• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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Grimlock Smash

The forest was silent as both predators stared at each other for what felt like hours.

"You dare attack me, a dragon?! Well, whatever you are, you won't live long enough to try and apologize." Breathing in deeply, the dragon let loose a huge amount of flames at Grimlock.

Grimlock dodged it with ease, and looked back at the dragon.

"You can breathe fire huh?" Grimlock asked, "Well....let me make things more even."

After Grimlock had said that, he smashed both his fists to the ground and began to make a changing noise the dragon didn't understand. Grimlock's legs transformed into a large tail, his arms were now legs and his body was changing before the dragon's eyes. Soon enough, the T-Rex head erupted from Grimlock's body and roared so loud it made the forest shake.

The dragon couldn't believe what he just saw, the creature had changed into another monster, and this one was even more freighting than the last. It had razor sharp teeth and short arms, its eyes glowed red with hatred and hunger.

Grimlock was now in his T-Rex form.

The dragon had wide eyes, until he finally said, "You’re that same stupid dragon from before!"

Grimlock shook his head, "I'm not a stupid dragon, I'm a stupid Dinobot! Or I mean Dinobot!"

The dragon rolled his eyes and looked back at Grimlock, apparently that was his name because he said it so many times. The dragon eyed him and noticed that he had smoke coming out of his large jaws. He looked down and noticed he was standing in front of the ponies.

"Are you protecting those ponies?!" The dragon asked.

Grimlock growled and said, "You will not the hurt the innocent ponies, I won't let you."

Below the beasts, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie saw the creature that attacked them suddenly change into something even scarier. It was giant wingless metal dragon, and it looked as if it was defending them. The six mares had wide eyes and mouths agape as Grimlock growled and moved closer to the dragon. Rainbow Dash on the other hoof was not that surprised since she saw this beast change into the dragon before, still she was terrified of this beast.

"Fine, I'll finish you off and then I'll eat my prize." The dragon said as Grimlock got closer. The two beasts stared each other down, Grimlock was barely smaller than the dragon but he didn't care how big the dragon was. Size didn’t matter to him.

Suddenly, Grimlock roared and charged the dragon, the dragon was about to punch Grimlock, but it was too late. Grimlock rammed the dragon; head first, in the stomach. The dragon was being pushed back by the mighty Dinobot. They stopped when the dragon hit a mountain side. Grimlock reared back and unleashed a torrent of flames from his mouth on the dragon's chest.

The dragon yelled in pain when he realized this beast would not die easily. The dragon brought one hand up and punched Grimlock in the side of the head. The flames from Grimlock's mouth stopped and he backed up, shaking his head to regain focus.

But the dragon was really mad now; he grabbed Grimlock's face with his left hand and held his mouth shut. Grimlock struggled to get free. The dragon was suddenly laughing at how easily he just tamed this beast that is until his fingers got caught in the razor sharp jaws.

Grimlock bit down with all his strength and the fingers began to break. The dragon was screaming in pain and tried to release his fingers from Grimlock's jaw. With one final bite, Grimlock ripped two fingers off the left hand of the dragon with his mouth.

The dragon screamed in pain and held his left hand.

"AHHHHHH, you little freak of nature!" The dragon yelled.

Grimlock turned back, but this time he was lifted up by the dragon. The dragon held Grimlock above his head and threw him violently away from him, on the ground. Grimlock transformed back into his robot form and landed perfectly. The dragon saw this and glared at the old form of his opponent.

"HA, you are back to your weak form! You cannot stop me now!" The dragon taunted.

Grimlock, unfazed by his taunting, slowly brought out his right hand and a large orange sword transformed into it. Grimlock held his sword with his right hand and glared back at the dragon.

The dragon saw this and said, "WHAT?! You have weapons too?!"

Grimlock ignored what he said and charged at the dragon, sword raised. The dragon released another fury of flames at Grimlock. The mighty Dinobot acted fast and held his left arm in front of him. On cue, his orange shield transformed in his left hand and the flames were stopped before they could hit him.

Grimlock put his shield away and charged forward to see the dragon rearing down to bite him. Grimlock dodged the sharp jaws of the dragon and sliced its nose. The dragon reared up and clutched his bloody snout; he glared down at Grimlock who had already gotten too close.

"DIE!!!" The dragon yelled and brought up his foot in an attempt to crush the Dinobot. Grimlock dodged the foot when it came down. He quickly lifted up his sword and brought it down on the dragon's foot. The dragon screeched as his foot was stabbed by this razor sharp sword stuck in it.

