• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Her Elements Pt. 4

"Dash, I'm tellin' ya. We have ta work together!" Applejack was practically begging, but it was clear from the look on the blue pegasus' face that she wasn't buying anything her friend was selling.

"And I already told you, Applejack," Rainbow Dash looked at me with utter disdain. "I'm not doing it!"


Applejack had been nothing but pleasant after I promised to do my best to rectify things. She'd reluctantly agreed to give Twilight a second chance and that was all that I could I ask of the mare. Discussions were much more civil after that, on both Sunburst's intentions to bring our groups together and what our next moves should be.

The six of us decided it was best to try and find the final two Elements before any of Chrysalis' changelings had hopefully gotten to them. Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, and Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, were the last two ponies I'd yet to meet. They were somewhere on palace grounds. More likely than not, in the gardens, according to Rarity. The Element of Generosity seemed to be quite informed.

According to the girls, -- Trixie, Rarity, Applejack, and even the bubbly Pinkie Pie -- I was most likely going to have the hardest time with the last pair of Elements. Rainbow Dash -- being the Element of Loyalty -- was firmly in the "Twilight deserves no mercy for what she did to my friends" camp. As the personification of loyalty, the fact that she was being so steadfast about it made a lot more sense.

Fluttershy though... according to the girls, she was in a similar camp to Dash, though a much more peaceful one. I couldn't understand why kindness would hold a vendetta, but it was already more than obvious she was fiercely loyal to her friends as well.

As soon as our group stepped out into the vast gardens I was able to catch sight of the two pegasi responsible for the music and the... to be honest, I wasn't sure what Rainbow Dash was in charge of for the wedding.

Well, if that isn't the most appropriate name ever.

She couldn't have been any more rainbow-ish if she tried. Her multicolored mane and tail were a dead giveaway and judging by the way she was zipping through the sky, "Dash" was a perfect designation for her.

Fluttershy -- or at least, who I assumed was Fluttershy -- was standing on the ground beneath the cyan mare...

Conducting a choir... of birds? That's new.

With the utmost wariness, I followed behind the others to speak with their friends. Little did I know, it was going to go far worse than I'd expected.


Everything was going well. At least, at first. Both pegasi were cordial and treated me with respect... until I uttered a single word alluding to Twilight. As soon as they'd found out about my relationship with Luna's disciple the blue mare gave me the dirtiest look I'd ever received before trying to take off and fly to Celestia knows where.

Fortunately, Sunburst managed to stop her from leaving, utilizing a telekinetic spell that forced the pegasus back to her hooves on the ground. Unfortunately, all his efforts had resulted in was a heated argument between Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

And that was currently what was transpiring. The farm mare was physically grappling with Rainbow Dash, the rest of us standing back and watching.

"YA CAN'T JUST RUN AWAY FROM THIS, DASH!" Applejack roared in her friend's face, holding her tightly by the fluff on her chest. "WE HAVE A JOB TA DO!"

"You think I actually care about that right now?" the blue pegasus wasn't even looking at her friend. Instead, her eyes were still locked onto me.

"It doesn't really matter if you care," Sunburst interjected, stomping up to the pair. His horn was blazing gold, a stern expression on his face. "We have neither the time nor the resources to be squabbling amongst one another like this," he forcefully separated the farm pony and the flier with another telekinetic spell. "Quash this animosity, Rainbow Dash," he focused on the blue mare. "If you don't, I will. Princess Celestia ordered us all to work tog-"

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT CEL-" She finally lost her temper, but thankfully, she was cut off.

"Rainbow Dash. Stop." For the first time since we'd come outside, the yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, had spoken. All of her actions up to this point had been merely gestures or quiet hums. The yellow pegasus looked completely calm, a surprising contrast to her now fuming friend. It was a little unnerving, her expression completely unreadable.

Everypony else had looks of shocked horror on their faces. Everypony else, that is, save Sunburst.

"You should listen to your friend, Rainbow," his horn pulsed menacingly. "I assure you, you do not want to finish that sentence."


"Tch!" the rainbow maned pegasus finally flinched, but decided to continue running her mouth. "We didn't need anypony else before," she switched topics. A very wise decision if Sunburst's face was any indication. "Why should we rely on a few weaklings now?"

"They aren't-"

"I can show you," I interrupted Sunburst, my head remaining down, but my words firm. I couldn't just stand around and say nothing while she ran down me and my friends. I was representing too many ponies important to me to let her say such awful things. "Just how wrong you are." I took a step toward the pegasus, my horn flaring red.

"G-girls!?" Rarity shouted, now clearly panicked.

"Sunset, ya don't have t-"

"Alright then," Rainbow cut Applejack off, a smirk coming to the cyan mare's face. "Just remember one thing... just because your little friend sucker punched us back on the train doesn't mean we're weak either," she crouched low, getting into a combative stance as her wings unfurled at her sides. "And don't think for a second I'll go easy on you just because of who you are."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I was already prepping several spells and barriers for the incoming melee. She was an Element. This wouldn't be easy.

