• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,143 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

Unlearning everything: Part two



Ericka woke up bright an early, excited to be able to spend as much time as she wanted in the pony's world. This very thought halted her in her tracks however.

Just what exactly what happening to her? Did she honestly enjoy being a pony more than she did a human? “No, of course not, that would be just plain silly. I may as well cast away my humanity while I’m at it if I start thinking like that.” Ericka thought to herself with a soft laugh.

Despite this however, the thoughts weighed heavily on her mind as she walked towards the bunker where the V-M-A machines were stored. “Wow, you look like you got a lot on your mind? Worried about being stuck in that creature's body for an extended period of time or something?” Richard asked curiously which snapped Ericka out of her thoughts and looked at him slightly startled by his sudden question.

“N-No. It's not that at all. I just have a lot on my mind is all.” Ericka replied dismissively as she walked past him and towards Josh who yawned as she approached him.

“Were you up all night?” Ericka asked curiously.

“That would be correct.” Josh replied with a yawn.

“So it's all ready to go?” Ericka asked eagerly.

“Of course it is! Do you think I stayed up all night playing Tetris on it?!” Josh exclaimed in an offended tone.

“I didn't mean to offend you.” Ericka replied taken back by the scientist’s offended tone.

“It's quite alright. I made the adjustments, double checked them, triple checked them, and then quadruple checked them, just to make sure there would be no problems!” Josh exclaimed enthusiastically despite his tired state.

“Well here I go then.” Ericka said as she opened the device up, laid down in it and gave one last look at the Richard and Josh before she closed it and felt the familiar passing out sensation.


Ericka opened her eyes and looked around. No Twilight this time. She must have taken what I said to heart.” Ericka thought to herself as she stepped out of the bed, stretched, and left the guest bedroom and Twilight's library into town only be greeted by an unexpected friend.

Once again the pink mare had somehow managed to pop up behind her unexpectedly and cause her to jump into the air, land back down on her rump, turn around, and glare at the pink mare.

“No, silly! Why would I want to do a meanie pants thing like that?” Pinkie Pie asked in her usual chipper tone seemingly ignoring the dark blue Pegasus's annoyed state.

Ericka simply sighed in annoyance at this and stood to all four hooves. “Well, I got some good news Pinkie...” Ericka began to say and explained her current situation to the pink mare.

“That's super fantastic news! That means we can have our first ever sleep over!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hopped around the Pegasus while they walked down the street.

“Sleep over? Isn't that for little girls, erm, I mean fillies?” Ericka asked skeptically only to accidentally use the term she knew but quickly replaced it with the term Pinkie Pie would understand.

“No, you silly filly! Twilight, Rarity,and Applejack have them all the time!” The pink mare replied enthusiastically.

“Well then, a sleepover sounds like a fabulous idea.” Ericka replied then stopped. “Wow, how long has it been since I used that word?” Ericka thought to herself curiously.

“Why'd ya stop for?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

“Oh, I was just thinking about how long it had been sense I actually decided to behave like a woman, erm, mare I mean. I've been in the military so long I think I nearly forgot what it was like to actually just have fun. Something you reminded of how to do when you threw that party for me my first day here.” Ericka replied with a warm smile and resumed walking along side of the pink mare.

“That's my special talent! Throwing parties!” The frizzy maned mare exclaimed as she began to hop around Ericka again as they walked.

“So I hear.” Ericka replied with a soft giggle then stopped again and frowned.

“Why'd ya stop this time?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

“Do you think I'll ever get a cutie mark? I mean, even though I’m not actually a pony, do you think it's possible?” Ericka asked curiously.

“Of course you will Cloudkicker! Everypony get's their cutie mark eventually!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed enthusiastically as she looked at the dark blur Pegasus though she didn't seem convinced.

“Pinkie, You know that I’m just inhabiting one of these bodies. So how can you be so sure?” Ericka asked curiously. She wasn't sure that the pink mare had fully comprehended her question at this point.

It was at this point the pink mare put a hoof on her cheek and looked her dead in the eyes. “Cloudkicker, even if you aren't really a pony somewhere else, your a pony now right?” Pinkie Pie asked in a soft tone.

“Well yes, but-”

“But nothing! If your a pony now then you'll surely get your cutie mark! You just have to discover your special talent!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smile as she cut the dark blue Pegasus off with her statement.

