• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,143 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

The mind of a Pony part 1



Professor Josh lead the two to a room which two large cone shaped devices. “Alright, lay down in in here.” Professor Josh instructed to which Ericka and Josh obeyed. “The first time can be rather jarring, so brace yourself.” Professor Josh remarked before he closed the lid on Ericka's device.

“Prepare for mental insertion. Starting mentality transfer procedure in, three, two, one...” Professor Josh's voice could be heard saying then abruptly and without warning Ericka passed out or so it seemed.

Moments after she seemingly had passed out she snapped her eyes open, however she felt very different. She looked about herself and saw Professor Josh and immediately tried to stand up on her two feet only to lose her balance and fall backwards. “What the?!” Ericka exclaimed in shock however her voice didn't sound like it did normally, instead only neighs and snorts came from her mouth.

“Careful there Ericka. We don't want to damage that body no sooner your get into it.” Josh remarked with a smile as he walked over to her. “I'm just going to look over you quickly and make sure everything is working properly.” Professor Josh said as he began to move his hand along her body.

It was at this point that she realized she was inside the equine creature's body now. Upon realizing this she immediately looked at herself.

“Holy shit!” Ericka exclaimed in disbelief as she looked at her hands that were now hooves. Looking to her side she noticed she also had wings. She immediately spread them out which caused Professor Josh to be knocked onto to his ass due to the fact he was right next to her right wing at this time.

“Careful Ericka! Your wings are very strong.” Professor Josh said in a weary tone as she got back to two feet and resumed looking over her body.

“Sorry Professor.” Ericka replied however once again her voice came out as snorts and neighs.

“I'm sorry Ericka, but I can't understand you while your in this body. You'll have to wait till your back in your own body before you can tell me anything.” Professor Josh replied as he examined her wings.

“Hey Ericka! This is awesome right?!” A voice exclaimed which caused Erick to look to see a red horned creature walk up to her.

“Richard? You can understand me?” Ericka replied in a stunned tone.

“Of course I can. Remember that these creatures can understand each other.” Richard replied with what Ericka figured was a smirk.

“Are you two communicating right now with your voices? A simple nod will do.” Josh asked as he looked at Richard and her in awe at the moment to which Ericka nodded.

“Fascinating! So our theory on body language was wrong, they communicate vocally as well! A mere ten minutes into this field study and we're already learning so much!” Professor Josh exclaimed excitedly as he took out his digital notepad and began to write things into it.

“You can study them in these bodies much later professor, these two got a mission to do. The device is set to bring you out of these bodies in twelve hours, so get in there and mingle with the inhabitants.” Commander Stillborn said in a stern tone as he looked at the professor then to Ericka and Josh.

“Yes sir!” Ericka exclaimed with a salute only to nearly fall flat on her face due to using a single hoof to salute with.

“I'll assume you understood me, so get moving.” Stillborn replied, turned around, and walked back into the complex.

“Shall we get going then?” Richard said with a grin.

“I'll fly thank you very much.” Ericka replied in a cocky tone, spread her wings and attempted to take off only to hit the ground flat on her face at which point Richard fell to his side laughing.

“ha,ha! Nice one!” Richard exclaimed between laughs.

“Shove it. I'll walk for now.” Ericka replied in a pissed off tone as she began to trot down the forest path followed by Richard after he stood to all four hooves and began to follow her.


“According to our Intel, this is the town we saw on the map.” Ericka remarked as she pointed a hoof at the town which they now stood on the outskirts of.

“Well, lets get moving!” Richard replied only to be halted by Ericka.

“Don't be stupid! We need to blend in. we'll observe from afar for now and see how they interact.” Ericka replied in a stern tone and walked ahead of him.

“Who died and made you my commanding officer?” Richard replied in an annoyed tone.

“My feminine charm did, now shut it.” Ericka replied in the same stern tone as the two stopped just short of the town, sat down and watched them from afar.