"You give up yet." Grimlock spoke evilly. "I can keep this up all day."

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" The dragon screamed and unleashed more flames from his mouth.

Grimlock ripped his sword from the foot of the dragon and dodged the flames barely. Grimlock looked at his leg and saw it was scorched badly from the fire. Unfazed by this, he charged forward at the dragon who reared back and unleashed yet another torrent of flames at the mighty Dinobot.

Grimlock was done playing.

“So much….rage!”

Just before the flames covered him, Grimlock gained enough rage from this worthless battle he was having and transformed into his godly form. Grimlock roared and charged forward at the dragon, ramming him in the gut.

The dragon fell on its back and looked up to see the metal dragon bite down on his neck. The dragon immediately lost all the air in his lungs from the force of the bite. With his last bit of strength, the dragon pushed off his enemy and slowly got back up.

Grimlock transformed back into his robot mode and picked his sword back up. The dragon clutched his throat and watched in fear as this unknown monster was walking towards him! The dragon backed up in fear and put a hand up.

"Please, no more, I give up! Leave me be!" The dragon pleaded.

Grimlock stopped and looked at his sword; he looked back at the pleading creature and came up with the best solution to this entire predicament.

"Should've given up before."

The dragon smiled noticing Grimlock had let down his guard and breathed in deeply.

The fire struck Grimlock before he could react.

The dragon kept the flames going for a few more seconds just wanting to be sure that this thing would be dead. He felt his breath leaving and he stopped the flames from his mouth. The dragon closed his eyes and smiled when he realized he had just won. There was no way any creature could survive that amount of fire on their skin.

He chuckled to himself and prepared to turn around to eat the ponies he had almost forgotten about. He looked down at their terrified faces and licked his lips as he drew nearer. Their expressions were still in a petrified stare as the dragon leaned down and opened his bloody mouth.

Right before he could finish off these ponies, a deep growl was heard behind him.

The dragon slowly turned around and saw the creature with his shield out and not a burn mark on him. He had protected himself at the last second. The dragon backed away from the ponies and stood in fear as Grimlock put away his shield and gripped his sword.

The dragon gulped but immediately clutched his throat remembering what that monster had done to it.

After a few seconds of scary silence, the dragon screamed, "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!"

Grimlock growled while looking at his sword and back at the dragon.

He answered with his most terrifying voice.

"Never give up."

Suddenly, Grimlock threw his sword at the dragon; it stuck with a deadly cutting sound into the stomach of the dragon. The dragon coughed up blood and looked to see Grimlock charging at him.

Grimlock jumped on the dragon and ripped the sword out with a deadly slice. The guts and organs of the dragon came pouring out along with a lot of blood. The dragon screamed in agony and clutched his open stomach. Grimlock climbed up onto the dragon's back and soon his head!

The dragon looked up to see Grimlock with his sword raised and letting out a deadly battle cry.

With one powerful slice, Grimlock severed the dragon's head from his body. Grimlock and the head fell to the ground. The large body of the dragon came soon afterwards. After the ground shook a while, all was silent.

Grimlock sighed and realized that he had just won. That dragon was one tough opponent, but nothing Grimlock couldn’t handle. He looked up and slowly got to his feet. Grimlock stuck his sword in the ground and put his foot on the severed head of the dragon. The Dinobot raised his fists in triumph.

"ME GRIMLOCK KIIIIIIINNNNNNNG!!!!" Grimlock yelled to the heavens and pounded his fists against his chest.


Grimlock felt stupid using such bad vocabulary, but he didn’t care. Victory was his, as it always should be. Suddenly Grimlock remembered something.

He looked over to where the ponies were. They were mentally scarred at the events that just happened. The yellow one had tears flowing and the white one looked as if she was going to throw up.

Grimlock took his foot off the dragon head and picked his sword off the ground. The Mane 6 shivered with fear and cuddled closer.

But what they thought he was going to do, he didn't.

Grimlock's sword transformed back. He took one last look at the ponies and turned around and ran into the forest. Loud footsteps became quieter and soon.....silence.

The equines were scared beyond belief, they slowly got up and walked over towards the clearing into the forest. The creature was gone yet again.

Fluttershy broke the scary silence, "Can we go home now? The monster is gone."

"Grimlock..." Twilight said. Her friends looked at her.

"His...his name’s Grimlock." Twilight finished.

The other five looked at each other and proceeded to walk onto the trail and out of the Everfree Forest. Twilight followed behind them.

It was a silent walk, and the entire time, Twilight was still confused.

"Grimlock just saved us," Twilight whispered to herself, "But...... why?"