• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,889 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Pony Up: 15

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV


I had seen, just how much Neko had been enjoying her Hitomi; now I had the idea, maybe I could enjoy a doll of my own. I don’t want a Hitomi doll. What I want, is a Pony doll. More in the lines of a Unicorn like Twilight and Rarity.

If Neko enjoys it, I could enjoy it too.

Wait..” I ponder; ”I can’t be either Twilight Sparkle, or Rarity!” I realize, in embarrassed shock.

I had to make myself a character of my own; one reflecting me and who I am, rather than copying someone else.

Had I tried to imitate Twilight, Rarity, or even the mayor known as May Trotter; I would have made myself into an impostor. I could not do that. I don’t want to be an impostor. Just as I don’t want to steal anyone or any Ponyelse’s identity.

Even if May Trotter technically could have been considered to be me. I simply can not take her character now.

While I could sketch up the Pony, I intend to be; based on the Twilight and the Rarity, but now I start making changes as I am cleaning up the lines. I had changed how Twilight Sparkle appears; but I had limited myself, in this effort in respect for Twilight Sparkle as a Pony and Person.

If I draw myself as a Pony, I could ignore all these considerations; I am drawing a new Pony, as I am making myself into the Pony.

Just as Pinkie Pie had drawn up Hitomi to be a foot tall, I am drawing up my doll in the same scale. If it changed anything, I do not know or care. I just draw, upon what I have.

I want to be a Pony, so I have to limit myself to the Equine design and body type.

However; it would be problematic, if the doll is a Pony to begin with. I have to draw her as a doll, in a human form. I draw her in the shape of myself, just adjusting the lines to make the Pony form come out as intended.

Maybe; if I drew it all up, in the form of accessories? Just as I did for Neko’s Hitomi doll?” I ponder.
As I do like to have a plump rump, I give her just that.

Once I am done, with the drawing; I have done all I can, I know as much. Yet, I do have neither the experience nor the foresight to predict anything here.

While I had used the sketches for the Hitomi, as a base template; I had made the adjustments I had felt necessary, in order to make her into me. This will be me, not Hitomi.

Since I had based her on Hitomi, I can export all the accessories she came with; with just a little effort, in order to adjust and adapt them to me. I have the full set.

Rendering the Pony-Me doll is as easy as press Render. Now I need but wait for the process to run its course.

Expecting the process take a while, I go over to my bed; laying down, resting and making an effort in trying to relax. Just as expected, the render of the doll itself take long enough; and then I have to wait for all the accessories, in what appears to be a rather extensive set. If complete or exhaustive or not, but the set is impressively large.

I close my eyes, for several minutes; resting comfortably, as I am waiting.

”Ping” is heard, as the render finally is complete.

My Pony-Me standing on the desk with two full wardrobes worth of accessories, including the clothes for her to wear. Maybe I did not want her to look or feel nude.

Naturally, I had to give her my purple hair, and the newly added secondary colours as well; I just change the tone to a warmer and deeper saturated hue. She is keeping my bangs, such as they are; just curling them in harder than before, of course.

For the sake of the fun, I leave her skin my complexion; just a slight hint of creamy filter over it as if she had been coated with a thin film of creamy plastic wrappers.

Since she is me, I permit her to keep the purple nails, just as if she had used one more layer of glossy lacquer over her nails. However; her fingers will be slightly longer than mine, adding a tapered effect to the tips of her fingers. If I am drawing her, I could as well draw her perfect; giving her perfect toes, just to stroke my ego. Couldn’t I?

Would I insult Twilight, if I made my eyes the hue of Amethyst?” I ponder; ”Or, is it going too close to Twilight’s eye colour?” I continue.

In the end, I choose to go with the Amethyst.

I do not apply any make-up onto the doll; because, the accessories will do this for me.

”Ping!” is heard, as the rendering of my Pony-Me doll had completed; the girl standing up idly, on the desk.

The doll is looking at me, intently; as if to say: I am here, waiting for you!

A moment after I had heard the ping noise, I open my eyes; sitting up, turning towards the doll before me.

”Hello!” the doll exclaims, as she notices me looking in her direction.

”Hello!” I respond, and my Pony-me giggles.

”Thank you; for rendering me, Miss May!” she exclaims.

”You are quite welcome, Miss Ponyo!” I respond; ”I hope, you don’t mind me calling you Ponyo!” I then add.

”Ponyo is a proper Japanese name fitting for a girl, isn’t it?” she inquires.

”Yes, I believe it is, and a pretty one at that..” I respond; ”but I chose it; because it is including the word, for Pony!” I explain.

”Oh, yeah; so it does!” she snickers.

”If you would not mind, exploring your accessory wardrobe, Ponyo!” I urge her.

”By all means, that would be most appropriate!” she responds; as she is stepping over to her wardrobe, containing her accessories.

”Let’s have some fun, horsing around?” I incite.

”Sounds like fun..” she concludes; drawing the obvious conclusion, as to what I had in mind.

