• Published 6th Jul 2023
  • 3,687 Views, 1,043 Comments

Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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I'd lost consciousness, the ridiculous amount of mana required to break out of Starlight's spell much more than my body contained. I still wasn't sure how I'd accomplished such a feat, but the side effects of such a demanding effort became apparent to me very quickly. I was lying on the bed inside my room in the castle. The last thing I could remember clearly was Her Majesty setting off one of Starlight Glimmer's traps.

Speaking of Her Highness, she was currently doting over me like a loving mother, a steady flow of her own mana being transferred into my body. It made me feel especially dreadful, that she'd give me her blessed mana so recklessly. I quite obviously didn't deserve such kindness. I'd already attempted to apologize to her several times, but every effort made was cut off by a hoof placed gently on my lips.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for me to feel good as new, which made sense when one considered I was being supplied with the magic of a goddess. As she withdrew the coil of energy that tethered her horn to mine, my mistress finally spoke for the first time since I'd woken up.

"How are you feeling," she lightly stroked my mane, a breathtaking smile on her face.

She's so perfect and I...

I turned away from her, my shame too great, far too much for me to bear. I'd failed her again. Starlight made a fool of both me and Sunset and now my mistress was forced to nurse me back to health. It was all so very... pathetic.

"What's wrong, my dearest?" she sighed.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," I still refused to look at her. I didn't deserve her time, her compassion, or her guidance.

Why am I always so useless?

She laughed softly, drawing my gaze as she continued to stroke my mane.

"You're always so hard on yourself, Twilight," she kissed me on the forehead. "When are you going to see that you're far more precious to me than you could possibly imagine?"

"Princess, are you... did you just read my mind?" I dreaded the very real possibility of her invading my private thoughts in such a way, but I would never hold something like that against her, even if she had.

"Twilight," she giggled, a heavenly sound that always raised my spirits. "I think we've been together long enough for me to know when you're feeling a particular way or thinking a certain thing."

"Am I that easy to read?" I groaned, covering my face with my hooves along with the sudden blush that surfaced there.

"Would it be such a bad thing... if you were, for me?" she sounded a little bit sadder, driving me to sit up in an instant.

"Of course not, Your Highness!" I nearly grabbed her, but dropped my hooves to my lap instead. "It's just... I hate screwing up... you trusted me... and I failed."

"My dearest," she drew me into her embrace, holding me with such care I felt like I might actually break down. "You've done no such thing."

"But I-"

"I assured you and Sunset it would be a perilous endeavor," she pulled back with a smile on her face. "Tia believed we should handle the situation ourselves, however I wished to... test your progress," she smiled meekly. "Please forgive my deceit."

"No! It's okay, really! But, still... that really does mean I failed your assessment. Starlight would've-"

"Starlight Glimmer is a very powerful mare," she was more serious now, the mention of the lilac unicorn bringing a frown to her face. "Even lacking formal training and any proper guidance, she's shown an... unnatural aptitude for magic. The fact that you were able to overcome one of her spells is simply..." she shut her eyes, a smile blooming on her lips. "Truly, I am so very proud of you, my dearest student."

I could feel tears stinging at the corners of my eyes. It's not like it was uncommon for her to praise me, but every time she did so it felt wholly unearned.

You're not worth it.

I didn't even know how I'd saved us from Starlight, so taking credit for it felt... wrong. I couldn't just keep my mouth shut.

"But I don't even know what I did! it kind of just... happened."

"That is unimportant, Twilight," she patted me atop the head. "You did do it, which means the power came from somewhere within you, even if you don't know how to properly utilize it yet."

"If you say so, Your Majesty," I would never argue with her, but I really didn't feel the same way.

"You'll see my, dearest. I know that-" Her head jerked up as she stopped abruptly. She turned quickly, as if some unseen force suddenly demanded her attention. "Curious..." After a moment she refocused on me with a comforting smile. "Forgive me, Twilight, I must go check on something."

"O-of course, Your Highness!" I always felt awkward when she apologized for doing nothing wrong. "Thank you again... for saving me, I mean."

