• Published 6th Jul 2023
  • 3,689 Views, 1,044 Comments

Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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I could never

"I took the liberty of having some tea and cake prepared for us," Princess Celestia gestured with a hoof toward the fancy tea set sitting on the small table next to her bed. Placed in a circle around the ornate porcelain teapot and cups were several slices of an overly rich looking chocolate cake. "I'm aware my sister prefers her coffee, but I wasn't certain what your preference was." Her kind smile made me feel sick to my stomach. More sick than I was already feeling.

"Personally, I can't stomach that particular beverage. Far too much caffeine for a drink, if you ask me. So, I made my favorite instead," she looked a little uncomfortable all of a sudden. "I... I hope that's okay," she looked away sheepishly.

Why is she rambling? And why is she acting so-


You've got to be kidding me.

It wasn't possible. It couldn't be.

Is she dreading this whole thing just as much as I am?

The possibilty of that being true may not have completely alleviated my discomfort, but it helped, if only a little bit. I suddenly had a lot more confidence than I did seconds before and the ego boost made the situation a lot more tolerable.

"I don't mind tea," I walked to the foot of her bed, not smiling, -- because I wasn't happy about all of this -- but willing to make an attempt at being civil with my mistress' sister.

"Would you like sugar in yours?" she asked as her horn flared to life, its golden light way too bright for my tastes.

So much more obnoxious than Her Majesty's hue.

She lifted one of the cups, as well as a small container filled to the brim with cubes of sugar, with her telekinesis.

"Please," I plopped down, trying my best not to look how I felt. "Three is enough," I stated before she had a chance to ask me how many I wanted. Without another word, she dropped three cubes into the cup before stirring it and carefully floating it over to me.

"If you need any more I ca-"

"I'm here to receive instructions on when I'm to depart for my task and any other details pertaining to it, Your Highness," I took the cup into my telekinesis, taking a sip. Unfortunately, it was the perfect temperature and delicious. "Not a thing more."

"Of... of course, Twilight," she lifted her own cup and took an awkward sip. "But I was really hoping we could... talk."

"I am talking," I took another drink from my cup. "It's not like I can stop you from doing whatever you please."

"You don't have to be like that, Twilight," she sighed, her countenance falling.

"Be like what!?" I snapped at her. "What do you expect from me, Princess!?" I was getting heated, but for some reason, I wasn't having much trouble controlling the simmering anger. "You gave consent for me to go to the Crystal Empire without my knowledge. You didn't even ask my mistress for her opinion on the subject, and you just expect me to come in here like we're best friends and have a wonderful time with you!?" I huffed, my body trembling as I took another drink of my tea to cool my jets.

That... that felt really good.


She didn't immediately react to my rant. She didn't even look particularly bothered by my outright disrespectful tone. Instead, she added a few more cubes of sugar to her cup and slowly stirred them in with a spoon.

"Let me ask you a simple question, Twilight." She had another taste, her face scrunching up before she added several more cubes and stirred some more. "Do you believe I... overstepped my bounds?" she asked as she moved the spoon in a circular motion. Her concentration appeared to be on her beverage and not me, and I'm not at all ashamed to say that irritated me to no end.

"It's not a matter of whether or not I believe. You did," I stated calmly, lowering my cup. "You had no right to make a decision like that for me."

"Hm..." she continued to stir, staring down into the liquid. "Life can be such a peculiar thing, wouldn't you agree? I was having such a splendid day, too..." she whispered that last part.

"I'm not really in the mood to wax philosophical with you, Princess. And I really couldn't care less how your day's been going." I took a long drink from my cup, downing the rest of the beverage before flipping the cup upside down and placing it back on the tray. "I'd really just like to know the details of my task and then I'll gladly be on my way."


"Very well, Twilight. I can do that for you," she lowered her own cup to the tray, though hers still had some tea left in it. "But first, I'd like to make something abundantly clear to you." She straightened up, not standing from the bed or anything like that, just... making herself appear larger. She unfurled her wings, stretching them out for a moment before folding them back in at her sides. "I AM half the rule of Equestria, one of the strongest nations to ever exist, as I have been for countless millennia. I AM the Princess of the Sun, the ruler of the day itself," her eyes narrowed on me, sending a spark of panic through my veins. When she spoke again her voice was deathly calm, her tone rattling me to my bones. "I am Celestia, the physical manifestation of Justice," her mane and tail began to flicker, as if they were both about to ignite into flames at any moment. "I CANNOT overstep my bounds, for in my endless years of existence, I have never HAD any." In the blink of an eye she was right next to me, no longer lying on her bed. I couldn't help but wince as she glared down at me.

