• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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Till All Are One

"The End.”

Applejack closed the book she had been reading to her little sister. Speaking of Applebloom, the tiny foal was fast asleep in her bed with the covers over her mouth. The farm pony placed the book on the cupboard and kissed Applebloom goodnight.

She was so glad her only sister was safe and sound.

Turning off the light, Applejack made her way through the hallway and into her room. There she took off her hat, placed it on the hanger, and laid down on the soft mattress.

It felt much softer tonight than it had other nights; she didn’t know why….but there was one thing a miss.

“Ah can’t sleep.” Applejack muttered to herself and hopped off her bed.

She slowly approached the window and pushed it open, the soft breeze of the summer night felt so good against her velvet skin. These nights went by so fast. Soon it would be Applebucking season, and then Winter Wrap Up…and then all over again.

Applejack rested her chin on the edge of the window and sighed. Ironhide was the only Autobot that she really connected to….and now….he was gone forever. She sure would never forget him for what he did….nopony would.

She smiled with a tear strolling down her face.

As Fluttershy finished feeding her last animal, she yawned so deeply that her entire mouth hung open. She looked out the window and saw that the high moon.

“It’s really late; I have to get to bed.” Fluttershy whispered and trotted up the stairs into her room.

When she arrived, Fluttershy went to the bathroom and softly brushed her teeth. With each stroke, Fluttershy felt a little better than she had a few days ago. That night was horrible. She cried under a tree for so long while several forest creatures came to her side to comfort her.

But she wouldn’t tell them what was wrong.

After rinsing, Fluttershy yawned again and climbed into her bed. She lifted the covers on top of her and rested her head on the soft pillow. Sighing, Fluttershy closed her eyes and imagined the blankets to be Bumblebee’s powerful grasp around her.

Fluttershy clenched her eyelids when the tears began to form, she promised herself not to mention Bumblebee or his name….it would only make things worse.

For several hours, Fluttershy twisted and turned in her bed. She finally stared up at the ceiling and knew she had to get these tears out.

“I miss you, Bumblebee.”

She cried herself to sleep.

Rarity’s eyelids slowly opened and fell.

She kept sowing her newest design until the sun fell and the moon rose. Her work meant everything to her, just because someponies thought that she was a little too focused on her work, doesn’t mean she was.

Rarity sighed when she had finally finished. It had taken hours but it was all worth it. Spreading the outfit on the table, Rarity smiled through tired eyes to see it had come out just the way she wanted it.

A red Autobot symbol on one of her newly designed dresses.

“They’re going to love it.” Rarity smiled and magically lifted the new outfit on one of her dummies. It fitted perfectly.

Rarity yawned again and made her way to the bed. She looked back to see her room a mess. The unicorn simply shrugged and realized that she would fix it all up tomorrow. Making her way to her comfortable bed, Rarity’s eyes fell immediately she placed her head on the pillow.

She hadn’t realized how tired she was before she fell asleep.

Rarity was a dreamer with big ideas. But this night just felt a little different. Her new design had opened her imagination….and it spread to her dreams. She was in a glorious place. Ponies shined with such vigor that it made the unicorn gasped in delight.

She was in the world she always dreamed of; luxurious places filled the streets with uptight pedestrians infesting the ever-growing city.

All of a sudden, a light glimmered in front of the unicorn as a giant being stepped down with a black hand held in front of her. Rarity gasped when she saw Cliffjumper smile down at her.

“Hey Rarity.”

Pinkie Pie pushed her door open.

A light spread through her room as she flipped the light switch. Hopping joyfully inside, Pinkie placed her newest party hat down on the floor from her recent party she had hosted.

She holstered back and sneezed sending several pieces of confetti all over the ground before remembering her awesome party.

Everypony knew this for a fact: Pinkie Pie was a party animal. She hosted the best parties Equestria had ever seen. But the energetic pink pony didn’t feel happy tonight, during her party, she kept thinking about all the dancing and remembering how Jazz used to dance like that.

“Jazz…” Pinkie muttered as her mane suddenly deflated. She sure did miss Jazz and his awesome ways. That’s the reason she liked Jazz so much, he kept his cool no matter how bad times seemed.

