• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Three Little Gems

It took a while to finish his secret mission (and rant a while in the moonlight) but Anon made it home at last. At 5:30 in the morning. Man was his sleep schedule screwed. It was going to take ages to right it. Anon quietly sneaks in with the spoils of his journey and start to prepare a bit; half-eating the cookies, drinking the milk, and setting the presents just so. Just as he gets up to do his next task, a loud creak is heard from the floorboard, waking little Aria.

"D-daddy?" she whispers

"Oops. Looks like I woke you up. Good morning Aria."

She pushes her face back into the pillow

"Good morning daddy."

"As bright and cheerful as usual I see."

Aria just groans. She was not what one would call a morning person.

"I hate waking up." Aria says "Dreams are so much better."

Anon could hear a hint of depression in her voice. She was much too young to be saying things like that. Anon just tries to joke with it

"You got that right."


"Yes, sweet pea?"

"Where did you go last night?"

Looks like Anon wasn't as stealthy as he'd like to believe

"Oh nowhere, just out to buy a few books."

Aria looks skeptically at him.

"You're a terrible liar daddy. I could feel your anger when you came home."

"Feel it?"

"Yeah. I don't know how to explain it, but it was almost like energy and it was so strong it woke me." she pauses "It was like a tidal wave."

Was this one of the sirens powers? To sense emotion? He sits on the bed next to her.

"Don't you worry Ms. Blaze. It was perfectly ok." he reassured her "Why don't you get ready and I will wake the other two"


She falls out of bed and crawls into the shower as Anon goes to wake up the other two. They were quite a pair, Sonata and Dagi. They sat there, Adagio's arms wrapped tightly around Sonata's sleeping form. He almost didn't want to wake them. Almost.

"Sonata. Sonata. Wake up. Adagio. Adagi-"

Sonata bursts to life like a firecracker and yells "I'm ready for Christmas!"

Anon nearly jumped out of his skin. How long had she been waiting to do that? Adagio slowly gets up, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, Dad." Adagio said with a big stretch

"You girls ready for the best Christmas ever?"

Sonata jumps right out of bed


Anon noticed that Sonata was starting to parrot Adagio's verbal tick of saying 'aye, sir'. Was she starting to pick the up from her? It was cute nonetheless.

"Alright this is how we are gonna do this." he says "We are each going to take turns opening the presents. We will start with Sonata and go left to Adagio and then Aria."

Sonata cocks her head to the side

"What about you daddy? Didn't Santa leave you any presents?"

"Not this year. I wasn't the best guy."

"What!? That isn't true! You have been the best daddy ever, ever, ever! How could he skip you!"

Anon felt a pain sting in his hear. Sonata seemed genuinely outraged by this.

"I lied Sonata."


"Yes. He did actually give me presents."

"Really!? What are they!?"

Anon smiles

"Three gems. They each have names too. Sonata Dusk, Aria Blaze, and Adagio Dazzle. And they are the best gifts I have ever received in my life."

Adagio smiles and hugs her father tight.

"Thanks dad. I love you."

"I love you too, Adagio."

Aria finally exits the shower. The fun was set to begin. They each gather around in a circle.

"Alright Sonata. Open up your first one."

Sonata takes her first present and tears it open revealing the cute slippers from Adagio.

"I love them Dagi! You are the best big sis I've ever had!"

She goes to snuggle hug her big sister and gives her a big kiss on the cheek.

"Alright, Adagio. Your turn."

She takes the present Anon had gotten her. As she opens up the gift to reveal shampoo she smiles.

"Mmm. It smells so good. This will work perfectly on my hair."

"I think there are some ingredients in there that could be used to split atoms."

She just sticks her tongue out.

"Oh ha, ha."

"Aria, after you."

Trying to look indifferent (and failing) she opens the present from Dagi, the long flowing dress with a heart on the chest. She holds it up, completely mystified. And at that moment, Aria's inner littler girl jumps out.

