• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The Great Shower Games

It had been a little over and hour since Anon's little speech and Anon was now cleaning the pee stained sheets to get his mind off of it. The house was deathly quiet. You could hear a pin drop. He couldn't even remember the last time the house was this quiet. After placing the sheets in the washer, he wanders into the living room. There was still a large amount of clothes scattered about on the table and he slowly and methodically folded them, trying his best not to think about his past. He can see Adagio out of the corner of his eye.

"Do you need something?" Anon asked, still a little tense

To his surprised, Adagio wraps a warm blanket around his back, no doubt from her bed. It felt good.

"I'm sorry." she said "About them, I mean. I know they fight a lot, but they do love each other. Aria actually apologized to Sonata if you can believe it."

"She did, did she?"

"Yeah. I'm just as surprised as you. I didn't even have to twist her arm or anything."

"That's good to hear. Well make sure to get plenty of sleep tonight. We're going out tomorrow. I think I have an idea for how to get them to start getting them to bond."

"Oh? Like what?"

"It's a surprise. But just know that we are going out tomorrow."

Anon looks at the clock. Nearly 7 PM. They must be famished.

"Let's get your girls something to eat alright?" Anon said with a smile

Adagio nods back and sits down at the table. Anon still had a few frozen pizzas he could cook up. Did sirens eat pizza? They must. He hoped. He went and began to cook them one by one. While they cooked he sat with Dagi.

"So." Dagi said

"So?" Anon replied

"I was wondering a few things."

"And what might that be?"

"Well you see..."

She stopped mid sentence and looked down

"Y-you know never mind. It's not really that important."

"Are you sure? I'm always open for a good chat."

Adagio gets all jittery and nervous

"Y-yep! Absolutely! Nothing wrong here!"

It was obvious she was faking but he just decides to leave it be. She would come to him when she was ready. He had a sneaking suspicion about what she wanted to talk about anyway. In time curiosity would get the better of her. It was only natural for a girl her age.

"I have a question for you, Adagio."

"What's that?"

"Do you remember anything?"

"Remember anything of what?"

"Before this? Does the word Equestria mean anything to you?"

"I don't think so. It sounds made up."

She really had forgotten everything. The show, the take over of the school, the singing. And all after those gems broke. Equestria has some freaky shit. Finally the bell rung, signifying that last pizza was done. Anon called to the two missing girls.

"Sonata! Aria! Food is ready."

They both run down from upstairs and in perfect unison say

"We're sorry for fighting Anon!"

"It's fine girls." Anon said with a weak smile "Go get your food and sit down."

They all serve up and meet back at the table. The pizza smelled better than it ever had.

"Ok girls. Tomorrow we are going out on a little trip. Make sure to dress for hot weather."

"A trip!?" Sonata said excitedly "Where are we going?"

"It's a secret. You'll see tomorrow."

"Awwwww! But I want to know! Can you at least give us a hint?"

"Sorry Sonata. I won't be able to give you a hint without giving it away. But trust me you're all going to love it."

Sonata is now getting so excited she can barely sit still and though Aria was doing her best to hide it, you can tell she was getting excited as well. Anon catches her excitement starting to slip out and she goes full tsundere.

"I-I bet it's not going to be that cool."

Typical Aria. Playing it cool to save face.

"There's one more thing I forgot to mention." Anon pulls up a bag from underneath the table "Your rewards for being good and taking a nap."

Anon gives them each their respective gifts. Adagio a cheapo yellow music box that played the ode to joy and only the ode to joy, Sonata a bag of candy, and Aria a purple spiked bracelet that you could snap on and off. Sonata, of course, is the most excited with her gift.

"Yay!" she yelled "Thanks Anon!"

"Thanks." Adagio said "I love it."

Anon looks over to Aria who was going into her tsundere routine again.

"Thanks, whatever."

"I'll take it." Anon said with a smile

They all finish their meal of pizza and Anon shews them off to bed, grabbing Sonata's shoulder. He was dreading this part, but it had to be done. He holds up the protective wear to Sonata.

"If you're going to wet the bed you will unfortunately have to wear this. Don't worry, I haven't told the other two."

Sonata's eyes begin to tear up

"B-but Anon." she stammered "I... It's not my fault!"

Anon places his hands on Sonata's shoulders

"I know Sonata. And this isn't a punishment. This is just something to help until we figure out how to fix it ok?"

She begins to snivel and tears start to run down her face. Anon gives her a big hug

"I know this is hard. But just do it for a bit ok? I promise I won't think any less of you for it."

"A-and you promise you won't tell Aria about it?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Ok. I'm trusting you."

"And I won't let you down. I'm proud of you Sonata. I know this isn't easy for you. But I don't look down on your or think you any less of a person for it. Now come."

They both go to his room and lay down on the bed. Sonata snuggles up tightly against him. Just as Anon was about to ride the go cart to dream city, he felt shaking coming from the bed. Oh Sonata he thought What in the world am I going to do with you?

