• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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Cruel Tricks

As the Autobots suddenly realized what happened, they got really excited and cheered as Omega Supreme stepped forward towards Optimus Prime. Omega looked down at Prime and said, "THE LAST OF THE PRIMES LOCATED. GET IN OMEGA SUPREME. AUTOBOTS WILL ESCAPE THIS PLANET."

Optimus answered back, "Not yet Omega Supreme, the Decepticons are still on this world and The Matrix as well."


Optimus Prime nodded and turned towards The Matrix of Leadership, he began walking calmly towards it, knowing nothing can stop him now........except for....

Optimus felt himself being shot in the chest and landing on his back. He heard several screams from the recognizable voices of the ponies. He got up and saw Megatron standing in front of The Matrix, his cannon aimed at Prime.

"I will NOT let you acquire The Matrix of Leadership, Optimus Prime!" Megatron spat out in disgust. Optimus' right hand transformed into his path blaster as he stared down Megatron.

Both of them glared at each other for a very long time. Both of them looking into each other’s optics, Optimus could see the horrible things Megatron had done when he looked in those red eyes of his. And Megatron could see all the heroic attributes Optimus has accomplished when he glared into his blue eyes.

Finally, Optimus charged forward and shot several blasts at Megatron. The leader of the Decepticons fired back but backed away from the hits he had received. Prime dodged the shots and drew closer to Megatron. Megatron had enough and just charged at Prime as well. When Optimus seemed close enough, Megatron brought back his left fist and attempted to punch Optimus.

But the last of the Primes was too quick.

Optimus brought his left hand forward and latched onto Megatron's shoulder. He lifted himself up and flew right over Megatron. In mid-air, Optimus shot Megatron in the back causing him to fall face first on the cement.

Optimus Prime landed perfectly and reached out for The Matrix of Leadership.

After several hours of not obtaining the knowledge of Cybertron, several hours of unfit leadership, several hours of worrying, it was finally over. Optimus Prime grabbed The Matrix and held it above his head.

When he touched it, a green beam shot out of it and sailed into the skies. The beam spread across the sky into several directions. Each beam went down and hit one of the Autobots while even more beams went across Canterlot finding the right Autobot.

When the beam stopped, Optimus heard several cheers from behind him and turned to see Jazz transforming over and over again, so were the other Autobots.

"We can transform once again." Optimus Prime sighed and opened his chest.

When he was about to put The Matrix back where it belongs, a bright light appeared in front of him. When the light stopped, The Matrix was not in Prime's hands.

He looked forward and saw Discord holding The Matrix with his left hand, with an angry glare to go with it. Optimus Prime clenched his fists and suddenly remembered what Discord said at the beginning.

‘If one of you Autobots find it before three hours pass, you get to challenge me for it!’


Optimus Prime spoke out, "Discord, unless you want to suffer a horrible demise, I suggest you give me The Matrix of Leadership now!!!"

"Oh but Optimus," Discord said twirling The Matrix on his finger; "we still didn't finish the game now did we?"

Optimus glared at Discord until he caught something on his optics, he turned his head slightly to the left and saw Megatron slowly walking towards his Decepticons, not making a noise. He turned back to Discord who had a smug face. Discord cracked his neck and said, "Now, are we going to finish this?" Discord raised both fists while The Matrix floated right by him.

"Discord," Optimus began, "this world is out of control! Look above you! Those storm clouds could level this entire city!" As Optimus said that, a bolt of lightning struck the side of a building causing debris to fall to the ground.

"Ohhhh Optimus," Discord whined, "why don't you just take risks, besides, this Matrix will be destroyed if you don't fight me."
"You said if we found it you wouldn't destroy it!" Optimus yelled at him.

"But yet you have tempted me to do such horridness." Discord said placing a hand to his face pretending to hate what he is doing which Optimus knew he loved every second of it. Discord cracked his knuckles and said, "Now Optimus, this your final warning, fight me or I will destroy The Matrix of Leadership."


Discord spun around quickly to see Megatron and his Decepticons watching him, only Megatron seemed harmless. "Odd?" Optimus said in confusion when he noticed Megatron's unthreatening position. He never saw Megatron like this, what was he planning?

Megatron stepped forward and bowed to Discord, Discord smirked and bowed back.

"Well, well, well, you have very nice manners Megatron, unlike someone here." Discord said looking back at Optimus.

Megatron stepped forward and said, "I, Megatron, have noticed such a powerful being you are Discord, and I seek we make a partnership."

"A partnership…?" Discord smiled. Megatron smiled back.

"Yes, if we were to form and alliance, then we can rule this world together, no one could stop us, not even the Autobots!" Megatron explained.

"Hmmmmm...." Discord scratched his chin thinking of the proposal.