"There's no need for gratitude, my dearest student," she lightly kissed my forehead. "I will never forsake you in a time of need."

She flashed out of existence in an explosion of
navy blue electricity, her teleportation spell taking her to another place. I let out a dejected sigh, lying back down on my bed so that I could stare at the ceiling. I wished I could see what she did in me. I didn't doubt her, that would be the heights of blasphemy, but I just... I couldn't see it.

She believes I'm worthy...

You're not...

I shot out of bed, a newfound level of determination fueling my vigor. If she had faith in me even after I'd clearly failed her, I vowed to never fail her again.

I flipped my saddlebags over above my desk, all of the items I'd packed falling out except my mistress' Blessing. I caught that carefully in my telekinesis and placed it back inside the glass display case I'd purchased for it. I tossed several magical reference books inside my bags before putting them on and heading for the door.

No more messing around.

It was time to live up to Her Majesty's perception of me. I'd thought Sunset my only rival, the only other mortal pony that might be able to compete with me in Equestria, but Starlight Glimmer had proven me wrong. Not only had the lilac mare shown she was strong enough to match my ability, but she bested me where I believed I was in a league of my own.

Never again...


My destructive spell slammed into the towering tree before me, splintering it into hundreds of smaller pieces. My heavy breaths were coming in slow waves, the intense workout I was putting myself through taxing my body and my spirit. I wiped my brow of sweat before casting a reconstitution spell on the scattered pieces of tree. In a few seconds, it was back standing, whole and unharmed, as if it had never been blasted.

Destroying the mighty oak took about as much out of me as building it back up did, both spells extremely exhausting at this point. I sat under the tree's branches to catch my breath, trying to hide away from the ferocity of Princess Celestia's harsh sunlight. Magic was like a muscle, the more one worked it out the stronger it grew, so I would push myself to my limits and then go past them. When I was unable to cast any more spells, I'd cast ten more. Then fifty more. Then one-hundred more.

Not having a specified place to exercise was a tad unfortunate, but I typically managed to get a lot done in a secluded part of the forest that was adjacent to Canterlot. Her Highness had offered her own private facilities for my use, but I refused her generosity time and time again.

I'd visited her training grounds once with her before though. The size and spectacle of such a place had completely overwhelmed me. The space was enchanted by my mistress herself to be a pocket dimension, a mirror universe within our own. From training dummies to gravity manipulators, It contained all of the items one might need to... stretch their magical wings.

Our initial visit together was the first time I'd witnessed the true power of my mistress. As she effortlessly wiped entire planets from existence without breaking a sweat, I realized the chasm... the reality, between the two of us. An alicorn was a truly fearsome being.

If I ever wanted to be worthy of utilizing her possessions, I'd have to push myself much harder. With a final deep breath, I looked up at the crown of the tree I was sitting under.

"You won't hold this against me, will you?" I asked the massive plant, feeling just a little bit silly. I got to my hooves and moved in front of it again, focusing mana into my horn and launching another projectile at the tree. It shattered yet again, debris flying in every direction. For the hundredth? Possibly. For the hundredth or so time, I casted a spell to reconstruct it.

"You're working hard," Her Highness remarked from behind me. "How long have you been at it?"

"Since you left me earlier," I blasted the tree with another offensive spell. "I came straight out here."

"You know you're always welcome in my training grounds," she said. I built the tree back up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, but I'm fine out here," I replied.

"As you wish," as always, she didn't push the issue. "...Twilight, I have news," she sounded conflicted all of a sudden. Her tone made me tense up, though I kept my attention on the tree in front of me.

"Yes, Your Highness?" I charged up another blast of mana, not taking my eyes off the oak. As I went to fire it off, my mistress spoke again.

"Starlight Glimmer will be moving into the castle." Her words shook me so viciously they caused my beam of energy to shoot wildly, missing the tree I was aiming for entirely, but completely obliterating a different one off to the side of it. I wouldn't be able to reconstitute that one.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!?" I whirled around, my eyes pleading with her for an explanation. She trotted up to me before continuing.

"After much deliberation, I have made the decision to take her on as a pupil," she looked me right in my eyes, gauging my reaction.

