• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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In Harmony

Author's Note:

Sorry for the break. Hope you enjoy.

This chapter is brought to you in part by the memes of /mlp/. /mlp/: we ruin the show, so you don't have too.

Four in the god damned morning. Time to get shit done. These girls were lucky to have such a loving father. Only they could get him to get up at such an unreasonable hour. But make no mistake, his love wasn't all extending. If he was going to suffer this, than so were they. He goes one by one to wake each of the girls up.

"Ugh..." Aria said groggily "Why are you waking me up now? It's four in the morning."

"It's a surprise. A Christmas surprise if you will. Go down to the table and I'll tell you."

Aria just groaned in response.

"I'm going to wake up the others. If you're not down there by then, I'm coming back. We need to leave soon."

Aria stays silent ad he walks into the other girls rooms, waking each of them up. Adagio woke pretty easy. Sonata, not so much. Anon walked back down to collect his coffee and, not to his shock, none of the girls were present. This was going to take some doing clearly. He went back up and got Adagio and Sonata to come down, but Aria was going to be a challenge. Not surprising, considering how little sleep she got but she could sleep in the car. He managed to literally pull her out and place her on the table.

"So girls, I am sure you are curious as to why I've gather you here today."

"Yes." Adagio said, rather annoyed "We are all wondering why you woke us up while the moon is still up."

"We're going on a Christmas trip. We're spending this one up in the mountains."

The reaction was less enthusiastic than he'd hope, probably due to how tired they were.

"Can I bunk with you again dad?" Aria asked

Sonata gets pissed

"No! Daddy slept next to you last night. It's my turn now!"

Aria shoots her a glare of death

"Shut up Sonata! Stop being such a baby!"

"You shut up you big meanie!"

"Girls, if you can't solve this in a friendly manner, neither of you get to sleep next to me."

They both glare angrily at each other. Neither of them seemed like they were going to budge.

"Fine," Anon said "I'm sleeping on the couch."

"WAIT" they both said in unison, grabbing his arms

"I... I guess we both can sleep with you..." Aria said "But I swear if you pee on me Sonata, I am going to kick your butt!"

"Shut up! Why do you have to always make fun of me!? Stop being such a meanie!"

"Maybe if you didn't act like an annoying like pest I wouldn't have to!"

And so the tears began. Nothing better at four in the morning that two little girls fighting until one of them cries. Nobody ever said parenting was amazing one hundred percent of the time.

"Sorry girls. I'm on the couch tonight. It's obvious you two can't resolve your differences maturely."

Aria becomes enraged.



They were really going at it this time. Even Adagio wasn't trying to intervene. Finally Anon snapped.

"GIRLS! Too your room. NOW."

They both give each other one last glare then scamper to their rooms. He really had to do something about this. It seemed like every time they made a peace treaty, it was only a matter of time before they were clawing at each other again. It was so exhausting to deal with. They went together about as well as oil and water, if not worse.

"Will they ever get along?" Adagio sighs

Anon reaches down and gives her a small hug.

"They will. Siblings just do this. Not to mention they're tired right now. Just give them time."

"I hope you're right dad."

"I am. Here. Let's go start packing. Why don't you get your stuff ready and I'll start putting the presents in the back. I already wrapped Sonata's."

"Alright." Adagio says, scampering back up

Anon gets ready and makes sure the rest of the girls are too, quickly shooing them into the car along with Alto. Just as he was about to pull out Adagio stops him.

"Dad. The presents?"

"Shoot! Thanks Adagio. What would I do without you?"

She smiles

"Perish under your own forgetfulness."

He gives her a hug and runs back inside. It was good to see she was returning to normal again. Maybe that whole siren thing was nothing more than a nightmare or some weird vision. At any rate, he was just glad it was no long gripping her like it had before. He grabbed the presents, shoved them in the back and just like that, got on the road. Luckily for him, Aria and Sonata were out almost instantly. It was just smooth sailing with Adagio now. She shivers and hugs herself.

"It's so cold." Adagio said

"I know. Here, let me turn the heat up."

Anon turns up the heat, slowly filling the metal box with warmth. It was so nice outside. Dark, snowy and quiet for all but his car. Reminded him of his childhood days when he would just stare endlessly out the window during the car rides up the summer home.

"So sweetie." Anon says "How are things going? You know, with the whole nightmares and what not?"