Megatron put his hand in front of his chest and said, "I'll prove it to you."

Discord raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. Megatron looked back and nodded. Shockwave looked down and ordered the ponies to move forward. They had to against their will, and soon they were standing at Megatron's feet.

Discord got wide eyed but remembered that Megatron wanted to use the ponies for something, so he played along.

"What's this?" Discord asked. Megatron smiled and pointed at the shivering ponies.

"I have heard that these ponies are the ones that imprisoned you," Megatron smiled even wider, Discord groaned but allowed Megatron to continue, "So this is my saying so that we could be partners...."

Discord was not expecting what Megatron did; Optimus was too shocked to even react. Megatron pointed his cannon down at them and said, "I will kill these ponies."

Discord's mouth hung agape, the Autobots gasped at what Megatron threatened to do. Optimus looked at the ponies but was confused on how they looked, sure they looked scared, but there was a hint of acting in those terrified eyes that Optimus saw.

"You.... you will?" Discord asked, he was not expecting at Megatron had just said. Killing the Element Bearers?! That was.....evil.

"Oh yes, these ponies have no choice in the matter. So.... what do you say?" Megatron asked.

Discord looked at Twilight and her friends, the fear in their eyes made Discord's smile grow bigger and bigger. He nodded and said, "I accept your partnership, Megatron."

"NO!" The six mares screamed trying to make it sound believable, which it really did. Megatron smiled even more and powered up his cannon. Discord waved goodbye to the ponies still smiling.

"MEGATRON, NOOOOOO!!!!!" Optimus Prime screamed and ran forward. Before he could even get close, he got shot in the leg by Shockwave's blast cannon. Optimus fell to one knee and looked at the utter horror in the ponies eyes as Megatron was about to fire.

Optimus swore this planets race would not be harmed by the Decepticons....

....he has failed.

"No..." Optimus whispered to himself and couldn't bear to watch his friends’ fates.

Megatron slowly looked at Prime, and then back to Discord. His smile turned to a frown as he looked past Discord and saw the three seekers heading their way. Megatron's plan was a go. Megatron smiled deviously at Discord, who frowned.

Discord was beginning to get impatient, "Well what are you waiting for?! Shoot!"

"Oh," Megatron hissed, "I plan to."

Discord didn't understand until a few seconds had passed. Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp shot their blasters as they flew high from the sky. The laser fire directly hit Discord in the back, which shot directly through his body.

Discord howled in pain and fell to both knees, the seekers just wouldn't stop. They hovered in place as they shot Discord in the back several times. Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp finished their mission by sending several missiles towards Discord.

The missiles collided and caused a severe explosion where Discord was. After the dust had cleared, Megatron could see Discord lying on the ground barely getting up. Megatron had to finish this... now!

"Stunticons," Megatron raised a fist, "merge into..... MENASOR!!!"

Motormaster, Wildrider, Dead End, Breakdown, and Dragstrip stepped forward and transformed into Megatron's colossus.

Breakdown and Wildrider transformed into the right and left leg and landed in front of Discord. Motormaster transformed on top of them and formed the body and head. Dragstrip and Dead End transformed in mid-air and landed in the arm sockets forming the arms. Menasor was formed!

"Menasor," Megatron began, "crush Discord!!!"

"I LIVE TO SERVE AND TO DESTROY!!!!" Menasor yelled and lifted up his massive foot over Discord.

Discord looked up just in time to see Menasor bring his foot down, crushing Discord.

All was silent, Optimus was still in shock how Megatron had just tricked and killed Discord. The ponies were even more surprised that they didn't even have to use The Elements to stop Discord. Megatron smiled as time went on, knowing his plan was successful.

Suddenly, Menasor felt his foot begin to tremble. Menasor was shocked and tried to lift his foot up, but it was stuck! Megatron watched in horror as Menasor was lifted up from his foot! Underneath was none other than Discord, not even a scratch on him!

Discord cracked his neck and said, "That was a pretty good plan, Megatron," Discord said as he lifted Menasor with both arms, "but you will have to try harder to stop me."

With that, Discord flung the great Menasor towards the Decepticons. As the colossus was hurling toward Megatron, the Decepticons scattered away in fright along with their leader.

Megatron turned around and yelled, "Menasor, break apart! NOW!!!"

Just as Menasor was about to flatten Megatron, he broke apart at the last second, sending the Stunticons in different locations. Motormaster landed Megatron, sending them both to the ground.

Megatron pushed Motormaster off of him and yelled, "Get off, fool!"

Megatron looks over and sees Discord laughing in mid-air. Discord stopped laughing when he saw Optimus heading straight for him. Discord lifted up a piece of concrete and hit Optimus with it sending him backwards.

