• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,880 Views, 1,060 Comments

Transformers: Fall of Equestria - JDPrime22

Follow the story of Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they battle Megatron and the Decepticons.

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Megatron Returns

Megatron wasn't holding up well.

He was in intense pain from his damaged insides. If Starscream didn't get there soon, Megatron would be a goner. Demolisher on the other hand, wanted Starscream to be late. Demolisher had always wanted to be leader of the Decepticons, but Megatron was just too strong to die.

As the Decepticons were sitting in the cave bored, Scavenger was giving Megatron some of his Energon to keep his master alive. Scavenger cut his arm again and poured the liquid Energon into Megatron's open wound to keep him alive.

"I live to serve you lord Megatron." Scavenger muttered.

"Your loyalty shall be rewarded....someday." Megatron wheezed.

As the Decepticons continued to mope around, Breakdown spotted something outside the cave. "Starscream and his brigade have arrived Megatron!" Breakdown shouted

Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Vortex, and Blast Off, transformed and landed on the ground. They walked slowly inside the cave as Soundwave, Onslaught, Swindle, and Brawl drove by and transformed as well. Starscream and his team walked inside the cave with Megatron looking at him.

"Did you bring it?" Megatron stuttered a little.

"Yes, Megatron." Starscream said and pulled out the box. He placed it on the ground while the Decepticons circled around it.

Megatron got up but groaned in pain as he moved closer to the box. Megatron slowly brought his finger down and lifted up the lid. Megatron's big fingers couldn't get what was inside the box.

"Soundwave, eject Frenzy, get the Elements out of the box." Megatron said weakly.

Soundwave ejected Frenzy from his chest; Frenzy walked over and slowly got the Elements out and placed them on the ground in front of Megatron. "How do these things work, Megatron?" Frenzy asked.

"I don't know you little creep! Soundwave, how do these work?" Megatron asked.

Soundwave explained fully, "The Elements of Harmony can't be used normally, although they are extremely powerful, they must be activated by the Element Bearers for them to work."

"The Element Bearers, who are they?" Starscream asked.

"I don't have time to find them, or enough time to know who they are! I'm going to die if we don't use these Elements now!" Megatron weakly yelled.

"But how do we activate them without these so called 'Element Bearers'?" Barricade asked.

Megatron thought for a moment and suddenly looked up, he answered Barricade’s question with the simplest answer.

"With Dark Energon…"

The Decepticons were stunned to hear that. Soundwave spoke first, "Megatron, using Dark Energon on the Elements of Harmony could bring unknown chaos and disharmony to this world, the Elements of Harmony are what keep this world peaceful, we could be endangering ourselves."

"I do not care for this world; our safety is a sacrifice I will have to make!" Megatron yelled and clutched his stomach again.

“But how do you know it will even work, like Soundwave said, we need the Element Bearers for them to fully function.” Hook asked.

Megatron looked at Hook and said, “Do you remember how Dark Energon reacts to whatever it touches?”

“Uhhhhh…..yeah…” Hook said.

“Well then, this is how it will happen, I use Dark Energon on these six Elements and with the power of Dark Energon fused with the power of these strange Elements, the combined power will do exactly as I say! Dark Energon has always done what I said, and it will do what I say now!” Megatron finished.

The Constructicons were rubbing their heads in confusion. To prove Megatron’s theory, Megatron turned to Soundwave and ordered, “Soundwave, observe these Elements and prove that Dark Energon can be inflicted, and the resulting substance will do as I command!”

Soundwave walked forward and bent down to observe the Elements closer. After a few seconds, Soundwave stood back up and announced, “Megatron, the Elements of Harmony combined with the power of Dark Energon will be enough to heal you. But at a price, the Elements of Harmony will be destroyed in the process.”

“I do not care if this entire world is destroyed in the process! I will be saved!” Megatron roared. "Now stand back Decepticons." Megatron said as his fist began to glow with raw, purple energy.

Megatron let loose a blast of Dark Energon straight at the ground where the Elements were. The Elements began to shake and change color when the Dark Energon penetrated them. When Megatron was done he collapsed on the ground after he had just used the last of his strength. Megatron looked up and saw as the Elements started to float above him.