"Dashie, you don't have to fight!" Pinkie cried out. "We can all be friends!"

"I have to fight, Pinks," Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Nopony hurts my friends and gets away with it. Not even one of Luna's little lapdogs."

"Rainbow Dash," Trixie's voice was deathly calm, a little disturbing even. It was also her first time speaking since we all entered the gardens. She'd remained silent the entire conversation, but now she looked mildly annoyed.

"What is it, Trix?" the blue pegasus replied without looking the unicorn's way.

"Get it out of your system," Trixie spoke with an authoritative tone she never employed before, or, I suppose, one I'd never heard before. "Whether you like it or not, we will be cooperating with Sunset and her friends."

"Maybe if she impresses me," Rainbow scoffed.

"Rainbow Dash." Trixie stated with a hint of flint in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," she licked her lips, her smile growing wider. "By the time this is over, you won't even want to work with her, Trix." The two of us were given a wide berth by the others, the gardens the perfect location for something like this to occur, especially for the pegasus. She would have all the room in the world to utilize those wings of hers.

"Are you ready?" I snorted. "Or are you just planning to run your mouth all day?" That last comment... the way she'd said Princess Luna's name had gotten my blood boiling. I was already irritated enough by her lack of cooperation -- especially when it came to something as important as fighting the changelings -- but the aggression towards Twilight's mentor... my friend, was completely unwarranted.

"Say when," she lifted her eyebrows in an attempt to goad me into doing something foolish.

"When!" I roared, launching a paralyzing spell directly at her smug face. It never connected. She blasted into the air so quickly it made all the flying she'd done previously look like it'd been performed in slow motion.

S-so fast!

It took me several seconds to locate her. She was
incredibly high in the sky, flapping her wings and staring down at me as if I were an ant... or maybe a snail is more apt.

Getting a projectile to connect is going to be nearly impossible.

I'd have to find a way to slow her jets or it was going to be a short scuffle.

In the blink of an eye she was on me, a kick aimed at my face. She slammed into my barrier causing it to crackle and nearly fail completely in an instant. It was a good thing I'd done what little research I had.

Thanks, Celestia.

The previous shield I'd used against Starlight would've been easily circumvented and I would've ended up taking a vicious blow had I not made the decision to improve my defenses.

Still, I was no expert at the spell and as soon as she noticed the faltering wall she flew backwards and blasted in again to make another assault.

"You're making this way too easy, Subset!" she cackled.

"Not this time, Dash!"
Just as her forehooves were about to connect with my failing barrier, I leapt backwards, shifting the composition of my mana. The cyan pegasus collided with the now thick, sticky substance, tumbling to the ground.

"W-what the...!?" she glared at the muck covering her body and wings, clearly disgusted.

"You're way too impulsive, Rainbow," I smirked at the subdued mare. "I didn't think it'd be that easy to clip your wings."

Now let's see what you're really made of, Loyalty.

"That's because it's not." With some effort, she was able to stand to her hooves in spite of the muck. "Your little trap won't keep me earthbound for long!" She began to shimmer, a bright blue glow coming to her coat. "Not when I'm fighting for my friends!"

In a flash of blinding light the mana I'd used to constrict her disappeared, the power of her element completely nullifying my magical trap.

I thought as much...

"Too easy!" she flew into the air once again, cackling all the way. "You're gonna need to do a lot better than that!" she shouted down from above me, circling like a vulture.

She doesn't have magic... not in the traditional sense. She'll have to come to me...

I stared up at her, my horn singing as I continued to watch her like a hawk.

Guess I'll have to do something... unconventional. But what?

It wasn't a fight I could win without completely incapacitating her. I didn't want to hurt her, so I'd have to take a different approach.

She's the sphere... and you're the ring, Sunset. She's going to come full force again soon... What would Star do?


I knew exactly what Star would do.

So, the opposite then.

"You know what's funny, Rainbow?" I yelled up at her, a confident smile blooming on my face.

"What's that, Subset?" At any moment she could attack, despite how relaxed she was flying right now. It forced me to be on my guard.

"You might think you're the only one fighting for them," I swept a hoof towards everypony standing around me. "But you're not!" The base of my horn was burning, but I ignored it. My horn's song reached its crescendo.

"SHOW ME!" she shot down at me like a bolt of lightning, doing exactly what I'd expected. She was going fast enough that no amount of energy I could generate would stop her, so I wouldn't. I stood onto my hind legs, digging my hooves into the ground.

At the very last second -- her hooves a micrometer from making contact with my chest -- I casted my spell, fortifying my body with as much mana as I could muster.

