• Published 6th Jul 2023
  • 3,687 Views, 1,043 Comments

Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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An interrogation?

"You will address me as Your Highness, Your Majesty, or Princess Luna," she was as serene as she had been back at my town. It made more sense now considering she had complete control of the sotuation... though I suppose she had it before as well. I nodded quickly. I definitely didn't want her getting like Celestia. "Good. Sit." It was another order, not a suggestion, and I immediately obeyed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

There was no point in trying to resist. I was deep inside enemy territory with my magic completely sealed. The only way I could possibly be any more helpless would be if they decided to hack off some of my limbs.

She sat to her haunches before taking a deep breath. I couldn't be sure if she was as angry as her elder sister had been, but she didn't look it. She seemed much better than her sister at hiding away her true emotions.

"Why?" she looked me directly in the eyes and asked me the simple question. There was no malice in her words, unlike Celestia, only a deep desire to know the answer to what she asked.

"I don't... I don't know what you mean by that." I chose to be honest rather than trying to provoke her into an unnecessary rage. "Why what?"

"Why did you enslave those ponies?" she clarified. I hadn't thought she'd meant that. I figured she'd be more concerned with her pathetic little disciple. She was either already trying to analyze me, or she actually cared about the riffraff. If I had to guess which, I'd choose the former.

"Why not?" I tilted my head, utterly bewildered by her inquiry. "I mean, I wanted some toys, so I made some." She continued to stare at me, her expression betraying no change in her emotions.

"And... you... see nothing wrong with this?" she asked.

"Should I?" I looked down in contemplation actually thinking about her question. Why would I? It's not like I killed them and I didn't abuse them or anything like that.

"You had at least six of those ponies imprisoned there for five years, Starlight Glimmer."

"Sssso?" Yeah, I
really couldn't see what the problem was.

"That's a minimum of thirty years taken. Taking into account there were over fifty ponies under your spell," she sighed as she began rubbing her temple, the first sign she'd shown that she wasn't an onyx statue. "I can reasonably assume that you stole up to one-hundred fifty years of life from those innocent creatures."

"INNOCENT!?" I nearly laughed, but was able to hold it in with some effort. I really did not want to piss her off. "I guess we view guilt in different lights."

"Explain," she remained unflappable.

"Nopony cared about me when I was all alone," I shrugged. "Why should I view everypony else as perfect little angels?" Still, she remained stoic. "As far as I'm concerned, you
all stabbed me in the back... or would now, if given the opportunity." She grew quiet, contemplating her next words carefully.

"Where is your family, Starlight Glimmer?" Yeah, I was expecting that one. I merely shrugged an "I don't know" in response.

"Your parents?" she persisted.

"Dead," I stated bluntly. It'd happened so long ago it didn't really bother me anymore. When I was seven years old mom got sick. All the medicine and magic in Equestria wasn't able to save her. Dad loved her more than anypony else. He... he left me by myself soon after she passed.

Mom's sister decided to take me in since she was never able to have a foal of her own. After my move, life got pretty normal for a while... until I got my cutie mark. My magic had always been abnormally strong. When I got my cutie mark... when I got my cutie mark, it became too much for me. I lost control.

My magic went haywire. At first, spells like lifting a spoon to eat at the dinner table became lifting the entire table... and soon after that lifting my aunt and her husband. Over time, I started unintentionally casting spells in my sleep. My family was actually very supportive at first, but it was easy to see they eventually just tolerated my mistakes. One day-

"You've no other family?" she asked.

"Not anymore." At least none that I was aware of. She was quiet for a while, her eyes shutting before she spoke again.

"What about friends?"

"Why would I want friends?" Such a strange question for her to ask. "I had everything I could ever want in my town... why would I need friends?"

"Listening to your words," she looked sad all of a sudden. Or maybe it was pity. Whatever it was, it made me feel nauseated. "You're a very fractured mare, Starlight Glimmer."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I had no clue what she was getting at, but her words pissed me off.

