• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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Death of The Elements

Twilight fluttered her eyes open and yawned.

Yesterday was really crazy with Discord returning and all, but Optimus swore that he would protect Equestria from his wrath, so she really had nothing to worry about. But still, could even Optimus Prime conquer Discord?

When Twilight was about to get up, she couldn’t. She realized she was strapped down by some metal clamp around her chest. She tried to move her head but it as well was held down by a metal clamp. Moving her hooves was also a failed attempt as all four of her hooves were clamped down.

What was going on?!

Twilight squinted in an attempt to see where she was, but all she could see was darkness around her. Now Twilight began to panic.

“Hello?!” Twilight screamed, “Is anypony out there? I could use some help!”

That’s when Twilight heard the groaning.

“Who’s there?!” Twilight panicked.

“Oh my aching head…..Twilight, is that you?” An elegant voice spoke.

“Rarity, oh thank Celestia it’s you! Where are we?” Twilight asked.

“I can’t see anything, Twilight! I’m blind!” Rarity screamed.

“No, Rarity, it’s just too dark to see anything.” Twilight said a little irritated.

A slight whimper caught both of the unicorn’s attention.

“Ohhh, I don’t feel very good.”

“Fluttershy? Darling, is that really you?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, but uhhh my head is killing me.” Fluttershy said.

“Fluttershy, do you remember anything? How did we get here?” Twilight asked.

“I would like to answer that.”

The three mares froze in place and turned their heads forward, they didn’t see anything in the darkness….all except that glowing purple orb. The orb began moving closer to three of them. Twilight was in full panic not knowing what that thing was.

Two claps were heard and a large light appeared above the mares. Twilight closed her eyes not used to that bright of light hitting her face. She slowly opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw.

The same one-eyed Decepticon was standing above them. What was going on?!

“How you got here is very simple really…” The Decepticon said.

“Yo-you’re that same Decepticon from yesterday! What was your name, ummm…Shockster?” Twilight looked at that purple eye in confusion not remembering his name.

“Shockwave actually…” Shockwave corrected her and walked to a table with what appeared to be several supplies on it. Rarity gulped when she saw what Shockwave was grabbing and analyzing. Twilight couldn’t see for she was too far away.

Twilight had enough of this silence and shouted, “Where are we?!”

Shockwave brought his head back up and said, “Ah, yes, how could I be so rude? Well then, I welcome you to The Nemesis, Megatron’s ship.”

“We’re on a ship?” Fluttershy asked eyeing her surroundings.

“Megatron’s ship?!” Twilight screamed.

Shockwave nodded and said, “Yes, those statements are both true."

Rarity scowled and shouted, “What do you want with us you brute?!”

Shockwave turned to her and spoke in a very threatening voice, “Do not speak to me like that, patient!”

“Patient, what are you talking about?” Twilight asked.

Shockwave turned his attention to Twilight and began walking towards her, Twilight gulped in fear as his glowing eye met her face.

“Why, you are all my patients. For experimenting of course, I just hope you all turn out better than the last three…” Shockwave announced.

Twilight shuddered when he said that. Fluttershy gasped and asked, “Wh-what last three?”

Shockwave raised a finger and said, “Ah, of course, let me show you.” Shockwave walked over to the wall and pulled back a curtain. He clapped his hands and the light appeared above it showing the three mares.

Fluttershy regretted asking that, for what she saw caused her to scream in pure terror and cry immediately. Twilight screamed even louder along with Rarity as they closed their eyes to erase the scene out of their heads.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes and really wanted her mind to play tricks on her, but it didn’t.

Hanging on the wall, was Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, with blood dripping down their stomachs and each of them with their heads hung low. Rainbow Dash’s wings were missing and blood dripped from the little stubs that were once her wings. The top of Applejack’s head was dripping blood at a fast pace, Twilight didn’t even want to know what happened to her.

Fluttershy continued to cry as Rarity threw up all over her coat. Their once living friends were hanging from their hooves as Shockwave chuckled to himself.

“That rainbow haired one was a real fighter, she just wouldn’t give up. That orange one right there was a real loud mouth. And that pink one just wouldn’t shut up, but she calmed down after a few minutes of our little……surgery, and then all was quiet.” Shockwave explained.