The impact was what I'd imagine it'd be like to be hit with a cannonball. It was every bit as loud too. Despite a clenched jaw and boosted physical endurance, I let out a loud grunt of pain. I was driven into the ground, a crater forming where my withers slammed into the earth.

The shouting from the girls barely registered through the ringing in my ears, my blurred vision filled with falling debris and the beautiful sky.

Okay... that hurt a lot more than I thought it would...

As I reached down to check the damage with a shaking hoof, I realized her attack had done a whole lot more than just crack a rib or two.

Definitely gonna need a doctor... or a mortician.

It was hard to breathe. Each time I made an effort to take a deep breath sharp pains cascaded through my torso.

"YOU IDIOT!" Rainbow Dash was standing over my body, her panicked face entering my vision. "WHY DIDN'T YOU MOVE!? ANY UNICORN COULD'VE AVOIDED THAT, NO PROBLEM! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELEPORT AWAY!?"

"Sometimes not resisting does far more than fighting," Sunburst replied to the pegasus, now standing next to me as well. His horn was shining brightly, his aura covering me. "This is really bad," the concern on his face was expected. "You broke some of her ribs, Dash. And..."

"Sunset..." Trixie was next to me, holding my free hoof in hers.

"I didn't mean to hurt her! I..." Rainbow was beside herself. "I just wanted to... I was just..."

"Pretty hard... to hold back..." I chuckled weakly at the fright-filled mare. "When you're... doing it... for your friends... huh, Dash?"

I was encircled by them all now.


"Overreacted because somepony hurt her friend," Trixie cut Rainbow Dash off, keeping her disappointed eyes on me. "Just like you just did, Rainbow Dash."

"I..." the pegasus stopped short, a look of shame coming to her face. "I'm... sorry."

"Don't you see, Dash?" Trixie looked at the pegasus, a meek smile on the unicorn's face. "Twilight was too."

A dumbstruck expression came to the flier's face, but only for a moment. She covered her face with a hoof, an entertained grin lifting her lips before she started laughing.

"D-Darling?" Rarity squeaked.

"I reckon she's startin' ta get it," Applejack shook her head.

"Finally!" Pinkie shouted in delight.

"Yeah, it only took maiming Sunset," Sunburst wasn't happy and he was making that apparent.

"So I screwed up," Rainbow Dash sighed contentedly as soon as her laughter died down. "That's nothing new. Won't be the last time either, trust me, I know." She looked down at me, thoroughly impressed. "You're one tough mare, Sunset. I've never met anypony crazy enough to take one of my hits head on just to make a point."

"Thanks... Rainbow, but I, uhm..." I groaned. "So, I'm gonna..." I winced, the pain steadily getting worse. "need some help... maybe a... doctor."

"No need," the pegasus stepped to the side. "Come on, Flutters. We can trust her."

The yellow pegasus -- the only one who'd yet to get close to me -- stood above me, a small smile playing at her lips.

"You'll be okay, Sunset." Her voice was angelic now. A far cry from when she'd reprimanded Rainbow. She gently laid a hoof on my chest, drawing a sharp intake of air from me and forcing my eyes shut. It hurt, but as she began to glow a golden hue the pain completely faded away.

My eyes flitted open, everypony standing around me, but giving me some air. I stood to my hooves, all the debilitating aches gone.

"H-how!?" I pressed a hoof against my chest. It felt normal. Nothing was broken. I was fine.

"Fluttershy is our white mage!" Pinkie bounced excitedly. "She can fix anyone up, no problemo."

I turned to face the yellow pegasus, a gentle smile on her face.

"Thank you, Fluttershy," I bowed my head slightly in appreciation. I wanted to hug her, but I decided that was a bit much. There'd be time for that later.

"Anything for a friend, Sunset."


Star was still lying in my bed, safe and sound. She had a peaceful look on her face, one that made all the previous efforts of the day worthwhile. Twilight had come back at some point too, fast asleep in her own bed. It was good to see her. Beyond good, but...

She did it because I had gotten hurt.

I wanted to yell at her for doing something so irrational for my sake. I also wanted to kiss her for caring so much about my well-being. I had no idea how to handle it. I was mad, yes, but I was so very happy too.

"Thanks, Twilight." With the utmost care I nuzzled into her cheek. She didn't make a sound, didn't even stir.

She must've had a long day too.

We unanimously decided -- the Elements, Sunburst, and I -- to reconvene early tomorrow... along with Star and Twilight. I'd been welcomed by them. Now, it was up to my friends to decide what they wanted to do.

I crept over to Star's bed and laid down. The scent of lilacs -- her scent -- on the covers, soothing me and making me all the more comfortable. It was late into the night, most of the palace already in Princess Luna's realm. Tomorrow would be another taxing day, possibly the hardest of my life, but I'd face any adversity with a smile on my face as long as my two best friends were with me...

I could only pray that once we'd all come together, everything would work out for the best...


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