• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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Cut and Run

Grimlock kept walking and didn't turn back. That is, until he felt a tug at his right hand.

Grimlock brought up his right hand and saw that there was a rope tied around his pointing finger. Did one of the ponies just try to capture him?

Turning around, he saw the orange horse holding the end of the rope with her mouth. Grimlock gave a little tug and the orange pony struggled to say, “Woo nelly, this varmint is strong!”

This orange pony sounded just like Ironhide, only more feminine.

Grimlock could easily break this rope off, but before he could even try to touch it, the orange pony yelled, "Now Twilight!"

The purple one, whose name was Twilight apparently, shot some kind of purple light out of her horn that struck him in the chest.

To Grimlock's surprise, he felt tired and weaker; Grimlock fell to one knee and was barely awake. He then looked down and saw the blue pony say, "Twilight, I thought that paralyzing spell would work?!"

"It's impossible!" Twilight screamed, her thoughts flying frantically.

"Give him another dosage!" the blue one shouted.

Grimlock looked up just in time to get hit by another purple light. He felt himself nearly black out, but he forced himself to stay awake. His vision was going static. One more hit, and Grimlock would be put into stasis lock. Not again!

Twilight was beginning to charge another blast, but Grimlock had regained his strength and broke the rope. He heard that same orange pony from before yelp in pain since he just yanked the rope free from her mouth. Twilight backed up as Grimlock raised his massive fist in an attempt to crush her. But before he could bring it down, he heard a faint scream.

Grimlock looked behind him to see the white unicorn trembling in fear. Obviously who wouldn't be afraid of the leader of the Lightning Strike? Before the mighty Dinobot could strike, a new voice was heard that only Grimlock could hear.


Grimlock clutched his head and screamed in pain.

“Stay out of my head!!!”

Grimlock suddenly couldn’t control his body anymore…it was as if someone was controlling him. Rarity began to back away from this monstrosity, but the worst possible thing stopped her from doing that. The monster reached forward and grabbed her.

“NO! Let me go!” Rarity screamed as she struggled against Grimlock’s strength. If she thought things couldn’t get any worse….

Next thing she knew she was chucked right towards her fellow unicorn.

Grimlock watched as the white unicorn crashed into the purple one named Twilight. Both of them tumbled to the ground and crashed into a tree not too far away. Grimlock chuckled and looked over when he felt a small touch by his foot.

The orange pony was kicking him.

“Foolish pony!” Grimlock growled and scooped up the equine.

“What the hay do ya think yer doin-OW!!!” Applejack screamed in pain as the monster began squeezing her entire body, attempting to crush her.

Seeing her orange face suddenly go blue from the lack of oxygen, the voices returned in Grimlock’s head.


Grimlock released his grip and watched as the pony gasped for air.

“NO…..d-don’t kill!” Grimlock begged.

"Hey! Leave my friend alone!"

Grimlock tried to locate who had just yelled at him, his visor landing on the blue pony from before trying to put on a brave face.

Grimlock dropped Applejack and slowly began walking to Rainbow. "You say something to me, organic?" Grimlock pointed a finger at her as he moved closer.

Rainbow began to feel the same fear as when she first saw the creature. Every time Grimlock moved closer, Rainbow felt the ground rumble beneath her from his massive footsteps. Grimlock stood in front of her and glared down hatefully.

Rainbow began to shake with fear.

"What's wrong? You act brave while ago, now you just scared." Grimlock said hatefully. The only noise that Rainbow made was a small squeak of fear. Grimlock shook his head in disgust.

"You no talk huh? Well, you’re just another bug in my way, and bugs deserved to be crushed!!!" Grimlock yelled and raised his massive foot, in an attempt to crush Rainbow Dash.

"YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Shouted a female voice.

Grimlock put his foot down and was ready to face another pony............only to find himself frozen with terror.

There on the ground, was the same yellow pony with wings, but it had its wings spread out and its eyes glared right through Grimlock's visor. Grimlock backed up in fear and held his hands out. But his hands slowly went up to his head when Grimlock clutched it in pain.

'What happening to me?!' Grimlock thought to himself.

The yellow pony started yelling. "How dare you! I don’t care how scary and strong you are, you do NOT attack my friends. Now you are going to stop this right now and come with us!"

Grimlock struggled harder and clutched his head even more. He didn't know what to do in this crazy situation. As Grimlock continued to struggle, Fluttershy flew up to his face and continued “The Stare”.