“Y-you k-k-killed them!!!!” Twilight cried.

Shockwave turned to her, “Yes, obviously, but they were failed experiments which made the surgery much more painful than it should have been, hopefully I won’t make the same mistakes with you three.”

Rarity forced to keep in her remaining breakfast and spoke calmly, tears still streaming down her face, “How…d-did we get here?”

Shockwave faced the white unicorn and said, “Very well, I will tell you. You see when Optimus Prime was carrying all of you in his hands; it was easy for the Decepticons to plan a little ambush. So before he could take all of you back to that place called Canterlot, we attacked and annihilated all the Autobots! We captured you after you all passed out, and I brought you to this ship.”

Twilight was still in shock from her closest friends’ death but she came back and shouted, “You’re lying! You can’t kill Optimus!”

“Am I lying?”

Shockwave clapped his hands again and a giant door lifted itself off the ground. It revealed shelves of what appeared to be several circular objects. Shockwave pressed a button on the wall and a light shone above the shelf.

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity gasped at what they saw.

Several heads of dead Autobots.

Fluttershy cried even harder than before and Rarity wasn’t holding up any better. Twilight held in her tears because she knew that Shockwave would just enjoy her suffering. Twilight looked on the shelves and remembered all the Autobots from their heads.

There was Silverbolt, Ironhide, Jetfire, Ratchet, Jazz, and Grimlock!

Twilight shuddered but forced to move forward down the line.

Cliffjumper, Sideswipe, Warpath, Wheeljack, Perceptor, Bumblebee! Twilight began to cry when she saw Bumblebee’s head but forced to keep going.

But the last head was the worst.

Optimus Prime.

Twilight couldn’t hold it anymore and screamed along with several tears falling onto her chest. Rarity’s screams echoed through the ships and it didn’t make anything any better. Twilight opened her eyes and saw Shockwave holding Optimus’ head.

He began to imitate him.

“Oh Megatron, please do not hurt the ponies, they are too weak to fend for themselves against your wrath. Take my life instead!”

Twilight cried even harder than before when Shockwave dropped Optimus’ head on the ground and began moving toward them.

“You monster! YOU MONSTER!!!!” Rarity screamed.

Shockwave shrugged and said, “I prefer the term ‘examiner’ than ‘monster’.”

Twilight had enough and attempted to attack Shockwave with one of her spells. Only when she lit up her horn……nothing happened. Shockwave turned back to Twilight and chuckled.

“I see the magical cuffs I’ve placed on yours and hers horn are working just as planned.” Shockwave told her and raised his finger, “Which reminds me…”

Shockwave stepped over to his little table and picked up some kind of knife that curved at the end. The three mares shivered when he slid his finger down the sharp blade.

“You ponies are a very interesting species. I can tell from your little rainbow friend that she was very athletic from her sleek body, and how her tiny wings were able to allow her to create very acrobatic stunts.” Shockwave explained not even looking back.

“Don’t you talk about Rainbow Dash!” Twilight cried, “Princess Celestia and Luna will stop you!”

Shockwave turned back to her and simply stared, Twilight felt uneasy with that emotionless glare she was receiving.

Shockwave turned fully around gripping the blade and said, “Which brings us to our next topic, your world….”

Fluttershy stopped crying and looked at Shockwave, “What did you do to Equestria?!”

Shockwave turned towards her and began, “Since all the Autobots were killed, Megatron realized that your world would have been a perfect Energon farm. And so, the rulers of the world were killed for their rebellious ways to the Decepticon cause.”

Twilight’s lower lip quivered at just the thought of her mentor being killed by these aliens, and it was true!

Shockwave continued, “The one called Discord became the Decepticons ally and he is now the ruler of Equestria…..or should I say…..The Chaos Capitol.” Shockwave sighed happily and said, “The Decepticons use the remaining ponies as slaves. It is a true pity…..but Megatron did allow me to continue my research on you….ponies.”

Just hearing this broke the three mares into tears again. Shockwave pointed at them and said, “Like that, I want to learn how you do that, leak liquid from your eyes. But in order to do that, I would have to remove your eyelids.”

