• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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A great day

The streets of Canterlot were far less crowded during Her Highness' time. The night also had the added benefit of being much cooler than Princess Celestia's day, so the three of us decided to avoid the rest of the sweltering heat in the comfort of the quiet music store. Starlight had continued to listen to our recommendations for hours, seeming to enjoy every single song played for her.

After all was said and done, I was pretty sure she'd fallen in love with Octavia's pieces. Each time the cellist's music played Starlight showed such... raw emotion. It was something I'd also experienced when first listening to the master of the cello as well. Octavia's compositions were some of the only things that could drag me away from the negative feelings I'd gotten all those years ago, the emotions that still haunted me to this day.

It was... nice, seeing somepony appreciate her music as much as I did. Don't get me wrong, Her Majesty loved Octavia from the first monent she'd heard the mare play too, but Starlight...

Starlight was troubled. She had issues she needed to deal with and introducing her to Octavia's art felt like I was helping the lilac mare. It felt like I was making a difference in somepony else's life and that made me happy... really happy.

I had planned on lending her some of my albums when we got back to the castle, but before we even left the store Sunset did something completely unexpected. She purchased a few albums and a record player for Starlight. The kind act blew the lilac unicorn away, or at least it appeared to.

It was a really kind gesture, one that had the former dictator absolutely glowing. Thankfully, the store delivered, so Starlight didn't have to lug the large machine throughout the city with her. Now, the three of us were standing in line at a small ice cream stand in one of Canterlot's many parks. The small stall wasn't exceptional compared to those in the surrounding area, but it was quaint and that had been enough to draw our attention.

Her Majesty's full moon was providing ample light to the world, but dozens of fancy lampposts were still sprinkled around the area. The lake at the center of the park was surrounded by creatures peacefully enjoying their time. Ducks and other wildlife played in the water, not bothered by the slight noise.

It was comforting, knowing my mistress was watching over us all right now... knowing our appreciation for her night was pleasing to her. Things hadn't always been that way.

"I think I'll get dark chocolate," I said to nopony in particular as I examined the menu.

"Ew, bitter," Sunset stuck out a disgusted tongue. I snorted at the mare.

"And you?" I lifted my head without looking her way. "What amazingly delicious flavor are you gonna get?"

"Rainbow sherbet! It's the best," she replied smugly.

Ugh, way too sweet.

I shrugged, not letting her wrong opinion bother me.

"How about you, Starlight?" Sunset asked the mare who was enthusiastically reading the back of one of the albums she'd received.

"I don't really eat sweets," Starlight grimaced without looking up.

"You WHAT!?" Sunset gaped at the mare, her jaw going slack. "WHAT KIND OF PONY DOESN'T EAT SWEETS!?" she yelled, drawing the irritated gaze of the couple in front of us. Once their eyes swept over me and noticed the glare on my face they immediately turned back around without saying a word.


"Could you keep it down, Sunset," I asked as politely as I could. I kept my eyes on the menu hanging above the earth pony running the stand. I really didn't want to get into an altercation with some snooty strangers.

"Sorry," she barely acknowledged me before starting to whisper loudly. "What kind of pony doesn't like sweets!?"

"I don't know, the kind that enslaves a town full of other ponies?" Starlight said flatly, still not raising her head. I tried to hold it in but couldn't, the laughter spilling out of me in a blast right past my lips.

"Twilight!?" Sunset looked appalled at my glee.

"You liked that one, Twilight?" Starlight finally looked up, supremely pleased with the success of her joke.

"It was pretty funny," I conceded. "If she doesn't like sweets, she doesn't like sweets, Sunset." I shrugged. Starlight nodded with a satisfied grin.

"Finnnne," Sunset relented, a defeated huff escaping her.

"But..." I turned my head to the lilac pony.

"But?" she looked at me, clearly confused.

"But, I wonder if that's because you don't really like them or..."

"Or?" the confusion still hadn't left her face.

"Or if it's cause you've just never had anything good," I said smugly. Starlight was the type of pony who liked to play games, especially mind games, so I thought I'd try one of my own.

"What!?" she scoffed. I looked at Sunset expectantly, hoping she'd play along. She didn't let me down.

"She probably didn't even have sweets in her town," Sunset mocked with a shrug, looking up at the menu herself.

"Actually... I didn't," Starlight said so nonchalantly that both me and Sunset almost fell over.

"WHAT!?" Sunset and I yelled even louder than the golden unicorn had before. The couple in front of us moved to turn again, but the chime of my mana kept their faces locked forward.

"Is that... weird?" Starlight looked extremely despondent. "Sugar is bad for you, isn't it? Why would anypony ever want to eat it?"

