• Published 7th Aug 2021
  • 1,495 Views, 59 Comments

Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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Twilight at the la Granger Point: 16

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV

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- Previous Chapter -
Dealing in Twilight - Next Chapter Silversong in Starlight -

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I had just gotten home from work, at our Dentist practice; closed the door behind myself and slipped out of my outdoors clothes, as there is a distinct knock on the door.

I had ignored it, initially; but it had still been a bit of a scare. On second thought; this sounds more like a hard hoof on solid wood, than a hand knocking on the door. How curious!

“While I had not been expecting anyone to visit this close to my return from work!” I ponder, as I find myself turning towards the door and walking up to the door all the same.

As I open the door, the shock is hitting me like a truck.

Oh..” I ponder; “I had not expected that!” I mouth; as I am lookingaround frantically, outside the door of my apartment.

“Greetings, Mr's Granger!” I hear the voice from what appears to be a Roe Deer fawn.

I am losing it!!” I'm pondering; “They would never send anything this outrageously obvious from my daughter's school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!” I consider.

“Greetings!” I finally mouth, looking down at the pair of Does before me.

I take a step to the side, permitting the two Fawns to step in into the cloaking room; I don't want to cause a scene, or make anyone think I had indeed lost it.

I can see the stags of the first fawn light up in a lavender glow, before she is promptly closing the door behind them.

“Where is my manners, I am Twilight and she is Sparkles; we are the Patronuses of Twilight Sparkle, a class-mate of your daughter Hermione Granger!” Twilight now presents herself and her twin.

“You are a Patronus, Miss Twilight?” I inquire, taken aback by the blunt admission.

“Yes, Emma; we are Patronuses, of Miss Twilight Sparkle!” she confirms.

“But, but, but; you speak English!” I sputter.

“Yes, Emma, but why not?” she inquires, as if it had been the most obvious thing in the world.

“And you cast spells?” I inquire.

“Yes Emma, but of course; we'll come to that, in a moment!” she points out, as if to hint of a deep and dangerous revelation.

“I don't..” I put forth; “My Daughter Hermione is the Witch of the family!” I continue.

“Which is all I need, for explaining these things to you!” Sparkles points out.

“The statute of secrecy?” I inquire.

“Silly convention, if you stop to think of it..” she notes; “even if it served well this far!” she concludes.

“Oh?” I just mouth.

“Exactly!” Twilight just declares.

I just stare at her, where she is trotting before me; as she is entering the kitchen, my kitchen.

“Sit..” she suggests; “I believe it would be more comfortable on your part!” Twilight now explains.

While taken aback, by the situation and her utterances; I soon sit down, as I reach the kitchen.

“Wait!!” I exclaim, as I am looking deep into Twilight's eyes; where she is standing before me, looking back into my eyes.

“Do they call you a Muggle?” Sparkles inquires; “Yes!” I respond; “We refer to this a Void Walker's Syndrome, which means your mana channels are blocked!” she then pushes forth.

“Are you suggesting, there may be a cure available for this?” I inquire.

“There is, and I have it!” Twilight offers; “Just say the word, and we will be administering the treatment right here and now; if you desire, or we could come back at a later date!” she then suggests.

“You can treat me right here and now?” I inquire, breathing hard in shock and taken aback by the revelation.

“We can, and we will; if you would not mind!” she points out, promising relief from the affliction.

“Will it hurt, and how much would it cost?” I inquire, taken aback by the sudden and abrupt offer I had just been handed on the proverbial silver platter.

“No!!” Twilight states with a wide grin on her face; “Only your status as a Muggle, or Muggle-born!” Sparkles pushes forth.

“What, no pain or even slight hints of discomfort?” I inquire.

“Nothing beyond a vaguely tingling sensation!” Twilight points out.

“And you will not charge me anything, for this once in a lifetime offer?” I prompt.

“No, why?” Inquires Sparkles.

“Tradition, if nothing else!” I point out.

“If I were to need funds, for anything; I have a veritable mountain of Gems, locked away in a vault..”Twilight points out; “the only thing of significance you could possibly offer me, is your soul; had I been a Daemon, with the desire for such things!” she then snickers in endless bemusement.

“Wait, what?” I inquire, suddenly shocked by her suggestion.

“Sorry if I scared you!” Twilight puts forth; but alas, I am no Daemon; and besides, I have no use of a soul either.

“Oh!!” I exclaim; “But you have access to a vault filled with priceless Gems?” I inquire, in hope to get my bearing in this conversation.

