• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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A new assignment

"Okay, I'm not gonna lie," Starlight swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "I didn't see things going that badly." She wasn't all sunshine and daisies anymore, a look of sincere regret now on her face.

"Did you know?" I was more than a little livid as I drew near the lilac unicorn. If she had...

"Hm?" she looked at me quizzically. For some reason that made me even more angry than a blunt 'yes' would have. Yeah, Starlight was manipulative, that much was obvious since the moment we'd met, but maybe she... maybe, it was all just a big misunderstanding. Maybe she really didn't know.

"You mentioned Princess Luna." I stared into her unflinching eyes. She didn't give an inch. "Did you know?"

"Know? Know what?" she tilted her head, the innocence she tried to portray wasn't fooling anyone.

"Starlight!" I was beginning to lose my patience and the exasperated rolling of her eyes wasn't helping her case.

"Of course I knew, Sunset," she shrugged, looking completely blasé about the entire situation.

"STARLIGHT!?" I glared at the mare in disbelief, my horn bursting to life. Is this why she'd decided to stay? So she could sow seeds of discord among us? It's not like that'd be a departure from her typical attitude...

"Listen Sunset, Princess Luna said I should be myself around Twilight..." she lifted a hoof lackadaisically. "Even if she doesn't like it." Starlight suddenly glared back, her resolve now rock solid. For some reason her lack of empathy pissed me off even more... or maybe it's because I couldn't get Twilight's look of fear out of my mind... Either way, I was in the unicorn's face in a second.

"I'm sure she didn't mean she wanted you to be a COLOSSAL BI-"

"Sunset Shimmer." The gentle, yet commanding voice of the Princess of the Night ended my tirade as quickly as it had began.

"Princess Luna?" I was functioning on cylinders I didn't know I possessed, my pulse racing as I shifted my attention to the dark alicorn. It took me a second to rein in the mana that was supercharging my horn, but the look of genuine concern on Luna's face placated me instantly.

"Calm your nerves, Sunset," It was far from an order and didn't even feel like one, but I was so used to being targeted by the alicorn I almost protested her words... almost. "I'm sure you know as well as I, my dearest Twilight's reverence for me can be a bit... fanatical." She was right, of course. I took a deflated step away from Starlight. To her credit, the lilac mare had taken my sudden outburst in stride.

"I... that's true," I agreed. "but that doesn't mean we have to push her so hard." I glanced at my teacher. She kept the same mask of serenity on, the one that she'd utilized at countless political gatherings. I hated that mask more than any of the others.

"Perhaps you are correct," Luna sighed as she walked up to Starlight and I. "but you must admit, she has never displayed such a high level of strength as she did just now."

"I..." I looked at the three mares around me. "I guess I can't." I dropped my gaze to the floor. "Still..."

"The three of you are very special, Sunset," my mentor finally spoke, joining the three of us within the classroom. She looked down at me with a comforting smile. "Finding ways to challenge you all is going to be quite... taxing for us," she sighed, her smile faltering a bit. "And honestly our requests may sometimes seem a bit..."

"Unsavory," Luna looked at Starlight with half a smirk on her muzzle. "That should be right down your alley, eh Starlight?"

"Ha ha ha, Your Highness," Starlight looked at the alicorn dryly. "You're quite the comedian."

"Am I not correct?" Luna lifted a... playful brow? "If so, I shall withdraw my assertion posthaste." When had they become so buddy-buddy with each other?

"Eye of the beholder, Your Highness," Starlight snickered with a dismissive shake of her head. "Savory," she lifted one hoof. "Sweet," then the other, before clopping them together. "Delicious!" she looked at me with a wicked grin reminiscent of the first time we'd seen one another. "Taste is all subjective at the end of the day, anyway."

"Quite," Luna didn't argue, instead turning her attention back to me. Her expression was completely unreadable. "Your concern is... most quizzical, Sunset Shimmer. I was under the impression that you loathed my dearest pupil."


