• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

  • ...

Heed The Call



That's the only word that ran through Twilight's mind when this Autobot said those eight words. Heed the call, what kind of call? Still, Twilight couldn't help but wanting to ask what this Autobot's deal was. With a deep breath and a loud gulp, Twilight Sparkle struggled over her words when she asked the Autobot one question.

"Y-y-you h-heed our c-c-call?"

The massive Autobot didn't answer and simply stared at the tiny ponies lying in his hand. He focused on the white one looking up and asking, "And....what call...might that be?"

Now it was his turn to answer.

The six ponies flinched when this Autobot answered in a very deep voice, his mouth didn't move which was very strange when it began to talk.


'Okay, that makes sense, why didn't Optimus tell us about this?' Twilight thought to herself as the Autobot continued.


"Coool..." Rainbow Dash whispered to herself only to be silenced by the Autobot continuing to talk.


"Oh.....my.....Celestia..." Twilight muttered to herself as if trying to process those exact words correctly. It just said 'I am at your command'. That means they control this monstrous Autobot! But what do they tell it to do and why would it ever listen to them and-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a poke on her shoulder; she turned to see Rainbow Dash and the rest of her friends looking at her with wide eyes and wide smiles.

"Did you hear that?" Rainbow asked, "This thing will do whatever we say!"

"Yeah.....that's incredible." Twilight answered still shocked. Pinkie Pie jumped in and bounced around her friends happily.

"Oh, oh, oh, I want to tell it do something. Can I, please, please, please, please, please!?" Pinkie begged.

"No Pinkie," Twilight flatly said, "you're just going to make him sing a song or do a funny face or something."

Pinkie looked up and retorted back, "What are you some kind of mind reader? Because I totally was and-"


The mares brought their attention back to the Autobot titan that was watching them with intent.

Now was the time to act.

Twilight nodded to her friends who nodded back knowing Twilight would explain everything. She stood back up on all fours and stared into Metroplex's red eyes, with a single gulp she began.

"Well, we really need to get back to Ultra Magnus..."

The titan looked back up from the orders given from the ponies that had resurrected him, "ULTRA MAGNUS.....LOCATING...."

Metroplex looked beyond the tattered battlefield that lay before him, he looked beyond the Sea of Rust, and he looked beyond all that Cybertron had to offer....until he found it. The Autobot base under heavy attack from many Decepticons, inside the base was the Autobot Leader; Ultra Magnus.


Metroplex looked back at the tiny ponies in his massive hand; he began to lower them to the ground as he was explaining what he was going to do.


As Metroplex lowered his hand to the ground, the mares looked over and saw his gigantic fingers lowering. Applejack peeked over and all she saw was a giant hill with what appeared to be black platforms spread around the area. After several seconds, the six equines finally realized it was their time to get off.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hovered themselves to the white ground below while Twilight teleported her and the rest of her friends by the two pegasi. Twilight looked back up at Metroplex who was beginning to walk left; with each step he took a massive tremor rocked the ground.

Twilight faced the hill again and an explosion caught her eyes, she looked up and saw several Decepticons still roaming the city with ships flying. She looked back at Metroplex and screamed, "WAIT!!! There are Decepticons everywhere, how do WE make it?!"

Metroplex turned back slightly and answered the lavender unicorn, "LEAVE THEM TO ME, YOU MUST FOLLOW ME IN ORDER TO GET BACK TO ULTRA MAGNUS."

That was all she needed to here.

Twilight turned back towards her friends and shouted, "Follow me, girls!"

"Very well."

"Okay, Twilight."

"Yes sir, ma'am sir!"


"Shoot, Twilight, where else would we go?"

Twilight took all those as an okay and faced the deep hill in front of them, with a deep breath she took off towards the hill and almost fell from how steep it was, she soon regained her footing and found herself galloping down the hill. Rainbow and Fluttershy simply flew after Twilight, Applejack stood up on her back hooves and shouted, "Yeeha lets ride!"

With that, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity took off down the hill and almost fell just like Twilight. They all found themselves galloping at intense speed from the steep hill and soon caught up to their lavender friend.

Twilight smiled when her friends had caught up to her and were ready to face anything now that they had this Autobot titan protecting them.....they soon lost that feeling when they turned right.

There they saw several Decepticons all lined up and shooting at the skies for some reason unknown. The six ponies stopped and cowered in fear when some began to look at them. Any type of bravery they had been lost when the Decepticons turned their way.

One of the Decepticons pointed at them and shouted, "Those are the freaks that re-awakened Metroplex, kill them!" They didn't have Bumblebee here to save them this time when the Decepticons moved in on the helpless equines.

Instead of death coming to the ponies, was pure amazement.

The mighty Metroplex came from the right and brought down his fist on the Decepticons overcrowding the Element Bearers' path. The ponies closed their eyes when the dust finally reached them from gust of wind that the fist had created. When they opened their eyes, they saw Metroplex slowly lift up his fist; several pieces of dead Decepticons fell off as Metroplex got to full height.

The mares were still in shock as Metroplex turned around and began swinging his fists at the Decepticon dropships in his way. Several explosions appeared around Metroplex as he slowly made his way forward to the city.

"Whoa, look at that big guy go!" Rainbow Dash squealed and watched in awe as Metroplex shot from his arm cannons at some unknown enemies...possibly Decepticons.

"We can watch later, Rainbow Dash, for now we have to follow Metroplex!" Twilight shouted and galloped down the very large road in front of them. The rest of her friends followed and squinted when they realized they were approaching a bridge.

The six friends stopped at the front of the bridge when they saw many Decepticons on the bridge and attempting to shoot Metroplex, except all of them screamed in fear when the mighty Autobot titan brought down his foot on the bridge, destroying it in seconds along with every Decepticon on it.

"FOOLISH DECEPTICONS." Metroplex said and made his way down the city. Applejack looked over and saw the bridge completely destroyed and no way across.

"Oh great," Applejack shouted, "now how are we gonna make it across!"

"Yeah, I mean, Rainbow Dash and I aren't strong enough to lift all of you, and Twilight can't use her teleporting spell to get ALL of us across safely." Fluttershy explained.

Just when they thought all hope was lost, a red dropship appeared in front of them.

The six mares believed it to be a Decepticon dropship but sighed in relief when the side door opened and an Autobot stepped out. He pointed at them and shouted, "Hurry jump on! The Autobots are invading the city now that Metroplex is awake!"

The dropship lowered itself to the ground and allowed all the ponies to pile in. When they stepped inside, Twilight noticed that there were only five Autobots in here along with the pilot. One of them closed the door and said, "Now hold on tight!"

Twilight and her friends clung onto the closest thing they were sitting by; Fluttershy looked up and realized she was clinging onto the leg of an Autobot soldier. The soldier looked down at the yellow pony and saw her blush behind her pink mane.