Adagio puts on a big smile. He couldn't tell if it was genuine or not.

"It's a lot better." she replied

"That's good to hear. I was really worried about you. I'm glad it was just some fluke."

"Yeah, me too."

There was some hesitation in her voice, but not so much that it was concerning. She was very difficult to read at times.

"How do you feel about that? About you being a Siren and everything?"

"It's... a lot to take in. I'm honestly not sure. A part of me hates myself for what I did, but a part of me knows that I'm different now. Heck, I don't even remember any of it, I'm only going off what you told me. But it's hard just the same."

"I know. I'm sure it can't be easy hearing all of that. But know that I love you no matter what you did. You are my daughter and nothing you did will ever change that."

She smiles at him

"Thanks dad. I needed that."

The drive continues in peaceful silence after making a quick stop to drop Alto off at doggy daycare. It was so nice. Anon missed the days when he could just sit in silence. Now it was filled with angry yelling from two little girls and the philosophy of the third. But he wouldn't change it for the world. He was in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and the gas was getting low. Luckily he just barely made it to a gas station as the sun began to rise. Aria and Sonata were still out cold. It was so cute. Both Anon and Adagio get out into the frigid air and quickly make their way into the convenience store.

"Make sure to pick out some snacks for the other two. They will undoubtedly want some."

Adagio salutes him and stands at attention, puffing out her chest.

"Aye, sir."

She runs off to get some snacks while Anon looks around for something, settling on some Arizona tea. Adagio came back with some gummy bears, pop tarts, and a candy bar.

"The pop tarts are for me, the candy bar for Aria, and the gummy bears for Sonata." she says proudly, as if she had just come back from a recon mission

"Good job Dagi." Anon said with a smile

They buy their goodies and walk back out into the car. Aria was just starting to awake.

"Morning, Sunshine."

Aria lets out a big yawn and stretches

"Morning, daddy. Are we there yet?"

"We still have about an hour and a half left to go."

She turns and buries her head back in the pillow she took with her. Anon puts the candy bar on her lap.

"Adagio got this for you."

Aria just mumbles in response, shutting her eyes tighter.

"Say thank you."

"Thank you, Adagio." she spurts out

He pulls the car back out and keeps on driving, turning the music on.

"Dad?" Adagio asks

"Yes honey?" Anon answers

"Why do you have such horrible taste in music?"

Anon laughs

"You know Adagio, there are nicer ways to ask to change the station."

"It's just a simple question. I wasn't trying to change the station."

"Well then I see no reason to stop it my little cheese puff."

"Little cheese puff?"

"Your hair."

She sticks her tongue out

"Oh very funny."

After a little ways down the road Adagio begins to hum to herself.

"Why not sing?" Anon asks "If you're as good at singing as you are humming, this should be great."

Adagio blushes and twirls her hair with her finger

"Oh, I doubt I'm that great." she said

"Nonsense. Give it a whirl."

Time to see if her voice was destroyed forever or just a temporary side effect of the gem destruction. She takes a deep breath and begins to sing. And boy was he wrong. Her singing sounded like a bunch of shrieking crow. He could feel a few cilia die in his ears. It was off pitch and mangled, as was if she became tone deaf. Adagio covers her mouth.


Anon places a hand on her shoulder and gives it a soft squeeze.

"No need to be sorry. You just need some practice is all. Did you know that I used to be a singer back in the day? Damn good one too. I made honors choir. I'd be honored if I could teach you."

"But I thought since my medallion was destroyed I lost all my musical ability."

"I may be wrong here, but I think you can still learn to sing. I don't think the gem played into it. I think it only amplified your latent potential."

"You sure about that?"

"I know it certainly wouldn't hurt to give it a try."

For the next hour or so Adagio and her dad worked on tuning up her voice. It was rough and slow going at first, but she was really starting to get the hang of it. Anon could tell that she would learn how to sing again in no time at all. Even so, she was still getting frustrated.

"Ugh!" she yelled quietly "Why does this have to be so hard!?"

"Adagio you're doing great. Don't beat yourself up. You have made a lot of progress."

"I know. It's just so hard. This shouldn't be so hard."

"Do you want to stop? I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do."

"No. I do want to learn to sing again. Maybe I can use it for good instead of evil this time."

"If you're sure."

But the singing lesson would have to cut short. They had finally arrived at their destination for the perfect Christmas ever.

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