• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Her Elements Pt. 1

Waiting for the highest ranking official of a nation to finish in one of their more important meetings was one of the most tedious things I had any experience doing in my life. I'd done it countless times before, sure, -- waiting on my mentor -- but this time felt so much more nerve-wracking than any before.

I needed to speak to Cadenza. I had to try and help her. It was easy to see Chrysalis had shook the very foundation the princess had built her entire life on.

Princess... what should I do?

Parents were... not my forte. Mine were... around, but that's about it. If anything, I considered Celestia my real mom now, and she...

It doesn't matter. She's not here to help me right now.

How I wished she were. Then, maybe I might have had the slightest idea of what to do about this whole mess.

I was currently sitting on the floor next to the massive doors leading to the throne room, waiting patiently like the countless other plebeians for the queen to finish... whatever it was that was demanding so much of her time. I was under the assumption that Cadenza was inside as well, -- though I couldn't be certain -- so I had nowhere else to go.

As the Princess of the Crystal Empire, the pegasus had the proper authority to attend the highest echelons of gatherings, but interrupting one in progress was still frowned upon, no matter what one's title might be. I'd been loitering for hours, watching countless ponies stroll by, while others waited just as long as I had. It was a much higher volume of life than usual in the palace, I'm sure.

Every so often, I'd get up and trot around so my legs wouldn't fall asleep. All of the seats in the hall had already been taken, so it's not like I could lose mine on the floor. I'd given up my spot on a chair earlier for an elderly stallion who'd come to the Empire from the distant land of Stalliongrad. Apparently, it was his final wish to see one of the alicorn princesses with his own eyes before passing on.

I didn't have it in me to tell him neither my mentor nor Princess Luna were attending the wedding. That would be far too cruel.

To have come so far for nothing... poor guy. Although, not saying anything is pretty mean t-

"Uhm, excuse me?"

My eyes shot open, the velvety soft voice jerking me out of my thoughts. The hall was relatively quiet, mostly hushed discussions going on, but this new creature sounded completely alien. It was way too...


"Yes? What can I do for you?" The pink mare standing before me was clearly trying to put on a smile, but it simply wasn't happening. She looked like she might start crying at any moment... or that she probably had been a second ago. Her body was sagging, as if the planet itself was trying to drag her down into its depths to devour her.

"Are you... I-If you don't mind me asking..." she was doing her best to be as polite possible. It was extremely troubling, as if it was my duty to make her happy and I was failing. "Is your name... Sunset?"


"It... is," I nodded, a little hesitant, but my heart aching for her. "My name is Sunset." As soon as I confirmed her inquiry, the waterworks began. Her bawling was loud enough to draw the attention of most of the occupants in the hall. "H-hey, what's wrong!?" I reached out to her but stopped short. I had no idea who this pony was, after all, but there was something about her that was luring me in like a warm bath on a winter night.

"I-H-HI FINALLY FOUND YOU!" she cried, still sobbing as she threw her forelegs around my neck and hugged me tightly. I froze, completely bewildered by the sudden closeness and all the displeased eyes on us.

"Uh, hey... I don't really kn-"

"I'M SO SORRY!" she squeezed tighter, forcing a pained groan from me. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU!"

"You're... hurting... me... now!" I managed to squeak out despite her unreal strength.

"OH!" she pulled away, realizing her mistake and now clearly embarrassed. "Sorry... again," her embarrassment quickly shifted to a look of shame.

"Not to be... rude or anything..." I tried to straighten my mane a bit while I caught my breath. "But... who are you?"

"My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie," she refused to look me in the eye. "And I'm really, really sorry."

"For what, exactly?" I asked. I knew it couldn't just be because she'd given me an overly aggressive bear hug.

No, it has to be something else.

