• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

  • ...

Protect The Innocent

"...Twilight! .......Twilight! ....Twilight can you hear me?"

Twilight slowly opened her eyes and groaned, above her was Pinkie Pie with a sad face.

Twilight got up and rubbed her head, she was still in the forest; all her friends were barely getting up.

To her right, she saw Rainbow Dash sitting on her haunches and staring at the ground, she was shaking with fear. To her left she saw the rest of her friends. Pinkie Pie, her hair still straight, was looking at her with a worried expression. Applejack and Rarity were trying to wake up Fluttershy.

"Are you girls okay?" Twilight asked remembering her last few minutes of consciousness. How that monster had created such a powerful wave of energy and knocked her out cold.

"I'm fine." Pinkie said in a very depressed tone.

"Ah'm a little sore, but I’ll make it." Applejack answered next as she helped the awakened Fluttershy to her hooves.

"I have a few cuts, but I'll be fine darlings." Rarity brought herself up.

Fluttershy rubbed her head, "I think I'll be okay."

Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash who still hadn't moved. "Is Rainbow okay?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, she hasn't moved from that spot ever since the monster left." Pinkie said.

A moment of silence came in until Rarity spoke. "Well, what do we do now?" Rarity asked.

Twilight sighed and looked around; it was still day time so she hadn’t been knocked out for that long. She looked at Rarity and answered, “We’re going back to Ponyville and alert the Princess at what happened. The Royal Guard will take care of that creature.”

"Ah sure hope so." Applejack said and turned back to Rainbow Dash who was still sitting down. Rainbow Dash was still thinking of what happened.

Inside her mind, she replayed the events of the last few minutes again and again, trying to understand what happened. Twilight went by her side and asked, "Rainbow, are you okay?"

Rainbow Dash came back to reality and looked at Twilight, "Yeah….I umm…I’m fine."

Applejack looked at her with a sympathetic look, "You don’t look fine, sugercube."

"Well I am, AJ!" Rainbow Dash retorted

Applejack was taken aback by this sudden outburst, Twilight got in closer and said, "Rainbow, you have nothing to be ashamed of, that creature was terrifying, and it’s okay to be afraid."

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight with disbelief in her eyes, "Me, the greatest flier in Equestria afraid? Twilight, I’m not afraid of anything!"

Fluttershy limped forward and said, "Dashie, it’s okay to be afraid of something, especially that monster."

Rainbow took her attention to Fluttershy and snapped, "I’M NOT AFRAID!!!! I was just…." Dash remembered the last few minutes of facing that unknown creature. The thought of it brought tears to her eyes, but she fought them back and turned back to Twilight.

"I’m the Element of Loyalty! And how do I show it? By letting that monster attack all of you while I just stood here like a bucking idiot?!" Rainbow screamed with a tear falling down her face.

"Rainbow…" Twilight began but was interrupted by Dash.

"Now," Rainbow said and spread her wings, "where did that creature go?"

Pinkie Pie pointed in the direction where she last saw the monster stomp off too.

"Right over there….but…why?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow looked back at her friends with a determined frown on her face.

Twilight gasped and said, "No Rainbow Dash don’t do it!!!" But it was too late. Rainbow Dash zoomed into the sky in the direction where Pinkie had pointed.

"I can rip Decepticon’s heads off with pure force; I can eat Decepticons with a bite of my dino jaw, why in the name of Primus did I almost get captured by little ponies?" Grimlock asked himself.

Grimlock kept walking through the endless forest, feeling very embarrassed at what just happened. He almost was defeated by colorful ponies. How weak of him. Grimlock finally stopped at an open cave and sat by the outside, thinking of what to do next.

"No more of those freaks, good, now I can find the Dino-Lightning Strike!” Grimlock corrected himself, “Dangit Swoop!" Grimlock said and tried his communication device again.

"Lightning Strike: Swoop, Snarl, or Slug, you copy?" Grimlock asked.

There was still no answer. Grimlock sighed and put his arms to his knees, he was going to have to look even harder. Grimlock rubbed the back of his head and thought about what he did to the ponies.

"Maybe...I shouldn’t harm this race anymore. Does hurting them make me any better than those Decepticons?" Grimlock asked himself. "They are innocent, I'm an Autobot, and I cannot hurt the innocent....no matter how mad they make me."

Grimlock put his hands down and stared at the dirt, his peaceful moment was interrupted by a strange but recognizable voice entering his hearing processors.


