• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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History of Cybertron

As Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie charged on hoof, Rainbow and Fluttershy took to the skies, well mostly Rainbow Dash charged while Fluttershy stayed behind her.

Ironhide heard the 'charge' and turned to see more of the "ponies" coming straight for them!

"What in the Allspark?" Ironhide said before he was attacked face first by the rainbow colored one.

Optimus took quick notice and shouted, "Autobots do not harm them!"

"What do you suggest we do?!" Cliffjumper yelled before he was attacked by Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie.

Rarity shot bolts of energy at Cliffjumper, Applejack kept bucking him in the legs, and Pinkie used her party cannon and shot several pieces of party supplies at Cliffjumper's face.

Cliffjumper tried to block all of this until he was faltering; Applejack was ready to buck him on the face when he fell down. As Cliffjumper fell to both knees, Applejack got in front of his face and prepared to buck, only to stop when Twilight teleported in front of her.

"STOP!!!" Twilight screamed.

Applejack stopped, along with Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, they were confused. Twilight turned back to Cliffjumper who was getting back up, she sighed with relief and turned to her friends. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy were ready for an explanation.

"These are the Autobots, they're friendly, especially Wheeljack over there! He saved my life!" Twilight told them. Wheeljack shuffled nervously and waved.

"He did?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, that's why it is important to not hurt them!" Twilight told her with emphasis on the 'not'.

Suddenly, the Mane six felt giant footsteps behind them; they turned to see the biggest of these so called Autobots: Optimus Prime.

Twilight finally got to see him up close, he was very tall, taller than most of the Autobots, he had a very buff stature along with his red armor. He had blue legs and glowing red lights on him. He wore a faceplate and he had devil horns, but they didn't seem threatening. He had blue eyes that made Fluttershy feel safer, as if he was a gentle giant. On his arms were red symbols that didn't look as evil as the symbol they saw on Soundwave.

"Hello there," Optimus told them, "My name is Optimus Prime. We are metallic organisms from another world, we are not here to hurt you, we are a peaceful race, well we were...anyway, we never intended to hurt your friend Twilight, and we would never attack an innocent race."

"Yer metallic what?" Applejack asked confused.

"You can just call us Autobots for short." Ratchet told them.

"Autobots huh?" Rainbow said remembering that name. Cliffjumper rubbed his head in pain; Rarity looked hurt when she saw the red Autobot in pain.

"Oh I'm so sorry for hurting you, we didn't know!" Rarity told him.

"It's fine." Cliffjumper grumbled.

"No it's not! We are SO sorry; we attacked you not even knowing you were peaceful." Rarity exclaimed.

"Wait, Optimus right?" Twilight asked, "You said you WERE peaceful, so what happened?"

Optimus sighed sadly and said, "We will explain everything, but for now, Autobots, introduce yourselves to these ponies."
The very large group of Autobots stepped up and began to say their names.

"Wassup little organics? My name's Jazz." This Autobot had to be the definition of cool. His voice sounded so awesome and his body looked totally amazing. He had a white exterior with a blue helmet and blue hands; he had no eyes but a simple glowing blue visor. His chest puffed out with an Autobot symbol and two red lights on each side.

"The name's Ironhide." Now this Autobot didn't seem too thrilled to say his name, in fact he looked bored out of his mind. He had red and silver armor with giant wheels on his elbows. On his shoulders were giant silver puffed out rocks that didn't seem to have a purpose but just stay there. He had a red helmet and a silver face with a scowl to go with that.

"Medical Officer; Ratchet." This white Autobot looked almost exactly like Ironhide but with some major differences. He had a strange helmet with pointed sides and his exterior was white instead of red. Other than that they looked like twins!

"I'm Wheeljack, but you already know that, Twilight." Twilight knew this Autobot all too well; he had a white, green, and red exterior. And like most Autobots, he had no mouth but a faceplate. On the sides of his heads were little ovals that lit up when he spoke, his forehead had a large oval pointing out, which was a clear sign that you did NOT want to bump foreheads with this guy!

"I'm Sideswipe, need a job done I'll carry it out." This was a tiny Autobot. He had a black helmet while the rest of his body was red and white. He had wheels on his shoulders and tow long sticks on his back.

