• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,853 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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Fluttershy couldn't believe it could speak.

This monster was beyond anything she had ever seen in her entire life, she knew almost every animal, so what in the name of Celestia was this thing?! She did the only thing she knew what to do when she saw a creature that was horrifying.

She screamed as loud as she could.

Grimlock grabbed his hearing processors from the loud shriek. He clutched his head as she continued to scream. "AHHHHH!!! Why would you do that?!" Grimlock asked.

Fluttershy stopped screaming and looked frantically, she saw Ponyville and knew exactly what to do. She spread her wings and flew as fast as she could away from the creature and towards Ponyville.

Grimlock watched the strange creature fly away; he scratched his head and asked himself, "What was that about?" Grimlock thought that if that creature with wings was going towards that town, then there must be others there. "I just know this will turn out bad." Grimlock said and stomped towards the town.

As he stepped, he made loud thunderous footsteps every time he took a step. Animals were frightened and either flew or scurried away at this massive beast. Grimlock finally came up to a bridge. On it were to carriages, each filled with trash.

In the front were two more of those creatures talking. Grimlock didn't want to step in the water around the bridge, the water on Cybertron was mostly toxic, Grimlock didn’t trust anything on this new world, and he had to pass on the bridge. But before he could get any closer, he heard them speaking.

"And so he put his foreleg around me and started nuzzling me!" Lyra said.

"OH MY GOODNESS! Then what happened?!" Bon Bon asked.

"Well, he-" Lyra began but was interrupted by a loud male voice.

"Out of my way!"

The two mares looked as a giant foot landed in front of them, then another. Soon they saw a giant monster walking in front of them. It was headed for Ponyville!

"MONSTER!!!" Lyra and Bon Bon screamed.

"What?" Grimlock turned around to see the two little creatures screaming and running passed him. They were both headed for the town.

"This planet is very strange…must find the others." Grimlock said and stomped towards the town.

Twilight rose out of bed and yawned. The sun was shining brightly in her little library home. She still couldn’t believe the events that happened last night. Two meteors came from space and collided in the Everfree Forest. But Twilight didn’t have time to worry about that now.

She smiled as she went down the steps and saw Spike eating some breakfast.

"Morning, Spike." Twilight smiled as she walked towards the table.

"Morning, Twilight!" Spike said as he ate another apple.

"Did you finish your morning chores?" Twilight asked.

Spike stopped and said, "Ummm, I couldn't finish them because I went to Rarity's to help out with stuff."

"Spike, you know it's your job to clean the bookshelves in the morning!" Twilight said a little angry.

"I'm sorry Twilight! Please, I only came here to get some food; can I please go back to Rarity's to finish helping her?" Spike pleaded.

Twilight raised an eyebrow sternly. "I'll do extra chores tomorrow I swear!" Spike pleaded.

Twilight giggled and said, "Oh, okay Spike." Spike smiled and hugged Twilight.

"Thank you!" Spike said.

"No problem, but you have to do more chores tomorrow." Twilight told him.

"I will!" Spike said. Twilight smiled and let Spike run out the door to Rarity's.

Twilight sighed happily and bit into an apple. She sat down on the couch and began reading until she heard several knocks on the door. She trotted up to it and opened the door. To Twilight's surprise, she saw Fluttershy who was shaking with fear, and tears streaking down her face.

"Fluttershy, are you okay?!" Twilight asked. Fluttershy began crying again, she went up and hugged Twilight still crying. "It's okay Fluttershy, just tell me what happened." Twilight told her. Fluttershy let go and stared at Twilight, her eyes were full of tears.

Fluttershy began to speak but it came out as a stutter, "I-I-I-I s-s-s-saw a-a m-m-m-m-m-"

"What is it?!" Twilight almost yelled.

"I SAW A MONSTER!" Fluttershy wept and cried again.

"You saw a monster?” Twilight asked, “What kind of monster?"

"I don't know Twilight, I know almost every animal there is, but I have never seen an animal like that." Fluttershy wiped her nose.

"Did it hurt you?" Twilight asked.

"No, but it was sooooo scary," Fluttershy shook in fear, "And.... OH NO, it could be harming my animals!"

Twilight patted her on the back, "Don't worry Fluttershy, we’ll gather the girls and go to where you last saw the monster okay?"

Fluttershy wiped her nose and said, "Okay."

"Now come on, let's go get the rest of our friends and we'll see what this this monster really is." Twilight said and walked out the door with Fluttershy behind her.

Twilight turned back to Fluttershy who was still shaking, Twilight probably thought that Fluttershy just saw a strange animal and ran away from it. Maybe the so called monster wasn’t so scary after all.

The two mares kept walking until they came to a loud scream. Twilight looked over and saw Lyra and Bon Bon galloping as fast as they could inside Ponyville. They were both screaming their heads off, "MONSTER!!! MONSTER!!! EVEYPONY RUN!!!!" They said as they sped by Twilight and Fluttershy.

All of the ponies started running as they heard the word "monster". Fluttershy’s fear was even worse now that all the ponies of Ponyville were in terror.