The mighty Dinobot looked up at once and turned around in full motion just to make sure he heard that correctly. He clenched his fists and shouted, "Where are you, Kickback?! I know it's you!"

The voice of Kickback returned in his head, ‘Hee, hee, hee, ohhhh Grimlock, how stupid can you be? Be? Be?’

Before Grimlock could yell out in anger, a blue blur landed right in front of him. Grimlock looked at the blue pony yet again. Its eyes were filled with anger and it crouched low to the ground.

"Ohhhh, please not you again." Grimlock said, "Can't you take a hint?"

Rainbow Dash ignored it and flew at Grimlock full speed. That is, until she was grabbed in Grimlock's massive fist yet again.

Rainbow struggled to get free, but yet again, she couldn't. Rainbow was brought up to the monster's face again, Rainbow tried to act brave this time, and it was very hard for her considering the fact that she was in this scary situation before.

Grimlock stood up and brought the pony to his face. They stared at each other for a while until Rainbow yelled, "Let me go and fight me!!!"

"You have big guts for wanting to fight me, Grimlock. I respect you for that." Grimlock told her. Rainbow stopped struggling and stared at him with an eyebrow raised. Grimlock continued, "But you’re stupid, you know you're not gonna win this, so why do you keep trying?"

Rainbow answered, "Because you hurt my friends!"

Grimlock cocked his head and said, "I was protecting myself and minding my own business, but you ponies just wouldn't leave me alone." Rainbow opened her mouth slightly.

Grimlock continued, "But since you show bravery, I will let you go.......this time."

Grimlock brought his arm back and said, "Now goodbye."

With his full strength, Grimlock threw Rainbow Dash far away from him into the air. Rainbow tried to regain herself and soon she was flying in mid-air.

"Oh, you'll pay for that!" Rainbow yelled and flew back towards the creature.

But when she got there, it was walking away. Rainbow Dash flew straight in front of its face. She yelled, "I am NOT letting you get away without a fight!"

Grimlock didn't move and simply glared at her. Rainbow glared back, she wouldn't fall prey to fear again.

But what this horrid creature did next.....scared her straight to the bone.

Rainbow's glare turned to a shocked expression when the creature yelled so loud it shook the forest around her. Rainbow looked back and saw the creature's visor was now glowing red with pure hatred.

It spoke in an even deeper voice than before.

"I gave you a choice, to leave and stop following me. I didn't want to have to use this on you, but you leave me no choice!!! FEEL THE POWER OF THE DINOBOTS!!!!"

Rainbow stopped breathing when this demon smashed both his fists to the ground and started changing! Rainbow Dash looked over and saw both of his legs twirl up and form a long tail. The hands of the monster grew and turned into feet while the rest of the arms formed what appeared to be legs. Rainbow couldn't help it, she actually screamed in terror when a large head erupted from the body and roared so loud Rainbow had to cover her ears.

It kept roaring into the heavens above as Rainbow saw the rest of the body change. Two small arms came out of the chest and positioned themselves perfectly. When the sound of changing had stopped, Rainbow Dash fell to the ground and crawled away on her back but still eyeing this monster.

Rainbow Dash had just witnessed the monster transform into a wingless metal dragon!

It took two steps in front of her and reared down. Grimlock opened his mouth, showing her his rows of razor sharp teeth that made Rainbow Dash shake with fear. Grimlock reared back and roared right in her face. Rainbow Dash felt the sudden push of wind hit her face and body as this monster continued to roar.

Grimlock stopped roaring and closed his mouth. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, still shaken up from that loud roar. The creature got closer and finally spoke.


But before Dash could even move......another roar was heard.

Grimlock turned around and looked straight at the cave he was just sitting by a while ago. The roar stopped and loud footsteps came out of the cave. Grimlock wasn't prepared for what came out.

A dragon.

"Oh no." Rainbow Dash whispered still on her back.

Grimlock glared at this new monster that appeared out of the cave. The dragon took notice to this smaller wingless dragon in front of him, he hated it when other dragons trespassed, especially after that baby dragon came and ate his jewels.

The dragon roared and went straight for the trespassing enemy. Grimlock reacted quickly and used his tail to trip this unknown creature to him. The dragon fell face first and got back up quickly. He kicked Grimlock which sent him back into the side of the mountain.

Grimlock got back up and charged straight for the creature. But this dragon reacted quickly and grabbed Grimlock with both of his hands. The dragon then chucked this enemy into the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow Dash looked over and saw the creature that attacked her land deep in the Everfree with a loud tremor following.
Rainbow looked back and saw the dragon look down at her with a wicked grin.