Optimus landed on his back and looked at Discord who was floating higher. He unleashed his fury.

"I've had it! I'm done playing with you Decepticons and Autobots! THIS. ENDS. HERE!!!!" Discord screamed as he shot several bolts of lightning at both the Autobots and Decepticons. The Mane six got behind some debris and looked to see the Decepticons faltering and falling to the ground. This was a perfect moment to escape!

"Come on, girls!" Twilight yelled and ran towards the Autobots. Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow followed closely.

Discord saw them trying to flee and charged up his hand with the lightning from the sky. When he was about to fire on them he heard a loud rumble and looked forward to see the massive Autobot staring straight at him.


Omega charged up his right hand and was about to fire upon Discord, until Discord focused his shot intended for the ponies on Omega Supreme. The yellow beam blasted from Discord's hand and shot all the way to Omega's chest. Omega Supreme fell back and landed into a few buildings. When he landed on the ground, he created a tremor so powerful, the Decepticons and Autobots fell face first to the ground.


Omega Supreme's eyes went black as he went into stasis to repair himself. Omega was out of the battle.

The ponies were surprised that such a powerful Autobot just got sent back into the buildings by Discord, then again, Discord was the being of chaos, he had unlimited power.

Discord looked back at the terrified ponies and prepared another strike, until he heard Optimus charging at him. He turned just in time to see Optimus Prime shooting at him. He blocked the shots with a shield that appeared in his hand. Discord felt triumphant until he got shot in the back.

He looked behind him and saw Megatron with a heated up cannon. The leaders of both sides were preparing to fight him!

As Discord looked both ways, Optimus Prime and Megatron were getting closer to him; he had no choice but to end this. His whole body began to glow as the lightning started striking against Discord. Twilight felt the chocolate rain hit even harder than before, she looked at Discord with pure terror in her eyes.

Discord raised a fist and shouted, "YOU SHOULD NOT MESS WITH CHAOS!!!!!!!"

With that, he brought his entire body down to the Earth below. Bumblebee knew this would not end well and saw that the ponies were too close; they would not survive the explosion that was imminent. Bumblebee raced forward and threw himself in front of the little ponies.

Optimus Prime and Megatron smashed one of their fists in the ground just in case anything would happen....

.....and something did.

When Discord hit the ground, he caused a massive explosion that sent a gigantic shockwave throughout Canterlot.

Windows shattered, carriages were flipped over, and the Autobots and Decepticons were blown backwards. Bumblebee shielded the tiny ponies with his body just before the flames overcame them.

All was silent......

Optimus Prime was shaking from the explosion that had just passed him. He ripped his hand out of the ground and fell to one knee, still shaken up pretty bad. Megatron wasn't holding up any better, he was shaking even harder since he was closer to Discord.

Speaking of Discord, the draconequus slowly raised himself up and checked the carnage he had just caused. The Autobots were sent to his left, all of them lying on the ground. The Decepticons were sent to his right, all of them lying down. And in front of him was a yellow Autobot, not even moving.

"Pity…" Discord said and looked towards Optimus Prime, even Discord was surprised he had survived this. He looked to his right and saw Megatron as well.

Discord looked down and picked up The Matrix, it was still intact, barely. He looked at Prime, then Megatron, then The Matrix. Prime, Megatron, Matrix. Prime, Megatron, Matrix.

Discord smiled and got an idea, this was so much better than his last one.

As Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes, she felt a large presence over her. She looked over and saw a yellow arm shielding her tiny body. Fluttershy looked up and saw the body of Bumblebee, protecting her and her friends from that explosion.

Fluttershy was even more heartbroken to see Bumblebee's face, void of life, and cold black eyes. Fluttershy began to feel scared for her friend, was he.....dead?! NO, he can't be dead he just can't be!

Fluttershy's friends began to wake up and looked over to see the yellow pegasus with tears rolling down her face. They turned around to see what she was crying about....

.....it brought tears to their eyes as well.

Bumblebee was lying there, motionless, his eyes as dark as the night, and not a single red light glowing on him. Rarity slowly walked to Bee's face and began to reach for it; she pulled back and cried into her foreleg. Applejack walked over and comforted her; Applejack couldn't help but cry herself.

Twilight couldn't bear to see him anymore; she turned away and let the tears fall. Rainbow Dash couldn't hold in her tears anymore and let them fall as well, even she can't cry through this. Pinkie released a waterfall of tears and whimpered to herself at Bee's state.

Twilight looked back up at Bumblebee's face; she walked forward and looked at his lifeless eyes. The lavender unicorn looked down and whimpered to herself, "Bumblebee....... no."

They had to accept the horrible fact.

Bumblebee......was dead.