Her mane puffed up again as did her smile.

“Keep your cool.” Pinkie said confidently and looked at her bed. Even she felt tired this time. As she laid down, Pinkie clapped her hooves and the lights went off. She turned to her side and smiled.

“I wonder if Jazz will be in the third game.”

After finishing a midnight flyby, Rainbow Dash’s chest puffed up and down from the intense speeds she was going. Breaking the sound barrier wasn’t new to her.

Rainbow looked forward with tired eyes when she had gotten home. She pushed open her door and slowly made her way to her bed. The soft clouds under her hooves made her attitude feel a little better.

She hadn’t smiled ever since Grimlock had left, sure she forced a smile when her friends were nearby but that was it. She knew they felt the same way. Why did she even care about Grimlock? He was nothing but a stone-cold warrior; he didn’t care about her….

“Gotta stop thinkin’ bout this stuff.” Rainbow told herself when she finally made it to her bed.

It was true. Thinking about Grimlock only made her feel worse. His leaving made her cry, she only cried when-

“No, I am NOT a wimp!” Rainbow forced herself to say it and rested her head on the soft pillow.

“Great, now I can’t sleep.”

Dash looked over and picked up one of her favorite books. Daring Do always made her tired, especially on nights like this.

“Some reading ought to do it.” Rainbow sighed and opened the front covers. It had been a few hours until Rainbow Dash got to next page and the next.

“The world was safe and sound once again, thanks to Grimlo-I mean Daring Do!” Rainbow suddenly closed the book and looked around. The room was quiet, dark as well. Nopony heard her say that.

Rainbow Dash sighed with relief and laid her head down. Her favorite book clutched in her hooves and nopony around to ruin the moment.

Dash opened her eyes and turned her head to the side, her pile of Daring Do books rose above even her bed covers. She sighed and turned the other way.

Her mind raced a million miles an hour. From flying into the high heavens above or just re-living some famous moments, Rainbow didn’t want to think about it but her mind had already taken over.

The moment she never gave up on her friends was one she will remember forever. She played a little scene inside her head and smiled with glee as if she was in a story.

‘My friends were surrounded; all hope was lost when the Decepticons slowly closed in on them. I could hear my closest friends screaming my name just waiting for their friend to save them. That’s when I knew the time was right. With Grimlock by my side we kicked those Cons’ butts and saved the day! Thanks to me and Grimlock, we were the true heroes!’

Rainbow opened her eyes to feel them burning. She brought her hoof up and softly rubbed each one to find her hoof stained with liquid.

She hadn’t realized it but she had been crying.

Just as she was about to slap herself, she suddenly stopped. Rainbow’s expression of shock settled down as she accepted it and closed her eyes again. Tears of joy falling from her eyelashes and hitting her covers.

Grimlock may have been violent, stupid, and even mean at times, but that’s what she liked about him. Rainbow Dash didn’t know if Grimlock could hear her right now which he obviously couldn’t but she didn’t care anymore and just admitted it to herself.

“Love ya, big guy.”

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes.

Sitting up in bed, Twilight allowed herself to cry to sleep. It definitely didn’t hurt to cry anymore…..this felt….happier. Yawning, Twilight looked out the window to see the full moon. She couldn’t sleep.

The unicorn ever so slowly fell off the bed where she saw Spike sleeping soundly. His little chest rising and falling made the student of Princess Celestia smile.

Kissing him on the forehead, Twilight watched as Spike stirred in his sleep but never woke up. Twilight made her way passed Spike and quietly trotted towards her balcony. Pushing the doors aside and taking the first few steps out, Twilight shivered when the cold night air hit her velvet skin.

The sound of crickets came fast as Twilight laid her head on the railing surrounding her balcony.

She almost couldn’t believe it.

She almost couldn’t believe that it had been two months since the Autobots have left Equestria forever. It feels like yesterday, that Twilight could still hear Optimus Prime’s powerful voice echoing in her head.

Her emotions, her feelings, she wanted to tell somepony but….who?