Rainbow Dash got back and flew away as fast as possible, but she heard the dragon following close behind her. Rainbow flew up straight in the air and looked down; the dragon was below her, glaring with those red eyes.

But the dragon wasn’t finished with her yet and breathed in deeply. It released a large amount of flames at Dash who barely dodged it. Rainbow screamed in pain and realized that her wing got singed.

She felt herself slowly falling to the ground, she panted her wings as hard as she could but kept falling. She eventually crashed into the side of a mountain and slid down. She landed on the ground with a hard thud. She laid there, completely tired and weakened from ramming into the side of that mountain.

Dash looked up and saw the dragon walk right in front of her. It glared down and licked its lips. It opened its mouth and said, "Well that was fun. But now it’s time to eat my prize."

Rainbow Dash tried to fly away, but her wing was broken, she screamed in agony as she tried to move it. Rainbow Dash looked up and saw the dragon open his mouth, his fangs dripping saliva.

This was the end. Rainbow Dash was going to die. The thought of her death brought Rainbow to tears, she never accomplished her dream of joining the Wonderbolts, she never found the special somepony in her life, she never got to say goodbye to...... her friends.

After a few seconds of waiting, Rainbow breathed again and noticed that she was still alive.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and saw she was protected with a purple shield of energy above her. The dragon couldn't break it as it continued to smash his fist against the dome.

Rainbow looked over and saw Applejack running towards her, followed by Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight who had her horn glowing.

"Ah got ya Rainbow!" Applejack yelled as she lifted Dash on her back.

Twilight couldn't hold the shield anymore and yelled, "Girls, get out of the way!"

All six of them darted to a clearing in the dirt and looked up as the dragon raised a fist to crush them. Rarity shot several beams of energy at the dragon who simply chuckled at this weak attack. He raised his tail and prepared to smash the white unicorn.

When he brought it down, Applejack quickly pushed Rarity out of the way just in time before the tail hit the ground causing a loud tremor. Applejack regained her composure and looked at Twilight who was still trying to hurt the dragon with her energy beams.

The dragon reared back and unleashed its full fury of fire on the lavender unicorn. Rarity created a shield in front of Twilight before the flames could overcome her. The dragon looked back at the white unicorn and orange earth pony. He swiped his tail and hit both of them.

Rarity and Applejack crashed into Twilight, Fluttershy, and Dash. They all looked up and saw the dragon open his mouth and was about to unleash another torrent of flames.

Twilight focused again and created a dome of energy protecting them. The dragon’s fire kept on exploding on the dome. Twilight couldn't hold it for much longer as it began to crack from the intense heat.

Hiding behind the trees was certain leaders of the Dinobots, watching the dragon try to eat the ponies. Oh that dragon certainly was a strong opponent, he literally threw him!

But Grimlock knew he could defeat that creature, but still.......should he? Grimlock watched as the giant monster tried smashing the dome over the ponies, trying to consume them.

On one hand, the ponies had definitely gained his respect.

On the other hand…they had attacked him and used some kind of mind trick on him. Attempted to capture him and do Primus knows what to him.

Grimlock put a hand to his chin and said to himself, "Why do I care about these stupid creatures? They are annoying little pests who don't deserve to live......and besides......"

Grimlock put his hand down and looked at the ground sadly.

"I am no hero, it was my fault Sludge is dead, I don't want it to be my fault when innocent organics die."

That's when he heard the screams. Grimlock looked back forward and clenched his fists in anger.

Back at the fight, the dome protecting the Mane six had shattered and Twilight collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. The other five surrounded her and cuddled together in fear as the dragon reared down. Even if they would die, they would die together.

Now that the dome was broken, he could eat them.

Opening his mouth wide, he prepared to consume his meal...

...only to feel something collide with his face.

The force of the blow knocked him off his feet and sent him skidding along the ground on his back. Once he had stopped, he groaned in pain as he lifted his head up, trying to spot what had struck him.

There in front of the ponies, in a defensive stature, was a giant metallic like creature with a glowing red visor. It had golden, black, red, and silver armor. It stood in front of the ponies and glared at the dragon.

The ponies looked up to see the creature that hurt them, suddenly blocking the path of the dragon.

The dragon took another look at the strange creature; he had never seen anything like this before!
It spoke in a deep voice and threatening voice.

"You just made a bad mistake! Make trouble, me Grimlock will crush you!"