"H-how did y-" I tried to scoot away from her, but it felt like an unknown force was holding me firmly in place.

"As such, I need you to understand, Twilight," her face was inches from mine. "Everything I have ever done has been for the betterment of Equestria and its inhabitants." She pressed her nose against mine. "EVERYTHING! I will not let a petulant foal show me such a blatant lack of respect!"

I was struggling to find my bearings, her rant a lot more extravagant than my own. While her irritation was a little frightening, I'd witnessed this side of her once before. This was "Princess Celestia", one half of the Immortal Sisters and total authority of all Equestria. If she'd so wished it, I'd be face down on the floor begging her for mercy, but for some reason she'd used none of her royal or deific command. She was just posturing, and that made it all the more annoying.

I'm not even worth actually reprimanding?

Despite knowing all of that, I couldn't help but feel like I'd just heard some things I wasn't meant to hear. As she drew her head away from me, I stewed on her words.

Countless millennia? Ruler of the day? Physical manifestation of Justice? Just who does she think she... Well, I guess she just told me who she thinks she is... and it's not like she isn't really a goddess.

The most grating thing was that I knew exactly what she was referring to.

"Fine. You want to talk about it, let's talk, Your Highness." I still couldn't move an inch, but I could darn well speak my mind. "Why!?" I glared at the alabaster alicorn.

She flinched.

"After all this time... does your character still lack so much, Twilight?" Her words tore at my heart, just like they always had.

"If I lack anything, Celestia," I bit down hard, doing my best to hold back the virulent tempest that was threatening to spill out of me. "It's because of you."

"You flatter me, Twilight," she smiled, though it was clearly meant to be more condescending than anything else.


I didn't speak, but I stared daggers at the Sun Princess.

"If you wish to attribute the mare you've become to me," she scoffed, looking down her nose at me. "Then I'll gladly take the credit for it."

"You stabbed me in the back!" I was growling. "You LIED to me!"

"Such foolishness," she shook her head, turning away from me. "Who do you think put you on the current path you walk?"

"You rejected me!" I stood to my hooves, finally able to move again. I was angry, but I wasn't foolish enough to do anything more than get to my hooves. "You made me feel worthless!"

"I did exactly what needed to be done so that you'd be standing here before me right now." She continued to face away from me, fueling my anger more. Her tone was soft as a feather, but her words were like the venomous bites of a serpent.

"I'm here because of my mistress, not because of YOU!" I slammed a hoof on the floor to emphasize my point. It didn't faze her, her body remaining perfectly still.

"Twilight Sparkle..." She turned to face me, the look of utter indifference on her face causing me to fall back down onto my rump. "You are my little sister's disciple because I deemed it so."

"W-what?" I searched her eyes for any hint of deception, but there was none to be found.

That... that can't be.

My head sunk at the possibility of her words being true. I had once been a failure because she had made me one. I was able to crawl out of that pit of despair because of my mistress, not the arrogant alicorn standing before me.

"Why would I believe a word that comes out of your mouth?" I spoke through clenched teeth. "You don't care about me now and you didn't care about me then."

"Perhaps," she shrugged, not a care in the world. "When evaluated by foolish mortals, I can be perceived as quite the heartless mare. What do you think the victims of Starlight's crimes think of me?" she asked dismally, her eyes glistening with sadness. I can't lie and say I wasn't a little moved by such a beautiful creature's sorrow, but I couldn't just forget about all the crap I went through because of her. "What do you think their families think of me?" She wiped her eyes before any of the tears could fall.

"What does your tarnished reputation have to do with me?" It wasn't a question, at least not one I actually cared to have answered. It was the most respectful way I could basically tell her shove her rationalizations. She'd get no sympathy from me. I was thrilled when her frustrated eyes narrowed on me yet again.

Maybe you finally feel an ounce of the pain you put me through.

"Be thankful I love my sister more than all else, Twilight Sparkle," the haunting grin that came to her face staggered me. I'd never seen such a terrifying visage on any creature before, but I refused to back down. "Were you not her beloved, Damnatio memoriae to the nth degree would be the judgment for you and that irreverent tongue of yours."

Can she... can she do that?

It didn't matter if she could or not. I couldn't stop now.