The pilot looked back and said, "It's okay, we're safe now."

The Autobots sighed in relief and looked around; one of the soldiers saw the lavender pony looking at all them with big eyes. He smiled and asked, "So you're the ones who brought the mighty Metroplex back to life?"

Twilight and her friends nodded slowly, the soldier chuckled and said, "Nice, now we might have a fighting chance."

Another soldier looked from his blaster to the Autobot that just spoke and said, "Oh yeah, what chance do we think we have against the Decepticons?"

Before the soldier could answer back, the dropship rumbled and a massive tremor spread through the ship. The ponies fell to the ground and tried to regain their structure as they heard the pilot shout, "We're hit! We're hit! Everyone brace for landing!"

But they couldn't brace for impact when they suddenly crashed to the hard metal ground below.......

...........and then everything was black.

Rarity was so dizzy. As the white unicorn slowly opened her eyes, she found out she was covered in debris and shattered pieces of metal. She whined softly as she moved her hoof through her mane, she felt pieces of scrap in her elegant and beautiful mane. Her whine began to grow louder when she realized her mane was ruined from all this horridness.

As she lifted herself up, she felt a sharp pain in her head. Lifting her hoof, she gently touched her head and looked at her hoof that was covered in blood. Her simple whine turned to a scream.

That little scream was just enough for the Autobots to hear and lift off the rubble. Rarity cringed at the bright light hitting her eyes but slowly adjusted when she saw an Autobot reaching for her.

She allowed herself to be picked up gently by this Autobot. Her whines turned to whimpers and soon tears when she realized she was hurt. But she soon stopped crying when a metal hand slowly patted her on the head and softly rubbed her mane.

Rarity looked up from tear filled eyes to see the Autobot soldier softly rubbing her mane with his hand; Rarity didn't want to admit that it felt good but simply smiled.

The Autobot leaned in and said, "We're going to get you and your friends out of this madness, I promise."

Rarity's smile turned to an expression of pure shock when the head of the Autobot exploded sending Energon everywhere, even her white coat!

Rarity felt herself fall to the ground and land on her back with a hard thump; she looked up and saw the Autobot that had saved her lying on the ground dead. Now she just felt heartbroken.

"Let’s move, Decepticons!"

Rarity looked up and saw a Decepticon move forward and kick the dead Autobot in front of her. Her breathing increased when it brought its attention to her. It chuckled softly and pulled out a long sword, making its way towards the cowering unicorn.

As the Decepticon lifted up its sword, its chest exploded as the Decepticon was sent backwards. Rarity looked back and saw another Autobot with a smoking barrel at the end of his blaster. The Autobot looked down and motioned his hand forwards.

Rarity looked down and saw her friends racing towards her, when they finally reached their friend, all of them were in a massive group hug. Rarity whimpered but was glad that she was re-united with her closest friends.

"I'm sorry to break up this little love fest..."

The six ponies looked up and saw three Autobots hiding behind a pillar, the first one looked at them and said, "But you six might want to take a look at this."

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack slowly looked from behind the pillar and gasped at the figure that was literally tearing up the Decepticons.

There was Metroplex, overlooking the ground all the Decepticons were on. He lifted up his fist and brought it down on the ground in front of him, killing any Decepticon that was under his wrath. Metroplex lifted up his fist and swatted at the dropships that were surrounding his head. As the mares were lost in this titan obliterating these helpless Decepticons, an Autobot soldier looked at them and brought them back to reality.

"Those ponies re-awakened Metroplex?!"

"Yeah....can you believe it?!"

"No.....can't say that I do."

Twilight faced the Autobots and interrupted their little conversation, "Excuse me, but how do we get back to Ultra Magnus?"

The first Autobot looked at her and began to explain, "Okay look, what you have to do is go down that road there." He pointed to his right where a white road laid, "Next, there should be a bridge there, I don't know for sure if it’s destroyed or not. Anyway, pass the bridge and you will meet a group of Autobots who will lead you to where you have to go!"

"Got it!" Twilight shouted and was about to make her way towards the road, only for the voice of the Autobot to stop her in her tracks.

"Thank you.....Twilight Sparkle. You and your friends possibly won us the war with what you did."

Twilight smiled warmly at each of them and saw that her friends had already made their way down the road. Twilight galloped forward and soon caught up to each of them, when she turned her attention forward, she gasped when she saw Metroplex walk towards the bridge.

As the six ponies stopped at the edge, they did find the bridge to indeed by destroyed.

"Oh great, now how do we get across?" Rarity asked with a hint of whining escaping her lips.

Metroplex acted quickly.


With that, Metroplex opened up his hand and let all the ponies climb on. He brought his hand to the end of the bridge and brought his fingers downwards; forming a tiny bridge with each finger.

As the mares climbed off and onto another platform, Rarity looked back with a smile and said, "Thank you darling."


As Rarity made her way inside the structure with the rest of her friends, Metroplex began to walk away and continue holding off any Decepticon trying to hurt him or his new masters.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack had made their way inside the breaking structure with ease, no Decepticon had got in their way as they quickly galloped or flew up a flight of stairs. They came to an edge that overlooked an army of Decepticons from yet another bridge.

"How many of these guys are there?" Rainbow asked Applejack.

"How in the hay should ah know?" Applejack retorted back.

Pinkie turned towards Twilight since she was the smartest one and asked, "How do we get rid of these meanies, Twilight?"

"I don't know, Pinkie, maybe Metroplex could take care of them." Twilight answered.

"But...how do we get Metroplex over here?" Fluttershy asked. Pinkie Pie stepped forward with her chest puffed out.

"I know, I'll just yell for him!" Pinkie exclaimed and took a deep breath.

"No, Pinkie Pie wait!" Twilight shouted, but it was already too late.


The Decepticons turned their heads to see the colorful equines watching them from a higher platform. They pointed their weapons and fired away. The mares took cover by hiding behind some debris, all the while Rarity was shouting at Pinkie Pie over the gunfire.

"PINKIE, why would you ever yell when there are those dreadful monsters close by?!" Rarity screamed but clutched her bleeding forehead in pain.

Pinkie shrugged and said, "I don't know, I guess the moment just called for me to be myself."

Before Applejack could answer to Pinkie's strange mind, she felt a horrid pain shoot through her back hoof. Applejack screamed in pain and clutched her hoof. Her friends gasped and tried to help her friend who had just gotten shot.

Blood was already seeping out as Applejack began to cry from the pain, Twilight tried to keep Applejack's head level so she couldn't see her wound, it would only make things worse.

As Applejack's cries echoed through the cities, an angry Autobot responded.