“Thanks Pinkie, oh and one more thing...” Ericka began to say but trailed off on purpose.

“Yes?” Pinkie Pie asked as she batted her eyes at the mare with the utmost attention.

“My real name is Ericka. So when it's just us, can you call me by that name?” Ericka asked in a hushed tone.

“Absol-yes-siree-lutely!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she began to hop around again but somehow stopped mid-air with a hop and landed on all four hooves. “That's a weird name.” The pink mare remarked aloud with a perplexed expression.

“Weird in your world maybe, but in my world your name would be considered weird.” Ericka countered with a smirk.

“Oooo, touche!” Pinkie Pie replied with a smirk of her own and moments later the two burst into giggle-fits.

“It's really nice to be open with someone for once. I've had to keep a lid on the real me all this time and it was really starting to drive me bonkers.” Ericka replied as the two continued to walk towards Pinkie Pie's house.

“Hey, I know! Maybe you can tell me about the world you come from sometime!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smile as the resumed hopping around the dark blue Pegasus.

“I'll tell you all you want to know at our sleepover as long as it's just the two of us, how's that sound?” Ericka replied as the two entered surgarcube corner.

“Sounds like a fun time to me! And I can tell you all about my world! How about this weekend? We can hang out during the week and hang have our sleepover this weekend!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as the two walked up the stairs to Pinkie Pie's room.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Ericka replied with a warm smile.


Several hours later Ericka bid Pinkie Pie farewell as she left surgarcube corner and went to meet up with Rainbow Dash to try once again in learning how to fly.

“Alright, so I spent all of last night reading a bunch of flight training books, talk about boring, but for you, it was worth it to help get those hooves off the ground! I'm gonna go drill sargent on your flank in the up coming days so be ready!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she hovered back and forth in front of Ericka.

“Alright, so what's the plan?” Ericka asked excitedly in hopes that the books the cyan blue Pegasus read would help her get off the ground at least.

“Okay! So first, we're going to start with wing-push ups! Get those wings buffed up!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed which was met with a look of confusion from the dark blue Pegasus.

“Um...” Ericka replied unsure of what she meant by that.

“Oh, right! I forgot, you don't remember anything. Okay so first thing's first! Lay on your belly.” Rainbow Dash instructed to which Ericka obeyed without question.

“Alright, so next, you need to use your wings to push yourself up!” The cyan blue Pegasus continued as she copied Ericka's pose and began to push her body up and down with her wings.

“Wait, how am I supposed to that? Aren't my wings made of nothing but feathers?” Ericka asked in a confused tone.

This question however caused the cyan blue Pegasus to stare at her in confusion. “You know, I never really thought about that before. But hey, if I can do it, so can you!” Rainbow dash replied with a confident smile.

“Of course she never thought about it.” Ericka thought to herself dismally, but then it occurred to her. “Maybe if I don't think about it, I’ll be able to do it? It's worth a shot at least.” Ericka thought to herself, adjusted her wings and prepared to attempt to push herself up with them.

“Alright Ericka, don't think about it, don't think about it...” The dark blue mare thought to herself and pushed her wings against the ground only for them to fold limply to the sides and cause a surge of pain to jolt through them having bent her wing muscles the wrong way.

“We've got a long way to go...” Rainbow Dash thought to herself with a groan as Ericka flexed her sore wings in pain.

Lets get down to business!

And get those hooves in the air!

Did Twilight send me a filly when I asked for a mare?

Ericka followed the cyan blue Pegasus's instructions to the letter as she took a sprint down the grass path, jumped off the ground and landed on her face once again only to look up and see Rainbow Dash with a disapproving look.

Your the saddest pony I’ve ever met!

Rainbow Dash then lifted her up by the scruff of her chest fur and stared in the eyes with a determined expression in them.

But you can bet before we're through, I'll make a Pegasus out of you!

Ericka was now running on all four hooves doing he best to keep up with the cyan blue Pegasus whom was flying at not even her top speed.

Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within!

Once you find your center

You are sure to win

Ericka was now standing in her hind hooves and flapping her wings frantically to keep her balanced but judging by the cyan blue Pegasus's disapproving expression as she felt on her rump she wasn't doing it right.

You're a spineless, pale pathetic mare

Rainbow Dash now hovered over Ericka as she glared at her.

And you haven't got a clue

The cyan blue Pegasus then moved in so her face was directly in front of hers and shouted these words at her:

Somehow I'll make a Pegasus out of you!