"What would make you think that, Princess?" I couldn't fathom what could cause a misconception like that. Sure, Twilight and I weren't the best of friends... or even friends at all, but I most certainly did not hate her. She was my cute plucky rival... errr, plucky rival.

"From what I've seen, the opposite is actually true," Starlight smirked, grabbing the attention of the room.

What the hay is that supposed to mean?

"Care to elaborate, Starlight," Luna didn't take her eyes off of me. The Night Princess was much harder for me to read than Celestia, but that was to be expected. I'd hardly ever even spoken to the dark alicorn and at times like these, that fact showed.

"You should've seen her when I-" Starlight suddenly looked sheepish. "Erm, when I was fighting with her and Twilight."

"What!?" I frantically looked from the lilac unicorn, to the Princess of the Night, to my own mentor. Celestia was being unnervingly quiet, observing us patiently, or so that's what I assumed she was doing. The only thing she offered me in the way of support was a slight smile that was bordering on outright laughter.

"Ah, yes. I believe her exact words were, 'I'll protect you no matter what, don't worry!'" each time Luna tapped her chin I felt my heart pound harder.

"I- SHE-" I felt my cheeks immediately begin to burn. She was in danger. I would've done the same thing for anyone else...

Would you have?

Why had I said that? Seeing her in that state, on the ground, completely spent. I had to. I had to protect her, but I... I'd failed. My embarrassment at Luna's words was quickly eclipsed by my recollection of my shameful defeat, my head drooping considerably.

"Sunset Shimmer..." Luna's gentle hoof on my shoulder lifted my gaze. She drew me into an embrace. "Thank you... truly, it means more than you could possibly know."

"Y- YOUR HIGHNESS!?" I'm pretty sure my eyes couldn't have gotten any wider than in that moment. Luna had never even touched me before. I'd always thought she'd hated me. This was... this was unexpected. Before I could even attempt to move, the Princess of the Night withdrew from me.

"I must attend to my dearest student," she smiled at me and Starlight before promptly turning to her sister. "I leave the rest to you, Celestia." The Princess of the Sun nodded her head slightly before Luna vanished in a sparkling explosion of dark blue light.

"You know I was just screwing with you, right Sunset?" Starlight shoved me playfully with her shoulder, a meek smile on her lips. "No hard feelings?" I took a deep breath to settle my nerves.

"It's fine," I shoved her back. "Just try to be nicer to Twilight, she's... sensitive." I instantly turned beet red.


"I'll... I'll see what I can do," Starlight covered her mouth with a hoof, about to burst out laughing. I lifted my forelegs ready to protest, but was interrupted by my mentor clearing her throat.

"Sunset? Starlight?" her paternal smile immediately calmed my frayed nerves. "Girls, I have your first..." she tilted her head, thinking through her next words carefully. "collaborative assignment."

"So soon?" While I'd obviously take any avenue I could to get away from the previous subject, I was genuinely interested in this new dynamic we were going to work through. I was excited, but also, more than a little worried. Egos, butting heads, pride. There were so many things that could get in the way when working with somepony else.

"No time like the present," Starlight wrapped a foreleg around my neck, though her sudden smirk had faltered a bit. "But... what about Twilight?"

"My sister's pupil will be joining both of you as soon as possible," Celestia grew a bit more vibrant at Starlight's brightened demeanor. "Luna assured me, and I'm confident..." For a fleeting moment, she looked unsure. "I'm certain she'll choose to cooperate." She stowed the doubt as quickly as it had come to her. I wasn't so sure... especially after what'd happened.

"She will," Starlight shook me gently, drawing my attention to her. Why was she being so... bubbly? Even the smile on her face seemed more full of sugar than ever. "Trust Celestia."

"Starlight..." I couldn't muster much of a reply, my mind still dwelling on Twilight.