The Elements were no longer the colors they were before; they were now dark purple that glowed violently. The Elements continued to rise until they shot a blast together at Megatron. Megatron screamed in pain when the blast hit him. But his screams of pain turned to grunting.

Megatron slowly rose as the long stream of purple energy kept going into his chest. The Decepticons were surprised to see Megatron's wounds healing up, his severed arm reattached and all the components did as well.

Megatron stood up and clenched his fists. "I am the dominator! I am the destroyer! I am MEGATRON!!!!!" Megatron screamed as the stream of energy stopped and the Elements fell to the ground, completely drained of energy.

Megatron looked more powerful than before, his purple lights glowed brighter, his appearance was more dominating, and he looked as if he just came out of the construction lines.

"Wow Megatron, you look brand new." Barricade said.

"I feel so much stronger too." Megatron said looking at his fist and clenching it over and over again.

Starscream coughed and said, "I believe you owe someone some gratitude."

Megatron turned to Starscream and said, "You did well, Starscream."

Starscream smirked only for Megatron to curse under his breath. Soundwave touched the Elements and analyzed them, he began, "Megatron, scanners show that the Elements of Harmony have been depleted of energy. What will we do with them?"

Megatron thought for a moment and smiled deviously as an idea struck in his head. "Do we have radio contact?" Megatron asked Soundwave.

"Affirmative, who do you want to contact?" Soundwave asked.

Megatron looked at Soundwave, still smiling. "An old ally of mine..." Megatron said. Soundwave transformed into his boom-box form, ready to contact.

Megatron began, "Send this message to.....Cybertron."


Shockwave stood at where his precious Space Bridge was just millions of years ago.

Those horrible memories came rushing back into his mind. How Cliffjumper had managed to meltdown the tower and escape his wrath. How his creation, that stupid Dinobot, destroyed his last remaining Space Bridge, and Megatron leaving him on this horrid dead rock.

Still, he managed to win the war with the remaining Decepticons and the last Autobots fled the planet, leaving the Decepticon to rule Cybertron. Oh Megatron would be proud.

But Shockwave couldn’t get over the thought that when Grimlock destroyed the controls…where did it send Megatron? He hadn’t gotten word of his master since….maybe he was safe.

Shockwave stared at the destroyed Space Bridge for a while longer until he heard a voice behind him. Shockwave turned around to see the triple changing Decepticon Octane.

“What is it, Octane?” Shockwave asked.

Octane coughed and said, “Ummm…you’ve received a message from Megatron.”

Shockwave turned fully around and said, “Lord Megatron?!”

“Yes, follow me.” Octane finished and walked away. Shockwave followed him with anticipation.

Both Decepticons came to Shockwave’s personal command post. Shockwave couldn’t wait for what his master had to say. When the two Decepticons came across his communications room, Shockwave turned back to Octane and said, “Leave me, Octane, I must answer his call alone.”

“Understood…” Octane muttered and walked out of the room.

Shockwave turned back to his computer and began typing. The message came up abruptly and Shockwave observed it with his glowing purple eye.

“Hmmmmm….a mission from Megatron himself, wants me to act out a special mission for Megatron. Let’s see…..” Shockwave said to himself and began reading.

“I see….Shockwave, go to the primitive world we have arrived on and bring several containers of Energon, for our ship is depleted of it. Follow these coordinates Soundwave deciphered.” Shockwave read the message out loud.

Shockwave read the coordinates and tilted his head in confusion.

“Odd….that shouldn’t be there…” Shockwave said and went to his star charts.

He remembered the coordinates and placed his finger where it should be…..

….there was nothing there.

“Why would Megatron want me to go to an unknown sector?” Shockwave asked no one in particular.

Shockwave got back to full height and said, “I will go to edges of the galaxy to do Megatron’s bidding! But first, I must repair the Space Bridge…”

Shockwave went back outside and saw as his Decepticon soldiers were just standing around. Shockwave went up to them and said, “Decepticons, I have received a message, from lord Megatron.”

