• Published 6th Jul 2023
  • 3,687 Views, 1,043 Comments

Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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About town

There was definitely something troubling Starlight. I prided myself on being able to read the moods of other ponies once I'd spent enough time around them, which typically took a couple days. It was a skill I'd picked up after spending so much time with Celestia. While I still couldn't discern her feelings if she wanted to keep them hidden from me, other ponies were much easier for me to get a read on.

Starlight, though? She was on a whole other level. It was like she wanted everypony to know how she was feeling... like all she wanted was for somepony to help her... or it could be she was just a terrible actor. I guess either could be true. All I knew for sure was that right now the lilac mare's heart was crying out for relief from... something.

After we'd finished our meals--Starlight and I, that is. Twilight hadn't eaten anything after joining us, instead deciding to purchase just a drink--we were walking around
the shopping district of Canterlot, trying to figure out what we should do next.

By we, I meant Twilight and I were discussing--or maybe debating is a better word?--debating what our next destination was. Starlight was being a lot more quiet than back at the restaurant. She hadn't voiced an opinion on where she might want to go since we began our search. Come to think of it, since Twilight had first arrived, the lilac mare had grown disturbingly silent.

It was a sweltering summer day in Canterlot and traveling around the city wasn't exactly enjoyable. We still had our cold drinks so the heat was at least somewhat bearable, but as the sweat began to collect on our brows, Twilight and I were growing especially desperate.

"We could go to a cafe," Twilight suggested yet another venue as we trotted by a group of mares who were talking way too loudly.

The city was teeming with ponies and various other creatures, probably due to it being a Saturday afternoon. The dense crowds were both a blessing and a curse for the three of us. Occasionally, while traversing the city, I'd have to deal with... admirers--for lack of a better term--swarming me and interrogating me about Princess Celestia.

I'd gotten used to it a long time ago. I was pretty much the closest pony to the Princess of the Sun, other than Luna, of course, but it's not like she traveled around Canterlot like a commoner. Still, I didn't prefer humoring complete strangers. Since Canterlot's streets were overflowing right now, there weren't any creatures stopping to speak to me, so at least we were spared any of that mess.

Thinking about it, It was either due to the absurd amount of citizens scurrying about or the lilac mare that was menacingly trotting along with her head low to the ground. If I didn't know Starlight, her hostile demeanor would dissuade me from coming anywhere near our group.

In fact, now that I looked around, there were at least five feet between any one of us and all the other surrounding creatures. Even small insects and birds appeared to be giving our trio a wide berth.

Yep, definitely gotta be Starlight.

"What do you think, Starlight? Wanna hang out at a cafe?" I made an attempt to break her out of her stupor. It was all I could do at the moment unless I decided to grab the mare and ask her what was wrong...

Maaaaybe a little later.

"Starlight?" Twilight spoke up after several seconds of the lilac unicorn not replying to my question.

"H- huh? What?" she looked up at us
in confusion, as if she'd just been in another dimension and had barely arrived back in reality. "OH! Uhm yeah, sure, that sounds like a great idea."

"Tch, you're not even listening!" Twilight didn't even look at the mare, her gaze sweeping over the buildings around us. She really seemed to be trying her hardest to find something for us to do.

"WHAT!? I totally am!" Starlight looked offended, but there was definitely a slight blush on her cheeks. "I'd love to-" her eyes widened. "go to that place you just suggested, Twilight!"

I exploded into a fit of laughter, drawing the ire of the lilac unicorn.

"QUIET, SUNNY!" the throbbing vein in her neck made the situation all the more hilarious.

"Sunny?" Twilight lifted an entertained brow as a look of unadulterated smugness came to her face.

"Don't be jealous, Twilight," I grinned, sidling closer to Starlight. "I'm sure Star'll give you an endearing nickname as well. We're all gonna be best friends soon anyway, right?" I nudged the lilac mare with an elbow.

"R- right!" Starlight nodded mechanically.

It was Twilight's turn to laugh out loud. "That's a riot, Sunny," she mocked, bringing a tinge of red to my cheeks. "I didn't know you were such an adept comedian."

"It's not a joke, Twilight." I stopped in my tracks, more than a little annoyed at her lack of enthusiasm. The creatures around us didn't stop, instead choosing to walk around the three of us. "You'll see, I'm gonna make you love me!" I declared boldly.

The look of absolute disbelief that came to Twilight's face paired with the sudden look of shock on Starlight's face turned my complexion even redder than the ripest of tomatoes.


"AS A FRIEND! I MEANT AS A FRIEND!" I frantically waved my hooves in front of the both of them, but I knew neither of them were gonna let the comment slip.

"If you say so, Sunny," Starlight covered her smile with a hoof. It was the first time she'd looked a little happy since leaving the restaurant. Even though her mirth obviously came at my expense, I was glad.

"Sunset?" Twilight's expression wasn't malicious, but she did look pretty miffed. She took a step toward me and then another. Before I knew it, her face was inches from mine.

"Y- yes, Twilight?" If I hadn't said such a stupid thing seconds ago I would've moved away from her, but having said something so foolish, moving away felt like I was admitting what I'd said wasn't true.

She got even closer, forcing me to tightly shut my eyes. I couldn't handle her proximity, her warm minty breath tickling my muzzle. It felt like my heart was going to burst right out of my chest... or just stop altogether.

Twilight, what are you doing!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

"Good luck," she whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes to find her smirking confidently. "I look forward to it." She spun around and continued walking on as if none of that had just happened. "So a cafe is out of the question then?"