"So!" she turned her attention back to my... back to our mentor. "What's the job, Your Highness? Are we gonna study some black magic?" the unicorn's horn glowed a sickly green. "Or how about a diplomatic mission to another country?" she squeezed tighter into me, her horn fizzling out. "Or maybe we'll put a stop to a psychotic mare that's enslaved a town full of ponies!" Our cheeks were touching now.

The room was so silent any crickets around would've been easily spotted.

"Too soon?" she glanced sidelong at me, an attempt at an innocent smirk coming to her lips.

"Ahem," Celestia shook her head to get over... all of that. "Actually, it's much simpler than... any of those things."

"Oh?" Starlight let me go, choosing to stand next to me, a light rosey color coming to her complexion.

"What did you have in mind, Princess?" I nudged Starlight with an elbow and a smile. She brightened up at my gesture. I wasn't sure what was going on, but there was definitely something... off about her.

"As I'm sure you're all aware, the three of you are the the most... gifted unicorns in Equestria." Celestia trotted up to us before taking a seat on her behind.

"Darn right," Starlight proudly lifted her chin high, obviously very pleased with the recognition. Celestia simply chuckled.

"Which brings me to your assignment..." Starlight and I stared at the alabaster alicorn, her sudden silence growing more unbearable as it went on. "Get to know one another." The Sun Princess finally spoke with a smile, though this one looked more artificial than all of Starlight's combined. I didn't know how to react. Starlight, on the other hoof, fell onto her back as she exploded in a fit of riotous laughter. Never in all of my years had I seen such a vivid blush come to my teacher's face.

"That's... it?" I fell onto my own flank, all of this seemed wholly unnecessary all of a sudden. This wasn't some important, life changing task, it was... nothing.

"My most faithful..." To her credit Celestia had already recovered from her apparent embarrassment, completely ignoring the mare rolling around on the floor as she drew me into herself with a wing. "I know it doesn't sound like much, but we are cert-"

"We?" I looked up at her, hoping this all wasn't as disappointing as it sounded.

"Luna and myself," she looked at Starlight whose hysterics were finally beginning to die down. The lilac unicorn wiped away tears as she too took a seat. "If you'd only trust the two of us, we wou-"

"It's not a bad idea, Your Highness." Starlight sighed, contentedly. She finally looked somewhat authentic. "It's just a little... anticlimactic."

"Starlight..." Celestia's warm demeanor grew as she looked at the mare. My jaw nearly fell clean off as the Princess of the Sun extended her other wing and pulled the stunned former dictator close to her.

"C- Celestia!?" Starlight gaped, though she didn't seem to be too troubled by the gentle act.

"Your raw talent is beyond all others," our teacher nuzzled into the younger mare's mane. "But you lack proper instruction and education." Starlight remained off balance, the dumbfounded look on her face not changing a bit. "Sunset," Celestia looked my way. "Your drive to be the best is unmatched," she booped my snoot with her hoof. "But your... capacity needs expansion."

"Right." I'd heard that before. Not only had I heard it, but I'd come to understand it. I had to grow, not only my mana, but my mentality as well.

"And Twilight..."

"She's powerful, but really needs to learn to control herself," Starlight nodded as if she were the one giving the speech, seemingly recovered from her prior surprise.

"Precisely, my little pony," Celestia chuckled. "The three of you can benefit from one another's influence and the easiest way to accomplish that is-"

"Familiarity!" Starlight threw an enthusiastic hoof into the air.

"Erm," Celestia was caught off guard by the mare. "Well, I was going to say friendship, but..." At the mention of that word my mind drifted.


I had friends... didn't I?

Well there was... no.

What about... nope.

Could Twilight... guess not.

I suppose the princesses task was worth a shot. I looked up at the ivory alicorn, newly determined to make progress. "What did you have in mind, Your Highness?"

Author's Note:

Whew, this story is taking it out of me. Sunset is getting pretty protective of Twilight, and Starlight is being a little strange. Next time, we'll have to see what's going on with Twilight. Until then, love y'all!

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