• Published 6th Jul 2023
  • 3,687 Views, 1,043 Comments

Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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Fight or flight

Author's Note:

Let's see how Starlight is taking all of this, shall we?

The room I'd been provided with to be my permanent residency was much more spacious than the first I'd been imprisoned in. There still wasn't much to write home about within the four walls, but I had a lot to work with... If I actually decided to try and stay. An unbelievably soft bed adorned with luxurious blankets and pillows that almost rivaled those in my mansion, a mahogany desk with scrolls, quills, and books, and a quaint restroom to keep myself clean, were all given to me.

At least they didn't skimp on things. I picked up one of the books. Basic Etiquette? I snickered at the title. Guess somepony hoof picked some literature specifically for me. I tossed the book back onto the desk. Yeah, definitely won't be reading that any time soon.

I stared at the bed begrudgingly, a yawn making it's way out of my mouth without my permission. I didn't want to go to sleep. I didn't want to be here at all. I wanted to leave, wanted to be anywhere else other than this stupid room, in this stupid city.

I could feel their prying eyes crawling all over me, like they were staring into a crystal ball, monitoring every little move I was making. It made my stomach churn, the very idea of no privacy making me want to vomit. Trotting over to the door, I couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

Sunset and Twilight both seemed like decent enough, if not overly foolish, ponies. How their mentors could be so... well, one of their mentors. Princess Luna had treated me well enough, exceptionally well, even, considering the circumstances, but Celestia... Even from where I stood I could sense the burning wrath of the Sun Princess on my back, despite the fact that she was obviously nowhere near me.

I hope you stay, Starlight.

Despite my overwhelming desire to leave, Sunset's words rang out in my mind like a loving parent's, doing everything they could to get me to stay. It had to be some sort of trick. I was a monster, am a monster, and in spite of that she still wanted to be around me? No, it was all an elaborate ruse, probably some scheme to use me for my power or something. It had to be.

As I left my room for the third time that night, I felt the cold gazes focus on me, as if they weren't happy I wasn't staying in my room and traversing the rest of the castle. If I wished, I could cast an invisibility spell or even a more simple one to hide myself from whomever was spying on me, but my gut told me that was a bad idea.

If it really was the princesses that were keeping tabs on me, then doing something like that would probably push them into taking action. That was the last thing I wanted. Still, I had to do something and going to sleep wasn't it.

As I trotted through the halls, the looks the guards gave me made me feel especially self-conscious. You'd think I'd killed their first borns or something, but that obviously wasn't the issue. No, I was certain it was due to the orders Celestia had given them.

I returned their malicious glares with the largest, most smug grin I could produce. The expressions of utter disgust they gave me back were totally worth the effort. I exited the castle through one of the less conspicuous gates that led to the forest.

I wasn't sure how fast news traveled around the city, but I wasn't interested in finding out if the ponies of Canterlot were already aware of the dictator who'd enslaved an entire town.

What exactly was I thinking coming out here? The dense, sprawling forest that lay before me was indeed the perfect way to attempt an escape. There were sure to be hundreds, if not thousands, of hiding spots within and utilizing my magic I could almost surely cloak myself from the princesses spells... but was I really willing to risk it?

Where would I even go? I couldn't just hide out in a forest forever. Canterlot had the guard. If anything they could send legions of soldiers in after me. It's not like the army was preoccupied with a war or anything like that.

Thanks, Starlight,

Twilight's words invaded my head, uninvited.

Even if you don't mean to be, you're a really kind mare.

I wanted to throw those thoughts away. I was fine on my own. I could make more toys and go back to the life I'd had. Everything would be fine if I could just get out of here.

I could leave Equestria itself if I really needed to. There was no way the princesses reach extended that far. I could go to the dragon's land. I could rebuild. I could-

Were you really happy?

My heart pounded as I looked back at the castle, it's bright lights nearly blinding in contrast to the darkness of the forest. Was I happy or had I been fooling myself? Since I'd- since I was little it had been the happiest I'd been, but was that because my foalhood has been so... awful?

I mean, you didn't really have anything real... did you?

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring myself to return to the castle or enter the forest. I felt more trapped now than I had after I'd been sentenced by Celestia. Like a complete fool I kept turning, one step toward the castle and then one step toward the forest.

"I've never seen such a conflicted heart." I jerked to a stop, turning around to find Luna standing between me and her castle.

"Er, I..." I ran through several excuses in my mind though none of them seemed quite adequate enough to fool the Princess of the Moon. Where had she even come from anyway? I hadn't heard a teleportation spell and it's not like there was anywhere around she could've been hiding."I was just-"

"Trying to decide between staying and trying to flee." She already knew the truth, which I suppose was easy enough to discern considering my obvious state of indecision. I dropped to my flank. Now that I was caught with my hoof in the cookie jar I'd surely be punished a lot more severely.

"How did you even know I was out here? I asked. "I'm guessing you used some kind of tracking spell."

"Still you underestimate us, Starlight Glimmer?" It was so hard to get a read on Luna. She tended to keep her expression completely indifferent as she spoke, so identifying any emotion was nearly impossible.