"That was at least five years, Starlight!" It was my turn to be positively flabbergasted. "You haven't had sugar in the last FIVE YEARS!?"

"Nnnnope," she shook her head. "At least not to my knowledge."

"Not even in your drinks?" Sunset was in Starlight's face, her own expression filled with utter disbelief, very much like my own.

"I prefer green tea without sugar... or black coffee... or water," Starlight replied. "Didn't you notice at the restaurant, Sunny? I asked if there was sugar in anything I ordered and got a water."

"I was..." Sunset looked at me with a frown, her cheeks burning. "A little distracted."

Uhm, what?

"Yeah, you were," Starlight smiled at me deviously as she nudged Sunset in the side.

"STAR!" Sunset hissed, her face now resembling the reddest of apples. Starlight laughed heartily as Sunset chased her out of the line we were standing in.

"Miss? I can take your order now, if you're ready," the earth pony running the stand grabbed my attention.

Of course...

I turned to the vendor with a kind smile on my face.

"Good evening," I said as I trotted up to the stall. I could venture making small talk, but he was clearly busy so I just ordered. "I'd like a bowl of dark chocolate with hot fudge and chocolate sprinkles."

"Sounds good! Can I get anything else for you?" he turned away as he began making my order. His question drove me to look behind myself. Yep, they were still running around like a pair of dorks.

"Can I also have a bowl of rainbow sherbet?" She'd said it was her favorite, so logically, it should be okay to get her.

"Would you like any toppings on that one?"

"Uhm..." It would probably be better to play it safe and get nothing on top, but that might be a little mean... wasn't it? I got toppings on mine, why wouldn't I get some on her's too?

Because you don't know what kind she likes or if she even likes any.

Eh, screw it.

"Can I get whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles on that one, please?"

"Of course, Miss. Will that complete your order?"


Should I get something for Starlight?

She might not eat it, but not getting her anything might be even more detrimental to our already rocky relationship, especially after Sunset had done what she had.

I could get her a sugarless flavor.

No. No, that's not right. I suddenly recalled what my mistress had told me, what the entire point of all of this was. Perpetuating Starlight's old habits was the last thing I should do...


"Starlight Glimmer is a deeply disturbed mare, Twilight," Her Highness and I walked through the castle after our talk in my room. "She needs us just as much as we need her... possibly even more."

"Do you really think she can help me fight against that... thing?" I was a little more than doubtful, but if Her Majesty thought she could help, I would believe as well.

"Tia was the key to saving me from the demon... the strongest bond I have ever made with another. Perhaps unbreakable bonds of your own can be the solution you seek."

"Your Highness," her implication made me a little sad. "Is our bond with one another so weak?"

She sighed, stopping in her tracks. We were drawing close to the gates of the castle and so had little time left to speak. She wanted me to join Starlight and Sunset at the burger joint in town. She was seeing me off--as she often did whenever she could--and we were finishing up our prior conversation.

"As far as how you feel..." she laid a hoof on my shoulder, a meager smile on her lips. "I believe so, Twilight."

"Wha- how could you say that, Your Highness?!" I loved her so much it hurt... and she obviously cared deeply for me. My head fell. What could possibly be the problem?

"When Tia saved me I was... happy. Truly happy." She gently lifted my chin with a hoof. "I have been ever since that day, Twilight. Can you honestly say the same since you first met me?"

"Of course, Your Highness!" I nearly yelled. "You've made me happier than I've ever been!"

"Then why is your slumber still so restless, Twilight?" My mistress could be devastatingly blunt at times. "Why are you still so angry, my dearest?"


I really didn't know why. Maybe it was Sunset and her success eclipsing mine. Maybe it was Starlight making me look like a fool. Maybe it was my family. Maybe it was that monster. Maybe I was to blame. I was still so very...


I grabbed my head, nearly collapsing as the deceiver's voice echoed in my mind.

"My dearest!?" Her Highness kept me from falling, just like she always did.

"I- I'm sorry, it's just a little headache," I only half lied.

"Are you... fine to-"

"I am, Your Highness," I smiled meekly at my mistress before giving her a reassuring hug. "I'm gonna get going," I trotted away from her quickly, waving a hoof goodbye. I was far too big a coward to answer her questions.

"Very well, Twilight," she frowned as her horn lit up. "If I may offer some advice before you so hastily depart?" she held me in place with a spell.

"I'm all ears, Your Highness." I grinned. It's not like I had much of a choice in the matter anyway.

