• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 282 Views, 4 Comments

The Twilight Evangelion Excursion - Kentavritsa

Life in Twilight Town nice pleasant, with her friends, under the rule of the Mayor and owner of the Stylus responsible for creation itself. However, Twilight is curious; she wants to know, to see the world outside.

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Dawn: 1

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle's POV


Once the library she had promised me, had opened; I had searched the books, for the promised knowledge. She had offered me the promised land.

Many a night, I have spent in this library, enjoying to read what she had offered me.

I had poured my very soul into this project, reading all the new books she had given me. Just that some books found me readily available in the end. I had enjoyed books on topics such as mechanics and quantum theory.

With each and every book I had read; I had made new inquiries, on its given topic and sometimes a topic entangled.

These were not just mere stories of fiction. Eventually, they planted seeds of inspiration in my mind. A project I can and now must endeavour. An excursion into the world outside now open to me.

At least, if what these books are promising is true; I can build myself the vehicle, with which I can experience the world outside.

At first, one would think the project impossible with the means at hoof; but I had learned differently, by someone who had breached the veil for me. I am here, as the living proof of what is possible; now I am going forth, to venture out on the excursion.

Just as I lay the book to the side, as I had closed it on its final chapter; an idea struck me, my muse knocking on the door. I raise to my hooves, trotting over to the door opening to invite her into my home.

I had grown accustomed, to this figure of speech, and I am ready to go with it. Now, I just hope you are too.

As I open the door, I am lighting my horn. I feel the surge of energy or magic flowing through me.

The small purple orb appears on the tip of my horn, growing larger and more intense as I focus on the energy I am channeling. Slowly this orb of light grows to the given size; before it spreads down the entire length of my horn, like an avalanche. I feel its radiant heat hitting my forehead, with a gentle touch.

The next instant; I find myself, by the side of the Stylus.

Her room is dark, in twilight; it is apparently still night, so I am totally alone at this point.

Ideas, swirling through my mind; as the concepts coalesce into a concrete idea, I can materializes into physical form.

While I know I do not have the strength, but her Stylus does; I can but hope, I am not draining if of its magic in the process. If I did, I would cease to exist and everything else I had had ever been would never have happened. Even if I would never know I had existed; more than anyone else, ever would.

Maybe one could take this, as a small piece of solace?

Technically speaking, I know I just need to build my robot or mecha. Just as it only needs to be large enough, for me to venture out into the world of humans like may. Maybe four, or five feet tall should do it. I do not wish to overdo it; lest I scare the people, threatening them into defending themselves and possibly even attack me. What would be the point in that?

While I still have every image she had been drawing, readily available to me; stored in the memory of the stylus itself, but I feel an urge to draw this all by myself.

My instinct told me, to draw myself as I am; but I tried to make myself in the image of who I am, just with her equine flares and inspiration. The initial sketch does come out pretty well; so I start cleaning up the lines the best I can, with the tools I have at hoof. Her drawing program feels quite intuitive and competent to me.

Once I do have the form of my vehicle down, I start sketching up a suit for me to wear, while I am inside piloting the vehicle. This time, I am limited by the form of my body, such as she gave it to me.

As I print my suit, it is coming out as a purple silicone membrane I can slip into. It is almost, as if I had been drawing up some manner of hazmat suit. However, it contains all the means to connect and control the vehicle I had been sketching up.

The Mecha's form is that of a much more advanced Alicorn than I am at the time in my current age and level of maturation. It's slender and lanky in the manner similar to Celestia herself, such as I now recall her. Of course, my horn is at least double the relative length of my own. However, I did not draw my wings to be available in this state. Yet, I will be able to activate wings if and when I so choose.

Step by step, and I stop several minutes to contemplate what I have; considering what I have, as well as what I want to add and why. Contemplating each feature built into what I have before me.

As my design is complete, I press "Enter"; secure in what I have before me, knowing it will give me the chance to see the world before me. Not just Twilight Town and May Trotters room.

"Ping!" is heard, as the render is complete.

The sleeping beauty, resting on the floor of her room. As I am watching, she is raising to her hooves; standing up, facing me.

A moment later, she is extending her muzzle towards me, opening her mouth in order to permit me entrance. With the suit on, she is recognizing me; permitting me to enter, so I can be the pilot. On her own, she is still capable of independent thought and motion; but only with me inside as the pilot, can she realize her full potential.

With my suit on, her tongue is like a carpet to me; the Red Carpet, welcoming me inside.

I am trotting in, into the fairly cramped cavern that is her mouth. However, her throat is far too cramped, for her to be able to swallow me whole; while she does have teeth just like me, she makes no sign of trying to chew me.

As she is closing her mouth behind me, I find myself teleported into the control-center of hers; I am effectively her brain, for the duration of my stay.

The teleportation, or transformation is odd and unfamiliar, to me. Now it feels, as if I am standing on her floor, five foot tall; not as if I had been inside the Mecha, I had just built and entered.

I feel the floor under my hooves, underhoof; as if I had been the Pony, standing on her floor. Likewise, I see the room, as if I had been looking at it with my very own two eyes. I feel the slight pressure of the air, just as I can sense the scent of her; where she lies, sleeping before me.

The transference of power and control, just as swift as I had been experiencing it.

Of course, I can not lie in or on her bed; just as there is no room, for a second bed in her room. I had known it, even before I had initiated this project.

There is no hiding myself, or my body now; but is there even a point in trying, or do I really need to try to hide?

Tired, after burning so much of my Midnight-oil; I yawn, in exhaustion.

I collect my legs under myself, lying down by the side of her bed.

I do a new yawn, before I close my eyes. With no pillow to rest my head upon; but maybe I do not need one.

The next moment, I finally fall asleep, content in the result of the conclusion of my project.

I just hope, I do not shock her; as she finds me, as she is opening her eyes after she has woken up.

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