"What does that mean?" I wasn't trying to belittle her or her sister, but she obviously knew something she wasn't letting on.

"Both Celestia and I are aware of every soul within our own city, Starlight. We've no need of magic to perform a duty every ruler should." Her expression didn't change at all, even though her statement was clearly a lie. They didn't use magic, but were capable of monitoring a whole city? Yeah, I totally believed her.

"Whatever you say, Princess." I did my best not to roll my eyes. Despite her expression not changing, I could tell she wasn't pleased with my doubt.

"Was the trouncing we gave you not evidence enough of our strength?" she tilted her head, the motion making the question seem more genuine and less an insult.

"Sorry if I don't believe you two are omniscient, Your Highness." I lifted a hoof, a look of annoyance coming to my face.

"I never claimed omniscience," she stared at me with the same bored visage. "I merely stated the obvious. Both Celestia and I are aware of the comings and goings of our city."

"But every single one? Without any spells?" Maybe they had a vague idea of a number, but there was just no way they knew the specifics. "Come on, Princess. That's completely ridiculous." She sighed in response, her face still refusing to change.

"Two ponies just entered Canterlot from the southern gate, a unicorn mare and an earth pony stallion, both very tired. I dare say their journey was an arduous one. A group of young pegasi just exited from the west gate by air, more likely than not, to go do something foolish," she looked in that direction as if she considered heading that way right now before she shook her head and returned her attention to me. "Were it sister's day perhaps there would be a lot more traffic. Alas, it is quite late, severely limiting the number of travelers."

"You-" my mouth fell open. There was no reason to go that far to perpetuate a lie. If Luna was aware of such movements then... I whirled around, getting to my hooves as I looked up at the castle. The feeling of Celestia's eyes boring into me became so intense I nearly collapsed, my legs trembling so hard I considered using a spell to force myself to stay upright.

"She cannot see you, but she knows exactly where you are," Luna explained, seemingly reading my mind.

"But I'm not even technically in Canterlot!" I yelled, though hadn't meant to, my fear overtaking my mouth.

"You're so very strong and important," she walked up to stand closer to me. "Your light shines so much brighter than most, Starlight Glimmer."

"My... light?" Her peculiar choice of words stirred my curiosity.

"Each of our souls possess a measure of... energy... of life. The stronger that force is the more vivid the luminescence that creature emanates."

"Y'know, I know you're trying to make it sound mystical or whatever," I groaned. "But it just sounds like you're telling me that Celestia can see me no matter where I try to run."
She chuckled softly, the first sign I'd ever seen from her that she might be able to find something humorous.

"If you wish to view it from that perspective, then yes, Celestia will find you if you try to escape."

"Oh god," I covered my face with my hooves, doing my best not to faint.

"You know, for those who love her, it is quite a comforting thought," Luna's words offered me no comfort. "And..." she became solemn once again, the mirth on her face melting away.

"And?" It couldn't possibly get any worse. I was trying to get away from an inescapable tyrant that could find me no matter where I tried to hide... though I suppose some of this might be my fault... just a little.

"And if you do flee, I won't be able to ensure your safety a second time, Starlight," she turned my head toward herself with her wing. "If you choose to try and escape then your fate is purely in your own hooves... do you understand what I'm saying to you, Starlight?" The desperation in her eyes was equal parts unexpected and horrifying.

"I... I understand, Your Highness," I nodded. The warning had come through loud and clear. If I chose to run, Celestia would catch me and this time I would not get away with my head attached.

"Then?" Her look of distress remained as she drew me closer.

"I'll... I'll stay," I squeaked. "I promise." She let out a long breath of relief before letting me out of her grasp and giving me some space. It was a rash decision, if you could even call it a decision.

"I know it might seem like all we offer you is an ultimatum, Starlight, but if you'll just trust me then-"

"I've no qualms with you, Princess Luna," I stood up as I readied myself to head back into Canterlot. "I'm just more than a little afraid of your sister." I confessed, though I was trying to play it cool. To be blunt, I was absolutely terrified of the deity I'd pissed off, but I couldn't just tell her little sister that.

"Is that truly the problem?" the hints of a smile began to tug at her lips.

"It's kind of a big problem, Princess, what with her being one of my new "mentors" and half the rule of Canterlot." My comments brought the full smile to her face, disturbing me a little bit. Since it was the first time I'd seen her show so much emotion, it kind of looked more like the psychotic grin of a murderer than the joyful one of a peaceful royal.

"Pish tosh, then we will have to remedy that post haste, shall we not!?" Her sudden rambunctiousness caught me off guard, her horn glowing dark blue as she looked up at the heights of Canterlot Castle. "Brace yourself, Starlight Glimmer!" Okay, maybe it really was a psychotic grin after all.

"Princess what are you-" I blinked out of reality for a second before appearing in the middle of the most expensive looking bedroom I'd ever been there in. This place's decor made my old room back in my town look like a shanty. "doing?"

"What is the meaning of this, Luna?" I winced at the regal voice that came from behind me. I slowly turned around to find none other than Princess of the Sun herself.

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