"I am the mighty Jetfire." This was probably Rainbow Dash's favorite. The reason for that were his red wings that spread out on his back, a clear example that he could fly. His face was blue as were his eyes, but his helmet and exterior were white and red with some gold armor on his arms.

"We are the Aerialbots: Air Raid, Fireflight, Skydive, Silverbolt, and me; Slingshot." Now THIS group of Autobots really reminded Rainbow Dash of the Wonder Bolts. Each of them seemed to have wings on their backs and their colors were white, red, black, and silver.

"I'm Cliffjumper, OW." Another small Autobot introduced himself while slightly rubbing his head in pain. This one was pure red with a hint of silver on his legs and arms. He had two little silver horns on his head to go with his silver face.

"I'm Hound; weapons specialist." This simple Autobots' voice was cracking; the ponies could easily tell that this Autobot was a war veteran. He had a green exterior with some simple red lights on him, his helmet reminded Twilight of all the Royal Guard's helmets, making the idea true, he was indeed a pure war machine. On his right shoulder was a short white stick pointing out that didn't really serve a purpose.

"I'm Perceptor; one of the greatest minds of the Autobots!" Now this Autobot was tall, he almost reached Optimus' height! He had a very rich accent which only proved that he must be a scientist. His armor was multi-colors of red, blue, white, silver, and black. Like Hound, he had a long stick only on his left shoulder. His eyes were different from the rest of the Autobots’; instead of blue they were yellow.

"I'm the communications officer; Blaster." The accent of his voice just proved to Pinkie Pie that he was a true party machine. He had a red, yellow, and silver exterior with some odd looking buttons on his flat chest. His helmet was also red but still had two yellow dots at the top.

"I'm KABLAM Warpath." This final Autobot was by far the biggest, even slightly taller than Optimus Prime! He had no mouth and his entire body was colored red, his eyes were but another visor that glowed just as blue as Jazz's. But oddest of all was the strange tube sticking out of his chest.

The ponies were very confused; there was no way they were going to remember all these names, so they just introduced themselves when they noticed the Autobots beginning to get closer to them.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie hopped around excitedly.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, best flyer in Equestria, no, no, no applause is necessary!" Rainbow said touching her chest proudly.

"Rarity, it's a pleasure." Rarity said and bowed to each of them as if they were royalty.

"The name's Applejack, ah can smell a liar away, and ah knew ya weren't lying when ya said ya wouldn't hurt us." Applejack said taking off her hat.

"Umm.... I'm Fluttershy." Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight smiled and walked closer to the Autobots, her friends followed as they met each one personally. The Autobots had to bend down to shake their hooves, unlike Rainbow who flew up to them. The ponies noticed that the small yellow Autobot didn't say his name.

"What's your name?" Twilight asked the yellow bot. He looked down at her sadly and turned the other way.

"It's okay," Rarity said and patted his leg, "you can tell us your name, darling."

He still didn't talk. Rainbow Dash turned to Optimus and asked, "Hey what gives? How come he's not talking?"

Optimus went by Bumblebee and put a hand on his shoulder. "This is Bumblebee," Optimus explained, "the reason he didn't talk is because he can't. Bumblebee has had it far worse than any of us."

"What happened to him?" Fluttershy asked.

"Many years ago, Bumblebee here was on a recon mission but was captured by an old foe of mine. He had his voice processors ripped out and was left to die." Optimus said. Bumblebee looked at the ground and clutched his throat.

"So he can never talk again?" Twilight asked, her eyes burning but she forced the tears to stay in.

"Sadly yes, luckily Ratchet here got to Bumblebee before it was too late and saved his life." Optimus said and patted Bumblebee's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Bumblebee." Fluttershy said with tears starting to form in her eyes.

Bumblebee just nodded and continued to look sad. Fluttershy flew up and placed her hoof on the side of his face. She looked at him with a calm smile.

"I usually don't talk either, I'm really shy you know, but I have a special talent that allows me to talk to animals, and so if you ever need a friend, I'm here for you." Fluttershy told Bumblebee.