Saying Megatron’s name caught their attention, Shockwave continued, “Megatron wants me to send several quantities of Energon to his ship on the world he arrived on. But I will need the Space Bridge to be operational yet again, and I will need a ship to carry the Energon in.”

A Decepticon soldier looked at Shockwave and said, “Sooo….you want us tooooo…..”

“Rebuild the Space Bridge, yes.” Shockwave finished.

The Decepticons looked at each other and turned away. “Alright Decepticons, you heard Shockwave, all of you get going on the Space Bridge!” One Decepticon yelled to the rest.

Shockwave sighed and turned towards another group of Decepticons.

“Prepare my ship for launch; fill it with a plentiful supply of Energon.” Shockwave ordered. They saluted, transformed, and headed for Shockwave’s ship.

Shockwave knew this would take a very long time to prepare his ship and fix the Space Bridge, so he took the time to go to his star room and investigate this new world. When Shockwave got to his base, he went straight the star room and typed in the coordinates that Megatron gave him.

The room lit up and sent a wave over the entire room, Shockwave observed as the coordinates showed a new world he had never seen before. Shockwave climbed up the staircase and stood by the hologram of this strange planet.

“Interesting….” Shockwave said as he observed this world closer.

There was a small moon circling around this new planet as Shockwave drew nearer. It realized that this world was very similar to the first one that he presumed to have life, and the same world that had the strange monsters that Shockwave used on Grimlock and his team to give them new alternate forms.

“Very interesting….”

Shockwave studied this world and it looked VERY much like the other one, this interested Shockwave….maybe there was life on this planet as well. And maybe this is where Megatron went.

This observational research went on for hours until Octane interrupted Shockwave’s studying.

“What is it, Octane; can’t you see that I am very busy?” Shockwave told him.

Octane nodded and said, “I know, Shockwave, but your ship is ready to launch.”

“And the Space Bridge…?” Shockwave asked taking his attention off of the new planet.

“The Space Bridge is not fully repaired, but it will do the job, you just have to hurry and get to it. Also, we used the coordinates that the Space Bridge had last time so you can go straight to the planet where Megatron is.” Octane finished.

“Very well, Octane; take me to my ship.” Shockwave ordered. Octane nodded and walked down the staircase with Shockwave following.

Shockwave turned off the star room and walked out with Octane, They both arrived to Shockwave’s small transport ship just underneath the Space Bridge Tower. A Decepticon soldier came up to Shockwave and saluted.

“Shockwave, your ship is ready along with the Space Bridge.”

Shockwave nodded and said, “Prepare the launch code; I will be going to where Prime and the Autobots escaped.”

“You mean that primitive world?” Octane inquired.

Shockwave nodded and said, “I have feeling…..that is may not be the same world.”

With that, Shockwave transformed and flew off towards his ship. Octane turned towards the Decepticon and said, “I guess I’m in command now that Shockwave is gone, now send in the coordinates to the Space Bridge!”

The Decepticon saluted and took off towards the control post. Shockwave arrived towards his ship and stepped inside. He found the Energon cells and nodded.

“Good….the Energon is here…let’s get out of here.” Shockwave said to himself and walked to the bridge. He sat down on the pilot seat and activated the control thrusters. He pressed the coms link and announced, “Decepticons, prepare the launch sequence!”

The Decepticon soldiers activated the Space Bridge. The tower lit up and shot a powerful beam into space, past Cybertron’s moons, and stopped on a supposed spot. The black vortex lit up and exploded, sending waves of energy out in space.

Shockwave saw the vortex from Cybertron itself, he pressed the coms link and announced, “Commence countdown!”

Octane looked at the soldiers and ordered, “Launch in 10…9…8…7…6...5…4…3…2…1...”


The ships thrusters erupted and shot itself off of Cybertron’s surface. Shockwave held onto the control panel as he broke free from Cybertron’s gravitational pull. Shockwave watched in awe as his ship closed into the portal…..closing it.


The portal reopened again and Shockwave’s ship flew right through it.

As Shockwave approached the ground below, he realized that this world was definitely what he had expected: primitive.