"What about a music shop?" Starlight had finally come out of her funk, suggesting something for the first time. "You like music, don't you, Sunny?" she looked my way with a warm smile.

"Y- yeah!" I nodded, thankful that neither of them was going to dwell on my flub. "There's a store just around the corner, there on the other street." I pointed with a hoof once I'd regained my composure.

"Twilight?" Starlight looked at the lavender unicorn.

"That's fine with me," Twilight smiled enthusiastically. "Octavia Melody's new record dropped this week, didn't it?" Despite her jubilance as she asked us, Starlight and I didn't have an answer for her. I didn't really listen to Octavia. That wasn't my style of music at all.

"Who?" Starlight lifted a questioning hoof.

"UGH! LET'S GO! Twilight barked as she stomped toward the street the store was located on. Starlight looked at me and I stared back. We shared a quiet chuckle as we followed behind the fuming mare.


This was not going well at all. The overly opulent store--it was located in Canterlot after all--was large enough so that each of us was occupying a different section of it. Twilight was currently in the classical music section, probably looking for, or listening to, Octavia's new record.

The interior of the store's walls were covered in posters and advertisements for the earth pony's new album. Her stuff was... fine, I guess, but I just couldn't get into the classical arts. I preferred newer genres, the faster tempo of artists like Sapphire Shores, Coloratura, and DJ-PON3.

Which is why I was in the electronic section of the store. I was thinking about picking up an old Songbird Serenade album I didn't own yet, but was preoccupied with our separation.

Starlight was lounging on a seat at one of the listening stations, though she wasn't wearing any headphones. The stations were placed on tables in another separate section of the store so that patrons could sample any records they might not be sure if they wanted to purchase yet. The lilac mare looked so extremely bored I was certain she'd rather be anywhere else doing anything else. I grabbed one of the less... heavy Coloratura albums and headed over to her.

As I drew closer, I levitated a seat right next to her's and plopped down on it. "Hey Sunshine, how goes the uhm, fun?" I playfully nudged her in the side with an elbow.

"I've never been a big fan of music," she sighed, not looking my way nor reacting to my jab. "Not much reason for it in my town, y'know?"

"Right," I nodded. I was a little surprised she'd mention that place so soon, but it was a good sign she was opening up, if even just a little. "Wait," that didn't make sense. "Then why did you want to come here?"

"I mean," she shrugged. You like music, right? Made sense to me to suggest it."

"Starlight... you..." I smiled. She'd done it for me?

"Oh come on, Sunny," she groaned, but she did turn away. "It was just something to do, don't blow it out of proportion."

"If you say so, Star." I giggled.

"Anyway, what's that?" she gestured toward the album I'd brought with me.

"I was thinking you might... er..." For some reason I was really embarrassed all of a sudden.

"Let me guess," she looked at me with an uninterested expression. "You want me to give it a listen?" she flicked a hoof toward the album.

"You don't have to," I picked up the record with my telekinesis and was about to walk away when she placed a gentle hoof on my shoulder.

"I'll give it a shot," she smiled at me, lifting the headphones onto her head. With a smile of my own I placed the record into the player and started the album.

It was one of Coloratura's slower works, lots of piano and much less electronica. It emphasized more of her stellar vocals and the piano complimented rather than distracted from them.

"This... isn't bad, Sunset," she said with her eyes closed, immersing herself in the sounds. She'd listened to about three songs already and seemed to be enjoying the lot of them. "She has a really nice voice."

"Coloratura is one of the rare contemporary artists who can actually hold a tough note," Twilight said from the other side of the lilac unicorn. During Starlight's listening session the lavender mare had brought a seat herself and waited for her to finish. "Her collabs with Octavia Melody are beyond amazing," Twilight lit up when she mentioned her obviously preferred musician.

"Oh really?" Starlight seemed genuinely curious, her musical bone tickled by this point.

"Do you mind?" Twilight lifted an album in her magenta field, asking me if it was okay.

"Not at all," I removed the Coloratura album and placed it back into it's case. Twilight put the album she'd brought into the player and nodded her head at Starlight excitedly.

The lilac unicorn shut her eyes as the music began to play. Twilight looked ecstatic as the emotions began to sweep over Starlight's face. As the music rose and fell Starlight's emotions became more evident. Excitement turned to surprise. Surprise into happiness. Happiness into... sadness? Sadness into... despair?

What the...?

As tears began to fall from the corners of Starlight's closed eyes I looked at Twilight in a panic. My rival looked just as confused as I did as she stared at the lilac mare. When she noticed me looking at her she simply raised her hooves in an "I have no clue" shrug.

"This..." Starlight kept her eyes shut as she spoke. "This is... beautiful." Her tears cascaded down her cheeks, but the look of sincere gratitude that came to her face warmed my heart. "Thank you," she opened her eyes and grabbed a reluctant Twilight.

"S- Starlight!?" Twilight gasped as she was pulled into a hug. She was far too surprised to do anything other than look at me with wide eyes.

"For showing this to me." Starlight drew away from the lavender unicorn.

"Both of you," she turned to me and gave me a tight hug as well. With a throbbing heart and tears stinging at the corners of my own eyes, I returned the embrace.

"Of course, Star... Anytime."

Author's Note:

Music is quite powerful, especially songs that bring up memories you try your hardest to hide from. Lots of songs make me cry, but I was really surprised to find a song the other day that I'd never heard before make me cry. It had no nostalgic ramifications behind it for me, and it had no lyrics, so I was completely surprised that I'd cried. Idk. I guess I just love music a lot.

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