• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,337 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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A Good Relationship is Like Chocolate Chip Cookies

The week went by without much incident. Adagio managed to keep relatively clam despite her inner siren trying to claw it's way through her consciousness. When Adagio came down for meals she didn't speak much. She was understandably under a lot of stress. Anon let her out of her punishment a day early since she took it like such a champ, but more because the last thing Adagio needed right now was isolation. If anything was going to help her get through this in one piece, it was being with her family. But there was some good news at least: the adoption had been cleared and they were now officially a family. They had a large celebration and even Adagio seemed to cheer up a bit with it. This also meant that they would be starting school as early as next week, though he didn't tell them that yet. No need to spoil the fun. They grow up so fast.

Aria had been the most affectionate she had ever been. She had turned into a nonstop cuddle machine and never referred to Anon as anything other than daddy, constantly telling him how much she loved him. Sonata had become even more energetic than normal, practically bouncing off the walls. And Adagio, while still quite solemn, certainly seemed to be improving. Things were looking up.

Now Anon had to decide the school. Crystal Preparatory Academy or Canterlot High? Both had their ups and downs. CPA was more expensive, but the girls had less chance of being detected that way. He also heard that the attendees there weren't the nicest bunch in the world. They did, however, also had a lot of great classes to prepare them for the real world. CHS was always an option, but while it was cheaper, the girls had a way higher chance of being detected. The mane 7 may know of their innocent intent now, but the entirety of Canterlot High would be hard to convince and even harder to make forgive. He just couldn't figure out what was truly best for them. He didn't want to send them to a school where they would be hurt. Being a father sure was difficult.

"LET'S PLAY A GAME DADDY." Sonata yells in her father's ear, making him jump out of his skin

"Sonata! Don't yell in my ear!"


"It's alright. What game would you like to play?"

Sonata clearly hadn't thought it through this far, and tried to figure it out.

"Uh... hide and seek?"

A tired Adagio lumbers upstairs

"I'm going to take a nap dad." she says

"Alright. If you need anything just call."

She doesn't even reply before going into her room. Anon turns his attention back to his little girl and gets an idea. What better way to bond two sisters that don't get along than with a game?

"Aria? Can you come over here please?"

Aria skips over as if she was in dream land

"Yes, daddy?"

"Sonata and I are going to play a game. Want to play with us?"

"What game?"

"Hide and seek."


"Since Sonata picked the game she gets to pick who seeks first."

Almost instantly Sonata picks Aria and just as quickly as she skipped over, Aria's mood turned sour.

"Why do I have to do it? You're so annoying Sonata!"

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

Anon decided to let them go at it for a while, thinking it they would get it out of their system. Big mistake. As it starts to escalate, Aria slaps Sonata across the face with resounding force. It knocked Sonata flat on her butt. He readies his ears for the onslaught of crying and whining, but, to his surprise, nothing comes. Aria's eyes are filled with rage and Sonata is cowering in fear. He was almost worried Aria was going to hit her again before she spoke.

"Can't you take anything seriously!? Just for once!? For once!"

Aria's hands are trembling as she spoke

"I mean look at you! All you are is happy, happy lala! Can't you just for once be serious!? Why is that so hard for you!? Why are so ignorant of everything!?"

"Aria." Anon says "That's enough."

Aria grunts and just storms off. Both Sonata and Anon were surprised. That outburst seemed to just come out of nowhere, especially when she seemed so happy just seconds before. Once she was out of earshot, Sonata began to cry. Anon kneels down and gives her a big hug.

"I-I'm sorry daddy!"

"Why do you need to be sorry sweet heart?"

"I'm sorry for acting so dumb around Aria. I just... I just want her to like me... but it comes out wrong!"

He rubs her back

"Aria just shows affection in a weird way. She loves you plenty."


"Really." he said "You're a good girl Sonata."

Now it was time to see just what was up with Aria. He walked down the hall to her room and knocked.

"What!?" Aria screamed

He sighs. She wasn't going to make this easy on him was she? He pushes open the door and sees her with her back turned, hugging a pillow. He sits beside her.

"What's going on Aria?"

"I don't know. I just... I am so angry lately. I don't know why."


"Yes really! Everything is just pissing me off! And what about you!? You've had such a hard life yet all you do is try to take care of us! What is your problem, why can't you think of yourself for a change!?"

"Because I love you girls. You girls are the source of my happiness. Whenever you're happy, I am too."

Aria doesn't say a word. He had to do something about this negative energy. He wasn't about to give up on bonding just yet and he had the perfect plan to do it.



"Come follow me."

"Why should I?"

"Because I said so."

She just grumbles to herself and gets up, following Anon out of the room. Anon calls out to Sonata and upon seeing each other, the two sisters become visibly uncomfortable.

"Alright girls. You two have never gotten along very well. Since Adagio is sleeping I think we're going to do some much needed bonding."

Aria crosses her arms, not fully convinced

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?"

"Simple. We're going to bake."

Both of their eyes widen

"Are you sure about this daddy?" Sonata asks

"Positive, Sonata. Now, I haven't the slightest clue on how to bake anything. So it will be up to you two to work together to make the family something tasty."

"What will we be baking?"

"Whatever you two want. It could be cookies, a cake, some pastries. Whatever you two decide, I will get the ingredients for."

The two think for a moment

"Well.. I guess we could make some cookies. Is that alright with you Sonata?"

Sonata gives a big grin, the red mark on her cheek from the slap stretching out

"It sure is Aria."

"Alright. I will go grab the ingredients real quick. If anything happens you know the number to call."

They both nod with innocent little eyes and Anon goes to the store to get the ingredients. He made it back in record time, just over ten minutes. To his relief, Sonata and Aria are sitting at the table waiting patiently. He places the ingredients and a recipe on the table.

"Alright girls. I'll leave you too it."

They both look surprised

"You mean you're not helping us?" Aria asked

"Nope. I'll supervise of course, but I want you two to be able to bond without my intervention. I'll only get involved if you get stuck or things get too heated. Lets hope neither happens."

Aria takes a good hard look at the recipe

"Alright, Sonata" she says "You ready to do this?"


Sonata looks so happy. She really did want to have a good relationship with her sister. Anon sits at the table and watches the show. At first they seem a little self conscious and awkward about him watching, but they quickly tune him out. Sonata grabs a mixing bowl out while Aria gets the batter ready, each of them taking turns stirring. Sonata was stirring the batter a little to fast and getting it everywhere. He was sure this was going to push Aria's buttons, but, to his surprise, she helps her out.

"Sonata, you need to not spin it so hard." Aria takes her sister's hand and stirs it with just enough speed "Like this."


Sonata does exactly as Aria taught her. She gives Sonata a snuggle hug.

"Great job Sonaynay."

Anon has a smile a mile wide. It was good to hear that cute little nickname again. Sonata tries to think of a fun nickname for Aria but comes up short (not pun intended).

"Yeah... Aria... baria?"

Aria smiles and rubs Sonata's head

"Well you tried you little squirt."

Sonata giggles the cutest giggle he'd ever heard and they went right back to baking. They actually managed to pull it off without so much as raising their voices. They set the cookie sheet in the oven and let the magic happen. Aria begins to tickle Sonata and she plays right back. Just then, footsteps are heard descending down the stairs. Adagio had just woken up.

"What's with all the noise down-"

She stops mid sentence, awestruck at the scene playing before her. Aria and Sonata were actually having fun. And all without either Anon or Adagio intervening. Miracles do exist. Adagio looks over to her dad and smiles. This truly was a sign for things to improve. Hopefully they would keep going this way. But with school directly on the horizon, he wasn't so sure.

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