Not worthy at all.

My heart plummeted, all the horrible thoughts of inadequacy immediately coming to the forefront of my mind. I knew it. I wasn't worth it. I'd never been.

Ever since Princess Celestia had rejected me so many times, I lost all faith in myself. Even now, with Her Highness' reassurances, I still questioned what value, if any, I still had. And now... now she was going to replace me because I really was worthless. I suddenly felt like vomiting.

"I-I understand, Your Highness," I bowed low to the ground before quickly galloping by her to return to the castle. "I'll pack my t-things and be gone by t-tonight."

She doesn't need you. You're Pathetic...

She had found someone worth her time.


"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" The explosion of her Royal Canterlot Voice froze me in place, drowning out all my thoughts and causing my legs to no longer function properly. I couldn't turn to face her, the tears that obscured my vision too much for me to hold in. I could hear her hoofsteps approach me, but still, I could not turn.

"I'm sorry, Princess..." I sobbed.

"Oh Twilight..." I felt myself being pulled backwards, directly into her chest. She held me close, nuzzling the top of my head. "You misunderstand, my dearest student."

"W-what?" was all I could get out through the tears.

"Even if it takes me a thousand years, Twilight, I will show you that you are my most dearest pupil and I would never leave you nor forsake you," she kissed the back of my head.

"Then, why, Your Majesty? What is the purpose of taking on Starlight?" I held her forelegs close. "She's-"

"Celestia wished for her execution," she sighed. I shuddered at the thought. I knew the Princess of the Sun could be strict, but death? Wasn't that taking things a little bit too far? "I was able to convince her that with proper guidance Starlight Glimmer could be an asset to Equestria."

"You... you saved her..." I gasped.

She nodded. "I do not wish to see a promising young mare like her meet such an... unsavory fate. However, I also believe she can help you grow, Twilight." I ruminated on her words, reaching a conclusion in seconds.

"Because she pushed me past my limits?" I asked even though I was pretty sure that was the answer.

"Precisely... amongst other things," she confirmed, but remained a bit cryptic. "Sunset Shimmer is a worthy rival, but she's never put you in a corner like Starlight Glimmer did. I think it will be quite beneficial for the both of you to have her around."

"Both of us?" I tilted my head.

"Yes, you... as well as Sunset Shimmer." My eyes widened as I fully comprehended her words.

"She won't just be learning under you," I stated, but also kind of asked, just to be sure I wasn't fooling myself.

"Correct," she confirmed my suspicion. "If she is also guided by Tia, I believe Sunset can benefit from this whole situation as well."

I laughed, quietly at first before a bout of relief overtook me and I could no longer hold it in. My mistress squeezed me tightly, allowing me to get it all out of my system. After a span, I sighed contentedly, snuggling further into her embrace once my fit was complete.

"I trust you, Your Highness," I said. "If it is your wish Starlight be my peer, then I will welcome her gladly."

"You are a marvel, my dearest," she giggled. "To this very day your maturity and kindness still amaze me."

"Thank you, Your Highness," I smiled up at her. "Your praise means everything to me."

"So..." she chuckled. "How does that dinner sound?" she grinned back at me.

"It sounds wonderful, Your Majesty." As we got up to go, I gathered my things before glancing at the tree I'd accidently destroyed. There was none of it left, save the scorched earth where it had resided. I was a little sad. Nature was beautiful and I'd killed a part of it.

My mistress placed a hoof on my shoulder, a kind smile on her face as she noticed my remorse. Her horn sparkled to life as she focused on the spot where the oak had once lived. The space warped and distorted as she casted her spell. I blinked only to find once my eyes were opened that the tree was standing and unscathed.

"Your Highness..." I stared at her completely dumbfounded. "How did y-"

"Come, Twilight," she laughed as she started on her way toward Canterlot. "Our dinner awaits." I fell into step next to her, unable to take my eyes off of the unbelievable mare.

Yes, it was apparent. An alicorn was a truly fearsome being.

Author's Note:

Twilight will do anything for Luna. Absolutely anything.

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