If she wants to horse around, I hope she gave me something to work with!” Ponyo ponders; as she is going over the accessories in her second wardrobe, containing all the accessories.

”Horsing around, horsing around!” Ponyo snickers; as she is extracting a pair of black panties, stepping right into them.

She merely stops; affording the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to ascertain the ever allusive perfect fit.

As she had let go of the panties, she is reaching into the wardrobe once more; extracting a matching top, in ultra-smooth and glossy silicone. Just as I had been expecting, of course. She is me, in a sense; even if and when she chooses to tease me, just for the fun of it.

As I am watching her, she is pulling the top down over her head; only to stop, as she had pulled it all the way down. Affording the garment, or accessory a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to ascertain that perfect fit.

Just a moment after she had finally let go of the panties and top; I feel the garments tightening up around my chest, albeit slowly enough not to be uncomfortable to me.

Aside from the midriff from my waist and up to an inch under my breasts; the ensemble does cover my entire body, without touching my neck, my arms or my legs at all. Almost, as if it had been a one-piece swim-suit. Even if I guess you could see it as a two-piece variant of the same garment.

The top had transformed my bust into a pair of black, perfectly smooth B-cup twin-orbs. The panties had smoothened out my mound in a similar manner. However; I still feel the tightness pressing in on my mound: just as I know Neko did, does and still will each and every time Hitomi wears her day and night time panties. Though I would have to admit; these panties are granting me that plump rump, I had always desired. Just as I still do desire it and will keep desiring it.

Of course, I know what this means; she is sealing me up, tight as a drum. Nothing is entering me, and nothing is exiting. Hitomi had exposed Neko to this, so she is sure to understand the feeling, how it is feeling.

”How is that, May?” Ponyo inquires, snickering in the light, as she is observing me.

”You read my mind!” I exclaim, in sheer delight, over what she is pulling me into.

”If you still like to horse around?” she inquires; ”Here goes!” she ponders, snickering.

With that, she is extracting a pair of matching full-length stockings. As I am watching; she is lifting her right foot; slipping the foot right down into the stocking, all the way down. Only affording the stocking a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; as she is once more standing on her own too feet.

Once she stands firmly on the floor, she is lifting her left foot up; slipping it into the remaining stocking, all the way up to make it touch her panties. Had she stopped here; she would have turned me into something akin to a Satyr. Even if I would have the equine hooves, of a Pony; in place of the goats cloven hooves of a Satyr.

She picks out the purple oral tube, that is the accessory required. As she is inserting it into her mouth; between her lips, she is giving me the effect of purple lip-stick. Somewhere between a deep, dark Amethyst and a metallic lavender purple hue. The effect is developing slowly; just as I can feel my lips growing elastic, as the gloss is growing in the process.

I know, there is no washing off the make-up now; but why bother, when I do enjoy the effect she had afforded me. I had after all chosen the accessories by myself, for my own use. Private and intimate; but also for open, and outdoors use.

She never had intended to stop here, however; but picks up, what appears to be a mask of an Equestrian Pony and presses it onto her face resolutely.

As I am watching; I can see the horn sprouting on her forehead; just as I watch her nose blend with her mouth into what is the muzzle of a Pony. Since she is a Mare, this is what her face is demonstrating. I can see the glistering black eye-liner encircling both her eyes; just as I can see the long, black and curled up eye-lashes as well.

While I am watching her placing the mask onto her face, I am extending my right hand; lifting it up towards my face, only to confirm that she had indeed granted me the muzzle of a young mare. Going by my age, this is exactly what I had been expecting; but you never know, before you confirm what you suspect to be the case.

Now I lift up my hand further, up to my forehead; where the blunt triple-spiral of a blunt unicorn horn protrudes. This would be perfectly me; even if one could have opted for two, three, five or seven spirals.

As I am watching, I can see a small orb of her purple magic’s light at the very tip of her horn igniting; growing in intensity and size, as she is focusing her magic. She had chosen to use magic, in favour of her hands now; instead of waiting, for the final step where she will have no real option.

Maybe using the magic could save time, if she had chosen to put on both the gloves at the same time, but this is not her intent. She is picking up her right glove, slipping her right hand into it; feeling the smooth and slippery surface of the inside of the glove, as it slides up along her arm. She manages to slip each of her fingers into the respective space; then pulling the glove the rest of the way up. Only to afford the glove a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

Once the right glove is all the way up; she is picking up the left glove, sliding her hand in. Just to pull the glove the rest of the way up; affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. With that, she is wearing both the full-length stockings and gloves.

As I watch, she is going down on all fours; just as her arms and legs is taking on the shape of her equine legs, leaving her to stand on all four hooves.

I feel how the stockings and gloves are tightening up, as they transform into equine legs; causing me to go down on all fours, in the process.

”You said, that you wanted to horse around; I hope, this is what you had in mind!” Ponyo offers, with a grin on her face as she is smiling at me.

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