"No friends. No family... you enslaved ponies so you wouldn't be alone, yet you can't even recognize the evil of such depravity," she sighed, rubbing her eyes with her hooves. "You'd go so far as to continue down this path if given a second chance, would you not?" I took her words to heart, but they wouldn't magically change who I was.

"I'm... sorry?" I knew she knew I wasn't apologizing for what she'd wanted. "I won't reconsider everything I've ever learned in my life in a few minutes because I failed one time." I lifted a brow. "Could you?"

"Hm. A fair point, though I would not compare your meager lifespan to my own," she didn't flinch at my inquiry. "I've made my own fair share of mistakes... and I've made the appropriate corrections accordingly. Tradition and or stubbornness are no excuse for proper self improvement."

I chuckled, a purely innocent action. "You sound like you might actually care about me..." She didn't. She couldn't. She didn't even know me or everything I'd done.

"I am... intimately familiar with all of my subjects, Starlight Glimmer." Was that compassion in her eyes? "But not you... you chose to shut me out. Few ponies have the ability to prevent me from walking their dreams." Her sudden movement startled me. She stood and walked over to my side before taking a seat right next to me on the bed. "In your fear of the crimes you were committing being found out, you kept at bay one of the only ponies that truly wished to help you."

"What do you mean?" She wanted to help me? What an unfunny joke that was.

"I can still view your dreams and nightmares without force, Starlight." That couldn't be true. My spell should've completely locked my psyche away from everything else while I was asleep. She had to be lying. "All you accomplished was preventing me from entering them... from helping you like I desired."

"YOU'RE LYING!" I turned away from her, knowing she was being one-hundred percent honest.

"You're so very afraid of being alone," she ignored my outburst. "You had countless dreams... so many horrible nightmares that I could not help you with..."

I was starting to get really angry. My magic would've already been causing a storm of energy in the room had it not been locked away. I didn't need her sympathy. I didn't need anypony. "You're wrong."

"I saw, Starlight," her cryptic words made me tremble. She couldn't have... "I know what happened t-"

"YOUR MAJESTY, PLEASE!!" I turned to her the desperation surging through me coming to the surface, eliminating all other emotions in an instant. I nearly grabbed her, but instead dropped my hooves to my stomach before wrapping myself in my forelegs. "Please... please, don't."

The silence that flooded the room was suffocating. After several minutes, she continued.

"Celestia pushes for your execution, Starlight... I've not seen my sister so furious in... many a millennia," she closed her eyes. I wasn't surprised. From Celestia's perspective I was a monster... I AM a monster. "What do you think we should do with you?" she kept her eyes closed.

"Honestly... you should probably lock me up in a dungeon and throw away the key..." I thought for a second. Well, I was being honest, no point in stopping now. "Or take my head." Her eyes shot open. For the first time since coming in the room she showed she could be surprised.

"So you are aware of the severity of your transgressions?" her eyes narrowed.

"Hm? What? No, not at all," I shook my head, dismissively waving a hoof in front of myself. "Don't misunderstand Lu-" her eyes narrowed further, forcing me to catch myself. "Your Highness! I don't believe what I did was wrong and I certainly don't regret it, but..."

"But?" she raised a brow.

"But if you let me go, I'll just go right back to taking advantage of somepony else," I stated bluntly. "Survival of the fittest and all that." The look she gave me made me question whether or not honesty really was the best policy.

"So you've learned nothing?" she deadpanned.

"I wouldn't go that far," I pondered for a moment. "I learned I probably... no, I guess definitely... I definitely shouldn't have believed I could fight against you and Celestia."

"Not the lesson I'd hope you'd fixate on," she sighed, but I could swear there was a hint of amusement in her voice.

"What else is there?" I asked after trying to think of something I should've gained an understanding of. I drew a blank. She got off the bed as she started towards the door. She spoke without looking at me as she moved to leave the room.

"You are an enigma, Starlight Glimmer... I pray this is not the last time we get to speak with one another," she shut the door behind herself.