"Then it's a good thing I apparently have you to thank for that," I grinned with as much saccharine in my smile as I could muster. "Your Highness."


"It's no wonder my sister is so drawn to you," she spoke through clenched teeth, absolutely seething at this point.

"And why is that?" I responded in kind.

"You've the exact same rebellious spirit," her face was inches from mine.

"Thanks for the compliment," I smiled arrogantly, genuinely pleased by her assessment. "You couldn't have compared me to a more admirable mare."

"Which is why I did what I have," she sneered. "Are you such a foolish creature that all you managed to do these past years was wallow in your own self-pity?" I heavily considered biting her nose as hard as I could. "Have you ever even thought about why I turned you away?"

"OF COURSE I HAVE!" I shouted directly in her face. She drew back, a look of disgust coming to her face. "I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT IT EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. SINCE YOU CHOSE SUNSET OVER ME!"


"I expected so much more from you, Twilight Sparkle."

She may not have been my mentor. I may have hated her more than I should have. I might have even considered her a liar beyond hope... but... hearing her say those words... finally hearing her tell the truth after all these years... It hurt.

I opened my mouth to yell, to scream. What? I don't really know, but nothing came out. Instead, my tears began to fall. My stupid annoying tears that I didn't want to show her, flowed freely from my eyes and along with them, the honest truth.

"I loved you, Celestia." I had to bite down hard so I wouldn't sob like a pathetic weakling. "You were everything to me. Y-you..."

"Do you still not understand, Twilight? Luna wanted you," she sighed, closing her eyes and covering her face with a hoof.

"I DIDN'T WANT HER!" I shouted, the pain of the Sun Princess' rejection and the despair of admitting how I felt at the time ripping at my heart. Saying it felt like betraying my mistress, but it was the honest truth. "I... I only wanted you, Celestia... I only wanted you." I bawled just like I had all those years ago, the memories that I'd tried to bury deep inside rising back up to the surface.

The Princess of the Sun didn't say or do anything, instead choosing to simply let me get it all out.






"How do you feel about me now? Do you still want me?" she asked after I'd quieted down, the displeased edge to her voice gone. "Do you still love me, Twilight?"

"No," I wiped the remaining tears from my face. I didn't even have to think about it. I didn't have to consider how she might feel if I told her the truth. I didn't care how she felt. "I hate you."

The barb was effective, her head moving back slightly and a small shake of her jaw due to my harsh words her initial reaction.

Good. I hope it hurts.

"And... and are you... are you happy?"

I wasn't expecting a question like that.


... Am I?

Thinking of my mistress caused my lips to slowly lift into a smile. Even Sunset and Starlight didn't seem so bad when I thought about them.

Maybe me and Shining might even...

"I am. I've never been happier," I smiled. She returned the gesture, igniting her horn and floating a rolled up parchment to me.

"Good. Then despite my feelings, that's all that matters," she waited for me to take the letter. "This has all the information you need for your trip. Please share it with Sunset and Starlight." As soon as I took it into my telekinesis she moved to get back onto her bed, obviously to do more work. "Thank you for coming, Twilight, I know it was difficult for you. Please, have a good night."

I looked down at the scroll, beyond satisfied it had been much easier than I thought it would be to get what I came for.

As I trotted giddily to the door, the merry clip-clop of my hooves echoing in the room, I slowly came to a stop. I felt a weight pressing down on my back, as if a gravitic spell had been cast on me to make it difficult to move. Reaching out to open the door I froze. My heart was pounding, sweat beginning to form on my brow.

What is-

"Is everything okay, Twilight?" The princess sounded legitimately concerned.

Because she is.

I turned to look at her, a sharp pang striking my heart when I saw her face.

You know it isn't right.

"Princess I..." my head fell as I realized the truth was what was weighing so heavily on me.

"What is it, Twilight?" She was right next to me again, her concern for me something I'd wanted more than anything else. Something that, to this day, I still wanted so very badly.

I still love her. I still love her so much.

"Celestia... can... can we... talk?" I gazed into her violet eyes, lost in the beauty and love I found there.

"I was hoping you'd ask," she smiled. "Of course we can, Twilight."

She wrapped a wing around me as we walked back towards her bed.

Author's Note:

I wonder if this marks a turning point in their relationship. It seems to be up to Twilight, at least somewhat, but Celestia here feels... frustrated. Well, at least there's going to be an attempt.

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