A loud tremor rocked the city around them, the firefight above stopped which was just enough time for Twilight and the others to look up and see the Decepticons now shooting right. The ponies looked right and saw him.....



"Hit him with everything you've got!" A Decepticon shouted and fired at the mighty titan who merely lifted up his fist and destroyed the bridge with ease.


Several Decepticons died in seconds as Metroplex brought his attention to the whimpering from behind a small pile of debris. Twilight and the others gasped as Metroplex brought down his massive head to see clearly at the orange pony clutching her hoof.


Applejack weakly nodded and said, "Yeah....ah'm fine...thank ya, Metraplex."

Metroplex nodded and went back to full height; he turned straight and continued to walk forward to continue his onslaught on the Decepticons. Applejack was lifted up by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, Twilight looked at Applejack and asked, "Applejack, are you sure you can make it the rest of the way?"

Applejack forced a smile and said, "Yeah, ah'll be fine, Twi."

With that, Twilight's horn glowed very bright and all of her friends found themselves at the bottom of the platform. Twilight opened her eyes and said without any expression, "Come on, girls."

Fluttershy and Rarity stood at the Twilight's sides while Rainbow and Pinkie had to help Applejack; she limped the entire way, from passed the door and passed the hallway. Right before the lavender unicorn could take another step, the sound of gunfire came.

The mares crouched down and prepared for anything that might happen; only when Twilight opened her eyes, she saw four Decepticons shooting at the air; not even paying attention to the cowering ponies behind them. But the thing that amazed them and possibly scared them was a giant black hand coming down and crushing the four Decepticons.


Twilight Sparkle came out of the tattered hallway and saw Metroplex beginning to walk away. This Autobot REALLY was protecting them; then again, if she was in stasis for millions of years and somepony awakened her, she would do whatever they said.

While Twilight was thinking this over, Pinkie had just realized that there was no way they could all get over to that high platform, she didn't know for sure but her pinkie sense was telling her that is where she and her friends needed to go.

"Metroplex!" Pinkie shouted and bounced up and down.

The Autobot titan turned back around and looked at all the colorful equines until he recognized the voice coming from the pink one.


Pinkie Pie pointed at the upper platform and asked, "Can you help us get up there pretty please?"


With that, Metroplex lowered his big finger to the small platform they were already on, the mares climbed on with ease as the titan raised them to the higher platform, exactly where Pinkie wanted him to go. Pinkie smiled and shouted, "Thanks, Plexy!"

As all the ponies climbed onto the higher platform, Metroplex lifted up his head and began to walk forward, something had caught his massive optics.

With Metroplex gone yet again, the six friends found this opportunity to relax. Each of them sat down on the high platform; breathing in deeply and exhaling loudly. Twilight looked over and saw Rarity touching her now stopped bleeding forehead but still winced in pain on the touch. She turned slightly to the left and saw Applejack with tears at the rims of her eyes as she slowly rubbed her injured hoof.

Her friends were suffering.

She knew it was true, this world was corrupting them and hurting them, physically and emotionally. She never wanted any of her friends to get hurt, but there was nothing to do now but continue onwards. This world was killing them on the inside, but what could they do to Decepticons?


Twilight suddenly looked up when a small tremor caused her entire body to shake, followed by a recognizable voice booming throughout the tattered landscape.



Twilight's smile came back on her face. Metroplex was the key to their survival, he was at their command and so far they had only told him to find Ultra Magnus and lift them over a few things.

No more.

Twilight put on a determined face and knew what she was going to do. She was going to order Metroplex like there was no tomorrow and allow him to destroy any kind of Decepticon that stood in their way. Everything just got serious.

Twilight stood back up and began to walk towards the new entrance to their next location when the soft voice of Fluttershy stopped her.

"Hey, weren't there supposed to be Autobots here?"

Twilight suddenly turned around and thought about Fluttershy's words. The soldiers did tell them that there would be Autobots here to lead them to their escape and back to Ultra Magnus. But there was nothing.

Right before Twilight Sparkle could answer, the sound of coughing and metal falling to the ground caught all their attention. All the mares got back up except Applejack who had to be helped by Rainbow Dash, they all walked to what appeared to be a long hallway but found it to be very short. They made a right and stopped when they came across a hole in the ground; the hole proceeded to another level in the building; where the coughing continued.

"This way, girls." Twilight said and took baby steps down the hole with her friends close behind. It took a while but Applejack soon got down with the help of her cyan friend.

They all came across another one of those strange machines...what did it call itself when Bee touched it?

Teletraan...that's what it was called. Unknown to what it truly did, Twilight Sparkle took one step on the strange device to see what would happen. It amazed the unicorn.

The machine lit up from the touch of something on it; suddenly it spoke in a very robotic and deep voice.


When Twilight was about to do something else on this device that somehow recognized her, the coughing grew louder.

"Twilight, its coming from over here, get off that dreaded machine and let’s go." Rarity ordered and walked down the rest of the hallway and turned right. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie followed while Rainbow Dash draped Applejack's hoof over her shoulder and carried her to the next position.

When Twilight sighed and stepped off Teletraan, she gasped when it said these words:


The unicorn blushed slightly; all these Autobots and machines were thanking her, all because they re-awakened Metroplex. What they did must have been extremely important for all this to happen.

When Twilight Sparkle turned the corner that ended the hallway and brought about daylight, she gasped and got to closer to her friends with what they saw sprawled on the ground.

An injured Autobot.

As Twilight came up to face this Autobot, he slowly lifted his head and groaned in pain, his pain was replaced by relief when he saw the six ponies all safe and sound.

"Oh....thank Primus you all survived." The Autobot wheezed and clutched his chest that leaked Energon.

Fluttershy got closer and said in a weak whisper, "Do you think....you're going to make it?"

The Autobot slowly shook his head and groaned in pain, Twilight felt something she never felt before on these Autobot soldiers: sorrow. Sure she felt sorry for them but this Autobot in particular, with his glowing red visor and faceplate, touched her heart and almost broke it.

The Autobot looked at each of them and began.

"My team......we were meant to find you....and get you all out of here and back to Ultra Magnus. But something horrible happened......we were ambushed by 'Cons.......I am all that remains."

"No...." Twilight whimpered with tears in her eyes, the Autobot coughed and forced himself to tell them.

"But worst of all.......we saw Metroplex....and we wanted him to take out the attacking Decepticons........but he didn't listen!"

"What?!" Rarity and Twilight shouted at the same time.

The Autobot nodded and coughed up, "He won't listen to us.......but he'll listen to you...all of you. You must have him take out the 'Con before it’s too late!"

Twilight got in closer as the Autobot placed a wounded hand on her cheek.

"Now you and your friends are all that remain......and I'm sure of it...that the Decepticons will be afraid of you.....the Element Bearers...and they will never doubt your strengths. They will know..........that there is more to you..........than meets the eye."