"You alright Sonata?" he asked into the darkness

"I... I'm afraid of the dark." Sonata trembled

He sighs. The shit he put up with. She was lucky she was so darn cute. Anon gets up and searches through his closet.

"Well I have just the solution."

In his hand he holds up a nightlight. He used it all the time as a kid. He hadn't used it since he was twelve years old. Hopefully it would work after all these years. After locating a power outlet, Anon shoves it right up in there and it works like a charm, shedding a small amount of light in the room.

"Better?" Anon asked

"Yeah. C..." she trails off into a whisper "Can I hug you to help me fall asleep?"

"Of course you can sweet heart."

Anon got himself back into bed and comfortable, feeling too little arms wrap around his waist and hug him tightly. After Sonata had sufficiently calmed down, sleep shortly followed.

Anon is awoken from a perfectly good dream by rapid shaking.

"Come on Anon! Let's go! Let's go!" a muffled, squeaky voice says

He was still halfway between sleep and awake. And he definitely did not want to make the effort to go to the awake side of the scale. He put the pillow over his head. More shoving and pushing happens.

"Annnnnnnnon!" the annoying little voice said "Wake up, wake up, wake up! Come on! We're going on the trip remember!"

The memories hit him like a steel pan to the face and he bolted up. He certainly couldn't sleep through this day.

"Morning Anon!" Sonata yelled in his ear

"Morning Sonata." he replied back "Could you be just a little quieter?"

"Oh... sorry."

He looked around, surprised to see the other two girls sitting at the foot of the bed as well.

"We have a surprise for you Anon." Adagio said

"You do huh?"

Aria hops off the bed and puts up a tray. On it was a plate of burnt eggs and toast.

"Breakfast in bed." Aria said

Anon smiled widely. This was too good for someone like him.

"You three. What am I going to do with you? Thank you all so much. That's so sweet."

Aria pushes the tray forward and they eagerly await your consumption. The toast tasted as if it had been in a nuclear reactor for several minutes and the eggs were so watery it made you gag, but the amount of love the went into it more than made up for it. It tasted amazing.

"Did we do alright?" Adagio asked, a brutally intent look in her eyes

She looked as if Anon's opinion was going to determine her entire future.

"It tasted amazing you three. You added the best ingredient of all. Lots of love."

The three girls smile and high five each other. They clearly worked quite hard on it.

"Alright. I am going to make my coffee and then we will go out on our little trip." Anon said "While I make my coffee you girls take a shower alright?"

"Right!" the three said in unison

Anon put a big cup inside you shitty coffee brewer and pull out the paper from 2 weeks ago. Might as well read something while those three took their time. But it was short lived as it was only a few minutes before he could hear some bickering. Anon walked upstairs to see Aria and Sonata engaged in a slap fight, with Adagio trying to stand in between the two

"What's going on now? Can't you two just play nice for once?" Anon groaned

"We are trying to decide who will go first." Adagio explained

Of course big sis Adagio was the one to stay calm and collected. It was hard to believe that this was the same girl who tried to rule the world for the sake of vanity and adoration.

"How about this girls? Do a rock paper scissors match. Best 2 out of 3. I will be the judge."

"I'll just go last." Adagio said

"You're sure Dagi?"


It was amazing how selfless she was.

"Well alright then. Aria and Sonata, you're up." he said "Now when I say shoot, you throw out your sign got it? I want this to be a fair fight so make sure you give it your best."

Aria and Sonata look intently at each other as if they were competing in the Olympics.

"Alright. 1... 2.. 3... shoot!"

The two girls throw down their signs Aria with scissors and Sonata with paper.

"And round one for the shower games goes to Aria Blaze! Now for round two. Contestants get ready." Adagio said, as if she were a referee. She made the sound of a crowd cheering.

"1... 2... 3... shoot!" Anon said

They throw out their signs once again, this time Sonata wielding rock and Aria using scissors, putting them at a clean tie.

"You could cut the tension here with a better knife folks!" Adagio said, pretending to hold a microphone and speaking into an imaginary camera "Both contestants are eager to win, but who will take home the first shower! It's anyone's game!"

"And round two goes to Sonata Dusk!" Anon says "Now for the tie breaking round. Contestants ready?"

Aria and Sonata get in the zone once more.

"1. 2. 3. Shoot!"

And the final round is decided. Aria laying down scissors and Sonata throwing up paper.

"And the first shower belongs to Aria Blaze, with Sonata Dusk going second." Adagio says, mimicking a cheering crowd again "Contestants shake hands."

Sonata begrudgingly shakes her opponent's hand and Aria strolls into the shower. Man, having three kids was exhausting. But at least warm, shitty tasting coffee was just around the corner.

"Now girls, you behave." Anon said "I'm going downstairs to drink my coffee. Just wait in line patiently. If Aria takes too long, come and talk to me."

They both nod and Anon goes downstairs to collect his long awaited award. A nice, warm cup of coffee.

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