"Starlight Glimmer has been alone for a very long time, Twilight," I wasn't expecting this from her, but I listened intently regardless. "You and Sunset Shimmer can be the ones to show her the correct path, but for her to truly reform will take a... departure from her old habits... and you know what they say about those."

"They die hard," I nodded.

"Correct," she let me out of her magical grasp. "I shall see you when you return, Twilight," she smiled brightly at me before turning to go back inside of the castle.

"Farewell, Your Highness," I smiled at the mare who meant the world to me. "I love you!" She stopped to look over her shoulder at me.

"And I, you, my dearest."


"I'M SO SORRY, TWILIGHT!" Sunset looked mortified as the duo trotted up to me.

"It's fine," I shrugged. I wasn't mad at them. They seemed to be getting along well and that's exactly what Her Highness wanted, so it was exactly what I wanted too.

I carried the three bowls of ice cream I'd bought, napkins to keep clean, and my bag from the music store in my telekinesis, all within separate fields.

Might as well get some practice in while I can.

"Five TK fields at once?" Starlight remarked as she scrutinized me, a devious grin coming to her lips. "Very impressive... for a student."

Sunset's eyes grew wide as she gave the cocky mare a sidelong glance, but kept her own mouth shut.

She's doing it for you, Twilight, I took a deep, calming breath. She's doing it for you.

"Is it?" I flicked my head towards one of the empty benches close to the lake. "I'd figure you'd probably be able to do ten times this." The three of us trotted over to the bench together.

"Oh, without a doubt," Starlight smirked as Sunset took a seat first. Despite my clear exaggeration, the lilac unicorn didn't look shaken at all.

Is she really that strong?

"Maybe you could give me a few pointers then," I sat down to the golden unicorn's left. Starlight raised a curious brow before taking the seat to Sunset's right.

"Sounds like... fun," there was no vindictiveness in her voice.

"Tomorrow then," I said. "First thing in the morning in our lab?"

"You're on, Twilight," the confident hmph she threw my way was a little grating, not gonna lie.

"Er s- so should I go get me and Starlight something?" Sunset tried to change the subject before it escalated any further.

"That won't be necessary," I hovered Sunset's bowl over to her, a spoon sticking out of it. "One rainbow sherbet with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles."

"Twilight..." she took the dessert into her telekinesis, staring down at it as if I'd just given her the most precious treasure in Equestria. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it, Sunset," I floated Starlight's bowl over to her. "And one for you, Starlight."

"What?!" the lilac unicorn's eyes grew wide as she took the dessert into her spell. She too looked down at her sweet, examining it closely, but her expression was one of confusion. "You got me something even though I don't eat sugar?"

"Well, I think you'll like it," I leaned forward to look at her and she did the same."You trusted us at the store," I looked at Sunset with a smile. She was already shoveling the frozen treat into her mouth. Despite her attention being on her food, she returned my gesture. "So I was thinking maybe you can trust me now?"

Starlight let out a breath of air, her eyes closing for a moment and a grin coming to her lips. "Well, what is it?" She moved the spoon around in the dish.

"Vanilla ice cream, which shouldn't be too sweet, sliced bananas, and cherries," I pointed out the ingredients with my hoof. "I tried to keep it... a lot less sugary than Sunset's," I chuckled and Starlight joined me. The playful jab didn't bother the golden unicorn, but with the smile on her face, it didn't seem like anything could at the moment.

"So, how should I eat it then?" she continued to prod at it with her spoon, but at least now she looked somewhat interested.

"Any way you want," I shrugged before taking control of her spoon with my magic. "But if you want the best mix of flavor," I picked up some of the frozen desert, a slice of banana, and a cherry on the spoon. "This will give you the best combination."

"Alright, then," she opened her mouth and closed her eyes... for some reason.

"Uhm... what are you doing?" I asked, genuinely dumbfounded.

"Waiting for you to feed it to me," she kept her eyes closed and the smile on her face.

"Starlight, I don't thin-"

"Oh come on, Twilight, don't be like that. Just do it." I don't know why, but her forcefulness made me blush a little. I slipped the spoon into her mouth, her moan of appreciation sending a shiver up my spine. "So GOOD!" She took the spoon into her own telekinesis and dug into her bowl. "Thanks, Twilight!"

"N- no problem," I started on my own dessert. As the three of us enjoyed our snacks the beauty of Her Highness' night grew more and more vivid.

I suppose what they say is true, the day really had ended well.

Author's Note:

A fun little day... well, ignoring the whole Nightmare thing... and Twilight almost killing Starlight. Okay, but it really is true. All's well that ends well.

The girls draw a little closer and next time we get to see Starlight's reaction to all of this kindness and affection. That will be very interesting.

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