With his final breath, the Autobot dropped his hand on the metal ground and went limp. His red visor went black along with the rest of his armor. This painful moment was lifted when Twilight Sparkle kissed her hoof and patted it on the shoulder of this brave Autobot.

After sighing silently, Twilight turned back to her friends and nodded, "Let's go take out these Decepticons."

They didn't need to be told twice. Each of the six mares made their way right and came to an opening with the sunlight pouring in. They shielded their eyes but got used to the harmful rays when they saw the epic battle unfold.

"Ha, one last Autobot!" An evil Decepticon shouted and moved closer to the limping Autobot soldier.

"NO! Stay back!!!" The Autobot shouted and began to crawl away. He couldn't move when the Decepticon pushed him over and pointed the weapon in his face.

"Not again." Twilight growled and looked up to see the familiar Autobot titan.

Metroplex moved forward but stayed behind the massive wall that separated the war zone from the rest of the city. The Autobot titan looked down to see the familiar equines. Twilight stepped forward and glared at the Decepticons below; she looked up and shouted as loud as she could.

"Metroplex, these Decepticons need to be taught a lesson! Take them all out!"


The strangest and probably most amazing thing the ponies had ever seen Metroplex do was when he faced the battlefield, clenched his fists, and shot several glowing red balls out of his giant black pillars that grew out of his shoulders.

The red balls soared down and literally disintegrated ALL the Decepticons that were once on the white ground in front of them. The dust cleared from the massive explosion and nothing remained from Metroplex's attack.

"That...was.....the COOLEST THING EVER!!!!" Rainbow Dash squealed and almost dropped Applejack.

Metroplex swung his fists in the air in front of him and destroyed a Decepticon dropship; several Decepticons fell to their deaths as Metroplex turned his attention to the six mares.


Twilight nodded in agreement and looked back at her friends; the look in their eyes told her that she was to lead the way. The lavender unicorn took off down the structure they were all on, down the white covered road, and stopping at a giant metal wall for protection. Twilight looked back and saw that her friends had followed without any trouble, except Rainbow Dash and Applejack who arrived shortly after.

"Why did we stop, Twilight?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight looked from behind the cover they were behind and immediately turned back; she looked at each of her friends and whispered, "That's why."

The other five mares looked over and grew massive eyes at what was witnessed.

Giant, four-legged Decepticon war machines were sprawled across the battlefield. Each of them were firing at the same location, a strange structure that was at the end of the road, that's where the mares had to go.....and those Decepticons were in their way.

"Metroplex!" Twilight shouted, "We need some help here! Take out those Decepticons to clear us a path!"

Metroplex faced the battlefield yet again and aimed his shoulder cannons forward.


As Metroplex fired several projectiles at the Decepticons, the mares watched in awe as the missiles soared over them and destroyed the Decepticon war machines in seconds with a fiery explosion to go with it.

"That's showing them!" Rainbow Dash yelled while still holding Applejack.

Twilight looked slightly left and saw another one of the Decepticon war machine, "There's still one more!" Twilight looked back and saw Metroplex looking down at them with intent, she pointed at the war machine and shouted, "Metroplex, take out that target!"

He did just that.

After his missiles fired from his shoulder cannons, the missiles came down on the final Decepticon war machine and destroyed it instantly. The six ponies cheered now that their path was cleared, but their cheering died down when Metroplex began to speak.


That was their cue.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash (while helping Applejack), Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity took off down the road to the building Metroplex told them to go to. All their hooves were getting filthy as they galloped down the white and dusty road; Applejack expected Rarity to start complaining again....but didn't hear a thing.

Applejack looked back and saw Rarity with a stubborn face; but not making a sound.

'Wow,' Applejack thought, 'looks like Rarity jus' gave up on her looks while we're on this world.'

Her thoughts were disturbed when she felt her injured hoof hit something hard and metallic. She winced in pain but calmed down when Rainbow Dash set her on a support on the ground. As Applejack lay there, Twilight looked up to see several Autobot soldiers and a familiar green Autobot.

"Cosmos!" Twilight exclaimed and walked closer to the Autobot who was just happy to see the ponies alive. The other Autobots were not as happy.......they were honored.

"Look, its Twilight and her friends!"

"Well I'll be.....this is incredible."

"By Primus, they're alive."

As Rarity and Rainbow Dash walked by the Autobots only to be complemented more, Twilight made her way to Cosmos who kneeled down to reach her eye level so she didn't have to strain herself.

"We've been waiting for you, Twilight, you and your friends have done a great thing, and thanks to you, we can get you all out of here safely while Metroplex helps us take out the remaining Decepticons." Cosmos explained but was surprised when the pony shook her head.

"Metroplex won't listen to you...or any Autobot for that matter. He will only take orders from me and my friends since we awakened him." Twilight told the disappointed Autobot.

Cosmos sighed, "So we're slagged....Metroplex was the only thing that could win us this war and now-"

He was silenced by Twilight lifting up her hoof.

"I didn't say we wouldn't help you."

Cosmos tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean?" The Autobots only answer was the unicorn turning towards Metroplex and the Decepticon dropships that were arriving on the battlefield.

"Cosmos," an Autobot soldier panicked, "Cons are everywhere! They'll be attacking any moment now!"

Cosmos faced three other Autobots and shouted, "Get these ponies out of here and take them to the location we designated!" Twilight stepped in front of Cosmos which surprised the Autobot. His bewilderment was only intensified when Twilight Sparkle frowned and said these words.

"No, we fight them together!"


That was all that Cosmos could manage to say. These ponies.....awakened Metroplex, survived almost all the entire city, and fought Primus knows how many Decepticons, and yet they still wouldn't give up.

Cosmos nodded and pointed at the battlefield, "We need you six to direct Metroplex's attacks while we hold off the Decepticons!" Cosmos knew that was all the ponies could really do to help.

"Got it!"

With that, Twilight Sparkle stood up proudly at the top of the barrier, her chest was puffed out and her frown remained on her face. She watched as the Decepticon dropships slowly made their way to the ground and witness several Decepticon soldiers pile out and charge forward.

"Stand tall, Autobots, here they come!" Cosmos yelled and fired away with his X18 Scrapmaker. Several Decepticons were decimated by the powerful chain gun blasts that destroyed their armor in seconds.

Twilight paid no attention to the battle taking place before her, instead her attention was brought to the mighty Autobot titan looking around and watching as Decepticon firepower hit his metallic armor. Twilight took a deep breath and shouted her loudest.

"Metroplex, help us destroy these Decepticons!!!"

The titan looked straight down the battlefield and said, "DECEPTICON DEACTIVATION COMMENCING." Just as amazing as before, the missiles blasted their way out of Metroplex's shoulder cannons and destroyed the target Twilight had laid out.