Twilight lifted up her tired eyes to see none other than her little delivery pet; Owlicious on the railing and tilting his head at her. She smiled and saw that he had a scroll in his mouth. He dropped the blank paper and saw Twilight pick it up.

She looked back and levitated a quill and ink from inside. Plopping them on the railing, Twilight opened up the blank paper, dipped the quill in the ink, and began writing.

‘Dear Princess Celestia,

For the past two months I’ve been having strange feelings. It’s like….the Autobots never truly left, that they still live inside all of us. I feel connected to them as do all my friends. Rainbow Dash to Grimlock, Applejack to Ironhide, Pinkie Pie to Jazz, Rarity to Cliffjumper, Fluttershy to Bumblebee, and me to….Optimus.

If these feelings are real, then that means my lesson I have learned is real. I want to tell you a very important lesson I learned about friendship.

I learned that even though they seem scary at first, the most frightening can even be your best friend. Never judge a book by its cover…even if that book can be here to protect us….or destroy us, we must all know that the Magic of Friendship will live on.

It will live on no matter how far of worlds we are apart; it will live on no matter how many tears were shed or how much blood was laid. It will live on……till all are one.

Your faithful and beloved student,

-Twilight Sparkle’



Twilight opened her eyes to see her letter to the princess complete but two drops of liquid that was not ink laid on the paper.


Twilight wiped her eyes and saw that she had been crying. But these were not tears of sadness….these were tears of joy. Joy that their home was saved and would live another day. Joy that they had made such great friends. Joy that tells her……friendship will live on.

“Till all are one, Optimus……till all are one.”


-Location: The Nemesis-

“What did Shockwave do here?” Megatron asked no one in particular. Soundwave kept typing away at the keyboard as Starscream entered the room with Onslaught.

“How goes the defense protocol?” Onslaught asked Soundwave.

Soundwave faced the Combaticon and answered, “The Nemesis remains unresponsive to my orders. No matter what I type in, the ship keeps refusing to accept the repairs.”

Starscream chuckled and leaned on the side of the wall before saying, “Funny isn’t it, Megatron? How you surrendered to adorable little ponies was simply hilarious!”

“At least I didn’t get my assets kicked by a pony!”

Megatron aimed his cannon at the seeker and fired. Starscream flew back and hit the wall with a hard thud. Megatron put his cannon away and watched as Soundwave kept typing. The Nemesis had successfully gotten Megatron and his warriors to the primitive world. They hadn’t decided on landing yet.

“How are the Energon supplies?” Megatron asked. Soundwave and Onslaught turned around as the communications officer spoke.

“Energon is at full capacity. But strangely, most of it has been altered to the transforming cog.” Soundwave explained.

“Now why would that be?” Onslaught rubbed his chin.

Their answer came from the deep growl that echoed through the ship. Megatron looked around frantically as did Soundwave and Onslaught. The growl grew louder with each passing second.

Starscream stood back up and wiped his chest before walking towards Megatron and smiling at his horrid expression.

“Was that really the smartest plan you had on Cybertron?”

-Location: The Ark-

Even Primes could feel sorrow.

Because that’s what Optimus Prime felt as he stood triumphantly on top of the largest hill he could find. He stared ahead at the setting sun before him as did his fellow Autobots.

Optimus sighed again for what felt like the hundredth time he had sighed. It had been many months since their acceptance of Earth as their new home. Megatron didn’t take kindly to that. For when they arrived to Earth, Megatron kept his promise and forced the Autobots to surrender at once.

Autobots never surrender.

The battle rages on between the Autobots and Decepticons. Even though they had left Equestria and all their friends…..it was for the better.

As he stood there on the hill top facing the sun, Optimus Prime heard his old friend beginning to talk.

“You did it, Prime.”

Optimus looked back and said, “We did it, Ratchet, all of us.”

Jetfire, Ironhide, Wheeljack, Ratchet, Grimlock, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and Jazz nodded in agreement as their leader continued.

“There were many battles and deaths on Cybertron, but now we can start new and hopefully live in peace on planet Earth.” Optimus explained. Bumblebee stepped forward and nudged Optimus with his hand.