"I SAID STOP THIS NOW AND GIVE UP!!!!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Shut....the slag.....up." Grimlock struggled with his words.

Fluttershy was really mad now.

"HOW DARE-" Fluttershy began but was hit by Grimlock.

Grimlock swatted Fluttershy away with his hand, it was a weak hit, but it was still enough to make her fly back and ram into a tree. Fluttershy passed out on impact and fell to the ground.

Grimlock was weakened, as he eyed his surroundings he noticed that the white pony was passed out on the ground, the orange one was barely getting up but continued to fall, the blue one was laying on her stomach in fear, the yellow one was passed out by the tree, and the pink one was watching the entire time with water falling from her large eyes.

That left......

Grimlock looked at his last opponent.


Twilight tried to put on a brave face, but inside she was terrified. This creature had managed to defeat every single one of her friends. He took a direct buck from Applejack and even resisted “The Stare”. How could she fight this thing?!

To Twilight's surprise, the creature began to stand up and walk away. Part of her wanted to let it go, the other part wanted to stop it before it hurt any pony else.

Twilight knew what to do. She stood on all fours and poured every drop of magic she had on this blast. She fired the energy beam at the monster.

Grimlock felt his back being hit with an extremely hot beam of energy. The heat was immediately forgotten when he was launched forward and smacked face first into a bundle of trees. After several feet of skidding and tumbling, Grimlock came to a stop and faced the sky.

"Uggggghhhh, did that pony do that?" Grimlock asked no one in particular.

This time, Grimlock was in pain, the beam of energy was stronger than anything he ever felt. Maybe this world wasn’t so weak and pathetic after all.

Before Grimlock could pass out, his vision was suddenly filled with a small purple face. It was Twilight looking straight in his visor, the look in her eyes made Grimlock assume that she thought she had just won, that she had conquered the mighty Grimlock.

Oh how wrong she was.

Grimlock began to lift himself off the ground. Twilight yelped and jumped off of his chest. She looked in awe as the strange creature rose from the tattered trees and shrub. When he was at his full height, Grimlock looked down at Twilight.

Twilight was completely shocked and confused. She had just used her full power on that blast, and this “thing” wasn’t even hurt! It simply just stood up like nothing had ever happened!

But what frightened Twilight the most is what the creature did next.

He pulled out something on his right hand and balled his fist. Suddenly, the thing in his right hand began to grow longer and made a noise that sounded like it was changing. The once small object was now a long orange sword that the creature gripped in his right hand.

Twilight’s eyes grew and her breathing increased as the creature faced her holding the sword menacingly. Twilight’s heart skipped a beat when it said these words,

"My turn."

The creature gripped the sword with both hands. He lifted the sword above his head and brought it down to the earth.

Grimlock never intended to kill the pony, that is why he missed on purpose and smashed the sword a few feet away from her.
The shockwave, however; created by the sword when it hit the ground caused Twilight to fly back several feet. Trees shattered by the massive blast created by the sword and Grimlock’s strength together. Twilight finally landed on the ground and laid on her side facing where she was launched.

Twilight was really hurt now; she was covered in scratches and bruises from that massive blast. Twilight Sparkle couldn’t hold on anymore and was going to pass out, but when her vision was going blurry, she heard the footsteps heading her way.

She barely stayed awake to see that deadly monster walking right for her, the sword still gripped in his right hand.

Twilight felt the ground rumble beneath her as it drew nearer. She looked up to see the creature standing over her and watching with both anger and intent.

Grimlock couldn’t help but take one last look at this pitiful creature. Twilight shivered when she looked in his visor. Now she knew why Rainbow was so terrified, the amount of horror in that red visor would freeze anyone in their tracks.

Grimlock was not surprised, many things were afraid of him, even some of his fellow Autobots were afraid of his strength. But as he stared at the pathetic creature lying in front of him, Grimlock felt something, something he hadn't felt in a long, long time.


It was pointless. They all learned their lesson. Grimlock had no need to end her life, just like he had no need to remain in that area any longer. As Grimlock slowly got up, his sword transformed back and he put it where it belonged. To finish it, Grimlock turned around and walked into the forest. Twilight was about to pass out herself when she heard the creature say one more thing.

"Follow me again…..and die."

And then Twilight blacked out from the pain.

Author's Note:

Well that was fun. Did the Mane 6 really think they could stop Grimlock? Any type of criticism is allowed to help me make my story better.