"WOOOHOOO, that's showing 'em!" An excited Autobot soldier shouted.

"More Decepticons coming this way!" Cosmos shouted as he continued his attack on the invading Decepticon soldiers. Just as Twilight was about to have Metroplex attack again, Rarity's elegant voice rang through her eardrums.

"Twilight, get down!"

The lavender unicorn didn't have enough time to react when a Decepticon Marauder fired a missile directly at her. As the missile drew in closer, Twilight closed her eyes knowing she didn't have enough time to teleport away. But instead of death hitting her, it felt more like a push.

Twilight fell on her back and looked up to see Cosmos with his hand around her body.

"You gotta get to cover, Twilight, those Maruaders got their optics especially on you after what you and your friends did!" Cosmos explained and got back up.

Twilight shook her head and focused on her surroundings. Pinkie Pie was cowering on the ground with her hooves over her eyes as the Autobots above her fired their weapons, Rarity was screaming her head off, Applejack just had her hooves against her ears to block out all the noise that was being made.....mostly Rarity, Fluttershy was doing the same exact thing Pinkie Pie was doing, and Rainbow Dash was busy running around in a straight panic.

As the unicorn brought herself up, she looked over the little barrier and saw Metroplex simply swatting at the air, the Decepticons on the other hoof were attacking nonstop, with Maruaders and dropships coming by the second.

With Twilight's courage gone, all she could do was scream out orders to Metroplex in complete panic.

"Metroplex, help us!!!" The unicorn screamed and immediately got back to cover.

The titan turned his attention to all the Decepticons trying to hurt his new masters. As he locked on to each of the Maruaders and dropships, Metroplex clenched his fists and fired away.


As Twilight Sparkle continued to cower underneath the cover of the barrier, all she could hear before the massive explosion were the screams of several Decepticons. A bright light caused her to open her eyes and bring herself up.

When the unicorn looked over the barrier, all she could see were the remains of the once active Decepticon soldiers. Everything placed in front of them was gone.

"How'd you like that, Decepti-creeps?!" Another soldier shouted in victory.

Cosmos stepped forward and brought Twilight out of her hiding place; he placed her on top of the barrier and looked at the war-torn battlefield in awe.

"They're all dead...." Cosmos said in amazement.

As Cosmos looked down at the purple equine, he noticed her expression was unfazed. Pure shock was easy to decipher on her adorable little face.

'Did that just happen?' Twilight thought to herself as she saw Metroplex swinging away at the Decepticon forces attacking him.

Her little funk was brought back to real life when she heard Cosmos shout her name.

"Twilight, we have to get you and all your friends to that plaza before more 'Cons show up!" Twilight shook her head and brought her attention to a gigantic building to her left that appeared to be tilting.

The next thing that happened was too fast to explain, all she could remember were seeing her friends by her side and somehow getting to that plaza in no time at all. She was too lost in thought to be paying attention to anything that was happening around her.

"Metroplex is firing missiles at us!"

Twilight gasped and suddenly realized they were in yet another firefight.

Perfect....just perfect.

Cosmos and several other Autobot soldiers were being held down at the entrance of this new area, she finally realized she was in a small corner with the rest of her friends. All of them were cowering with each other as Twilight could hear whimpers escape Fluttershy's trembling form.

It was indeed a scary moment, Decepticons were firing at them while the Autobots were trying their hardest to protect them, and all Twilight was thinking about was........

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight screamed and looked over to see her cyan friend.

Rainbow heard her name being called and looked over at Twilight with a worried expression and tears in her eyes. Dash gave her a soft nuzzle and said in calming words, "It's okay, Twilight, we're all here together."

Rainbow Dash was surprised when Twilight pushed her away and shouted, "No not that, Rainbow. I need you to fly up to the top of that building up there, see it?"

Rainbow did indeed see it.


"I need you to fly to the top and order Metroplex to take out all the Decepticons here; if you don't then we'll be stuck here!"
Rainbow Dash got back up and puffed out her chest, "Sure thing!"

With that, Rainbow Dash flew straight into the open with several Autobots yelling at her to get back inside.....all except her friends who were wishing her good luck.

Rainbow Dash didn't need luck.

As the cyan pegasus made her way to the top of the building just like Twilight had instructed her to do, she tried her best to dodge all the bullets that had flown right by her from the Decepticons who were sworn to kill them for what they did.

With Rainbow Dash sitting at the top of the destroyed building, she looked down but immediately got back to cover when the Decepticons still had their sights on her. She once called herself Rainbow Danger Dash....but now she was kinda thinking that over now that she was in this position.

"You won't live long, pony!"

"Yeah, come down here and meet your doom!"

Rainbow Dash took a quick peep and smirked when she saw Metroplex close by. With a deep breath, Rainbow Dash shouted as loud as she could.

"Hey Metro, take out these jerks why dontcha?!?!"

The Decepticons looked around in confusion as they heard the pony shout those words.

"Metro.....who’s Metro?"



They didn't have time to do that when the Autobot titan brought his fist down on all of them, crushing them with his intense force.


Metroplex actually ripped out a large chunk of the ground when he lifted his hand up from the tattered grounds. He looked down and saw the cyan pegasus waving and cheering.


"Buck yeah it is!" Rainbow Dash cheered on the giant Autobot.

"Rainbow, watch your language!"

Dash turned back and saw the rest of her friends come out into the open, she flew down to meet a happy Twilight and mad Rarity.

"Good job, Rainbow. That was a close call!" Twilight said in relief and looked up to see Metroplex watching all of them with intent. Cosmos came by the side of the six ponies along with several Autobot soldiers; he looked up at Metroplex and back to Twilight.

"Okay, good going ponies, now you see those stairs?" Cosmos pointed at the staircase inside the building Rainbow Dash was just on. The mares nodded as Cosmos continued, "Go up those stairs and continue down the hallway, Sky Lynx just told me on my comm link that that entire area is clear, so all six of you go through there and we'll meet you on the other side."

"Got it." Twilight said and took off towards the stairs with the rest of her friends following. Metroplex watched as the six ponies made their way inside the building......he had bad feeling go through his newly constructed spark.

Cosmos sighed as he saw the six equines disappear inside the building.

"There goes the bravest aliens I have ever seen......but we'll see them again so let’s roll out!"

At first, Twilight was just relieved to be in a safe zone for a few minutes. Going up the stairs was easy, and walking down the orange hallway was even easier, but now Twilight was really confused when she realized they were in a maze of hallways.

They had gone down a short corridor and ended up turning left into...what a surprise.....an even longer hallway.

The purple unicorn sighed and simply walked down the orange lit hallway, the rest of her friends followed at the same pace. It was simply peaceful. Not a Decepticon or random explosion could interfere with this quiet moment. Twilight sighed happily and looked back at her friends.....