Ericka now sat in Pinkie Pie's house preparing to go and train with the cyan blue Pegasus.

I'm never gonna catch on at this rate!

Ericka said in a depressed tone as she sighed only for Pinkie Pie to place a hoof on her shoulder.

Don't worry, I’ll help you get out of this sorry state!

Pinkie Pie said with a smile as she placed a book in front of her called “Pegasus Physiology”.

Boy, was I a fool for thinking this would be easy

Ericka thought to herself dismally as Pinkie Pie helped her to her hooves.

This mare's working her to death

Pinkie Pie thought to herself as Ericka got back to all four hooves to continued training with the cyan blue Pegasus only to fall back to her belly which earned a disapproving sigh from the cyan blue Pegasus.

Hope she doesn't see right through me

Ericka thought to herself dismally as she once again hit the ground face first earning possibly the twentieth facehoofing gesture from the cyan blue Pegasus this week.

Now I really wish that I didn't feel queasy

Ericka remarked aloud as she did her best to hold her body up with her wings from a tree limp only for them to slip and her fall to the ground with a thud.


“How am I supposed to learn to fly if I can't even do basic things with my wings that most Pegasus ponies can do? I mean everything she's trying to teach me defies everything I’ve learned.” Ericka remarked aloud with a sigh.

“Then the solution is to unlearn everything you were taught!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as the two sat in her room as they always did before and after her training with Rainbow Dash.



Ericka ran along the ground once again and tried to take off only to hit the ground and earned a frustrated groan from the cyan blue Pegasus.

I've tried everything I know, So pack up,go home we're through

Rainbow Dash remarked aloud followed by a sigh to which Ericka's ears flattened, turned around, and walked away with her tail between her legs.

How could I make a Pegasus out of you?

Rainbow Dash asked herself with a depressed sigh of her own as she flew off back to her cloud home.


Ericka sat in the guest bedroom now crying softly to herself at first but then as time went on, she felt an new feeling, this feeling grew more and more until it threatened to burst out of her.

“I'm a Pegasus damn it! I'm going to fly or I'll tear my wings off!” Ericka exclaimed as she wiped the tears from her eyes and quickly ran out the door before Twilight could get in a word edgewise to question why she looked as if she was crying.

Be a Pegasus

Ericka stood at the starting point she had so many times before, but this time, she was determined she was going to fly.

I must be forget everything human that I’ve learned

Ericka then broke into a sprint running as fast as all four hooves could carry her and jumped off the ground...

Be a Pegasus

Only to land on her face once again, but she wasn't about to give up. Not now, she was going to prove to Rainbow Dash-no, she was going to prove to herself that she was a Pegasus!

Use all of the knowledge as a Pegasus that I've earned

Ericka walked back to the starting point and broke into a sprint and leaped off the ground once again...

Be a Pegasus

and landed on her face once again. The dark blue Pegasus stood up once more wearily as sweat dripped down her forehead, cheeks, and into her eyes stinging them slightly before she whipped the sweat out of them.

With all the courage of a raging lion

Ericka once again stood at the starting point, took a deep breath, let out, and broke once again into another sprint. As she neared the take off point she thought to herself:

I am a Pegasus, I am a Pegasus...I...am....a...Pegasus!!!

Mysterious as the legend of Nightmare Moon


Rainbow Dash lay on a cloud now with a saddened expression. “No matter how much I tried, I couldn't teach her to fly. I'm such a lame-brain.” The cyan blue Pegasus thought to herself followed by a sigh only to be abruptly hit in the face with a puff of cloud.

“Okay, who's the jerk?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she ripped the puff of cloud from her face and gawked at the sight that beheld her.

Ericka floated there stationary, front hooves crossed with a satisfied smile on her face as her wings flapped.

“Cl-Cloudkicker?! Your flying! You're really flying! This is so awesome!” Rainbow dash exclaimed as she took off from the cloud and looked at her.

“I know! I can't tell you how wonderful it felt to feel the wind under my wings for the first time!” Erika replied excitedly.

“But, how?! We tried everything and you still couldn't get the hang out of it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in disbelief.

“Lets just said I had to unlearn some stuff in order to learn to fly.” Ericka replied to which the cyan blue Pegasus gave her a confused expression.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Rainbow Dash asked confused.

Ericka didn't reply but rather just giggled aloud to herself...