Just as I had spoken these words, I find myself lifted right off of the floor; a purple aura surrounding me and tightening up further and further, gripping me in a tight grip before suffusing me with the power and force of her magic.

“Uh.. oh..” I exclaim in shock and surprise. (Seeing Professor Minerva McGonnagall had not prepared me for what is happening in the slightest.)

Cups, floating through the air before my very eyes; soon to land on each of our respective places, and a kettle of water heating up to the boiling point. As if it had been nothing, though I can see the smile on the faces on my guests.

Twilight once more lights up her stags, the deep purple glow lighting up the entire kitchen in the eerie glow as she joins in the spell cast upon me.

“In Twilight, nothing is known!” they chant; "In Twilight, everything is Possible!"; they continue; “In Twilight, all doors are wide open before you and you can choose for yourself!” they continue.

“In Twilight..” they continue, starting up a new stanza of the chant and I find myself chanting with them in the process.

I find myself, joining in their chant as the power of the magic spell cast upon me continues to surround and suffuse me with its power.

There is a tingling sensation, as the spell progresses; performing its purpose, as it is doing their bidding.

I feel the blockages dissolving under the contact of the glaring demand of the Harmony Magic; like dirt, dissolved in soap.

What else, the spell may do to me; I have no idea, and maybe I will never be the wiser. However, I am not the only one affected; I can almost feel the connection to my husband: Dan Granger. If he is the only one affected, who is to say; yet, I will be learning of this, once I get to the Ministry of Magic to check my status as a magical Being.

Until death do you apart?” I ponder; “I am a part of him, just as he is a part of me; what happens to me, happens to him as well!” I continue, even if I am not sure of it, or the depth of the consequences of this connection.

How could I possibly know? This is well beyond a mere Human such as I.

Little by little, the blockages wither away under the unyielding pressure of her magic.

Twilight and Sparkles are holding me in their grip, for as long as the spell may take. For how long this may last, but I have little to no sense of time during this process. It is almost, as if I had been pulled out of time and space in the process.

There is but the one thing, I am aware of; outside of myself, and this is my Husband: Dan Granger. How curious? I had never been this acutely aware of him, even when he is on top of me in the bed. So, how could I be this acutely aware of him now? When he is not even with me in the same room or building?

Within the singularity that is me, the blockages are evaporating; like water-ice in the glaring sun; just as it is or my Husband.

While I can feel neither time nor a physical body as the progress is taking place; I feel a connection to my blood and magic, like I never could before. Will the connection last, or will it evaporate with the conclusion of the spell? I have no idea. This is beyond me and my meager worldly and intellectual powers.

In the end, this spell comes to and end; I feel the magic withdrawing as the ground is reaching up to greet me, back to the here and now.

Maybe the connection is still there, even if I am not aware of it at this moment.

Twilight is before me, Sparkles is behind me; as my feet once more hit the floor, permitting me to stand on my own two feet.

“Welcome to the Magical world!” Twilight greets me, just as my feet is touching the floor and their magic had finally withdrawn from me completely; yet I still feel the magic in the room, like I never had in the past.

“Thank you, Twilight and Sparkles!” I pronounce in response, feeling the excitement bubbling up within my very being.

While I neither know nor understand, but I am still overjoyed and excited by the gift I had so graciously been given without even asking for it.

The tea is ready and I am sitting down, Twilight and Sparkles sitting in the chairs opposite behind the table.

“Aah..” I merely mouth, as I take a sip of the tea prepared for me while the spell was taking effect.

“Both you, and your family will be enjoying an elevated status among the Witches and Wizards of the Magical community from now on!” Twilight puts forth, as a way of explanation.

“Yes..” I respond; “Even if it may be a bit late for me and my Husband to get any decent education at this point!” I continue.

“That can not be helped!” Twilight concedes; “”However, you and your husband can at least learn to use magic for your everyday life and will be accepted as Witches and Wizards from now on!” she continues; “With everything that comes with it, both for your family and your daughter!” she concludes.

“I have no magical heritage, as far as I know!” I point out.

“You have a family, but I think I should leave this as an adventure for you to explore by yourself in due time!” Sparkles puts forth; “You should start, by finding the Pub: the Leaky Cauldron!” she then points out.

“I suggest you go there at your earliest convenience!” Twilight offers; “You will not want to prolong this, for any longer than you have to!” she then prompts.

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