....only to have her eyes filled with tears.

Her friends looked awful; they were hurt and obviously not showing any signs of happiness. Rarity had the same expression she had for the past thirty minutes; misery. Her once gorgeous mane was messed up and filled with scrap pieces, her forehead started to bleed again as Rarity whimpered to herself and gently rubbed the deep cut.

Fluttershy looked just awful. From the once happy pegasus Twilight had come to know, all she saw was a horrified and constant shivering pony. Sure she used to shiver all the time but this was different, she was scared. Her long mane was burnt at the edges from the constant fire that they had come across, and her velvet skin had cuts all over it. Fluttershy was indeed in pain....but tried her hardest not to show it.

Pinkie Pie was a happy pink pony, but not anymore. From the once joyful and ecstatic pony Twilight loved, she only saw Pinkie Pie with her mane deflated and her head hung low. All Twilight could hear were the small whimpers and sniffles Pinkie made. And it broke her heart.

Applejack was by far the worst, her back hoof was shot, and nothing could get worse than that except.......well.....Twilight didn't even want to imagine her nightmare again. As Applejack limped onward, Twilight could swear she saw little tears falling from AJ's eyes with each step. Applejack was one strong pony......but how far can she truly be pushed?

Rainbow Dash was fine. Just fine. Except for the fact that she was covered in oil head to hoof, she didn't seem to mind. But still, Twilight couldn't understand why Rainbow Dash could be so calm about all this. Did she forget they were on another world, or maybe she just hiding in her emotions so her friends could get some encouragement? Either way, Twilight could still see the horror in Rainbow Dash's magenta eyes as they all trudged forward.

Twilight stopped suddenly.

The rest of her friends looked at her with concern until Fluttershy spoke up at Twilight's odd behavior.

"Twilight, is everything okay?"

For once, Twilight knew that everything was not okay. In fact, everything was awful! This world was hurting them, tearing them apart, and all they could do was follow these Autobots to wherever they were supposed to be taking them. And maybe, just maybe, Ultra Magnus could get them back home.

Then Twilight remembered something she had almost forgotten.


He was still missing, and they had no idea if he was alive or dead. All she could do was pray that Bumblebee was okay.....and that they would see them again.

Bringing her attention back to her friends, Twilight sighed and answered in the most depressed tone any of her friends ever heard her speak.


Fluttershy dropped her head to the ground after hearing Twilight's answer. Of course everything was not alright, why would she even ask that?! As Rarity made her way to Twilight, she sighed sadly and began.

"Twilight, don't be so hard on yourself. Remember, if we get out of here, we can go home....Magnus said he can get us all back safe and sound."

Twilight looked at Rarity's beautiful blue eyes and slowly shook her head.

"That's what I'm afraid of."

Before any of Twilight's friends could intervene with her answer, the sound of crashing caught the equines' attention. Turning around, Twilight gasped in terror and backed away with her friends when she saw six Decepticon Leapers make their way into the hallways from the ceiling.

"Thought you could get away so easily huh?" One Leaper shouted and made his way towards the helpless mares. The rest followed and made their own slight remarks.

"Awww look, they're shaking in terror."

"And look, there are six of them and six of us, one for each of us!"

"I call the pink one!"

"I can't wait to rip the yellow one's head off."

"The purple one is mine!"

"No fair, I wanted that one! Oh well, I'll just take the limping orange one."

"I'll have some fun with the white one with the bleeding forehead."

"Good, that means I get the stupid winged blue one!"

With the conversation ending, the six Leapers made their way towards the Element Bearers who were slowly backing away in terror. Twilight didn't want it to end like this, she and her friends had to get off this world and stop Discord, but she knew now that she and her friends stood no chance to these Lea-


The six mares covered their faces from the sudden shock hitting them and the entire room shaking. Slowly opening her eyes, Twilight looked straight and all she saw was a massive black fist blocking their way.

Twilight smiled.

As the fist slowly brought itself out of the hallway all that remained on the ground were several body parts of the once living Leapers. Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy peeked out and saw Metroplex's familiar face looking at them with intent.

Each of them smiled with glee except Fluttershy who nervously gulped and squeaked out a thank you.

"Wow....umm....thank you, Metroplex."

Fluttershy immediately flinched when Metroplex answered her.


The six ponies suddenly found themselves lost in Metroplex's friendly stare, all except Dash who walked forward, looked at all the dead body parts, and chuckled.

"Well THAT certainly was something hehehe."

Twilight shook her head and made her way passed her cyan friend, the rest of the mares followed with Rainbow Dash suddenly bringing her attention back to the limping Applejack and helping her. There rest of the way was easy, only coming across a fork in the hallway, Twilight was about to go straight and walk up the ramp into the new room above....

....only to hear Applejack scream in pain.

Turning back, Twilight witnessed Applejack lying on the ground and groaning in pain. To the right of her was Rainbow Dash looking into the blue lit room on the left.

"Rainbow Dash," Rarity complained, "how dare you drop Applejack when you know as well as all of us that she is hurt?!"

Rainbow didn't answer but instead walked into the room. Twilight and Rarity made their way into the room with Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. Inside, all they saw was Rainbow Dash looking straight at the ground.

"Did ya not hear us the furst time, Dash?!" Applejack yelled and almost fell to the ground until she was caught by Rarity who helped her back up.

Rainbow answered back, but not to Applejack, to Twilight.

"Hey Twilight, come check this out."

Twilight looked back at Applejack who was still glaring at Rainbow Dash; she sighed and made her way to Rainbow's side. The only thing Twilight saw on the ground was a small glowing rectangle.

"This is it?" Twilight asked with a slight bit of stubbornness slipping through her lips.

Rainbow nodded and got a closer look at the strange rectangle; she slowly brought her hoof towards it and touched the front side of the rectangle.

"No Rainbow, don't!" Twilight screamed, but it was already too late.

Twilight flinched, fully expecting an explosion to happen any second. But an explosion didn't happen, what did happen was a warm feeling rush through Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and the rest of the ponies as a familiar voice came from the rectangle.

"As civil war spread like a storm of burning Energon across the surface of Cybertron, devouring in its path the great city of Iacon, even I was caught off guard by the wrath of Megatron's depravity."

Twilight's breathing slowed down as she looked at the rectangle in astonishment.

This was Optimus Prime's voice.

"I should have anticipated his utter lack of feeling for his fellow Cybertronians. But at the expense of the lives of many thousands of my fellow Autobots, I did not."

The rectangle made a sort of static sound and then went completely silent. Twilight sat down and absorbed all of Optimus' words. Even on another world, they felt wiser from hearing Optimus Prime speak.

