been controlling and leading the sun over the sky as I walk.

The day is warm, particularly for the time of day. However, I still do enjoy if for what I had been given.

Maybe I could take Twilight out, with me..” I ponder; "but she is too small to walk by my side, so I need something or some manner; helping her overcoming the issue, if her small stature!” I continue.

I can’t just see her injured or hurt, just on the count of being so small none could even see her. How could I?

Just enjoying the feel of the grass underfoot, all by itself; is a special joy to me.

Someone is bound to notice my new style, but would they notice my more personal and intimate changes?” I ponder, as I continue along the path.

I had been considering, if I were to walk up to school from behind; or take the final leg of the walk, through the official entrance. I end up, opting for taking the back. Maybe I just do not like the paved roads; and how they are feeling underfoot, after all?

As I had taken the scenic rout, through the park; had ended up on the back, walking through the backyard of the school. This leads to me entering the school through the back door. While it may not be overly common to enter my school through this door, but it isn’t as if it had been a secret or against the rules; for me to enter this way, by any means.

The doors easily slides up, as I approach the doors; I step in and take the flight of stairs up to the ground floor. I enjoy the sense of these smooth, black stone tiles polished to a high gloss finish. Both the entrance and the flight of stairs.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” I hear my shoes squeak; as I climb the stairs, on my way up.

There is a distinct echo to my steps, as I move over the floor; based on the nature of the stone tiles, the floor had been laid with. Either someone just had a fancy for the effect, or they wanted to hear where you are? Who am I to say, but I guess I can enjoy the effect right now.

I take to the right, turning towards the hall lined up with the personal lockers of all the female students.

One, Two, three..” is read on the side on the corner of each isle.

One isle for each class. Now I continue, until I find my class.

”A, B, C..” I mumble, as I continue down the isle of my class; ”May” I ponder; ”That’s me!” I conclude, as I open the door of my locker.

Of course, this is where I keep all my books, when I don’t use them.

With the locker open, I unpack all my books into the small space.

As I had emptied my back pack, I pick up the pad from the inside of the door; activating it, in order to confirm my schedule. As I have the schedule before me, I pick up the books and equipment required for the next class ahead.

While I do not mind the mathematics or calculus, I am still glad I did not have the subject on the first slot; so I can wake up, and get into gear first.

Before I close the door, of my locker; I place the pad in its pocket, at the back of my back pack. With that, I am secure in closing the door; locking it, after myself as I start walking along the aisle.

First now, I am aware of the echoes I have been hearing from the hall. Girls, walking in through the door. I had known it, but focused on what I had before me; preparing for the day, at school.

A girl turns, in the hall; stepping in before me, ending up face-to-face with me.

”Neko!” she exclaims, as she is noticing me.

Of course, the invented school uniform is smart looking; I had known it, counting on it. If you don’t know the reference, one could pick it out as an Anime reference; just as the girl is doing, right now. It isn’t, as if I could blame her. Why bother?

”Oh..” I exclaim; ”the uniform!” I realize, with a hint of a giggle.

I part my lips in a grin, not even realizing I am still wearing the muzzle I slipped on before breakfast; extending my tongue in a teasing gesture.

”Oo-oo-oo-ooh!” she exclaim, as she is finally noticing the muzzle I am wearing.

”How cute, May!” she now exclaims.

I just snicker, finally realizing what I had done. Too late, to pull back; too late, by far. At least, I guess I had not embarrassed myself; she is enjoying the style, even if she had not invested enough to make the point or come out.

Since I am out, it is too late to pull back.

Wait, she is wearing a head set; but I barely noticed it, until she forced me to look closer!” she ponders.

”You would be perfect, performing in one of these Vocaloids!” she acknowledges.

Wait, is that a horn on her forehead?” she ponders; "I did not know this was a thing, amongst the Neko!” she ponders, now taken aback by the details on my face.

”Thank you!” I respond.

”Your look is just subdued enough, to be smart; it’s so you, I love your new look!” she now confesses.

”Thank you; I do love it too!” I respond; ”I was inspired, as I put it together!” I confess.

More echoes are being heard, as more people are entering the school. We continue, out of the aisle, and up the next flight of stairs; down the hall on the right to a more secluded space, where we can continue the conversation without disruptions or distractions.

”I may have to ask you, later; where you picked up these accessories, and clothes!” she now continues; as we sit down in a pair of fluffy, plush sofas around a small table.

”Understandable, but I am not sure I could explain!” I offer; ”Even if I guess I could explain, where I got the inspiration from..” I then add.

Considering, just how wide the field of Anime is; no wonder, one could not pick out the style unless one happened to be following the specific works or show.

Let’s have some fun..” I ponder, as I notice her glancing at my nails.

As I focus, I soon feel a stream of energy building up; leading to a small ball of blue magic appearing at the tip of my horn, growing in size and intensity as I continue to focus. As it reaches the size, the light starts flowing down the sides of my horn like an avalanche.

The next moment, the surface of her nails glow with a faint blue light as I am manipulating the nails. A moment later; I had managed to make the surface of her finger nails glossy and smoother than they had been before.

As I conclude the spell; she is looking up, in awe.

”Wait, what?” she exclaims.

”I hope you don’t mind..” I respond.

”So pretty, thank you!” she responds; "but how?” she then inquires.

”You are quite welcome..” I respond; ”would you accept Magic, as an answer?” I inquire.

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