“Optimus, what about Megatron?” Bumblebee asked.

Optimus faced Bumblebee and said, “Megatron shall remain on Earth with us,” he faced the sun again, “and I know he will try to stop us again, for his lust of power will know only the boundaries of his own pride.”

Wheeljack stepped forward and nervously rubbed the back of his head, “Optimus, the Ark…it ummm…we successfully landed it but….it will take a long time for us to fix it up. We need Teletraan back online soon so we can learn more about this world. Omega Supreme still needs some Energon. In shorter words…we won’t be leaving this planet anytime soon.”

“That will not matter, Wheeljack,” Optimus said, “for we do not need to go anywhere anytime soon. We shall remain here, we will find new forms of disguise, and we will make friends with the human race.”

A moment of silence was imminent when Jazz decided to break the silence, “So how about those disguises?” Jazz asked, “Because I saw some totally rad cars here on Earth. These humans sure have some style!”

“Only you, Jazz.” Cliffjumper laughed as Jazz playfully punched him in the shoulder. Optimus turned back to his fellow teammates and nodded.

“Go on without me, I….need some time to think.” Optimus said and faced the sunset again.

“Of course, Prime, meet ya back in The Ark.” Jetfire nodded and transformed. He flew off as Ironhide, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Jazz, Cliffjumper, and Ratchet followed closely behind him.

Grimlock stayed and watched as Optimus Prime faced the sunset not saying a word.

“Not bad, Prime.”

The Autobot leader turned back to see Grimlock with his arms crossed and face stern. Optimus nodded and said, “Thank you, Grimlock. Coming from you….that means a lot.”

Grimlock gave a rare chuckle and faced the sunset again. His arms dropped to the side as he sighed with grief.

“This world is not all bad, definitely not Cybertron…..but still good enough.”

Optimus watched as Grimlock placed a giant hand on his shoulder and patted it. Grimlock gave one single nod before turning around and leaving.

He was all alone yet again.

Optimus blinked and stared ahead at the sunset, he placed his hands on his hips and knew for sure….that it was time. Time to set things straight. Time for all of those Autobots above….to know where to go.

“Our worlds united by a force that can never be broken and a history we will learn to overcome one day. Our future remains on planet Earth for now and our fates are yet to be determined. But one certain fact that can never be shattered is friendship. The world we have spent on before Earth is known for its peaceful race and powerful beliefs. Oh how I wished Cybertron could have been like this world, so many brothers could have survived, and so many will live on…above the endless stars.”

“I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, and I send this message to you Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends are the true heroes. For not only have you have taught us the most important thing we can ever know, but you have proven…that there is more to you than meets the eye. And the enemy will know….never to underestimate you…because the power you hold is stronger than anything we had ever witnessed…and that is….the Magic of Friendship.”

“If you receive this message than pray….pray that we will see each other again one day, not to protect against evil….but to live in peace and harmony. That is all we have ever wanted and will ever need so that our race can survive. The Magic of Friendship will live on.”

Optimus sighed for what felt like the millionth time. It was all over. The Matrix had lit Equestria’s darkest hour…..but not Earth’s. Optimus Prime let his arms fall as he turned away from the sunset. Their true destinies were close at hand as he made his way down the hill.

The last of the Primes would never forget all the Autobots who gave up their lives for freedom. Just like he would never forget all of the ponies he had met during his days in Equestria.

And he never did.

“Till all are one.”

The End…

Author's Note:

There is now a sequel to this story: Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour

A big thanks to edCOM02 for making the cover image! :moustache:

Comments ( 151 )

Godlike. You and RJ Striker are the two best crossover writers on this site.

Seriously, why doesn't this fic have a TVTropes page?

Till all are one. Thank you for giving us this epic story. dash.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/133545919270.gif

1797225 Thanks for all the support Mecha. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

1797274 Thank YOU for spending your time to read this! :rainbowkiss: :twilightsmile: :pinkiehappy:

1794279 Is that Roid Rage?

Kaboom! baby! BEST! ENDING! EVER! man! you are too good! So when are you going to write next one? I cant wait!

very very good!


very GOOD!!!


Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Dec 14th, 2012
Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Dec 14th, 2012

Wow... End... Gosh It just fantastic... Nice transformer my little pony Fanfic!
and i also wish there have a sequel, because the act of the changlings made me think they are going to do something... haha...
Till All Are One......
으어어어어어어 마지막이 찡해지네.... (oops...)

Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Dec 14th, 2012

1798040 :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: I'm gonna love doing this again!

1798113 I'm gonna take a much needed break before I make another fanfic. :ajsleepy:

1798594 Till all are one. :fluttercry:

And thus ends possibly one of the best crossovers I've seen.

their are no words for how good this story is:pinkiehappy:
You my friend have got The Touch

Attention: Due to the completion of Fall of Equestria all new Transformers and MLP news will be posted in a new thread on this group page and most likely My Transformers Story

THats all peoples:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by JDPrime22 deleted Dec 15th, 2012

1799114 Great song for a great show!!! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile: :rainbowwild: :raritystarry:

Excellent. Well done.sad that it has to end:raritycry:

GAH SO MUCH WIN!!!!!:pinkiehappy: I'm really hoping you make a sequel to this awesome story :twilightsmile:

1801545 I'm really hoping I do too. :pinkiesmile: :twilightsmile:

1799384 I am in the hospital.....Stan Bush did this to me.....he killed me with awesome. :pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::raritystarry::twilightsmile::coolphoto::moustache:

If the ark and the nemesis appeared over equestria how did it end up on earth:rainbowhuh:

I would really appreciate it if someone reviewed my entire story now that it's done. :twilightsmile:

Now THIS feels like a true ending worthy of such a grand tale. Well done dude.

So... when does Ol' Bug Face(Chrysilis) team up with the Angry Bucket Head?(Megatron... I've listening to Primes Bulkhead to much, I'm actually starting to sound like him!)

Also, how does Mecha Godzilla(Trypticon... GAH! I DID IT AGAIN!:twilightoops:) play into it all?

PLEASE TELL ME!!! You can't POSSIBLY refuse a face like THIS!:pinkiesad2:(Sorry, couldn't resist.:rainbowlaugh:)

1816209 I can't resist a face like that. :rainbowkiss:

The only spoilers I shall ever release:

1st spoiler: Chapter 2: Trypticon's Revenge

2nd spoiler: "Where....am I?" Megatron muttered looking at his hands in a daze. He brought his fists down when he spotted the beedy green eyes staring at him from a far distance. Slowly standing, Megtaron pointed a threatening finger at whoever dared to defy him.

"Where is Starscream?!"

A little chuckle and a quiet hiss was his only answer.

"You will have your revenge, Megatron....but allow me to introduce myself first."

:pinkiehappy: Gonna have to wait now.

1816079 THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! :pinkiesad2: :pinkiesad2: :pinkiesad2:

1818803 You are SO WELCOME!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

1818801 Ooooooo... Dis gun'a be GOOOD!!!:pinkiehappy:

But surely even someone as Black Sparked as Megatron couldn't stay mad at these little equines... could he?

1827139 Bruticus can sell pretty much anything. :derpytongue2:

1827669 Ohhh....okay then.

Will the sequel take place in the prime portion of the alignied countinuity

1834988 I think that's really for all the fans to decide.

Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Dec 22nd, 2012
Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Dec 22nd, 2012

This Page is From the upcoming mlp comic Guess whoes in the corner of the troll caveLink:twilightsheepish:

1837997 Optimus? faduq? :rainbowhuh:

Well maybe he can, idk. But I just assumed that Metroplex crashed down on Equestria

hasbro to make a Transformers Prime Beast Hunters video game:twilightsheepish::pinkiehappy:

1819552 Lets just say...he's gonna be pissed....VERY pissed. :pinkiecrazy:

Bucket head DOES have a habit of holding a grudge.:rainbowderp: Ooooooo... they be in BIG trouble then.

Best crossover with transformers ever!!! Till all are one

1930000 Thank you so much for the compliment! :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile:

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