"Sooo.....that was like when Optimus was still on Cybertron?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight suddenly looked back next to her and saw Rainbow looking around the room with interest. Twilight sighed and got back up, "Come on, Rainbow Dash, I think we've wasted enough time."

Rainbow nodded, she could agree with that. Making her way out of the room, Dash helped Applejack back up with a little smirk on her face. Rarity sighed with relief and never felt comfortable holding Applejack like that.

As the mares slowly made their way up the ramp, Twilight and her friends could see sunlight yet again, they were so close!Making their way out of the gigantic building, the mares cringed at the sudden exposure to sunlight and turned left, since the right way was blocked off by debris.

Just as the six equines were about to proceed, they couldn't. They were stuck in awe at the battle placed before them.

A pit.

A HUGE pit was laid before them; even now they could see several ships and soldiers fall to their doom from the massive bridge going across the pit into an even larger city. This bridge was also huge; it spread across the side the ponies were on and into the city far away. Even now, the mares could see a never ending battle taking place on the bridge: Autobots vs. Decepticons.

Before any of the mares could speak a word of amazement, a familiar green Autobot flew over them.

"Oh thank Primus all of you made it! I heard the crash that Metroplex made and thought you all died!" Cosmos yelled in relief and landed on the ground in front of them.

Applejack snorted and spat out, "Ya thought we died? That's real nice ta hear."

Cosmos chuckled nervously and suddenly turned around to see Metroplex already by the bridge. He faced the brave ponies again and explained quickly.

"Okay, we don't have much time left, Metroplex and I will assist you all as we make our way down that bridge. Sky Lynx is under heavy fire and can't move any closer, that's why he's at the end of the bridge. After we get you all safely onto Sky Lynx, we'll have him take off with Metroplex and I behind him. We'll leave this damned city and get you all back to Ultra Magnus."

Before Twilight could agree with any of this, Fluttershy screamed which was unexpected.

"Wait, what about Bumblebee?!"

Twilight's eyes grew when she suddenly remembered, Bumblebee was still missing and there was no way they were going to leave him.......Cosmos had different plans.

With a painful sigh, Cosmos went to one knee and slowly rubbed Fluttershy's tattered mane. He looked at her with the saddest expression Fluttershy had ever seen an Autobot give. What was Cosmos about to tell them?!

"Fluttershy......I'm sorry but.....Bumblebee's dead."

"WHAT?!" The mares screamed together.

Cosmos nodded and softly shouted, "I'm sorry, but no Autobot could have survived the bombing we placed on the outskirts of the city! And I'm also sorry because I knew Bumblebee was there!"

Fluttershy backed away from Cosmos and screamed at him. Yes, screamed at him.

"You monster! You monster!"

Cosmos shook his head and shouted back, "Yeah call me a monster, call me whatever you want, but we are NOT losing just because of one simple Autobot!"

"Bumblebee is not a simple Autobot! He's my friend and I love him!" Fluttershy screamed with tears already rolling down her cut face.

Cosmos placed a hand on his head and shouted in annoyance, "Fluttershy, I am SO sorry what happened, but we have to leave right now or else we're all gonna die!"

"But....but-" Fluttershy began only to be silenced by a hoof on her shoulder. Turning around, Fluttershy saw Twilight and the rest of her closest friends; all with tears in their eyes and each of them whimpering softly.

"Fluttershy," Twilight began after a soft whimper escaped her mouth, "we...we can't stop now."

"What?" Fluttershy whispered in astonishment when she realized that Twilight was agreeing with Cosmos.

"Cosmos is right, Fluttershy," Twilight forced herself to say it, "we can't stop or we're all gonna die, Bumblebee would have wanted us to do this. He knows you had to do this."

Fluttershy stopped whimpering when she realized something.....

.....Twilight was right.

Bumblebee would have wanted this; to have all his pony friends escape and live on. He wanted Fluttershy to be brave.....and to never give up. That's exactly what Fluttershy was going to do.

Sighing deeply, Fluttershy looked at Cosmos and nodded softly. Cosmos took that as an okay and transformed. As he floated slightly above the ground, he spoke in a very depressed tone.

"Climb on; I'll get you all to the bridge."

Like they had a choice.

Cosmos slowly pulled into the Autobot barrier.

As he came to the ground, the mares piled off of him and got to cover as fast as possible. The reason for that was the firefight around them. Cosmos transformed back into his robot mode and came next to the ponies; he looked at each of them and shouted over the bullets soaring above them.

"Listen up because I'll only say this once: the Autobots and I will clear you all a path as you direct Metroplex's fire on the Decepticon heavy artillery!"

Twilight shivered as another explosion rocked the already shaking bridge, she looked at Cosmos with terrified eyes and shouted, "What's a heavy artillery?!" Cosmos sighed and scooped up the lavender unicorn, she yelped in surprise as he brought her up and showed her the battlefield.

Hundreds of large pieces of debris was spread all over the bridge, Decepticon and Autobot ships soared through the skies causing many explosions to go off every few seconds in the air and on the breaking bridge. Many Decepticon soldiers were running around frantically in front of them and shooting from their guns forward.

This was the true battle of Armageddon.

Twilight was brought down when Cosmos placed her with the rest of her friends. He activated his X18 Scrapmaker and looked forward.

"Okay, did you see those large machines up above?" Cosmos asked.

Twilight nodded slowly.

"Those were Decepticon Marauders, we need you and your friends to direct Metroplex's fire on those specifically so we can get you all to Sky Lynx!" Cosmos finished and fire a few rounds from his chain gun.

"Where is Metroplex!?" Twilight shouted over the explosion.

Cosmos stopped firing and pointed from behind the ponies, "Take a look for yourself."

That's exactly what they did.

And what they saw was simply incredible. Metroplex was at the right side of the bridge, in fact he was so close that the ponies could see the designs on his outer armor. Cosmos shouted over the bullets again and caught all the mares' attention.

"Move forward, this area is clear!"

The six frightened equines watched in awe as several Autobots ran passed them firing from their right hands. Cosmos ran in front of them and looked back to see the ponies in the same position.

"That means you too!"

"OH okay!" Twilight shouted and took off down the bridge with the rest of her friends behind her.

The ponies got to cover as soon as they could when more Decepticons blocked their path; Twilight's back was against the debris as she looked left to see Metroplex.

"Twilight, we need that covering fire from Metroplex now!"

But the Element of Magic was too frightened to move, so Cosmos looked down to see Rainbow Dash. He pointed at her and shouted, "Rainbow Dash, can you direct Metroplex's fire on those Marauders?!"

Rainbow smirked and saluted, "That's too easy!"

With that, Rainbow Dash took to the skies to assist Metroplex. Rarity didn't take to kindly to that.

"You're just going to let Rainbow Dash out in the open with those ruffians?!" Rarity screamed.