“WHAT?!” Rarity screamed.

Shockwave put his hand up and said, “Do not worry, you are not planned for that, I have other plans for you, my dear.” Rarity screamed as loud as she could in an attempt to see if anyone was out there to save them.


A deep groan was the only response.


Fluttershy shivered and asked, “Wh-who’s that?”

Shockwave shook his head and said, “You have woke up Trypticon, he cannot be awakened when he is trying to repair himself….you all must be quiet….which I doubt will happen for what is to come.”

Twilight couldn’t bear this anymore and moved her body all around to try and get out; these clamps were stuck on tight! Shockwave walked towards her and said, “Don’t move, you don’t want to ruin the restraints I worked so hard to fix up for each of you.”

Twilight realized there was no use and closed her eyes, Shockwave chuckled and said, “There we go, just relax it will be over soon.”

Shockwave got back up and slowly walked towards the white unicorn. He brought out the curved blade and stood right by her. He brought up the blade and said, “I think we wasted enough time, it is time to begin the experiments.”

Rarity whimpered when he slowly brought his head close to hers. When his eye was so close to her face, Rarity scowled and spit in his eye. Shockwave simply chuckled and wiped his eye with his finger.

Shockwave glared at her and said, “This one is a little unstable, I’ll be sure to remember that.”

Rarity watched in horror as he slowly lifted up his hand with the curved blade and brought it to her tiny chest. Twilight couldn’t see anything from her head being clamped down to the table but she could hear how uncomfortable Rarity sounded. Along with the cries from Fluttershy, Twilight heard Rarity’s scream echo through the walls of the ship.

“PLEASE DON’T, PLEEEEASE!!!!” Rarity screamed.

Shockwave ignored her and dug the blade into her stomach, Rarity’s scream increased as he slowly brought the blade down and rip out a plentiful of skin. Rarity was gagging at this point, probably from blood in her throat, but Twilight couldn’t get the painful screams out of her head.

Rarity cried as she realized that Shockwave was now holding a chunk of her skin on his finger. He looked at it with interest.
“What a beautiful coat, I’ll be sure to examine this very close to learn more about you ponies.”

Rarity didn’t say anything for she was in too much pain, she simply groaned and cried. The sound was unbearable and Twilight was not holding up good. Fluttershy had passed out already so only Twilight could witness the sounds of pain her closest friend was endearing.

Shockwave put the bloody blade back on the table and picked up a new device. He walked over to Rarity and said, “Now you might feel a slight pinch.”

With that, he stuck the device in her open wound with a deep cutting sound. Rarity wailed in agony and coughed up enough blood to fill a large bowl. Shockwave pressed a button on the device and it made a suction sound.

Twilight didn’t even want to know what happened next, for the suction sound stopped followed by Rarity’s whimpers. Shockwave pulled out the now filled device and analyzed the contents.

“The insides of this pony are quite different than the others…..interesting.”

Twilight shook in fear when she realized what Shockwave had just done.

Shockwave turned back to Rarity who was slowly losing consciousness. He got in very close and Rarity got wide eyed when she was staring face to face with this maniac.

Shockwave whispered into her ear, “It appears that I am finished.”

With that, Shockwave stood back to full height and brought his sharp finger down on Rarity’s wound. With her last breath, Rarity screamed in agony and slowly closed her eyes. Shockwave chuckled and brought his bloody finger out.

Twilight’s face was in pure horror when the realization struck her. Rarity…..was gone.

Twilight’s breathing increased as Shockwave cleaned his instruments and slowly moved towards Fluttershy who was still passed out.

“Fluttershy……Fluttershy wake up….” Shockwave said and gripped her face.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!!!” Twilight screamed.

Shockwave turned back to Twilight and made his way towards her. Twilight’s heart sped up as that glowing purple eye reached her face.

“You will have to wait your turn!” Shockwave finished and sliced Twilight’s cheek with his sharp finger. Twilight’s cheek bled instantly as Shockwave went back to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy opened her eyes but immediately regretted it when she saw Shockwave’s eye watching her. Fluttershy looked over and saw the remains of one of her closest friends. This only made Fluttershy scream.

