• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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A failure no longer

"That's... really something, Your Highness." I didn't really know what to say. I couldn't care less about Shining Armor or what he was doing, and I had no clue why she'd consider it necessary to notify me of such a thing. Though I suppose the information would explain how Cadenza knew my name.

"He is your kin, Twilight," she sighed, clearly disappointed due to my indifference. "Surely you do not continue to bear a grudge after so much time has passed?"

"He ABANDONED me, Your Majesty," I scoffed before exhaling a breath to calm myself a bit. "When I needed him most, he left me alone." She winced as if some undesired memory had come to her mind because of my words. "I will NEVER forgive him, Your Majesty."

"Twilight..." she looked so sad in that moment it made me want to take everything I said back. It made me want to immediately tell her I'd forgive my brother and act like nothing
bad had ever happened between us... but I couldn't.

I just... can't.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." I wanted to cry, but not because I was sad, because I was upset with myself.

"My dearest..." It was clear by the look she gave me that she was sympathetic to my plight, but I knew her far too well to think that that was all she felt. "I understand your reservations, truly, I do. However..."


That was an understatement if I'd ever heard one.

"However, you think I should compromise and try to reconcile with him," I didn't groan, didn't even sigh. I had way too much reverence for her to do such a thing.

"I believe..." she looked uncomfortable for a moment before smiling, her compassionate eyes focusing on mine. "I believe family is of the utmost importance, my dearest. If not for Tia I might have..." her smile faltered. "I dread to think what might have happened had I given myself over to the darkness."

"I understand, Your Highness. I really do, but..." I'd loved him. He'd been my best friend, my only big brother. And he hurt me. He'd hurt me like I'd never thought I could be hurt... and then he left. "I can't, Princess," tears fell from my eyes. I wanted so badly to relent and do her bidding, but I couldn't.

I hate him.

"My dearest, you know I would never force you to do anything..." She turned her face away from me, definitely a bad sign.

"But?" I moved my head closer to hers, trying to see her face.

"Tis the other reason I wished to speak with you," she took a deep breath, but still didn't face me. "Queen Cantata has made an official request that you attend the wedding."


"Why would she do that?!" I was suddenly beside myself, my mind no longer processing things properly.



"WHO IS QUEEN CANTATA?!" I shouted as I slammed a hoof onto the table. I saw crimson, all my reason thrown out the window as I stood to my hooves. My horn was scorching with dark energy, the dark mana of the demon overflowing from it and enveloping my entire body.

"M-my dearest!?"

As the fog of rage dissipated from my vision and the foreign mana retreated back inside of me, I realized Her Highness was staring at me with an expression I'd never seen on her before. Her eyes were wide with shock, her jaw hanging slack.

She's scared? She's scared of ME.

The regret I felt
at witnessing, at realizing my folly was so crippling, I nearly collapsed.

"Y-Your... Your Highness?" I lifted a hoof toward her, pleading with her, praying that she wouldn't.

P-please... Please don't.

She had never let me down before. She wasn't going to start now. The look of fear was gone, instantly replaced with concern. She grabbed my hoof and pulled me into her, wrapping her forelegs and wings around me in an embrace.

"T'was merely surprise, Twilight. Nothing more, I swear it." She held me tightly. "I'm sorry, my dearest. T'was not fear, I swear." She cradled my trembling body. "You've never displayed such... open hostility before. I... I did not expect such a reaction."

"It's... It's okay, Your Majesty. It's just, an official decree? A Queen from the Crystal Empire? My brother?" For the first time since I could remember, I pulled away from her. "This is all so much out of nowhere. Can you... can you start from the beginning, please?" I took a seat on my chair.

"Of course, my dearest," she settled into her own chair before taking a deep breath and starting her explanation. "Yesterday, Tia and I were... somewhat unexpectedly visited by Queen Cantata and her only daughter, Princess Cadenza of the Crystal Empire."

You'd think there'd be more fanfare in Canterlot for the arrival of a queen and princess of a foreign country... It was especially strange that the girls and I hadn't heard a thing about them while the three of us were out galavanting about in the public.

"The royal family of the north is... humble, to say the least," she continued. "They tend to travel light and are typically only escorted by a small detail of guards."

Well, I guess that explains a lot.

They wouldn't exactly garner much attention if they chose to travel like a bunch of nobles and not royalty.

"Nevertheless, the purpose of their visit was at the behest of the one who came to your aid, Princess Cadenza." I couldn't help but feel like my mistress had used that specific wording to soften my resistance. Regardless, it worked a little bit. Cadenza had helped me, I couldn't deny that.

"Did she say why?" I had a vague idea, but Her Majesty would actually know the specific reason and so I'd asked.

"As I said, my dearest. She is betrothed to your brother," she looked at me as if I was failing to understand the simple message she was trying to convey. I guess I really was.


"Twilight, soon you will have a sister that is a princess, as well as a brother who is a prince of Equestria." She continued to look at me as if she couldn't believe I still wasn't getting it.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," I shook my head. "I really don't see why that would matter to me at all."