"You and me both... Your Highness... You and me both."


Standing in the castle's throne room before Celestia and Luna made me feel sick... and utterly insignificant. The Immortal Sisters sitting on their thrones of sun and moon respectively were more intimidating than I could ever hope to be. The absence of any other creatures in the room was particularly unsettling. I was completely at their mercy and they could do whatever they wished to me.

"Starlight Glimmer!" I cringed at the boom of Celestia's voice. It had been several hours since I'd been moved to Canterlot. I had been brought a small meal during the wait so they were at least treating me much better then I'd expected to be... until I came face to face with Celestia again.

"Yes, Your Highness?" I bowed low to the ground, my nose almost touching the floor. I had to appear obedient, had to be respectful... even if I was anything but.

"Get up, Starlight," the volume of her voice had lowered several octaves."Your pathetic acting isn't fooling anypony."

Darn it.

I lifted myself up, staring directly at the Sun Princess. There really was no point in trying to deceive her. I couldn't even apologize. She'd know I couldn't care less and was just trying to save my own skin.


"You are not to speak unless spoken to, do you understand?" she was brutal, nothing like her younger sibling had been. I really wanted nothing more than to slap her.

"Yes," I remained obedient despite the fact that she was aware of my pretending.

"Yes, YOUR MAJESTY," she corrected me harshly, the annoyance on her face vivid.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I complied. The whole time I spoke with her Luna kept her gaze locked forward, not even acknowledging my presence. She was as unreadable as ever. I wasn't sure if that was good for my prospects or bad.

"I have only one question for you, Starlight Glimmer. Then I will pass my judgment." Only one? I hoped it wasn't something stupid like whether or not I felt remorse for my actions. "Despite stealing Sunset's cutie mark you did not harm her or my sister's protégé. Upon further investigation none of your victims seem to be malnourished or abused. Neither mentally or physically did you treat them poorly... Why?"

"I-" I wasn't sure how to answer that without sounding like a complete sociopath. Even a foal didn't want to break their toys. As a responsible mare I took good care of my playthings. For some reason the idea of saying that out loud felt like a terrible idea. "There's no point in senseless abuse," I shrugged before realizing my mistake. "Y-Your Majesty!" I blurted out in an attempt to remedy my disrespect.

"You never killed any of your slaves, either deliberately or inadvertantly?" My quick thinking had allayed some of Celestia's anger. Luna finally looked at me, her eyes betraying a hint of sadness for a fleeting moment.

"Not to my knowledge, Your Majesty," I answered. A broken toy was no longer fun to play with. A dead creature was a useless creature. Celestia sighed, her strong demeanor slowly fading away.

"Very well," she glanced at her sister before returning her gaze to me. "By your own admission you are still a menace to Equestria and our subjects, Starlight Glimmer." Well, she wasn't wrong. "However, my sister has chosen to show you clemency." I gaped at the Princess of the Night who'd returned to looking directly ahead. "Thank your lucky stars she is benevolent, for I would not have shown you the same leniency."

"Th-thank you, Your Highness!" Despite my speaking out of line Celestia did not reprimand me. Still, Luna simply looked ahead.

"Now then," Celestia regained my attention. "For your punishment," I knew this was coming, but if I'd been shown mercy I at least wouldn't be killed... hopefully. "You are to stay in Canterlot for the foreseeable future under the supervision of my sister and I. You will be provided with a permanent room in the castle and you will receive instruction and direction from both Luna and myself."

"I-I don't understand, Your Highness." As far as I could tell I was... being imprisoned within the castle?

"You defeated our students alone, Starlight," she frowned. "Whether I'd like to admit it or not, that takes an exceptional amount of skill. Equestria can use that level of talent." Was she really...? "From this day forth, you will join our apprentices as a student of both my sister and I."

Wha- I- huh?

My brain stopped processing.

Author's Note:

And so we start with the trio being all together in Canterlot... or do we? Will Starlight abide by her sentence or will she try something?

Thanks all for the comments, views, and likes!

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