• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Adagio may have been on the upper foot, but she hadn't beaten it yet. Her siren was by far the most cunning of the three. After she figured out it's weakness, the siren had shrunk to half it's original size. It was still towering over her, but as its size decreased, her confidence increased. She couldn't wait till it was small enough to be crushed under her boot.

The siren pulled something out of it's mouth. A cigarette.

"Care for a pull Adagio?" it asked

This wasn't good. Adagio's body craved it more than anything. What she wouldn't give for a nice, long pull. To feel the amazing calm once again. Adagio shook her head rapidly.

"No Adagio. Not now. You can't give in!"

The siren smiled, dangling the drug in front of her nose. She could smell the sweet smoke. Feel it's calming effects slowly start to take over. It was taking every ounce of energy she had not to snatch it right out of the beast's hooves and smoke till she couldn't smoke anymore.

She remembered how sad her father was. How much it hurt Sonata. How angry Aria had been. She found her resolve.

"I won't." Adagio said, looking it dead in the eye "I won't take it."

The siren shrunk once again, even more so. Now it was only at her waist. It was getting desperate. It knew that if it didn't get her this time, it was over. It was time to pull out the big guns. Something not even Adagio's stalwart will couldn't resist.

Sonata was in dire straights for her fight. She had regressed to that of a four year old, barely being able to remember how to use common English. At this rate Sonata was bound to lose and Anon was having a difficult time breaking through. Sonata's own fear was forming something of a force field around her, making it impossible for them to communicate. There had to be some way. All it would take is just a little nudge in the right direction. Anon summoned all his mental energy to form a single picture in his mind. A picture of the entire family, together and smiling. He hoped to Celestia it would be enough to get her head straight long enough to figure out what to do.

Sonata, upon seeing the mental image, was filled with joy and began to giggle uncontrollably. As she giggled her mind seemed to improve. She could think again, speak again. She thought about Alto. About Aria. About Adagio and daddy and all her friends and was filled with joy. The fear just shed off her like water.

However, Sonata's siren was not about to take this lying down. The siren charged at the little girl, bearing it's sharp jaws and letting out a might roar, causing Sonata to scream. As she was about to succumb to her fear, she remembered the picture once again. Daddy said he'd keep her safe no matter what. She needn't be afraid. She had daddy. And like that, the siren destroyed.

Sonata jolted up to see her big sister Aria. Before she could ever think, Aria's arms were wrapped around her in a tight hug. As they hugged Sonata noticed that her gem had changed as well. It was now a bright, bluish green and had a soft glow to it.

"I love you, you big dork."

Sonata felt happier than she had ever been in her entire life. She hugged back with even great force. Aria actually said it! She loved her! She was being hugged by her!

"I love you too, Aria."

They both turned their eyes to Adagio, her siren form still asleep.

"Now we wait on big sister." Sonata said


The large yellow monster had one final trick up it's sleeve. And it was sure this one wouldn't fail. With it's massive jaws, it tore a hole into Anon's unconscious.

"Your father isn't very smart." it said "he should know that just as he can come into our mind, I can come into his."

Adagio felt fear run down her back

"What are you going to do?" she asked

"Let's make a deal. In exchange for your soul and body, I don't utterly ruin your father's mind."

"Y-you can't do that. This is just another trick!"

"Is it? Hmmm... let's put it to the test then."

From the hole a memory started shining through. It was the memory of the day when he and Dagi spent time singing while going up to the ski resort. With a scrape of her teeth, the memory began to rip and tear.

"Oh my, my. That certainly was unfortunate."

Tears began to stream down Adagio's face

"S-stop! I'm warning you!"

The memory kept running and the siren took another bite out of it, completely destroying the section.

"Oh my, oh my. This is rather unfortunate. You know what would be even worse? If I destroyed his memory of how to breathe."

Adagio's face went pale as a ghost

"What an unfortunate cost that would be. You get complete control over you body only to find your poor old man suffocating to death." it giggled "So what's it going to be? Your life?"

The hole began to show the memory of Anon's chest rising and falling

"Or your father's?"

Adagio began to cry uncontrollably. She couldn't throw the life of her father away! She couldn't. Adagio realized she only had one choice. She couldn't just kill her own father. She looked the beast dead in the eyes.

"I submit."

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