"The Nightmare, my dearest. It feeds on the darkness inside of one's soul. The hatred I felt for my sister neatly cost me everything. Your hatred for Shining Armor... for your brother... it could..." she trailed off, her head dipping downwards.

I don't know how I couldn't see it before. It was so obvious. After all these years, I hadn't grown at all. I was still just an immature foal.

Shining was right.

"Why am I such a failure, Your Highness?" my head fell. I shouldn't have asked her that, but she was the wisest being I knew. Surely she'd be able to tell me why I couldn't succeed, could tell me why I'd never been able to succeed.

"My dearest..." I expected her to touch me, wanted to feel her warmth against my skin. I wanted her to comfort me. I wanted her to hold me. She did none of those. "Am I... h-have I f-failed you?" My head lifted immediately only to find her covering her eyes with her hooves as silent sobs shook her frame.

"Y-Your Highness...? no..." I was frozen in place, despair gripping my heart.

How could she-

"I am your m-mentor, my dearest..." she attempted to wipe the tears away with her hooves, but they would not stop coming. "You are my only p-pupil... The only one I've ever... If you still truly believe t-that you are a failure, I can think of n-none to blame, save m-myself."

I was hurting her. My own self-doubt, my own self-loathing was hurting the pony I loved more than life itself. Even stronger than my hatred for Shining Armor. Stronger than my hatred for myself. Stronger than anything else in my life, was my love for her.

It has to stop.

I had to put a stop to it.

I calmly stood from my chair, moving it out of the way as I stepped up to her. I prostrated myself before her, my nose touching the floor as I did my utmost to express just how remorseful I was.

"M-MY DEAREST!?!" she sounded shocked, but I couldn't verify if she was, my muzzle firmly pressed against the floor.

"PLEASE! YOUR HIGHNESS!" I shouted as loud as I could, not lifting my body an inch.

I have to tell her.

I had to show her. "From the first moment we met, you've been the best teacher I could ever ask for! You're everything to me! I love you so much it hurts, Your Majesty! You changed me for the better! You pulled me out of the darkness and-" I took a shaking breath as I raised my head and looked her in her beautiful twinkling azure eyes. "And you made me a success!"

"My dearest..." she sniffled, a smile blooming on her face.

"It's because of you that I can say without any doubts in my heart," I grabbed her hoof and laid my forehead against it.

Don't liiiie to her, Twiiiily...

"I AM NOT A FAILURE!" My shout was so loud I was certain all the guards in the vicinity heard me. I couldn't care less. The look of appreciation, of love that my beloved mentor gave me was worth it.

Besides, I was going to prove it them.

To my mistress.

To myself.

To my brother.

To everypony.


"So your sister is the one who consented to my attendance?" I scratched my head in frustration. Her Majesty and I had taken our seats once again, continuing our discussion on the subject of Queen Cantata and Princess Cadenza once the two of us had properly calmed down and said our apologies.

Apparently, Cadenza had heard many a good tale from my brother about me. These stories had seemingly inspired Cadenza and gave her an idea. While the Crystal Empire had always shared a pleasant relationship with Canterlot, the young princess saw an opportunity to strengthen those bonds even further.

She was completely enamored with Shining Armor and he was a member of Princess Celestia's Solar Guard and related to Her Majesty's only disciple in history. While the world was unaware of my actual relationship with my brother, the ramifications of such a union were momentous.

Supporters of the Immortal Sisters would probably celebrate the marriage, citing the fact that it would, in fact, improve the ties between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. Enemies of the crown would definitely accuse them of hoping to extend their control beyond their own borders. Her Highness had influence on me and they'd more than likely claim I'd have influence over my brother. With the fact that he'd eventually become the king of the empire, that created quite a pickle for all of us.

It's all so... stupid.

I hated politics more than most things, a mentality I picked up from watching my mistress. Even during royal business she tended to remain silent and let her older sister take the lead. Which, unfortunately, is what ended up causing this whole mess.

"She believes it to be the best course of action, my dearest," she confirmed my suspicions.

"And you, Your Majesty?" I couldn't care less about what Princess Celestia thought about it. Her Majesty's thoughts were all I cared about. "What do you believe?"

"I think... I too think you should go," she laid a hoof on my chest, drawing my gaze to it. "Your heart needs to heal. Tis still in such great pain, my dearest."

I took a deep breath, her touch sending waves of comfort through me. Still, I dreaded seeing Shining Armor again. Regardless, she was right. I had to grow up. I had to talk to him. Either to finally reconcile... or to cut ties with him permanently.

"Then... I'll go," I grabbed her hoof and lifted it to my lips, placing the gentlest kiss there. "For you."

