• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,338 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The Great Expanse

Aria felt like she was floating. When she opened her eyes she was met with a black and white void, absent of anything, expect her of course. What in the world was this place? It seemed to go on forever in every direction. It was freezing as well, like an icebox. She tried to stand up but it was impossible. It was as if she was in low gravity, and there was no hard surface to stand on. She could only make swimming motions to move. Not as if it mattered anyway, there was clearly no exit from this place. Was this the end? Aria felt tears in her eyes. What about daddy? What about Adagio and the goofball Sonata?

There had to be a way out. And exit. And entrance. A door. Something! She had to have ended up here somehow! She swam around in the bleak darkness for what felt like hours. It was strange though. Her legs and arms never fatigued. She wasn't even sweating. It was as if she had unlimited stamina. Perhaps there was still hope. Somehow. Daddy would surely notice she was missing. Right?

Back in the human world they knew there was one person they could rely on. Human Twilight. She was an Einstein in her own right. After asking around Crystal Prep they quickly picked up where she was. She had her own room in the school for her to do nerd stuff. Pony Twi knocked on the door to find the face of herself with a shocked expression.

"Who are you people?" she asked "And is that... me?"

"No time to explain," Twi said, pulling on her counterpart's gloved hand "We need your help pronto."

She let herself be pulled out of her dork room with little resistance, clearly intrigued by the fact that a carbon copy of herself was wondering around. As they walked you caught her up on the situation at hand. SciTwi fixes her glasses.

"I would but... when I turned into my midnight form the amulet shattered..."

Adagio looks at her with hopeful, puppy dog eyes

"Can you create a new one? Please. I'm begging you."

Scilight's face lights up with confidence

"Yes. But it's going to take at least a week to make. But I might be able to do it three days. But only if I work around the clock."

Sunset smiles

"We'll help you however we're able. Just tell us what you need and we'll make sure you have it."

"Thank you. I do owe you one for nearly destroying the world by ripping multiple holes in space time and turning into an evil demon."

"I'm happy to hear it."

"There's just one problem. I can't really be out of school for two days."

"Don't worry. Our Twilight can fill in for you. She's just as much a nerd as you are."

Scilight scoffs

"I'll just take that as a compliment."

Pony Twilight's eyes light up and a huge smile runs across her face

"You mean I get to research about human culture and science!? This is amazing!"

"Clearly we won't need to bribe her." Sunset giggles

Scilight pulls out her phone and starts furiously tapping away

"Alright. I've made a list of things I'm going to need and sent it to each of your phones."

"We'll see too it you have them."

Later that night Anon sat cuddling with Sonata under the blankets. She had been through quite the day and yet reminded so sweet. She had her small arms folded neatly around her papa's waist, her eyes barely keeping open. Adagio was not coping with things so well. She sat at the dinner table, yet had barely eaten a bite off her plate. She just stared at her food with a blank expression.

"Hey Dagi?" Anon called out

Adagio doesn't even utter a response. She just keeps her blank stare trained on her plate.

"You want to come snuggle with us? There's room for one more."

Adagio turned her head to you and her expression made your heart burn with anguish. Her expression was completely empty and devoid of light. She looked as if she hadn't slept in years and her once beautiful poof hair was fraying. Her skin was so pale.

"Come here sweetheart."

As you said that Adagio's face contorted in pain and tears began to freely flow down her face. She walks over and hugs him on the opposite side of Sonata, her head buried into his shoulder.

"S-she's... she's gone." she blubbered "I miss her daddy. I miss her."

Anon rubbed her back as she sobbed into his side

"I know baby girl. But we're going to get her back. Just you watch."

"It's all my fault... if I had just been there..."

Just her saying that made her bawl up in pain, as if just the worlds themselves were a knife in her stomach

"No it's not Dagi. You've done nothing wrong."

"But I have!" she yelled "Don't you see!? I kept all those secrets from her! I smoked and made her really worried! I didn't apologize! I am a terrible sister!"

"You made some mistakes. But I doubt she holds them against you."

Adagio clenches her fist so hard it shakes then whispers in your ear

"H-hit me. Hit me hard."

Your eyes light up in shock

"Adagio don't say things like that. I'd never raise a hand to you."

"But I deserve it! I've been a terrible sister! I drove her away by being awful! I should've protected her and instead I drove her away!"

Something deep inside Adagio broke. You never realized just how the strong the bond between these three were until this. She was acting as if Aria had passed away.

For all you know she did.

You shake your head, trying to put that thought from your mind. She was not dead. She wasn't. She couldn't be...

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Adagio kept apologizing over and over. Until Sonata got up and hugged her, saying three simple words.

"We love you Adagio. Aria too."

Just then pony Twilight comes down from her room, watching the scene. She crosses her arms.

"How's she doing?" she asked

"She's had a rough day."

Twi sighs

"Anything I can do?"

Anon shrugged. he'd never seen Adagio this broken up before. He felt so helpless. He wanted nothing more than to see her smile. But she was just obliterated inside. It's something no parenting guide or seminar ever prepares you for. It was just as painful to watch someone you loved so dearly be in so much pain. Anon would give his right kidney to make everything alright again.

Twilight walks over too Adagio and Sonata. Sonata was staying incredibly strong. You could tell she wanted to cry just as much. But she was determined to be a source of strength for her. Just as Adagio had been for her.

"Don't worry Adagio. We're going to get her back. We promise."

Adagio didn't even register the words. She just kept sobbing. It took nearly fifteen minutes for her tears to finally run dry. Anon rubbed her back.

"Come on. I think you need some rest. You've been through hell today. You wanna sleep with daddy?"

Adagio weakly nods as she's picked up by her dad.

"Can I sleep with you too daddy?"

"Of course you can lovely. Of course you can."

Author's Note:

That wasn't so bad right? Only took me like an eternity and a half. I apologize for the long wait.

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