"On the train yesterday..." she wrung her hooves in front of herself. "It was all my fault. But, I didn't mean to! I promise! It's just... I was really excited to be coming to the Empire and my party cannon was kind of on the fritz and now I know something is definitely wrong with it an-"

I held a hoof up, hoping the slight action would end her rant. Thankfully, she paused, her blue eyes locking on me. "I think I get it," I offered her a warm smile, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "It's okay. I'm- I was fine... and I still am," I giggled. "Honestly, I'm just glad you're okay. A malfunctioning cannon sounds pretty dangerous."

"Y... you mean you're really not mad at me?" A twinkle of hope came to her eyes.

"Of course not," I rubbed her shoulder. "Why would I be?"

In an instant she went from downtrodden to bubbling, the smile on her face so vibrant I nearly had to shield my eyes because of its vivaciousness. Even her mane and tail had somehow become fluffy masses in a matter of seconds.

"REALLY!?" she gasped so loudly she was able to draw more attention to the two of us.

"Yes, just, can you please keep your voice down?" I whispered, glancing around nervously at the ponies staring at us.

"OH! Sorry... again!" she snickered wildly, covering her mouth with her hooves.

Yep. This is definitely her normal attitude.

It was nice to see she wasn't always as depressed as she'd first appeared.

"Im guessing you spoke with one of my-"


I jumped at the shout, several other ponies glaring angrily in the direction the call had come from. Strangely enough, the pink mare hadn't budged an inch.


That didn't matter right now.

"S-Sunburst?" I stuttered, a little stunned by his lack of decorum.

The orange unicorn galloped over to us, a look of utter panic on his face and sweat covering his brow.

"Hey, Sunny!" Pinkamena was nearly bouncing in place. "What's up?"

"Sunset!?" he looked completely caught off guard by my presence. "Good! You're here too! You might be able to help as well."


"Help with what, Sunburst?" I asked, growing a little nervous myself.

"Something happened, Sunset..." his gaze fell to the floor. "It's... It's Starlight."


The first thing I noticed as the three of us galloped into my room was the blue unicorn sitting next to my bed. The second was...

"STAR!" I couldn't help but call out, my despair instantly getting the best of me. She looked so... peaceful, -- lying in my bed -- but I could sense something was very wrong. Sunburst hadn't said another word on what had happened, only stating it would be much wiser to speak once we had some privacy.

Pinkamena gasped behind me as soon as she fully took in the situation. "Oh no..."

I rushed to my friend's side, taking her hoof into mine and holding it gently. I took a seat next to the bed opposite the blue unicorn. "What happened!?" I asked nopony in particular. My distress was easily displayed for all of them to see as I willed energy into my lilac friend.

"I don't know," the blue mare quickly responded, her own panic easily detectable. "Everything was fine at the teahouse and then she..."

"Why didn't you take her to a hospital!?" I tried not to sound like I was making an accusation, but the desperation in my voice wasn't helping my cause.

"I'm... I'm sorry, we're not supposed t-"

"It's a good thing she didn't," Sunburst cut the azure mare off.

"What!?" I nearly spat the word, his remark having the unintended consequence of riling me up even further. "Why wouldn't you-"

He lifted a hoof. The look on the Regis' face was one of steadfast determination, ending my tirade before it had a chance to begin. His horn flared with energy as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Fear not, Sunset. She's going to be okay," he declared confidently. In an instant, his mana began to sing, filling the room with a yellow aura and causing twinkling golden stars to float around the five of us. The spell had a calming effect, but I knew its purpose was for more than just that when he dimmed the light coming from above to near midnight levels.

"There," he sighed, rubbing his head in grogginess once his spell was complete. "We should be able to get to work safely. We have both the time and the faculties to do so now."

"What do you mean 'safely'?" I was able to control my mounting irritation at the moment, but if I didn't get answers soon, I'd lose my cool. "What is going on?"

I was met with another sigh from Sunburst, forcing me to look at the others for an answer. Pinkamena was still focused on Starlight, a look of worry on the pink mare's face. The blue unicorn had her own gaze on the carpet, also appearing gloomy.

"Please..." I choked back the oncoming tears as best I could.


Star... please...