Cosmos shook his head and shouted, "Nope, we got the finest Autobot sharpshooters on her right now. No Decepti-creep is gonna touch her!"

Or so he thought.

Rainbow Dash zipped and zoomed through the Cybertronian air. She didn't want to admit she was scared when she dodged several explosions, she was actually having fun, until a Decepticon ship was heading right for her.

In a scared attempt, Rainbow tried her best to dodge by flying over the ship. But the Decepticons weren't finished with her yet. The ship turned around and fired several heat seeking missiles at the helpless pegasus. Rainbow yelped in fear and took off to dodge the missiles.

But heat seekers do one thing.......

Rainbow turned around and saw that the missiles were still on her tail.

"Okay, this isn't even fair anymore!"

As the missile slowly approached her, one exploded with such intensity it made Dash fly back from the wave of energy hitting her body.

"Great shot, kid, keep it up!"

The Autobot sharpshooter smiled in victory when he got a perfect hit on the heat seeker following the blue winged pony.
"Don't let anything hit her understand?"

The sharpshooter was about to answer until his head got blown off.

Rainbow Dash was trying her hardest to try and not to get hit by those heat seekers, which was very hard for her. She dodged left and right but to no avail, the missiles would not leave her. Dash suddenly caught something pass her vision, the Decepticon Marauders.

Rainbow Dash smirked when her imagination sparkled.

The cyan pegasus took off directly towards the Marauder that didn't even see her, with an intense U-turn Rainbow dodged the Marauder at the last second and looked down to see that her plan was a success.

The heat seeking missiles hit the Decepticon Marauder destroying it instantly.

"AWWWW YEAHHHH!!! Go Rainbow, go Rainbow, go Rain-AHHHHH!!!"

Rainbow Dash screamed in pain when she got shot.

Falling to a small pillar, Rainbow crashed at the top and lay there......motionless and groaning with pain. Looking up slightly, the cyan pegasus almost burst into tears when she saw a bloody hole in her wing and foreleg.

Before she could pass out from the pain, two Decepticon soldiers landed in front of her and chuckled to themselves as they made their way to the helpless pegasus.

"Well, it isn't the famous Rainbow Dash." One of them growled and reloaded his blaster.

Rainbow smirked slightly; even on another world she was famous. The other Decepticon moved in and pointed the blaster directly into her face.

"Goodbye.....you little freak."

Dash suddenly regretted smirking from before and instead scowled at the Decepticons in front of her.

"Well what are you waiting for......do your worst you stupid Decepti-chumps." Rainbow Dash threatened and cringed in pain when he placed the nozzle on her forehead.

"I plan to."

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes when she heard the gun rev up. She always imagined she would actually die on HER home not some bucked up robot world. But then again, Rainbow Dash did go out the most awesome way possible.

Rainbow opened her eyes and witnessed the Decepticons backing away in fear.

'Yeah....you better run.' Rainbow Dash thought to herself and turned her head to see what they were afraid of. It wasn't that hard to know who it was.


"Nooo!!!" The Decepticons screamed as Metroplex crushed them both with his massive black fist. Rainbow Dash smirked in victory but suddenly placed her head on the metal pillar when she realized she was in an intense amount of pain.

"Rainbow Dash!!!!"

Rainbow slowly opened her eyes to see her friends right by her side and tears in each of their eyes. She also saw Cosmos come right next to them and put both hands on his head.

Rarity looked at her injured friend and suddenly back to Cosmos.

"This is your fault! Rainbow Dash is hurt because of YOU!" Rarity pointed a hoof at Cosmos.

Cosmos went to one knee and cradled Rainbow Dash in his arms.

"No, don't you dare touch her!" Rarity screamed and prepared to buck Cosmos, only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash speaking.

"Ughhhh....Cosmos, I guess I did alright huh?" Rainbow coughed up some blood.

"Rainbow Dash....." Cosmos began in the most hurt voice Twilight ever heard anyone speak in, "I'm so sorry this happened. I never wanted any of this to happen....to any of you. Please forgive me."

Rainbow chuckled to herself and answered to his plead, "I forgive you, and hey it's not the first time I did something stupid."

Before Cosmos could answer her, a familiar screech filled the air followed by the flapping of wings.

All the mares looked up, even Rainbow Dash, to see the Autobot Sky Lynx land right in front of them. His massive head was brought down to the ponies.

"What happened to Rainbow Dash?!" Sky Lynx yelled.

Cosmos slowly placed Rainbow on the ground with the rest of her friends who nuzzled their injured friend, he shouted even though his voice was hurt, "It's my fault, but for now I really need you to get all the ponies out of here right now!"

Sky Lynx chuckled, "She would have never been injured if I was to lead! You should've just stopped and thought 'what would Sky Lynx do?’” And then you would've done the right thing!"

Cosmos was about to intervene when Twilight Sparkle began to speak.

"Umm...excuse me but...shouldn't we leave now?!" Twilight panicked from the bridge beginning to break.

Sky Lynx looked at the small unicorn and suddenly brought his attention to the massive Autobot titan looking at all of them from high above. Sky Lynx nodded and said, "Very well, Twilight Sparkle, climb inside and we'll be on our-"

Sky Lynx couldn't finish when a giant purple ball of energy hit him in the back.

The six equines fell on their stomachs to dodge the massive Autobot suddenly being pushed from the massive blast he had endeared. Sky Lynx was shot all the way at the beginning of the bridge where he crashed into several pillars.

"What in the name of Celestia was that?!" Twilight screamed at the only remaining Autobots near her and her friends. Cosmos couldn't see anything through the smoke, whatever that blast was......it was about to fire again.


"No...." Cosmos muttered and looked just in time to see Metroplex get shot in the chest by the same powerful purple ball of energy.

"Metroplex!!!!" The five mares screamed in horror, except Rainbow Dash who was watching with wide eyes. As Metroplex backed away from that massive hit he had suffered, his lights on his body began to flicker as Metroplex fell to the ground followed by a massive tremor.

"NOOOO!!!!" The Autobots and ponies screamed and looked over the ledge of the bridge to possibly see Metroplex.
Only nothing was there.

Before a single tear could fall from the pony's eyes when the realization hit them that Metroplex was gone, a shout from several Autobots caught their attention.

"Decepticons are everywhere!"

"Holy scrap, we're gonna die!"

"What in the name of Primus is that?!?!"

As Applejack and Fluttershy comforted Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie looked up to see what all the Autobots were yelling at......

.......it was the most terrifying thing they had ever seen on planet Cybertron.

Twilight didn't know if this was real or not, how did the Cybertronians know about this kind of creature?! It existed in Equestria but did it really exist on Cybertron?!

Obviously it did.

On the bridge......was a giant........metal.....scorpion.