Shockwave clutched his head and closed her mouth with one of his hands.

“Your screech can puncture even the strongest Decepticons hearing processors’….it is very intriguing.” Shockwave told her and let go.

Twilight whispered, “Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy looked over at Twilight in utter horror when she saw her cheek.

“Oh Twilight, your cheek!” Fluttershy told her.

“I’m fine, Fluttershy, but you have to get out of here, figure out a way.” Twilight whispered sharply.

“I can’t, Rarity is dead, and I can’t leave you too.” Fluttershy hung her head in defeat.

“Listen Fluttershy, you have to, if anypony is making it out of this it’s you!” Twilight finished and watched as Shockwave came back to Fluttershy.

“Now my sweet little Fluttershy, it appears that I will have to do this extra quick since Twilight’s operation will take a long time.” Shockwave explained and pulled out his saw.

It spun violently as Shockwave brought it close to her stomach. Twilight couldn’t bear to watch again and closed her eyes.

But the sound of screams didn’t come.


Twilight opened her eyes and saw Shockwave backing away from Fluttershy with his hands raised. Fluttershy had her wings spread and her eyes wide as she used “The Stare” on Shockwave.

Shockwave tilted his head as Fluttershy continued her stare on him. He began to move closer to her still clutching the saw.
“STAND BACK!!!” Fluttershy screamed.

Shockwave stopped for a brief moment and looked at his hands.

“Intriguing….” Shockwave said, “I seem to have no control over my body when you stare at me like that….very interesting…” Shockwave began to move closer to Fluttershy’s face as her stare intensified.

“WHY WON’T YOU STAY BACK?!” Fluttershy screamed. Her stare faded as Shockwave’s eye glared at her, she went back to her normal frightened self.

“Humph, I guess the frightening stare has no effect on one with no emotions.” Shockwave said as he stared into Fluttershy’s eyes with interest.

“I must have those eyes.”

‘WHAT?!” Fluttershy screamed.

“Those eyes are very intriguing, for having me to back away like that, it must hold special qualities.” Shockwave said and grabbed her face.

“Forget the operation; I will have to make an exception here.” Shockwave finished and slowly brought the saw close to Fluttershy’s eyes.

Fluttershy screamed as loud as her little heart could take it as the saw was dug into her eyebrow. Twilight closed her eyes and suffered through the pained screams that filled the room. This was the most horrid thing Twilight ever had to endure; one of her friends was being brutally tortured by this insane Decepticon.

And no one could save them.

As Fluttershy continued to scream, deep groans filled the room as Trypticon was awakening. Trypticon suddenly screeched so loud it made the entire ship shake. That sound was the most disturbing thing Twilight ever heard and Trypticon continued to do it along with Fluttershy’s screams.

It was the most horrid sounds ever played in Twilight’s brain and overflowed it with terrible thoughts. This went on for several seconds until……the screaming stopped along with the saw.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked around. She saw what remained of Fluttershy and immediately turned the other way….

….only to be greeted by that horrible purple eye.

“It seems some blood got on you.” Shockwave told her.

Twilight looked over and saw her hoof completely red with streaks of blood. Her entire body had been covered in Fluttershy’s blood!

Twilight couldn’t help it anymore and cried as she never cried before. A pure, broken-heart, cry filled the room as Twilight wailed in despair. She was silenced by a slap to the face.

“You pitiful creatures can’t accept death! I’m actually glad I’m doing this!” Shockwave yelled and brought out a long, jagged knife.

Twilight’s breathing increased and her heart felt as if it was in her throat as Shockwave slowly brought it to her tiny chest. Shockwave put a little tap on the blade and Twilight winced in pain as the blade struck some skin. She looked up to see Shockwave looking directly at her.

He leaned in and whispered into her ear.

“Nightmares feel so real don’t they?”

With that, Shockwave struck the knife deep into Twilight’s chest. Twilight screamed in pain and just wished that her death would be the less agonizing. That is, until the unthinkable happened….

Twilight Sparkle woke up screaming.

Author's Note:

Time for that Dark Tag to really take affect. PLEASE don't hate me for this!