• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The Rebel Assault on Federation Territory

"What in the world is this?" Adagio said with a gasp, looking out the window

Outside was a large white blanket of snow, covering the earth. It was mid December and running close to Christmas. The first real one they'd ever experience.

"That's snow Dagi." Anon said, wrapping his arms around her in a big hug

Anon thought she would pull away but to his surprise she gets closer, enjoying the embrace. He placed his head on her cheese puff hair. She was such a cuddlebug. Even though it was nearly six thirty, the sun had yet to shine. It was so beautiful and relaxing though. Not a creature was stirring outside, it was just a nice white void. It was peaceful, seeing the fresh snow in the early morning from the comfort of a warm house while cuddling a beautiful daughter.

Daughter!? Did he seriously think that!? No! She wasn't his daughter. She was just someone staying in his car, like a friend. NOT a daughter.

A groggy Aria comes in to the kitchen, her hair down and all messy with only one eye open.

"Morning, Anon."

"Morning, Sunshine." he teased

She let out a groan. Aria was never much of a morning person. If anyone stood to benefit from the miracle that was coffee, it was her. Adagio was far more of a morning person and Sonata just didn't seem to sleep or run out of energy. Sonata began to crawl down as well.

"Morning, Anon."

"Morning, Sonata. Good to see you."

"Good to see you too."

"Look girls." Anon said, pointing out the window "We got a snow night last night."

Aria cracked open her closed eye.

"Snow?" Aria asked

"Haven't you three seen snow before?"

They just look completely dumbfounded. They really hadn't seen snow before. But Anon certainly wasn't going to keep them in ignorance.

"Girls get yourselves ready and into some warm clothing. We're going to the park."

Aria instantly perks up

"Oh! Can we take Alto too!?" she exclaimed

There was some of that sneaky Aria enthusiasm again. She really loved animals.

"Of course we can, Aria. St. Bernard's are built for weather like this."

Anon went in the garage and pulled out the leash from the previous dog he had. Instantly he saw it wasn't going to work. It was old and torn in multiple areas, not to mention paper thin. Alto would rip through this thing without even trying. He'd need something much stronger. Looks like some shopping was in order. Anon also forgot the girls didn't have coats, hats, or anything that would make for a fun winter day.

Anon had never seen the girls get in and out of the shower so fast. Adagio once again employed some strange female voodoo on her hair that made it completely impervious to getting messy, split, or knotted all within 10 seconds. He went through the usual routine of combing Sonata's hair and watching Aria pin her hair up and out the door they went.

"Alright girls, before we go we need to buy you some coats and a new leash for Alto." Anon said "Then we can go to the park."

"Yay!" Sonata cheered, jumping eagerly

They all get in the seats, Adagio taking the front again so that Alto could have some room. Anon makes his way back to the convenience store and leads the girls to the clothing section, lined with coats and boots of all sizes.

"Ok girls. Pick out a coat that you think would look the best on you."

After much debate with herself, Adagio settled on a bright yellow parka, Sonata a green pea coat with a bunch of pictures of cabins and pine trees across it, while Aria picked a neon pink motor bike coat. Anon picked out a boring ski coatand a dog leash, while also letting the trio grab some gloves and hats and having them try it on. They looked absolutely adorable. Anon bought the goods and took them to the park. Anon was going to give these girls the proper winter experience. No way were they just going to sit inside and vidya like he did as a kid.

At the park it was even better than he had hoped. The park was completely empty, not a soul inside. The girls hop out of the car and he clipped Alto into the leash. Anon start to walk him but quickly he begins to walk Anon instead. Alto pulls hard, making him fall flat on his face, making the girls roar with laughter.

"You ok over there?" Adagio called with laughter

"Oh yeah." Anon said with his head still in the snow "Never been better."

Anon gets up still covered in snow, causing the girls to laugh even more. If only this moment could last forever. He was so happy.

"Alright girls. Step one to having an amazing winter is a snowball fight. And to do that you need to make a snowball..."