Twilight yelled at the top of her lungs, “Everypony stop!!!” Of course, none of them listened and continued to scream and panic. Twilight looked at Fluttershy and said, “What did the monster look like, Fluttershy, because Lyra and Bon Bon are terrified, what exactly did you see?”

All of a sudden, the ground shook. Then it shook again, like a bomb was just going off every two seconds. Twilight looked at Fluttershy who was cowering even more.

All the ponies were getting worried as the ground shook. Suddenly many more screams were heard. Twilight looked over as she saw many ponies running in a direction and screaming.

Twilight looked up and saw what they were running from.

A giant red eyed monster with glowing red lights all over him. It was very tall, taller than the buildings. It had shiny red, black, golden, and grey armor. It turned and started walking down the road Twilight was on. All the ponies started running and screaming in terror except for Twilight and Fluttershy.

It stopped and looked around; Twilight was in total shock and backed away as the monster looked down at her.

Grimlock looked down and saw the creature he saw earlier, plus a new one. This one was purple with a strange thing sticking out of her head. Grimlock looked around and finally decided that there were no Dinobots here, just more of these strange creatures.

‘Dangit, Swoop, now you got me calling us Dinobots.’ Grimlock thought to himself and watched the strange creatures shake in fear.

“This was just a big waste of time.” Grimlock said and turned around, starting to walk away, but when he took one step, a fast blue blur rammed into him straight in the chest.

Grimlock took a few steps back from the force of the hit but stood his ground. He looked around at who was foolish enough to hit him.

Suddenly, a blue four legged creature appeared in Grimlock's face. It had a rainbow mane and cyan wings. Grimlock looked at how mad it was.

It spoke and said, "Alright big guy, you think you can come here and try to step on us ponies?! You got another thing coming! Now put em' up!"

Rainbow Dash held up her hooves ready to fight. Grimlock just stared at this foolish creature wanting to fight him. He finally just walked past her and continued to walk away from the town.

Rainbow wouldn't let this thing go so easily. She flew up from behind it and bucked it as hard as she could in the back of its head.

This time, Grimlock was angry.

Grimlock turned around in anger and glared at this rainbow creature. It flew back a little but continued her menacing stare.

Rainbow spoke again, "You think you can just walk away?! After scaring these ponies, you’re gonna give up or I'm GACK!!!"

Rainbow was suddenly grasped in a giant fist.

Twilight and Fluttershy gasped as the monster grabbed Rainbow Dash. Rainbow struggled to get free but the grip kept getting tighter. All but Rainbow's head was shown as she looked up in utter terror at the monster's face. Grimlock brought the rainbow creature close to his face. He glared at down at this tiny unknown species.

Rainbow felt her lungs getting smaller and smaller as she gasped for breath. She suddenly stopped and stared at the creature. Her eyes were getting wider and her mouth hung open.

Suddenly the creature spoke.

"Shut.....up." Grimlock said.

Rainbow's lower lip began to quiver. Grimlock shook his head in disgust and let go of his grasp. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground and gasped for air. Twilight and Fluttershy went by her side and looked up at the creature. It was walking away out of Ponyville and no pony stopped it this time.

"Dash, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow coughed and said, "I'm..... I'm fine."

Twilight looked at where the monster walked, straight into the Everfree Forest. Holy horse apples that thing can walk fast!

"What in the hay was that thing?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know Twilight, we have to get Rainbow back to your library, and we need our other friends there too." Fluttershy explained.

Twilight nodded and helped Rainbow up. The three mares walked to the library and got inside. "Okay girls, I'll go get Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack, you stay here." Twilight said and galloped out of the library.

Fluttershy went by Rainbow’s side and rubbed her sore wings.

As Twilight was going to get her friends, she felt scared at what this monster just did to Rainbow, what could it do to all the ponies in Equestria? And how was she able to stop it before it caused some serious damage?

Grimlock trudged past the trees and stomped his way through the forest. He sat down at the end of a big rocky mountain and thought to himself, "These creatures call themselves ponies.....so now I know what they are." Grimlock said to himself.

He laid his head back and stared at the bright sun for a long time. Grimlock got tired and shut himself down. Now he was charging up, when he awoke, he would begin his search for the other Dinobots.

‘I should have never smashed those controls.’

"What are ya tryin' to say Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"I'm saying we should go into the Everfree and capture that monster, it is very dangerous and we can't let it be on the loose!" Twilight explained.

Twilight had gotten Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity into her library as well as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, to discuss what they should do about that monster.

"How can we capture such a dangerous monster, from the way you described it. It sounded even worse than that Ursa Minor that attacked." Rarity said.

"I'll use my paralyzing spell on it, it will pass out and we can subdue it and take it to the Princess!" Twilight said.

"What will she do with it?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, but we can't let it just roam Equestria, you saw what it did to Rainbow!" Twilight said pointing at Dash.

"Oh do we have to go in that dreadful forest?" Rarity complained.

"Yes Rarity. It could hurt somepony or some animal." Twilight told her.

Fluttershy looked up and said, "You're right, I can't let it hurt an animal."

"Of course I'm going! That thing is going to pay for what it did." Rainbow threatened.