Twenty minutes later however and Richard was becoming restless. “Screw this, we aren't learning anything but just sitting here. Lets meet back at this spot in eleven hours.” Richard replied, stood up, and ran off before Ericka could stop him.

“That idiot is going to get us exposed.” Ericka remarked in an annoyed tone as she continued to sit there as Richard ran out of sight.

Ten more minutes passed however and Ericka decided herself it was best to walk into town. “Okay, just act like your one of them, shouldn't be too hard right?” Ericka thought to herself nervously as she walked past a few of the creatures.

“Hello!” A dark green equine creature exclaimed as she walked past her with a warm smile.

“Uh, H-Hello!” Ericka replied in a nervous tone looking at the green equine creature and not bothering to look where she was going until...


Ericka had trotted face first into one of the creatures. “Oh...sorry about that.” Ericka said in a dazed tone as she stood up to see a purple horn creature in front of her with what looked to be a five different books scattered about whom was standing to all four hooves herself now with a similar dazed expression.

“Oh no, it was my fault. I was so excited about these new books that I had my nose in one and wasn't bothering to pay attention to where I was going.” The purple creature replied as her horn glowed with a purple aura which seemed to surround the books and began to levitate them until they were neatly stacked and floating above her head.

Ericka looked at this as if it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen before. “H-How did you do that?” Ericka asked without thinking.

“Do what?” The purple creature asked curiously with a confused expression.

“Levitate those books like that.” Ericka replied still stunned.

“What kind of question is that? All unicorn ponies can use magic. Oh how silly of me, I should introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight replied with a smile as she extended a hoof.

“Twilight Sparkle? Wow their names are odd, oh crap! She's expecting me to tell her my name now. Um, I can't tell her my real one. It won't sound like one of them.” Ericka thought to herself in a panicked tone as she looked about herself for some kind of idea to name herself.

Her eyes eventually fell upon a poster not far from them with the words “Expert Cloud Kickers: The Pegasus pony weather control you can trust!” written on them. “My name is um, Cloudkicker. Yeah, Cloudkicker.” Ericka replied in a nervous tone hoping the purple creature would buy the name.

“Nice to meet you Cloudkicker. Are you a new pony in town?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Y-Yeah.” Ericka replied still looking and sounding nervous as she spoke. “Pony, that must be what these creatures call themselves. Makes since I guess since they are equine looking creatures.” Ericka thought to herself.

“Would you like me to show you around town then?” Twilight asked as she lowered her hoof and looked at her.

“Uh, sure. That would be great.” Ericka replied feeling less nervous now.

“Great, I'll introduce you to my friends while I’m at it. I know at least one of them who loves to meet a new pony.” Twilight replied as she walked past her to which Ericka followed.

“So where you from? I know most Pegasus ponies come from Cloudsdale, but I always like to ask to make sure.” Twilight said as she walked down the path of town past several buildings.

“Uh, yeah. I'm from Cloudsdale.” Ericka replied feeling her nervousness began to rise once again.

“That's great, now here we have sugarcube corner. My friend Pinkie Pie usually hangs around here. This is also where the cakes live. They are the local bakers and make some of the best sweets in town.” Twilight replied as she pointed a hoof at the building in front of them now. The entire building looked as if it was constructed of nothing but sugar plums and pastries to Ericka but she didn't say anything.

“Interesting.” Ericka remarked aloud as she continued to look over the building.

“Hey Twilight!” A voice exclaimed from behind the two which caused Ericka to jump back in shock and place a hoof on her chest as her heartbeat skyrocketed from the sudden voice behind her. She however was sent for another shock as she looked at the pony who stood before her.

“It's the pony from the diagram.” Ericka thought to herself in a stunned tone.

“Hi Pinkie, I’d like you to meet the new pony in town, Cloudkicker” Twilight replied as she extended a hoof in Ericka's direction.

Pinkie Pie then looked at Ericka and in the next moment the pink pony jumped up, all four legs sprawled out seemingly suspended in the air as she let out a deep gasp and suddenly bolted over their heads down the road.

