• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,317 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Skin Deep

The next morning Anon was the last to wake up. The girls were quietly playing a game of rock paper scissors in the corner.

"Good morning girls." Anon said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes "You're up early."

"Yay we woke up before daddy!" Sonata squeals

"Big night last night dad?" Dagi asks

Anon stares out the window, remembering the night before

"Yeah. You could say that."

"So what are we doing today dad?" Aria asks

"I'm glad you asked Aria. We are going skiing."

Sonata looks confused

"Skiing? What's that?"

Aria shoots her a glare

"It's when you take two long, thin poles and slide on the snow with them dumb dumb."

"That wasn't very nice!"

"Settle down girls, settle down. Go get dressed. We need to fit you all for boots and skis."

The three of them put on their coats and in a short time are ready. They take a short walk out down to the ski shop. Sonata is amazed by all the skis and boards.

"Wow. These are weird!" she exclaimed

"Those are skis dumb dumb." Aria said, crossing her arms

"Stop calling my a dumb dumb!"

"Well maybe you should stop acting like a dumb dumb then."

And the water works begin. It was too early for this shit.

"Sonata calm down." Anon said "And Aria can you two just pretend to be friends this once?"

Aria just turns her head and grunts. These two.

"Come on. We need to get you girls set."

Sonata quickly relaxes as she gets her boots fitted. Anon looks at Adagio, eyeing the snowboards.

"Hey Anon? Is it alright if I use a snowboard instead?" Adagio asks

"By all means Dagi. It will be a tad harder though. You alright with that?"

She smiles, liking the idea of a challenge

"Aye, sir."

That was such a cute quirk she had, her saying 'aye, sir'. Made him smile every time. Anon keeps tinkering with different boots with Sonata as Adagio picks her perfect snowboard. She picked a snowboard that had a cheeto paint job on it. Turned out she road goofy also. Sonata picked some skis with a universe design on it, covered in stars and planets and Aria just picked out some simple purple skis. Anon got some plain green skis and polls for himself and Aria. Sonata was going to have to learn how to navigate without polls first, at least that's how he was taught. The rest of the gear went smoothly as well until it came for to find a helmet. Her hair was going to be damn near impossible to fit inside a helmet. She might as well have an airbag in there. He tried for a good fifteen minutes to fit it in there before finally settling on a helmet that covered just the top of her head.

And with that they were off. Anon was going to be doubly sure to keep an eye on Sonata so that she wouldn't get altitude sickness again. He even made sure to pack an extra oxygen canister just in case. Hopefully he wouldn't need it though. He was going to take this nice and easy. They mad their way to a small hill.

"Alright girls. We are going to start with that hill at the base of the mountain." he said "We're just going to practice basic form."

"Aye sir." Adagio said, putting her goggles on

With how much hair she had, the goggles barely fit, some of it bursting through the sides. At least if she fell her head would be safe. They all grab on to the small lift that pulled them to the top of the hill and waited by the side of the slope.

"Alright girls. There are two techniques I want you to remember. The pizza and the french fry."

Sonata's mouth begins to water.

"I sure would love some pizza right now." she says

Aria elbows her ribs, but due to the fact that she has such a thick coat she doesn't seem to mind

"You don't want to go down the mountain straight down." he explained "You'll go too fast and wreck. Instead you want to go side to side in long arcs. When your skis are straight like this we call it the french fry. Now when your turn or find yourself going too fast, you make your skis into a point almost like the shape of a pizza. This will slow you down. To come to a complete stop just slide with your side to the mountain."

This was clearly going way over Sonata's head. Even Aria and Adagio we being a bit slow on the uptake. Dagi slowly raises her hand.

"Can you maybe explain that a bit slower?"

"I could. But better yet, why don't I just demonstrate? You three can follow me one by one. Don't worry. We'll take this nice and slow."

Anon slides down in perfect form, making a long arc, crossing his skis, then coming to a complete stop.

"Alright Adagio. You're up. Just do as I did."