I squeezed her hoof tighter. She was always so confident, so strong. Seeing her like this...

I... I can't-

"She's been drugged," Sunburst drew my attention as he walked to the foot of the bed. "Or perhaps poisoned is a more appropriate description."

"Then we should-"

"I'm sorry, Sunset," he grit his teeth. "I wasn't able to say anything until you were away from... her." There was no malice in him, just... disappointment. Apparently, in himself.

"Her?" I was suddenly more lost than a second ago.


"Princess Celestia made it very clear that there were only three creatures we were to trust in the Empire," the blue mare finally broke the uncomfortable silence. "You," she lifted a hoof my way. "Sunburst," she pointed at the stallion. "and Starlight Glimmer," she laid her hoof on the bed.


But... why just-

"I was ordered to only trust Sunset, Starlight, and you six girls," Sunburst explained further. "Her Highness is being extremely cautious with this situation."

"Why wouldn't she trust Twilight?" I voiced my thoughts, though the words came out more as a whisper than an open question.

That doesn't make sense.
Princess Luna is her sister. Why wouldn't she trust her?

"If I had to venture a guess, I'd say it's because she isn't one of her students," Sunburst stroked his chin with a hoof.

"Wh- That doesn't make any sense! Neither are THEY!" I swept a hoof in the direction of the blue mare and Pinkamena. I don't know why his words had made me so angry...

No, that's not true.

I knew perfectly well why they'd gotten me so mad.

Twilight was one of my friends. She was reliable. She deserved to be trusted.

"No, they're not," he conceded. Sunburst waved Pinkamena over, so she would stand next to the blue mare. "But they are Her Elements, and they're very precious friends of Her Highness."

The Elements...

I knew they were important, but I didn't know they were close to my mentor too. It wasn't hard to comprehend though. She was my beloved teacher, yes, but she had a life of her own too.

I lowered my head to check on Star, guilt burrowing into my breast.

"I'm... I'm sorry," I sighed, letting out my frustration before looking back up at Pinkamena and the blue mare. "Pinkamena..." I smiled, receiving the same back from the pink mare. "And you too... uhm?"

"Trixie," the blue unicorn offered me a kind smile. "Trixie Lulamoon."

"And you can call me Pinkie," the pink mare tossed in. "All of my friends do."

"Okay," I smiled at the duo. "And I'm Sunset Shimmer," I giggled.

"Sunset... I'm certain after your... confrontation with Chrysalis you know just how desperate Queen Cantata is to sort this situation out," Sunburst took back our attention. "The changelings are far too dangerous for any of us to just go about stumbling around in the darkness without any direction."

"I just... I really don't understand why Princess Celestia would leave us in the dark," I rubbed my head, my gaze lowering. I honestly would have thought she'd have been a lot more thorough with her guidance before we left Canterlot. But she hadn't been, and I couldn't understand why.

Not even with me...


"Princess Celestia can be... really mysterious," Trixie said softly. "But she's never steered us wrong." Her words drew my attention, the sweet smile on her face spreading onto my own. "I'm sure that applies to you too, Sunset."

"It... It does," I chuckled. " You're right," I nodded.

I just need to trust her.

That was easy as breathing.

"Well then," Sunburst clopped his hooves together. "Now that we've gotten all that out of the way," he waved Pinkie and Trixie closer to Star. "We're gonna need the two of you to work your magic."

Both mares nodded, their resolve unshakeable as they mentally and physically prepared themselves for the task at hoof.

"What should I do, Sunburst?" I asked, my hooves still clasped onto Star's.

"Stay close to her," his horn began to shimmer. "If anything goes wrong, do all that you can to comfort her, Sunset."

"O-okay," I nodded, though neither the words nor the action held any degree of confidence. His instructions were unclear at worst and vague at best. if I really was required, I'm not sure what exactly I would do. I prayed I wouldn't be.

He moved the covers off of Star with telekinesis, his yellow aura moving from the blanket to envelop her body.