He activated the forward thrusters and the ship came to a halt above the ground. Shockwave pressed a few more buttons and the ship lowered just above a few trees. He slowly searched above the tree lines in this dense forest until he finally found it.

“Yes, I have found The Nemesis.” Shockwave said and activated the back thrusters.

His ship was launched forward towards The Nemesis, as Shockwave approached it, he noticed all the wreckages the ship had, it must have been through a lot. Shockwave halted the ship right by The Nemesis and prepared to dock.

He went back into the Energon cells and grabbed three pieces of Energon cubes. “This will do for now.” Shockwave said and stepped to the latch.

He pressed a button on the door and it opened to allow Shockwave to make first contact with the alien ground.

He found it was….soft. Much like he deciphered on Cybertron. Shockwave quickly made his way to The Nemesis and unlocked the latch. He immediately realized that this ship was far from repaired. The Nemesis was destroyed!

Shockwave walked through the halls of this tattered command ship when he stumbled upon the bridge.

“Finally…” Shockwave told himself and walked up to a computer.

He began typing frantically to try and receive anything from this ship, he found out that it was at least operational, all defense systems were down unfortunately, and the Energon levels were almost depleted.

“Well we can’t have that now.” Shockwave said and put an Energon cube in the Energon power supply. He pressed the activation switch and The Nemesis roared to life. All the lights came back on and it was much better than it was just a few seconds ago from being a dark area.

Shockwave sighed with relief and was about to leave to collect the rest of the Energon…..

….only to be stopped by a deep groan.

Shockwave froze in his tracks and turned back to the computer. It kept the same screen as how he left it. What made that noise? Another groan was heard spread through The Nemesis. Shockwave took a defensive posture and said, “Who are you?!”

All of a sudden…..The Nemesis spoke.


Shockwave was speechless. He shook his head to make sure he heard that correctly.

“T…T…Tr-Trypticon…..is that you?” Shockwave muttered loud enough to be heard.


When Shockwave knew for sure this was truly Trypticon, he suddenly realized he was a ship, “Trypticon, what happened to you, why are you in this state?”


“But why are you a ship?” Shockwave asked.

Trypticon thought for a moment until he remembered everything.

Trypticon was in deep stasis, that battle he had with Optimus was enough to kill him, how he was defeated so easily still tormented him. With Soundwave trying to repair him, Trypticon heard another voice enter his hearing processors.

“Soundwave, report!”

“Trypticon remains in deep stasis. Power core at 63% integrity. Catalytic overdrive generator is several damaged. Estimating repair time-“

“No, there will be no repairs.”

Trypticon heard what this familiar voice had said and couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t going to be repaired!

The voice continued, “Trypticon, if you can hear me, understand that this is not a rescue mission. Despite your great power, you failed to destroy the Autobots. You failed ME.”

“Henceforth, your chassis will be altered and redesigned to my specifications.”

Trypticon couldn’t believe it. That voice was Megatron! What was he going to do to him?

Soundwave’s familiar voice echoed in Trypticon’s hearing processors, “Megatron, in his damaged state, Trypticon’s alternate form will become permanent.”

“All the better. Soundwave, initiate the Nemesis protocol.”

Trypticon was stunned, he wanted to do something but couldn’t in this state he is in, all he could was suffer through it as he felt his entire body beginning to transform.

“MEGATROOOOOONNNN!!!!!!” Trypticon yelled so loud the entire ship rumbled.

“What did Megatron do to you?” Shockwave asked regaining his stance.


“Why would Megatron do this to you?” Shockwave asked a little surprised.


“Hmmmmm….” Shockwave rubbed the bottom of his face thinking of a solution to this predicament.

He didn’t have to think long.

“Trypticon, I’ll tell you what, I will heal you so you can transform yet again.”


Shockwave walked towards the computer and began typing, “I see it was unfair what Megatron did to you, you are indeed a powerful warrior and will help the Decepticon cause. So I will just have to take off the Nemesis protocol and you will be back to normal.”

Trypticon remained silent until Shockwave was getting frustrated.