Anon picks up a mound of snow and shapes it into a perfect sphere

"Like so. And then..."

Anon knocks back and lightly chucks the ball at Dagi

"Hey!" she yelled "Two can play at this game."

Adagio picks up a pile of snow and chucks it at him.

"Hey, hey!" Anon says, halting it before it got out control "You didn't let me say the rest of the steps."

"Oh?" she asks "What are the rest of the steps?"

"Now before we continue this war, we need to move on to step 2: a snow fort. We also need to pick teams."

"I call being on Anon's team!" Aria called out

He smiled. Aria was such a daddy's girl. No! No! Not a daddy's girl! Aria was not his daughter, stop looking at it that way!

"Sonata, Adagio? You alright with this?"

The two both smile at each other devilishly.

"Oh yeah. More than ready. Right, Sonata?"


"Well it's settled then." Anon said "Let's go make our forts."

After about 15 minutes Anon built a large wall (and made the Changeling's pay for it) with three square windows in the middle. It had rounded sides to make it easy for them to throw at them without getting hit. Aria had been busy building tons of snowballs and she was doing it excellently. On the opposite side, Sonata and Dagi had built a cylinder type structure that had a higher, sloped wall facing where the brunt of the snowballs would likely be hitting. Anon calls out to them.

"You girls ready?"

"Yes sir!" Sonata chirps

"Alright. In 3. 2. 1. GO."

The snow war begins and the snowballs fly. Adagio and Sonata start throwing at terrifying speed, they couldn't even break cover.

"What are you orders Captain Anon?" Aria said with the most serious face

"Well Corporal Aria they seem to have us pinned down with fire." Anon said, playing along "I am going to need you to do a secret mission to sabotage them."

"Yes, sir!"

"I need you to be super stealthy, sneak up behind them, and catch them from behind. While they are distracted with you, I will hit them from behind as well. You ready Corporal?"

"Sir, yes, sir! I won't let you down!"

Aira begins to army crawl around the side, making her way to the back. Alto is barking with excitement in the distance. Sonata and Dagi don't seem to notice at all. Anon keeps up the pressure so they wouldn't notice. Finally, with a yell, she pops up from behind and pegs Sonata square in the back. They both turn around. Perfect. He starts tossing snowballs and hit Adagio a few times.

"Do you surrender Adagio, Sonata? Or are we going to have to take you the hard way?"

"Over our dead body!" Adagio yells "The Federation will rein victorious! You dirty Rebel dogs will never take this outpost!"

"Have it your way! But the Rebel's will win! Corporal Aria, enter phase 2!"

There was no phase two. But Aria didn't miss a beat. She started ramping up the attack. Adagio finally surrenders.

"Alright Rebels! You win this time, but we will claim vengeance!"

"Wise decision on your part."

Just as Anon walks out, he's pelted with another snowball.

"Vengeance is mine!" Adagio yelled

Adagio and Sonata high five each other. The ole bait and switcharoo. And he feel for it hook line and sinker.

"Alright girls. Well done." Anon says "What do you say we go home and get some hot chocolate to warm us up?"

Sonata jumps

"Yeah! I'm freezing!" she says

"And you two girls?"

"Absolutely!" Adagio said

"I'm so cold." Aria said

"Well it's settled then. Let's go home huh?"

"Yeah!" The trio says together

As Anon gets in the car and cranks up the heat, it doesn't take too long to see the enemy casualties. Aria and Sonata are passed out in the back and Adagio quickly follows suit. Such was the life of a lonely space ranger after a large intergalactic battle.

Author's Note:

Originally I made Sonata and Anon on the team. But as you'll see later through this tale, I am crafting Aria to be the daddy's girl, so it made more sense on the second write though. I've actually edited quite a bit out of this that either didn't make sense or was a little odd going back and will no doubt be editing more out in the future. If you want the entire story please take a look at http://pastebin.com/NwetU9H7. Be warned however, it is in greentext second person format and there is a sex scene I will likely be editing out in this version of the telling. You have been warned.

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