"My dearest..." a slight blush came to her cheeks, but that was overshadowed by her shimmering smile. "Thank y-"

"L-LUNA!?!" the door to the lab blasted open, a frantic Starlight Glimmer rushing into the room. I glared at her venomously, despite the look of abject terror on her face. "Er, I-I mean, PRINCESS LUNA!" she noticed my displeasure and corrected herself accordingly. I simply rolled my eyes, muffling a quiet laugh.

"What's wrong, Starlight? You look as if you've just seen a ghost." My mistress stood to her hooves.

"Is Sunset okay!?" My heart skipped a beat at the possibilty that something bad might've happened.

"What!?" Starlight looked confused for a second before replying. "Oh! Yeah! No, she's fine," she shook her head.

"Sunset Shimmer is currently with my sister," my mistress had her eyes closed as she examined the castle. "What is the issue, Starlight?" She opened her eyes, regarding the lilac mare politely.

"I..." a crimson tinge came to... her entire body?

Oh, this is gonna be good.

"I'm not really sure, but I might've just unintentionally almost maaaaybe committed... regicide," she slid her hoof back and forth on the floor, looking altogether like a filly who'd been caught stealing a candy from a foal.

"Wha... you..."

She's been here for less than a week and she..?

I couldn't hold it in, it was just way too funny. Even my mistress had to cover her smile with a hoof. "HAHAHAHAHA!" I fell off my chair, grabbing at my belly as the intense fit of laughter rocked my body.

To her credit, Starlight hadn't gotten any more embarrassed, though I'm not sure if that was even possible at this point.

"YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE LAUGHING LIKE THAT WHEN I GET THROWN IN THE DUNGEONS TWILIGHT!!!" the fuming mare stomped up to me. She lifted me into the air with a telekinesis spell, though I continued to laugh. "Or if we have to go to war..." She seemed to suddenly realize whatever she'd done might actually bring harm to more creatures than just herself, but I knew there was nothing to worry about.

"I'm pretty sure my soon to be sister-in-law isn't about to declare war on us because you did something stupid, Starlight," I managed to get out once my laughter had faded. I wiped a tear from my eye as the mare let me back down onto the floor.

"Your... sister?" Starlight was completely confounded by this revelation.

"Soon to be," I clarified. "Sister-in-law."

"Mayhaps, you're overreacting, Starlight? Just a tad?" my mistress suggested, though since she was being a lot more reasonable than I was, she hadn't drawn the ire of the lilac unicorn.

"I don't think so, Princess," she shook her head. "I... kind of... did sort of... threaten to take the lives of her guards."


"...with my magic..."


"...and uh, with their swords."


"...and I may have... used... just a teensy bit of magic... on the princess."


"THAT," my mistress cut me off before I could finish ranting. "Is quite concerning, Starlight." My mistress moved a chair out from one of the tables as she took a seat. "Perhaps you and I should have a chat."

"S-sure, Your Highness," Starlight walked over to have a seat herself.

"Iiii'm actually gonna head out," I lifted my hooves into the air in surrender. "This is WAY too much for me on top of the whole, "going to see my brother" thing."

"Wait! YOU HAVE A BROTHER!?" Starlight gaped. "Older or younger?"

"O-older?" I wasn't really sure why that would matter to her.

"Unfortunately, Starlight, he's already engaged to marry that Princess whose guards you had a scuffle with." My mistress looked thoroughly pleased at being the one to reveal that tidbit of information to the lilac unicorn.

"Oh, you misunderstand, Your Majesty," Starlight smirked like a demon, returning her gaze to me. "I'm not the one interested in stuff like THAT," her smile grew tenfold as she glared at me. "I was just wondering if I was gonna be getting an older brother or a younger one, once Sparkles here finally finds the courage to pop the question to me."

Starlight Glimmer YOU B- as I moved to snap the trickster's neck my mistress' lament filled voice stopped me.

"A-ah, I see. I was not aware my dearest... felt that way about..." Her Highness suddenly looked and sounded so... devastated, her ears drooping atop her head along with the rest of her form.

"I-I was only kidding, Your Majesty," Starlight didn't laugh or gloat. While she had obviously gotten the desired effect from me, I don't think she was expecting such a reaction from my mistress. The lilac mare honestly looked a smidge guilty.

It doesn't suit her.

"A-AH, I SEE! T'WAS MERELY JESTING! YES. I SEE, I SEE! QUITE THE CLEVER RUSE, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!" she laughed awkwardly as she turned her head away, but not before the dark maroon had spread across her face.

Thaaaat... was weird.

"I'm... I'm gonna head out," I turned to leave, not wanting deal with anything more at the moment, even if it had to do with Her Majesty.

I really need a break.

"T-Twilight?" Her Majesty called out to me before I had a chance to make my escape.

"Yes, Your Highness?" I glanced over my shoulder.

"One final thing," she looked sheepish, not looking me in the eye. "Celestia has asked that you meet with her later today in her quarters... to hammer out the details of your trip. At your leisure, of course."

That was the most troubling news I'd received all day.

Author's Note:

Fun. I like writing these two together. And Starlight is just always fun.

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