“Ugh, Soundwave’s schematics are far too advanced for this. But it will not get in the way.”


“You are being healed, Trypticon. I am almost finished…” Shockwave answered. After a few more minutes, Shockwave pressed one final button.

“There we go; the Nemesis protocol has been lifted.” Shockwave said in accomplishment.


Shockwave nodded and said, “Okay Trypticon, transform.”

A few struggling noises followed by some sparks going off was all that was heard.


Shockwave checked the computer again, he had done everything right, and the protocol was lifted. Then Shockwave realized it.

“Oh, you are very low on Energon, I forgot. You cannot transform without being properly filled. But the Energon on my ship is not nearly enough for you to even transform once!” Shockwave explained.


“Are you sure, Trypticon, it may take a while for Megatron to get back, I am heading for his location right now.” Shockwave told him.


Shockwave nodded and walked out of the bridge. He entered his ship and began the thrusters.

As Shockwave activated all backward thrusters and was launched with a powerful thrust, he knew that wherever Megatron was……he was going to find him….no matter the cost.

Twilight awoke to a bright morning. She yawned and sat up; rubbing her eyes, she remembered what happened. She, her friends, and Spike got to stay in Canterlot for the night to recover from everything that happened.

She was in a normal room, all her friends got to stay in rooms of their own, except Spike, he slept in the same room Twilight was in, he just slept on the couch in the room.

"Spike, wake up." Twilight cooed and saw Spike squirm and yawn.

Spike scratched his back and stretched out his limbs. "Morning, Twilight." Spike said.

"Morning, Spike." Twilight smiled and got out of bed. She walked over to the bathroom and got some water. She walked back out and heard a knock at the door.

"Coming…" Twilight gracefully said.

She opened the door to see Rarity looking worried. "What's wrong Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"Uhhh, Celestia is outside talking with the Autobots, something happened last night, and Celestia is not very happy about it." Rarity said.

Twilight was taken aback by this and looked at Spike. "Spike, let's go." Twilight sternly said and walked out the door. Spike got up and saw Rarity.

"OH! Hehe, hey Rarity." Spike nervously said.

"Come on Spike, we don't have time to talk!" Rarity said and grabbed Spike's hand. Spike blushed.

"You're....holding my hand." Spike smiled nervously. Rarity rolled her eyes and practically dragged Spike outside to the royal grounds.

When Spike and Rarity got there, they saw Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack standing next to Shining Armor. The Autobots were looking around nervously as Celestia was speaking with Optimus. Rarity and Spike joined the group of ponies and looked up to the Autobots. Rarity sighed with relief when she saw Sideswipe fully healed and standing with the Autobots.

"Well, all the Autobots were here as accounted for, and none left the premises." Optimus told Celestia.

"What about your friend over there?" Celestia pointed at the tiny red Autobot that shared a resemblance to Bumblebee.

"Cliffjumper, come here." Optimus said. The red Autobot trudged over to Celestia and Prime. "Cliffjumper, what did you do last night?" Optimus asked. Cliffjumper looked at Celestia.

"I swear, I didn't steal anything, the Decepticons were here leaving Canterlot!" Cliffjumper explained.

"Never the less, the Elements of Harmony were found missing last night and there was a massive hole in the Element Chambers, I'm not blaming you or your team Optimus, but still, we may have a problem here." Celestia explained.

"The Elements are gone?!" Twilight screamed.

"Calm down Twilight, Celestia has told us the intense power they hold, and in the hands of the Decepticons it could be catastrophic." Optimus said.

"I told you the Decepticons stole the Elements!" Cliffjumper yelled while crossing his arms.

"What do we do?" Fluttershy asked.

"We will have to get the Elements back; Celestia said that without them in Equestria it could mean never ending chaos." Optimus said.

"Well where do we look first Prime?" Wheeljack asked, "We don't exactly know where the Decepticons are."

Optimus rubbed the back of his head and didn't say anything for a while. "Maybe we could…" Optimus began but was interrupted by Blaster.

Blaster's shoulder opened and a small radar dish came up. "My scanners located Decepticon activity heading this way!" Blaster shouted.