"Ah just can't let you girls go alone, Ah'm comin' too." Applejack said.

"Well, I suppose I can get my hooves dirty for you all." Rarity smiled.

"Count me in! That scary monster could use a party and turn out to be friendly!" Pinkie Pie shouted next. Pinkie’s friends shook their heads in annoyance.

At that moment, Spike came in. "Hey everyone," Spike said, "What's going on?"

"Spike, take a letter." Twilight ordered.

“Well…..okay.” Spike said and got some paper and was ready to write down whatever Twilight said.

An hour later, the six friends were standing in front of the entrance that led into the Everfree Forest. After Spike had sent off a written letter explaining the events that had happened, the Princess’s letter had come back instantly.

In the letter, she wrote that while she did not want them going anywhere near the creature that attacked Ponyville, but she knew that nothing she could say would stop them. Instead, the Princess wished them luck and that they are to transport the subdued creature on the train to Canterlot for observational research. She also wrote that if they had failed, they were to return to Ponyville at once.

Twilight turned to her friends and said, "You heard the Princess, subdue the creature and send it on a one way ticket to Canterlot."

The five mares nodded and stared at the Everfree. Pinkie Pie stepped in.

"Let’s do this!" Pinkie shouted with a determined look on her face.

Grimlock awoke after a few hours. His scanners showed that he was alone and fully charged. Grimlock was about to get up when he felt a wet drop land on his head.

"Ughhh, I hate rain." Grimlock said and remembered the rain of Cybertron. It was acidic and deadly, could melt metal at the slightest touch, but this wasn’t melting Grimlock’s armor, what was it? Grimlock brought his hand to his head. But it wasn't rain, he felt it and it was slobbery and sticky. Grimlock looked up and saw small red eyes glaring at him.

The creature jumped at Grimlock's face and started biting him. Grimlock stood up, grabbed the creature and analyzed it. It seemed to be a winged lion-like creature with a tail that had a stinger on it. Grimlock knew what a lion was when he battled the Predacons on Cybertron. Razorclaw could transform into a robotic lion.

Oh how Grimlock hated Razorclaw.

"What are you?" Grimlock asked as it continued to squirm and slash. It bit his finger and Grimlock simply crushed it in his massive hand. He let his grasp go and let the dead body of the strange creature land on the ground.

Grimlock sighed and turned around only to find more of the creatures surrounding him. Soon Grimlock was surrounded by at least ten of them.

They all glared and prepared to strike. Grimlock shook his head and said, "You think you can kill me? You think you can kill Grimlock?! Bring it on."

Soon, all ten of them attacked at once. Grimlock punched and kicked and crushed any of them that got close. But one was smart and jumped on his back and bit his neck. Grimlock yelled in pain.

Grimlock's neck was his only soft spot on his body, full of circuitry and wires. The Manticore bit down hard on the wires. Grimlock grabbed it and threw it hard at the rocky wall. A loud crack was heard as its skull penetrated the rocky surface.

“Little creatures do your worst!”

Grimlock released his full anger on these creatures. He wouldn't let up and continued to kill all the Manticores attacking him.

The six mares continued to walk through the forest until Fluttershy heard whimpering and growling.

"Oh no, animals are in trouble! That monster is hurting them!" Fluttershy screamed and flew off towards the whimpering.

"Wait Fluttershy, we don't know if the monster is doing it!" Twilight yelled but Fluttershy was already gone.

"Let’s follow her anyway; she could be on ta somethin'!" Applejack said and galloped towards Fluttershy.

All of them followed Fluttershy towards the whimpering.

Soon all six of them came to a clearing, but they all remained hidden. They did indeed see the monster, but what surrounded the monster were dead Manticores. All was left, but one Manticore. It glared at Grimlock hatefully.

Grimlock looked at the last beast and said, "You will not give up? Why?"

The Manticore continued to glare. Grimlock took notice, "I see......you won't give up because you think it will make you weak. I respect you for that." Grimlock pointed a massive finger at the Manticore.

The Manticore started to walk closer to him, still wanting to attack. Grimlock sighed and said, "But you’re stupid, you want to fight me but you will lose. Well then, come and get me."

The Manticore charged at Grimlock. Grimlock brought up his foot and crushed it with relative ease. The Mane six gasped at what happened. Grimlock brought up his foot and looked at the massacre.

Twilight stepped out of the bush along with her friends. They froze in their steps when Grimlock looked down at them.

Grimlock groaned in annoyance as he saw the same ponies from before, why won’t they just leave him alone?! He also noticed some new faces, one with a curly purple hair, one with a strange thing on its head, Grimlock had no idea what that was, and one with puffy pink hair.

After several moments of staring at each other, Grimlock was getting bored, so he turned and walked away towards the forest, not caring for what the ponies were doing there following him.

Grimlock just wanted to be alone right now; he kept staring into that Prime forsaken forest not knowing what lay ahead.

He didn't even look back to notice the ponies were charging at him.

Author's Note:

There's chapter 2. I will be grateful to recieve some feeback so I can make this story better. Any type of criticism is allowed.