• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 283 Views, 4 Comments

The Twilight Evangelion Excursion - Kentavritsa

Life in Twilight Town nice pleasant, with her friends, under the rule of the Mayor and owner of the Stylus responsible for creation itself. However, Twilight is curious; she wants to know, to see the world outside.

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Seeing the Day: 3

Author's Note:

May Trotter's POV

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Next chapter: Out Shopping


I had been looking at her, May; as she was eating her food, as she was enjoying her breakfast with me as her company.

Of course, I had enjoyed the shredded carrots and the orange juice she had been offering me; these seems to be fairly common staples, of the human diet as well. Should I be asking her for oats, and other supplements as well? I will be requiring salt, but I can't quite make up my mind in which form I will be preferring it.

Either way, I will need to supplement my diet with the salt.

The meal inevitably came to a conclusion. I had enjoyed the carrots she provided me with, just as the orange juice had been delicious; I can't deny it, but why? Why bother? It would just have been a lie.

While it is a bit strange, to eat, while wearing the suit and being inside this vehicle; but it does not present me with a problem, or any issues. I am after all free to move around inside. The head is quite spacious, for one as small as I.

I am not small, for a Pony, but I am still living in a world of Humans. This is, why I had built this larger version of myself. Now I can interact with them, on a more equal level.

I can go out, to trot in the sunshine of the day. Even if this sun does not belong to Celestia; our beloved Princess of the day. I will just have to get to terms with this fact.

Just as the Sun does not belong to Celestia, the Moon does not belong to Luna; but neither do we have Nightmare Night, nor Summer Sun celebration either. However, it would appear they have Halloween and Fourth of July? Oh, and where is the Winter Wrapup? I had been looking forwards to this special day, so much.

Of course, our fair village of Twilight Town can not house a proper winter with cold and snow anyway. But still. Maybe I could still introduce May, and her friends to this special tradition. All assuming they have some manner of winter with snow here.

While I am on it, should I be installing some manner of solar panels to power this Mecha?

I don't want to draw on the magic supplied by May's stylus, my personal mana reserves or their electric energy they pay for by any means.

There is but the one solution, but I will have to draw up what I have in mind; in the hopes I can affect, the production and installation by myself. I can not ask for help. However, I guess this could be put off, for a while; I can look into it later, tonight should be just fine.

I had permitted my thoughts to wonder, to stray to pastures greener; exploring my situation, but it is distracting me from the hear and now. Maybe it had not been an issue, a problem; but it will be, if I permit this to get in the way of what is at hoof.

She had finished her meal, her breakfast too; just as I had a few minutes before her. Now, she is pushing the chair back, standing up; I help her, dealing with the aftermath of our meal. Putting everything back, is no problem to me; it is as easy as thinking of the act, and I see it happening. My focus is prime, and ready; based on numerous years of practice, and study. This, is what Princess Celestia had taught me at her school; right along with every other spell and numerous other tricks and trickeries.

I had been her faithful pupil, her Prodigy for years; while I had been studying directly under her, learning everything she had put before me. That, had been before that fateful day; when I had realized what the signs meant, that Nightmare Night is before us. This, had been the night or day; when Nightmare Moon was to return, but we saved her in turning her back into the beloved Princess Luna.

With the meal concluded, we can play or go out as we please.

Of course, as a Pony or Horse as they would refer to me as; I do not need or require a chair, so I had remained standing, while I had been enjoying my meal. If it is good, or bad; but it is who I am, and I don't even feel like changing it. Not now, not ever.

Since she is wearing a skirt, blouse and a vest; aside from her silver metallic socks, she can go out with me. However, I do not imagine I do need to wear anything as a Pony, or Horse.

I follow may out, to the cloaking room, only opening the door before me and closing it behind her; opening the door to the cloaking room before me and closing it behind her.

While I am or may not need to wear anything, I had prepared a set of matching shoes for me to wear; slipping them on, as I watch her pulling her shoes on. The shoes will protect her delicate feet, just as they will be protect my sensitive hooves.

"There, I guess it is time to go out and face the day!" I suggest.

"Yes, Twilight; I would believe it is the time, to cease the day!" she responds.

With that; I open the door and step out, with May in tow, just a step behind. I close the door behind her, just as she had stepped out.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as I am trotting alongside May.

Of course, there is a porch; just outside the door, and its floor was made with hard oaken wood. Someone had had the joy to oil in the wood, for the purpose of longevity; from what I can see and feel, as I step over the hard wood.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop!" is heard, as I am navigating the stairs down to the path to the street.

Both the stairs, and the path is laid with red stone. Smooth, feels good under my hooves. Though I guess it is a strange noise, from May's feet; as she is walking towards the road.

If I am to say so, the sounds her shoes give of is more of the squeak; with the soles make out of a softer latex rubber and all. Though I find it amusing, with the cerise hue to the soles of her shoes.

"Such beautiful, green grass; covering the lawn, around the house!" I mumble, as I am looking around; on my way towards the street.

As I reach the fence, I can see the mailbox; but only the names of her parents, no May Trotter.

Maybe I should have been expecting it? I don't say anything; because I find it pointless, to point it out. She is bound to know this, far better than I am. I had after all only lived in the house for a few short weeks, by now. Most of this time, I had been hidden away; as a secret, she could not share openly.

As she is reaching the street; she takes to the right, towards the center of the community. I am following her, to where she is going; exploring all the new, she is introducing me to.

Since it is early in the day, and we had just had our breakfast; the street is currently fairly sparse trafficked, for a while longer. Maybe this is for the better? I don't need to, and I certainly do not feel an urge; to throw myself onto the blade, of the bustle of an active city street. Not right now, and probably not ever.

While I had spent several of my years, in Canterlot; the Royal Capital, but most of this time had been in the shelter of Princess Celestia, and in the Royal castle itself. After this, I had spent much; if not most of my time, in the quiet village of Ponyville. I am not a big city Pony, at heart. I much prefer the slow, laid-back life in the village of Ponyville.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as I continue, following her along the street, hopefully taking us into the center.

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