"This is so pretty! I can't wait to try it on with the new makeup I've been sav-"

The whole group smiles at her reaction as Aria turns a deep shade of red.

"I-I mean this is so silly. I can't believe you guys thought I would enjoy this."

"Well, we could take it back if you don't like it." Adagio teases

"NO! I mean um... I'll keep if it means making you happy."

The whole group, including Aria, bursts out laughing. She was so silly.

"Alright Sonata, you're up."

Anon takes out his phone and readies the camera as Sonata goes to open her second gift. She rips the wrapping paper off to find the pillow he had gifted her. Sonata snuggles her dad.

"It's so warm and fuzzy daddy!"

Anon snaps the picture of him and Sonata hugging together, saving the cuteness forever. Adagio takes the present from Aria just as he gets his camera ready again. Adagio was awestruck.

"Aria! How did you know I wanted this?"

Aria smirks, clearly pleased with how much her sister liked the journal she so expertly picked out.

"Call it intuition." Aria said

Adagio lunges in for a big hug, catching her off guard

"You're the best." said Adagio

Aria gives her one of her signature snuggle hugs and says "Yeah, yeah, don't get used to it."

Anon quickly snaps a picture at Aria's dismay

"Hey!" she protested "Don't take a picture of that!"

"Why? It's cute."

"B-but.. it's embarrassing."

"There is nothing embarrassing about showing affection to your sis. You two are cute."

"Fine, whatever."

She clearly liked it but wouldn't admit it.

"Well Aria you're up."

Aria reaches for the present Sonata had given her, the blanket with hearts all over it.

"Oh my god this is the cutest thing!" Aria gushed

"Sonata got that for you." Anon said with a big smile

Aria had the biggest smile on her face. She wasn't even bothering to hide her girly side any more.

"I love it so much! I love the cute hearts and just ugh. It's amazing! Thank you Sonaynay."

Wait what? Sonaynay? Sonata cocked her head at the sound of her new nickname.

"What'd you call me?" Sonata asks innocently

Aria looks down and fidgets

"S-Sonata. What did you think I said?"

Sonata just stares at her with innocent puppy dog eyes

"I liked that nickname big sis. It's cute."

"U-u-um I didn't call you anything! J-j-just leave it alone alright? D-dork."

"You're really starting to come out of your shell Aria. I like it. You're a lot more fun when you take off your tough girl mask."

Aria just ignores it and the present opening continues. Sonata opens her last present, the big stuffed cat, and hugs it tightly.

"I LOVE IT!" Sonata yells

"That was from Aria." Anon says

She goes and hugs her sister.

"I love you, Aria."

"Yeah, yeah whatever you dork." Aria said, trying her best to hide her smile

Dagi takes her present without saying a word and begins to open it up. It's the beanie from Sonata. Dagi puts it on her head and looks at her reflection in the iced over window.

"Thank you Sonata. It's super cute."

Something changed in Adagio at the moment, however, and only Anon seemed to pick up on it. She seemed to become a lot more somber, depressed even.

"Everything ok Adagio?" Anon asked

Adagio slowly nods

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Anon decided it was best to just keep the train rolling. He could talk to her once all the presents were handed out. After Aria got her blanket it was time for the fun part: to see the fruits of his secret mission to pay off. Anon goes into his bag and pulls out three tightly wrapped boxes presents.

"Alright girls. Now for your presents for Santa."

Sonata's eyes light up


Adagio gets annoyed by the noise

"Inside voice Sonata."

Anon hands each of them their boxes and they open them up. Inside each box is a necklace with a large red gem on it, each of the three girls names being engraved in silver on the back. The perfect gift for his perfect gems.

Author's Note:

Is there any way I would be able to find an editor? I would give credit too whoever edited of course. As I'm sure you've noticed I'm a lot better at content than I am at grammar and having a editor would really help.

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