Adagio slowly pushes off and begins to go down the slope, looking completely terrified as she does. Her legs are shaking but slowly she starts to do it. Just as she makes it to his side, she falls flat on her butt.

"Shit." she curses

"Adagio you did wonderful. For your first time that was excellent."

He extends a hand to help her up.

"Really? You mean that?"

"Of course I do. It'll take a few tries to get right. Just be patient with it."

They turn back to Aria and Sonata to check on their progress. Neither of them had budged. Jeez these girls were skittish.

"Alright Aria. You next." Anon calls out


He can tell she's a bit scared but is trying to hide it for her pride. She starts to go down with a bit too much speed and tumbles a bit, falling flat.

"You ok Ar-" Anon asks

"I'm fine!" she snaps back

Aria was known for many things, patience not being one of them. She quickly pulls herself up again and moves forward. She takes a second tumble. And a third. And a forth before finally making it back to his side. She did not seem happy at all. This was going to be a long day for her. Now it was Sonata's turn.

"Ok Sonata. Your turn."

"Alright daddy!"

Without even an inkling of fear, the little girl slides down the hill without so much as a wobble. She was a natural. She comes to you with a big smile on her face and a giggle.

"Wow Sonata. You've been practicing while I wasn't looking?"

"It wasn't that hard." she said

This did not please Aria at all. She had a big cold scowl on her face. It looked like she was going to shoot beams from her eyes. Anon pats her shoulder.

"Don't let it get to you."

"Shut up!"

He really hoped this wasn't going to be the trend for today. He hated seeing them fight like cats and dogs.

"Alright. We are going to repeat this until we reach the bottom."

As they slowly twisted and turned their way down the hill, Anon noticed that Aria was treating this more like a competition with Sonata. Once she stopped falling, she then kept trying to out preform her by doing tricks such as sharp turns and sudden stops or going faster. And, naive as she was, this did not escape Sonata's eye. Soon she started doing the same thing and both sisters were engaged in a silent competition. What was he going to do with them?

Adagio was also making some progress, but at a much slower pace. She was putting nearly all of her concentration into not falling as every time she did, her poof got trapped in her goggles, obstructing her view. They make it halfway down and Anon stops, rubbing her shoulder gently.

"You're doing great Adagio. Just loosen up a bit. If you keep skiing with your muscles all tensed like that you'll ware yourself out."

Dagi takes a deep breath

"I know. I just don't want to fall."

"You'll be ok. There is nothing wrong with falling so long as you get back up and try again."

She smiles


He pats her on the back and she gets visibly calmer. Aria and Sonata, however, were still trying to outdo each other and their antics were getting even more extreme as time went on. Aria would try to speed up and Sonata would try to go even fast and then Aria would try to go faster than that. Finally they reach the bottom. Anon looks annoyed at Aria and Sonata.

"So girls? Who won?" he asked sarcastically

Both of them get embarrassed

"Y-you saw that daddy?" Sonata asks

Anon laughs

"I'm not blind Sonata."

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine. I actually found it amusing. But lets try to keep the whole sibling rivalry thing to a minimum ok? We're on vacation."

"Ok. Sorry Aria."

Aria crosses her arms. She was going to need some time to cool down clearly.

"Sonata how are you feeling? You don't feel sick do you?"

She shakes her head


"Great. What do you girls say we do two or three more runs before we get something to eat?"

"Aye sir!" Dagi says

Anon and his family go back for a few more runs. Adagio is once again back to her anxiety ridden self, and Aria and Sonata's truce was, of course, only temporary. They started slowly, competing again with each subsequent turn. At least they were getting better as a result. After three runs it was time for lunch.

"Alright, girls. You ready to eat?"

"Are we taking the tram again daddy?" Sonata asks

"Nope. We're using the lifts. On the way down we will have a fun blue for us to ski."

Sonata has a dumb look on her face

"Um daddy? How do you ski a color?"

Both Aria and Adagio simultaneously slap their hands to their faces. Anon giggles.