"Celestia, you need to get somewhere safe, we will hold off the Decepticons." Optimus said.

"No Optimus, we will negotiate with these Decepticons, and I will find out what happened to the Elements of Harmony." Celestia told him.

Optimus sighed and said, "At least get behind me." Celestia did and stood behind Optimus.

The Mane 6 and Spike began to get scared, Shining Armor assured them, "Don't worry, the Autobots and I will protect you."

Blaster walked closer to the street, "It sounds like the Decepticons are coming......right....about....no-" Blaster couldn't finish when he was shot in the shoulder by a missile. Blaster landed on his back and looked up.

A long, flying purple object flew past the Autobots. It made a U-turn and shot several missiles at the group. The missiles connected with several Autobots. One missile was headed for the Mane six, as they saw it draw nearer; Warpath got in front and used his own body as a shield to defend the cowering equines.

The flying Decepticon hovered above the Autobots and was about to fire laser blasts at the group, until Optimus used his gun to shoot down the Decepticon. The Decepticon landed on the ground and crashed into some debris. Optimus pulled out his Energon Ax and prepared to fight. The Decepticon transformed and knocked the debris off of him.

Revealing none other than Shockwave.

"Optimus!!!" Shockwave growled. Optimus Prime held his Ax in front of him and glared at the mad scientist. Twilight was terrified at this Decepticon; he had no face, but instead had a glowing purple eye that lit up when he said 'Optimus'. His left arm was a long, tube-like device that glowed purple at the end of it. His color was mainly dark purple and he had metal wings on his back.

Shockwave looked at the Autobots, and then at the ponies.

"What interesting specimens, I might have to get a closer look." Shockwave said and began to walk closer to the ponies. Grimlock stepped in front of the ponies and glared at his old enemy.

"Awww, hello Grimlock, long time no see, how is the new body treating you?" Shockwave asked.

Grimlock clenched his fists. It was Shockwave who turned him and his team into robotic dinosaurs. Now Grimlock is glad to be stronger with his T-Rex form, but Shockwave did horrible things to him and Grimlock hates him for it.

"What are you doing here you maniac?!" Ratchet yelled. Shockwave suddenly remembered.

"Lord Megatron called me here, said he needed a job done, I've just come to deliver this." Shockwave said and opened his right fist. Six little pieces of metal landed on the ground.

Shockwave looked back at Optimus and pointed his finger at him.

"Prime," Shockwave began, "one day......but not today."

Shockwave finished by transforming back and flying off. It was all quiet and Shining Armor was the first to speak. "What the hay was that thing?" Shining asked looking at where the Decepticon had dropped the metal pieces.

"That......is Shockwave." Optimus said, having his Ax transform back into a little staff. Optimus walked over to what Shockwave dropped and went to one knee to get a better look. Celestia walked next to him, Twilight and her friends followed.

Celestia gasped at what was on the ground, so did the Mane 6. It was the Elements of Harmony, completely void of color and emotion.

"What happened to the Elements?!" Applejack asked frantically.

"It can't be true." Optimus muttered. The ponies looked up at him with worried expressions.

"What is it, Prime?" Spike asked.

Optimus got a closer look and examined the Elements for a few seconds until he spoke up, "The Elements of Harmony have been infected with Dark Energon."

"Dark Energon…?" Rainbow thought out loud.

"I thought Energon is what kept you all alive?" Twilight looked at Optimus expectantly.

"Normal Energon perhaps, but Dark Energon is a deadly substance that kills on touch." When Optimus said that, the ponies and Celestia backed away from the Elements.

"Oh no, this Dark Energon is already depleted, it is not harmful now but the Elements are still infected with it." Optimus explained.

"Wait, so the Elements can't work anymore?" Twilight asked. Optimus looked over to the Autobots.

"Perceptor, we need a diagnosis." Optimus said. Perceptor came over and transformed into his microscope mode. He examined the Elements.

"It appears the Dark Energon has infected its magical qualities. So they cannot work for.....whatever it is you use them for." Perceptor explained and transformed back.