Bee smiled and rubbed Fluttershy's head. She smiled and landed back on the ground, but suddenly realized that all the Autobots were staring at her. She tried to hide behind her mane and blushed slightly. She decided to remain quiet for the rest of the night. The Autobots shrugged and continued to meet the ponies.

"So you can fly?" Jetfire said to Rainbow, "Don't think you can fly faster than me though."

"YOU can fly?" Rainbow asked with a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"Sure can, they don't call me Jetfire for nothin'" Jetfire said.

"How?" Rainbow asked.

"Like this." Jetfire said and transformed into his jet form. Rainbow Dash was very surprised.

"That is AWESOME!!!" Rainbow squealed.

As the Autobots continued to introduce themselves to the ponies, Applejack remembered something. She whistled, and Applebloom peeked out from the bushes.

"It's okay Applebloom, they're friendly, come meet them!" Applejack told her.

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Spike came out from the bushes and saw the massive creatures. "Whoa." Was all that Spike could say. The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike went up closer and introduced themselves to the Autobots, they did the same.

The Autobots were excited to see these new creatures as they continued to meet them personally, but the Autobots did see the yellow pegasus hiding behind her hair and not moving. The Autobots didn't really want to meet something so cowardly, so they ignored her. That didn't stop Optimus.

Optimus walked up to Fluttershy who continued to cower, Prime went down to one knee and met her eye level. Fluttershy barely looked up.

"It is alright little one," Optimus assured her, "my Autobots and I will never hurt you, we believe in peace and prosperity, and that freedom is the right of all sentient beings. You don't have to fear us."

Optimus placed his large finger under her chin and brought her head up. Fluttershy smiled softly.

"Wow, for big scary monsters you sure are nice." Fluttershy told him.

Ironhide chuckled and said, "If you want to see big scary monsters, you gotta meet the Lightning Strike!"

"Unfortunately, Grimlock and his team decided to stay on our home world." Optimus said. Twilight's head jerked back at Optimus.

She yelled, "You know Grimlock?!"

Optimus got up and turned to her, "Yes, he and the Lightning Strike Coalition Force were once part of our team."

"We know Grimlock!" Twilight said.

"You do?" Optimus asked her with complete confusion, “How…Grimlock never left…did he?” Optimus looked around at his fellow Autobots who shrugged.

"Yeah, he saved our lives from a dragon!" Twilight explained.

"A......dragon?" Optimus repeated the strange word.

"It's a giant monster on this planet." Twilight told him, "OH I forgot, we didn't hear where you all are from!"

Optimus suddenly remembered and said, "Autobots, circle that camp fire, it's time for a story."

"YAY, I love story time!" Pinkie yelled very excited and jumped around the camp fire.

"Hehe, that one's kinda funny." Hound nudged Slingshot.

Slingshot smiled and was starting to like this world a lot more.

Deep in the Everfree was Grimlock stomping through the forest, following Swoop. Swoop was locating where the other Dinobots were, he kept turning through the air which confused Grimlock.

“Stop flying in a circle, Swoop! You're confusing me!” Grimlock yelled at him.

Swoop flew downward and said, "Sorry, Grimlock, I just like flying so much, not bad for a tank eh-" Swoop couldn't finish because a missile just hit him in the back causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

"Swoop!" Grimlock screamed and picked up his friend.

Smirking satisfied was Barricade.

He and Demolisher had just shot down the Dinobot Swoop not too far away. Demolisher turned slightly to Barricade and smiled with satisfactory, "Perfect shot huh Barricade?" Demolisher asked.

"Yeah Demolisher, we got one of the Lightning Strike, Megatron will be pleased." Barricade said.

"Let's go finish him off!" Demolisher said and drove forward, only to be stopped by his fellow Decepticon.

"No, Megatron wanted us back at headquarters 10 minutes ago! We'll finish them off later." Barricade told him.

Demolisher sighed and turned around and drove off. Barricade transformed into his car form and followed Demolisher out of the tree lines.

Swoop got up and transformed back into his dino form.

"You okay, Swoop?' Grimlock asked.

"I’m fine; I’ll scout an area for us." Swoop said and took off to the skies.

Grimlock walked slowly towards the way that Swoop said there was another Dinobot. Grimlock came across a large open area; there inside a poorly designed jail cell, was Dinobot Snarl, in his Stegosaurus form.

