• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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After fixing the Sonata situation, Anon heads back downstairs, finding Dagi snooping through the clothes. She could already tell which ones were for her. She holds the pink tee shirt with an orange heart on the chest in front of her and takes a good long look at it.

"Wow Anon, I'm impressed." she said "For a boy, you have really great taste in cute clothing. I love these."

He laughs at the compliment

"I wouldn't give myself too much credit. I had someone at the store help me."

"If you say so."

Anon runs back up to check on Sonata. It completely took his breath. Fun fact: doing nothing but watching TV all day actually makes you really out of shape. She's still in the bathroom, her hair starting to turn into a big puffball. He pulls a brush from the cabinet.

"Just take a seat on the stool there." Anon said "We need to brush your hair so it isn't all messy"

She does so silently and Anon slowly begins to brush her long, blue hair. It was quite relaxing, just brushing her hair like this. Even Sonata was starting to nod off. She was so cute. Out of his peripherals he could see Adagio standing in the doorway with a big smile on her face.

"You two are sweet." she said

"Why thank you." Anon replied with a giggle "I am a bit new to this kinda stuff. Glad to see I'm doing it right."

Anon finishes straightening the little girls hair and she starts to run downstairs. He called out to her.



"If you see Aria, make sure to tell her where the clothes are ok?"

She scowls at him


"Those two." Anon said "They just can never get along."

Adagio nods

"Oh believe me I know. But I think they love each other deep down."

"I think you're right. The question is how to get it out from deep down and how to make them show it on the surfa-"

"ANON! ARIA IS BEING MEAN TO ME!" a voice yelled from downstairs


Ugh. They were like cats and dogs. Both Anon and Dagi walk downstairs to see what the two were bickering about this time. They were both standing in separate corners with their arms crossed and glares that could melt steel.

"Alright, what's going on?"

"Aria is making fun of me!" Sonata jeered

"Am not!" Aria spat back

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"GIRLS." he interrupted "Tell me what happened."

"Aria called me a bed wetting baby!"

"Don't be mad just because I am speaking the truth! You are such a baby!"

Anon felt a well of anger rise within him

"Aria! Sonata! Stop this instant!" he yelled so loud it rang throughout the house

They both go silent in shock. He had never yelled at them like that before.

"Aria, we already talked about this. You need to stop making fun of something that she has no control over." he turns to Sonata "And Sonata, you need to stop giving her fuel for the fire. If she does this, you need to tell me, not egg her on."

They both just sit there in silence, completely wide eyed as he went on his tirade.

"You girls need to learn how to get along! You both are sisters and are the only thing that is ever constant! You cannot take that bond for granted!"

Anon hadn't talked to his family in years. He hated them and they hated him just as much. He couldn't bare to see history repeat itself, not while they were in his care. They would be different, he swore it to himself.

"Anon?" Sonata asks timidly "Why are you crying?"

Anon wipes his face and sure enough, tears were running down his cheeks.

"I'm fine it's just..." he said barely being able to hold in a sob "you see girls I used to act the same way around my family. We fought and bickered with each other at every turn. We haven't talked once in over seven years. You cannot let that happen to you two. I know sometimes having siblings is hard, but they are one of the only things you can always count on."

Even Aria was moved by this. He had to figure out a way to get them to bond better. And he had just the perfect idea for what to do.

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