"No sweetie. You see the runs are designated a color based on how difficult they are. They go green, blue, black, and double black for the most difficult. I figured we could try a blue since you girls are starting to get it down."

"You sure we're ready for that?" Adagio asks

Adagio looks a tad worried. She was such a nervous Nelly when taken out of her comfort zone.

"Of course Adagio. I would never take you on a run that I thought was too dangerous. This one is actually pretty as far as blues go. You'll do fine I promise."

She takes a deep breath

"Ok. If you're sure."

"Well then let's get going."

They travel up a few various lifts till they reach the restaurant. They unhook their skis, Adagio her snowboard, and go in. Sonata and Aria both take off their helmets but Dagi hesitates.

"Don't you want to take your helmet off Adagio?"

"I don't know.."

"Just do it. Nobody's judging."

She slowly takes off her helmet to reveal a hair apocalypse. Her hair was stuck up in odd places and matted down in others. It looked as if she put her hair through a spin cycle. Both Sonata's and Aria's eyes are wider than dinner plates.

"I-is it bad?"

They look at each other in fear

"No. Not at all. It looks perfect." Aria says nervously

"Y-yeah. What Aria said." Sonata agrees

What had them so freaked out? They had never shown this amount of fear towards Dagi before.

"Well I'm going to go look in the mirror just to be sure."

Their faces go whiter than ghosts as she walks into the restroom. Three. Two. One. A loud scream emanates from the bathroom. This was not going to be pretty. The wait a while but Dagi doesn't come out.

"Aria why don't you go check on her?"

Aria flinches, as if remembering some terrible tragedy from her time back in Nam.

"I-I don't think that's a good idea."


"N-nope. I think I'll just sit here daddy." Sonata shakes

"Fine. I'll do it. She did run into a unisex bathroom after all."

They both run in front of him and yell "No!"

"What has got the two of you so worked up?"

"You don't understand Daddy." Aria says "Adagio LOVES her hair to the point of obsession. When it gets messed up... well lets just say if that siren still lives inside of her, it comes out."

"How long do you think she will be in there then?"

"Thirty minutes give or take."

"We don't have the time for that. I'm going in."

"I warned you."

Anon walks in through the door

"Everything ok Adagi-"

Anon is interrupted as a roll of toilet paper is flung at his face with surprising force making him close the door to block it. He turns back to the girls.

"She's not very happy."

Aria crosses her arms

"We just have to wait until she's done fixing her hair."

"I already said we don't have time for that. I guess I will just have to give some tough love."

He gos back to the door and slowly opens it.


Adagio is looking frantically at the mirror, doing everything in her power to contain her out of control hair. Tears are literally flowing down her face. He puts a hand on her shoulder.


"Adagio there is no need to yell. Calm down."

Wrong choice of words.


"Adagio it's just hair."

Apparently Anon really did want to die today. She charges at him and hits him with all her puny 13 year old strength.

"Get out, get out, get out!"

She all of a sudden breaks down, crumbling into his jacket and sobbing. Anon hugs her gently.

"Adagio what's going on right now? I have never seen you like this."

"I'm ugly that's what! I hate that Aria and Sonata are so beautiful and I'm so... not..."

"Where did you get that idea Adagio? You're not ugly."

"Easy for you to say. You're my dad, you have to be nice."

Anon rubs her back gently. Poor girl. Who knew hair could cause this much trouble? The anxiety from skiing must have brought this on.

"How long have you felt this way?"

"The better question would be when have I not?"

"I see." he says "How about I do your hair for you?

She looks up curiously

"You know how?"

"Not really, but I could give it a try. You look like you could use some help."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would. I'm your father. This is what I do."

She smiles through the tears running down her face.

"I'd love that."

Anon pulled a spare hair tie from his pocket and started fixing up her hair. He carefully crafts it, like an artist making a clay sculpture. It wasn't amazing, but he certainly fixed it up. Not without a little sage advice from his daughter of course. The hair was a lot more even and smooth, now tied back in a ponytail. They both look in the mirror at the creation.

"Better?" Anon asks

"Better." she says

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