"Snarl, is that you?!" Grimlock yelled. Snarl looked up and saw him.

"Grimlock, get me outta here!" Snarl yelled and tried to move, only to hit the sides of the dome. Grimlock walked slowly to the dome, when he was halfway there, he heard a buzzing noise.

Grimlock looked up and saw an Insecticon crawl on top of the jail cell by Snarl. It was Insecticon Hardshell. He had no mouth like Kickback, only it looked like he was wearing a knight's mask. He was purple and green with a little bit of grey.

"Hello Grimlock, come to save your friend?" Hardshell asked.

"I thought you died on Cybertron!" Grimlock yelled and pulled out his sword. Hardshell was unfazed.

"You can't squash us so easily, Grimlock, now let's see you save him this time!" Hardshell screamed and many Insecticons came out of the forest and attacked Grimlock.

Grimlock killed many with ease. While he did kill many with his sword, he did like throwing them at other Insecticons. He slashed his sword, whipped out his shield and enjoyed smashing it against them. Hardshell was getting worried.

"More! Need more Insecticons!" Hardshell screamed.

Even more came, Grimlock was being overwhelmed so he did his favorite thing, he transformed.

Grimlock, now in his godly-like form, bit and stepped on any Insecticon in his path. Grimlock finished the rest of them with his fire breath. Seeing the carnage, Hardshell was terrified and retreated.

Grimlock looked up at Swoop who was flying by with several Insecticons on his tail.

"WOOOOO, Grimlock where ya been?!" Swoop yelled excitedly. Grimlock roared as Swoop flew past him with the Insecticons following.

Grimlock transformed back and destroyed the jail holder Snarl was trapped in. Snarl fell to the ground exhausted.
"Snarl, can you transform?" Grimlock asked.

"I’ll...I’ll try." Snarl said and struggled to transform.

Snarl was back to his robot mode but collapsed; Grimlock caught him and held him by his shoulder. Grimlock noticed that Snarl had a deep cut in his side.

"Insecticons hurt you?" Grimlock asked.

Snarl nodded and winced in pain. Swoop came by and transformed by Grimlock and Snarl, "Is Snarl okay?" Swoop asked.
"Yes, now let's go find Slug." Grimlock told him, "Here, you hold Snarl while I'll clear us a path."

Swoop helped Snarl up and said, "Okay Grimlock, I know where Slug is, go forward." Grimlock walked calmly forward and pushed away the trees to clear a path for Snarl and Swoop.

The Autobots circled the campfire, the ponies and Spike sat by a few of the Autobots but watched Optimus as he sat down. They stared intensively at him waiting for him to start. Optimus looked at the campfire and back at the ponies.

"So....are you all sure you want to know of our history?" Optimus asked them. The ponies nodded, but mostly Twilight.

Optimus sighed sadly and began, "It all began millions of years ago on a planet called Cybertron."

"So you are aliens!" Scootaloo interrupted.

"And you're from a place called Cybertron?" Twilight asked.

"And did you say you were all millions of years old?!" Pinkie asked intrigued.

Optimus sighed and said "Yes, you heard me right. All that I said was true. Now you may be thinking that I’m just lying about our age, but let me make one thing clear to all of you."

"And what's that?" Twilight asked.

"We are not made of flesh and blood like you ponies. I, and my comrades, are Cybertronians. Robotic aliens. We are made of metal, circuitry, and important to us, Energon. Machines last longer than organics." Optimus told them.

"Soooo, what do you look like on the inside?" Twilight managed to say.

"Well, let me show you." Optimus then grabbed his chest, and pulled it apart, revealing the wiring and electronics inside him.
The ponies and Spike gasped. Pinkie Pie ran closer to him and began to climb up his arm with lighting speed. Optimus looked at her as she was now on the opening of his chest, looking at the insides.

"Woooooooah." Pinkie said as she was being hypnotized by the colorful lights and buttons.