"I'm going to start drawing out the sedative as soon as the purification process begins," he took a deep breath in and then out, clearly to settle his nerves. "On your mark, Trixie."

"I'll do my best!" The lavender aura coming from Trixie's horn was so... faint I could barely detect the use of mana. It was more than a little concerning, but I wouldn't object. Not when so much was on the line and they seemed like they knew what they were doing. "Ready, Pinkie!?"

"More than ready!" Pinkie bellowed, forcing my eyes onto her. "I made two new friends," her blazing eyes swept over me and Star. "And I'm planning on making it a trio," she laughed like a madmare. "MY HEART IS OVERFLOWING WITH JOY!" she yelled. Somehow, a torrent of pink energy raged around the earth pony, as blindingly powerful -- if not moreso -- than any unicorn's I'd ever encountered. "Don't you worry yourself one bit, Sunset! Everything's going to be fine!"

Her power grew louder, drowning out any noise we might've been able to hear. The sound coming from the earth pony was like the singing of a unicorn's horn, but turned up to the nth degree.

As the power flowed from her like a tsunami, I knew she was telling the truth. Finally able to take my eyes off the earth pony, I realized her energy had flooded the entire room, mixing with a second, much brighter red energy.

Where did...?


The faint lavender glimmer on her horn had solidified into a rampaging red tempest, nearly pushing me -- and everything else in the room -- away from her. I'm fairly certain the only thing keeping anything in place was the first spell Sunburst had utilized.

The blue unicorn had her eyes clenched tight, fighting to keep her power in check. When she suddenly opened them, -- both glowing the same bright red as the energy coming from her horn -- I knew it was the moment of truth. Everything, -- the cacophony of noise, the spells swirling throughout the room, my heart -- all of it stopped.

In an instant, all the energy built up in the room slammed into Star's body, her eyes opening wide as a rainbow of color swirled in each of them.

"Sunburst!" Trixie shouted, shattering the silence.

"On it!" the golden stallion ripped his mana from Star's body and along with it, a thick maroon blob -- which appeared to be coagulating -- held tightly in his telekinesis. "Wh... what is- I-I got it!" he floated it toward himself, casting more spells to keep... whatever it was, contained.


"We did it!" Trixie laughed, an exhausted action, but a relieved grin on her face.

"We sure did!" Pinkie hadn't lost an ounce of vigor, her buoyancy seemingly somehow even more potent now. I couldn't help but smile myself. "Told ya, Sunset! Easy peasy lemon squee-"

"S-Sun?" The faint whisper made my heart race. I looked down, looked at my friend. She was awake, a weak grin on her lips as her once again blue eyes, searched for me.

"I'm here, Star!" I nearly shouted, gripping her hoof tighter.

"I... I'm... glad," her search stopped as soon as she heard my voice. "Sun I-"

"Shhhh," I placed a hoof on her lips. "Try to get some rest..." I gently brushed her cheek with the same hoof. "For me?"

Her smile grew just a tad before she nodded and closed her eyes, falling back asleep almost instantly.

"Being purified by the Elements can really take it out of a creature," Sunburst stood next to me, laying a hoof on my shoulder. "Pair that with being infected with changeling depressants," he whistled, beyond impressed. "It speaks volumes of the sheer force of her will that she regained consciousness so quickly, if even for just a moment. I knew she wasn't all looks."

I couldn't lift my head, the tears now flowing freely. It had all had happened so fast, but, for just a moment, I really did think I might lose her...


I couldn't accept that.

But I didn't have to accept it.

And it was all thanks to them.

"Th-thank you," I got out between powerful sobs. "Thank you all so much." Still, I clung to Star's hoof.

I felt the others. First Pinkie, her soft hoof rubbing my withers. Then Trixie. Her hoof trembling as it was placed on my shoulder, but when I laid mine over hers it calmed considerably.

The embrace that we shared was that of the best of friends. They saved her.

I trusted them with my life.

Author's Note:

Time for the Elements to get some development. Get ready for a very different Trix.

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