“H-How did she do that?! She doesn't have wings!” Ericka asked as she looked on in disbelief.

“That's Pinkie Pie for you. And judging by how she reacted to whens he saw you, she's going to throw you a party.” Twilight replied with a smirk as she trotted past the stunned Pegasus seemingly unaffected by the pink pony's ability to defy the laws of psychics.

“Wait, a party? What for?” Ericka replied once her mind had finally started to work again.

“To welcome you to Ponyville of course. That is her special talent after all.” Twilight replied as she continued to walk down the path followed by Ericka now.

“Special talent?” Ericka asked in a confused tone which caused Twilight to stop and look at her.

“Yeah, that's what her balloon cutie mark represents. Like my cutie mark represents my special talent for using magic.” Twilight replied as she pointed a hoof to her flank which brandished her cutie mark.

Ericka couldn't help but crack up at this. “M-Magic?! Ha,ha! That's a laugh!” Ericka exclaimed as she fell to her side and began to laugh hysterically.

“What's so funny? All unicorns can use magic.” Twilight replied in a confused tone.

Ericka finally managed to stop laughing as she stood on all four hooves again and wiped tears from her eyes. “I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, but come on. Magic, really?” Ericka replied in a skeptic tone.

“I don't get it, what's so hard to believe about it? As I said before, all unicorns can use magic.” Twilight replied looking even more confused.

“They must believe that their telekinetic abilities are magic. Oh, great. I must have really offended her!” Ericka thought to herself in a panicked tone as her expression went nervous once again. “S-Sorry, I just have never met a unicorn before. I'm sorry if I offended you.” Ericka replied trying to apologize to the unicorn.

“Wow, I’ve never met a Pegasus pony who has never seen magic or unicorns before.” Twilight replied resuming her smile now.

“Y-Yeah, I've lived a sheltered life. Perhaps you can show me more of this magic you unicorns can do later.” Ericka replied with a nervous smile.

“I'd be happy to, but first let me show you around the rest of Ponyville.” Twilight replied, turned around and began to walk again followed closely by Ericka.


Twenty minutes later the two were standing just outside of what looked to be a large building. Unlike the building Ericka saw before this one looked to be built from normal materials and looked to be expensive materials at that.

“Wow, who lives here?” Ericka asked in a stunned tone.

“My friend Rarity lives here. She's the local dress maker.” Twilight replied as she knocked on the door which was opened up a few moments later revealing what looked to Ericka like one of the horned creatures that Twilight called “Unicorns”.

“Twilight Darling, what brings you here?” Rarity asked with a smile as she hugged Twilight for a moment before she looked over at Ericka.

“I'm showing Cloudkicker around town. She's new here.” Twilight replied with a smile as the white unicorn looked at Ericka as if she was trying to peer into her mind.

“Well then, any friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine, due come in, the both of you.” Rarity replied as she turned around and walked back inside to which Ericka and Twilight walked in behind her.

The inside of this pony's home was littered with different fabrics and an assortment of gems which lay scattered about. “Do forgive the mess darlings, I’ve been busy with my newest creation.” Rarity said in an absent minded manner as she levitated several gems and clothes and moved them to the sides of the room.

“It's quite alright Rarity. I know how you can get when you start working on a dress.” Twilight replied with a giggle as the three stopped short of the room.

“Now then, how about I welcome you to Ponyville with a new dress, free of charge of course.” Rarity replied with a warm smile as she turned to face the Pegasus.

“A-A dress? For me?” Ericka replied in a shocked tone. She had no idea that these creatures even wore clothing, much less dresses.

“Of course darling! I always enjoy making a dress for Twilight's friends.” Rarity replied as she levitated measuring tapes and began to stretch them out around the mare looking at them.

“I-I suppose that would be okay.” Ericka replied nervously. Not like she had any choice in the matter though as the unicorn seemed to already be sizing her up.

