• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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These Moonlit Talks

Sonata lets out a whine

"But I hate school!"

"I know but you girls need your education." Anon said "But I think I might have something to sweeten the deal: I need to legally adopt you in order for you to attend school."

Aria's eyes light up like the glow of two suns and her smile gets wider than ever.

"You mean we are actually going to get to be your daughters!?" she blurts out

The rest of the group looks at her with smiles too, as she dropped her cool girl act. She quickly recovers

"I-I mean, yeah, whatever. Pssh. So what?"

"To answer you question, Ari, yes. You would be my daughters in both name and legality. But the problem is finding your biological parents."

He still had no idea how he was going to do that. It wasn't as if he could tell them 'oh you know, they're just mystical fish beings that were exiled from a land of magic talking horses for being too mean'. They might no buy that. Adagio looks puzzled and saddened.

"You mean... our siren parents right?"

Aira and Sonata are even more confused.

"Sirens?" Aria asks "You mean like the beasts in mythology that would tempt sailors into bad waters with their songs? What kinda weird role play are you two into?"

Fuck. He wasn't ready to drop this bomb on them yet. Better if he didn't have to at all. But the cat was out of the bag now.

"Aria, Sonata. There is something you should know. It's about your past. You might want to sit down for this one."

"Our past?" Aria stares in disbelief "What do you mean?"

The cogs slowly turn in Aria's head as she realizes what she's about to be told.

"You're not actually going to tell Sonata and I that we're really Sirens are you?"

Anon told them everything he told Adagio, holding nothing back. The two just stare at him silently after the tale. Aria puts her hands to her head.

"I can't... I can't believe we would do something like that.. Why? Were we really that vain?"

"I'm afraid so." Anon said "But listen to me Aria, no all of you listen. You are forgetting the most important part of this story: you are not what you used to be. You are three amazing girls who are sweet and kind and talented and are more than am old man like me deserves. You are full of love and energy and make every day better by being here. You are not the sirens who tried to take over the school. You are three amazing girls and I love you."

They all go in for a big hug.

"Yeah daddy." Aria said "We know. And we love you too, right girls?"

"Right." Adagio and Sonata said

Just then the timer dings. The cookies are ready.

"Well I know just the thing to cheer us up. Cookies."

Anon goes into the oven and pulls out the sheet, immediately sees his error. He didn't adjust the recipe he found for altitude and thus the cookies were all sunken in. Damage control time. Anon turns around with the tray and yells


Aria looks at him with a glare that could melt steel. Then, to his surprise, starts laughing.

"Daddy, you're so silly."

Aria takes a cookie straight from the tray, placing it in her mouth and chewing, spitting it out almost instantly.

"And your cooking is even worse than you jokes."

"Do I at least get an A for effort?"

"Of course dad. Well I am going to go hit the sack. It's been a big day for me."

Aria beings to waltz off into her room and Anon follows suit.

"Well I think she has the right lead. Time for bed girls."

"Awww! Come on dad!" Sonata says "Can't we stay up a little longer?"

"Sorry sweetie. It's way past your bed time. You need to get a good nights sleep."

She complies, annoyed and goes to put on her pjs. Just as Anon beings to walk to his room, Dagi stops him.

"I love you dad. I mean that." Adagio says with a big hug

"I love you too sweetie. We'll get through this ok?"

"We will."

They wish each other a goodnight and head to bed. Just as he was about to go to bed he hears crying from Aria's bedroom. He places his ear to the door to listen.

"-can't believe I did that! I am are freaking monster! How could I be so evil!? I'm sick!"

He could hear a pillow slam against the wall. She was taking this really hard. Aria was profoundly sensitive. No wonder she wanted to act so cool and aloof all the time. It must hurt to have a heart so big.

"Hey Aria? Can I come in?"

There is some sounds of jerking around, no doubt in attempt to hide her tears.

"U-uh yeah. Come in."

Anon opens the door and walks in, sitting next to her

"I could hear you crying from all the way out there. What's going on sweetie?"

"N-nothing daddy. Nothing at all-"

Her persona quickly falls apart as tears run down her face again. Anon put his arm around her and starts rubbing her back.

"Shhh... shhh. I'm right here. It's alright."

"It's not alright! I tried to take over the whole damn school by causing chaos and disorder! Not to mention I am some freak dragon monster with hooves and a fish tail! I hurt so many people! How is any of this ok!?"

"I know this isn't easy." he said, hugging her tighter "But you are different now. The Aria I know would never do something like that. We all make mistakes. Sometimes they're big. But you're sorry now aren't you?"

"Sorry is an understatement. More like ashamed and disgusted..."

"Well then I don't see any reason to beat yourself up more. You made a mistake and you're sorry. It's what people do Aria. I don't care what you look like or what you are. You're not a monster Aria. You are a beautiful girl who will go places in life."

She looks up at him, tears still in her eyes and sniffles

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do Aria. I would never lie about something like that. Believe me, if I hated you, I'd let you know. My dad has heard it plenty."

Aria laughs a bit, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Thanks dad. I love you."

"I love you two sweet girl. Now you get some sleep. You and I have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter this time around, I'm just a bit hungover and I stayed up all night. I might write another chapter later today but I really wanted to put something out.

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