"But...we need the Elements to keep order right?" Pinkie asked.

"And to keep peace in Equestria." Rarity said.

Twilight looked at her mentor who had a slightly opened mouth, and a very worried expression.

"Princess, what happens if the Elements are not working?" Twilight asked. Celestia didn't even move and continued with her worried expression.

"Princess…?" Twilight nudged her a little.

Finally, Celestia looked at Perceptor and said, "Did you say the magical qualities have been infected and won't work anymore?"

"Y-yes, why?" Perceptor asked.

Celestia's breathing increased and her eyes got wide. She looked at Optimus and said, "The Elements are what kept order and peace to Equestria, without them, chaos and disharmony will reign."

"Celestia, what are you trying to say?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight also was wondering when suddenly...

...it hit her like a slap to the face.

"Oh no..." Twilight muttered.

"What is it Twi?" Applejack asked.

Twilight looked at her with a fear-filled face. Applejack suddenly realized as well. "Uh oh." Applejack muttered and shook with fear.

Suddenly, the obvious struck each of the ponies. Optimus was still confused. "What is so bad, Princess?" Optimus asked.

Celestia looked at him and said, "We have to get to the statue garden at once!"

As Celestia said that, thunder was heard in the skies. Shining Armor looked up to see clouds covering the sun and lighting striking in the distance, "I thought it was supposed to be clear skies today, Princess?" Shining wondered.

"It was..." Celestia muttered in horror.

Rain started to fall; Celestia looked at Optimus and said, "We must get to the statue garden now! Follow me!" Celestia took off flying out of Canterlot. Optimus acted quickly.

"Autobots, transform and follow Celestia!" Optimus yelled and saw as many cars and jets drove or flew past him. The Dinobots transformed into their dino forms and took off with the Autobots. Optimus himself transformed and opened one of his doors.

"Get in ponies, even you Shining Armor." Optimus said. Pinkie was the first to jump in, followed by Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Shining, Spike, and Twilight. There were front seats and back seats. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity got in the back. And Rainbow, Shining, Spike, and Twilight got in the front.

Twilight looked out and saw the road in front of her. She suddenly heard Optimus say, "Hold on!"

Optimus's tires spun to life as he drove down the long road, following the Autobots. Pinkie stuck her head out the window and say, "This is so cool!"

Applejack pulled her in and said, "Sugercube, now is not the time!"

Optimus went faster and saw Celestia flying in front of him. Twilight looked back and saw they had already left Canterlot and were headed for the statue garden in Ponyville. They had all arrived, Celestia landed on the ground and walked inside the garden. All the Autobots transformed back and watched as the ponies entered the garden too.

Optimus walked in front of them and said, "Jazz, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Warpath, and Sideswipe, accompany me, something isn't right here."

"You got it, OP." Jazz said and walked inside the garden with Optimus, the rest followed.

Silverbolt looked to the skies and saw as lighting happened every few seconds followed by thunder. The rain was hitting the ground harder, "Something bad is gonna happen. I bet my wing thrusters on it." Silverbolt said.

"Ratchet, what is going to happen?" Air Raid asked.

Ratchet analyzed the skies and said, "It appears that this is no ordinary storm, these clouds and this lighting are coming together to this exact spot, in the statue garden!"

"This is gonna be crazy." Cliffjumper muttered.

Inside the statue garden, Celestia and the ponies were looking frantically for the right statue.

"Come on, it has to be here somewhere!" Celestia said to herself.

"What are we looking for anyway?!" Shining asked.

"We're looking for-" Twilight began but stopped to see Celestia staring straight ahead.

The ponies and Spike looked past her and saw the statue they were looking for. It was shaking and had cracks forming in it. "Oh no... Not again." Celestia said. Optimus, Jazz, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Warpath, and Sideswipe came around the corner and saw the ponies.

"Celestia, we're here to-" Optimus began but was interrupted by a loud cracking noise and a bright flash.

The ponies and the Princess covered their eyes, what they heard next, froze them to the spot.

A loud maniacal laughter.

Twilight looked up to see their old enemy speak.

"I'M BACK!!!!"