“Wonderful Darling! Now just hold still while I take these measurements!” Rarity exclaimed enthusiastically as she stretched the measuring tape along each of her flanks, over her chest, and on her back.

The unicorn continued to take measurements until she abruptly stopped and stared at Ericka. “Darling, where's your cutie mark?” Rarity asked curiously.

Ericka's heart plummeted into her stomach upon hearing this question. How as she supposed to answer that?! “I um, don't have one, yet.” Ericka replied nervously.

“You mean you never found your special talent?” Twilight asked as she looked at the Pegasus now as well.

“I guess not.” Ericka replied in a not so confident tone. “So these cutie marks as they call them, represent a pony's special talent, which apparently was something they are best at. Too bad I’m not great at anything except taking orders.” Ericka thought to herself dismally then began to wonder what a cutie mark would even look like for a pony who was best at taking orders from others.

“You poor dear! You've gone most of your life without realizing what your special talent is! Why that's simply horrible!” Rarity exclaimed in a sympathetic tone as she placed a hood on Ericka's shoulder.

“I've never met a pony who hasn't discovered their special talent before they became an adult before. I've read that it can happen, but it's my first time seeing one.” Twilight remarked excitedly.

Ericka was still trying to figure out why this purple unicorn was seemingly so excited while the white one seemed saddened to learn this. “You'll have to forgive Twilight darling, she seems rather excited to learn about you and where you come from.” Rarity remarked flashing the purple unicorn a glare.

“Oh, I’m sorry Cloudkicker. It's just I’ve never met a pony like you before. I love learning all I can about Equestria and according to my studies, you are a one in a million case of pony whom has yet to discover their special talent!” Twilight exclaimed in an excited tone as Rarity resumed taking measurements.

“Great, I'm one in a million.” Ericka remarked aloud in a dismal tone. “So much for fitting in with the locals. Without one of these cutie marks, I’m going to stand out like a sour thumb.” Ericka thought to herself in an annoyed tone.

“Don't worry about it darling. You'll discover it it eventually, all ponies do.” Rarity said in a reassuring tone as she removed the measuring tapes and began to sort through fabric.

It was at this point and time three small creatures came running into the room which caused Ericka to stare at them as they ran about until they knocked over a few manikins in the room at which point Rarity stopped sorting through fabric and stared at the three.

“Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom, stop that this instant! If you want to play, do it outside, I’m working!” Rarity exclaimed in a annoyed tone.

“Sorry sis.” Sweetie Belle replied with her ears flattened then looked at Ericka. “Who's this pony?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously as she looked at the dark blue mare.

“This is Cloudkicker. She's a new Pegasus pony in town.” Twilight replied as she extended a hoof to Ericka who waved at them.

“Hey, she doesn't have her cutie mark yet!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she pointed at Ericka's blank flank.

“Say, your right Scootaloo, Ah've never met an adult pony without thar cutie mark before!” Applebloom exclaimed as she rushed over next to Scootaloo.

“Is getting a cutie mark that big a deal?” Ericka asked without thinking though she immediately regretting asking as the three fillies looked at her as she were crazy.

“Of course it is! A cutie mark represents ya special talent! Everypony has one!” Applebloom exclaimed only to have Scootaloo jump on her head.

“Yeah! We are trying to find our special talents every day!” Scootaloo chimed in only for Sweetie Belle to hop on top of the two.

“We're the cutie mark crusaders!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed enthusiastically and moments later the three tumbled on top of each other with a loud thud.

“Cutie mark crusaders? Is that some kind of club for ponies who are looking for their special talent or something?” Ericka asked aloud looking at Twilight now.

“No, it's just a club those three made. Though they don't know it yet, just about every other pony knows what their special talents are.” Twilight replied in a hushed tone as the three wrestled among each other.

“I see.” Ericka replied and let out a sigh. “So much for possibly getting one of these cutie marks so I can fit in better.” Ericka thought to herself dismally.