When Pinkie fell from the bright lights, Optimus caught her and placed her by the rest of her friends, Pinkie shook her head and said, "I just saw a another planet and bright stars and stuff. The planet was made of candy and I just wanted to try it! Wait; would a planet made of candy taste good? Maybe it will....hmmmmm." Pinkie placed a hoof to her chin and got lost in her own little world.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, knowing this was just normal Pinkie Pie.

Twilight squinted at something that intrigued her in Optimus's chest, it was an orange circle that glowed blue in the center.

"What's that in your chest?" Twilight asked.

Optimus looked at his chest and sighed sadly, he closed it up and said, "That is a story for a different a time."

Twilight frowned wanting to hear what the story was but remained patient. Optimus brought his head back up.

"Now where were we, oh yes, it all began millions of years ago on a planet called Cybertron, we were once a peaceful race, much like you ponies, but then came the war. Between the Autobots who fought for freedom," Optimus pointed at all the Autobots around them, "and the Decepticons who dreamt of tyranny."

"Decepticons, who are they?" Spike asked before he was shushed by Twilight.

"Excellent question, Spike." Wheeljack said.

Wheeljack then pulled out a strange metal orb from his belt, he pushed it and a Decepticon symbol came out. Twilight suddenly remembered.

"I've seen that symbol!" Twilight said the Autobots looked at her shocked.

"You....you have?" Slingshot asked.

"We all did." Applejack said.

"Yeah, when that punk Soundwave attacked us!" Rainbow Dash shouted out while punching her hooves together.

"SOUNDWAVE?!" The Autobots screamed. The ponies were just as shocked as the Autobots were.

"Why, is that bad?" Pinkie asked.

Optimus looked at them and said, "Soundwave is a cruel warrior, he is the communications officer for the Decepticons, and he is never easy to defeat, I'm still confused how you ponies survived against him."

"Well, you see this Autobot, I think it was an Autobot, flew down and saved us from Soundwave." Twilight explained.

"Interesting, and none of you Autobots saved these ponies?" Optimus asked his team.

"Not us, Optimus." Jetfire said.

"Very strange..." Optimus rubbed his chin.

Twilight cleared her throat; Optimus looked at the ponies that were looking at him expectantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I should continue the story." Optimus rubbed the back of his head.

"Thank you." Twilight said smiling and closing her eyes.

"Anyway, the Decepticons, a group of Cybertronians who’s wanting for destruction and lust for power know no bounds, were led by the most hated being in the known galaxy, and my sworn enemy, Megatron." Optimus clenched his fist.

"Mega-who?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow.

Optimus was getting tired of explaining and touched the side of his head, his eyes lit up and a hologram appeared in front of the ponies and Spike. It was a hologram of a giant metal being with glowing purple markings, he had a very dominating structure.

Optimus continued with the hologram still going on, "Megatron was and is still leader of the Decepticons, he started the war on Cybertron and soon killed the planet, and we had no choice but to leave our home and find somewhere else to live in the galaxy."

"You're not living here are you?" Twilight asked.

"Well that is a question I cannot answer. For when the Space Bridge brought us here, we were all separated from our ship called The Ark. Our head scientist Perceptor has told us that the Space Bridge control sequence was scrambled before it launched the portal. So either it is this world…or another…for now we must live on this world until we must know for certain…that there is another world out there that can be habitable.” Optimus explained.

“Sooo…you’re just going to stay on our world for now?” Rarity inquired.

Optimus nodded and continued.

"Anyways, after millions of years of fighting, Cybertron began to run increasingly low on energy, also the core of Cybertron died out thus killing the planet, and we had to leave on our ship called The Ark. During our flight though, the Decepticons intercepted us with their own ship, The Nemesis, and we both crashed on your world.” Optimus explained.

"And then what happened?" The ponies and Spike asked.

"The crash had separated us from The Ark. We do not know where it is on this planet…but we must find it quickly, because if Soundwave is close by…then the other Decepticons must be as well." Optimus told them.

Optimus finally sighed and stopped. He stared at the ponies that had wide eyes. "Wow," Twilight began, "you guys have some story."

Optimus nodded and went silent again, until Jazz spoke up.

"Hey ponies, we didn't ask you what planet this was." Jazz said.

Twilight beamed and said, "Okay, time for us to tell you of our home!"

"Oh great." Ironhide grumbled.