• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,142 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

Loyalty Part 1




Ericka flew as fast as her wings could carry her followed closely by Rainbow Dash as she scanned the overhead of the Everfree forest while Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy searched along the ground.

“Any sign of them Ericka?” Rainbow Dash asked as her eyes scanned the forest thoroughly.

“Not yet, but we've only been searching for an hour now, I would be surprised if Josh made it that easy to find a base he had been keeping hidden here for this long.” Ericka replied as her mane flailed at the mercy of the turbulent winds as she barreled a crossed the skies.

Ericka, behind you!

The dark blue Pegasus looked behind herself just in time to see a beam of magic sailing strait for her and banked sharply to the right barely avoiding the magic beam, though she could feel the heat that radiated from the magic as it sailed past her back.

Ericka immediately turned about and stared in the direction of where the beam came from at which point her pupils shrunk to their smallest size in shock, unable to believe what she was seeing. Rainbow Dash was soon to follow suit but her pupils didn't shrink, rather she stared on disbelief.

“It's an... Alicorn?!” Ericka exclaimed in disbelief.

“Targets acquired, orders?” The Alicorn said aloud in an almost robotic monotone.

“Orders? From who?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed looking pissed off now more than shocked.


Josh now sat in front of a large monitor screen staring which displayed exactly what the Alicorn was staring at which was none other than Ericka and Rainbow Dash.

“She's alive?!” Josh exclaimed in shock as he stood to two feet abruptly and slammed both hands on the console as he continued to stare at the screen in shock and disbelief. “But that's impossible! There's no possible way she could be flying there now, unless...” Josh remarked as he put a hand up to his mouth and bit it without realizing it as his mind wandered among the possibilities of Ericka's miraculous survival until he abruptly grinned maliciously.

“Why am I even debating this? The final results of years of painstaking research are hovering before them! I have no farther need for her.” Josh said as he sat back down into his chair coolly and clasped his hands together with a smile.

Eliminate them and all who stand in your way, those are your orders project A


“Understood, commencing attack protocol, magic rank; C” The Alicorn said suddenly in the same monotone as it's horn glowed brightly now.

“I'm no unicorn but isn't rank C magic lethal?” Ericka asked with a worried expression now.

“What do I look like, a unicorn?! How the hay am I supposed to know?!” The cyan blue Pegasus replied with the same worried expression.

“Ericka, Rainbow Dash, MOVE!” Princess Celestia could be heard shouting as she darted up towards the two in a vertical climb and stopped just in front of them in time to project a magical shield that blocked the magical attack just in time.

“When...I say move...” Princess Celestia grunted as she used her magical barrier to expel the magic away. “I don't mean to stand there and fly like a couple of ducks waiting to be shot!” Princess Celestia exclaimed as she glared back at the two who exchanged guilty looks.

“S-Sorry Princess, I was in a state of shock until now.” Rainbow Dash replied honestly.

“New target acquired, accessing profile...” The Alicorn said in the same monotone once again and seemed to pause.

“What is it doing?” Rainbow Dash asked with a confused expression now.

“It's acting like... a computer, no, more than a computer...” Ericka remarked trailing off until her eyes snapped wide open in shock with an audible gasp.


“Target acquired, accessing profile... Ericka Airfreed, daughter to Margret Airfreed and Richard Airfreed. Orders?” A large robotic creature said in a robotic monotone as it stared at Ericka who lay on the ground staring up at it as she held her little sister in her arms staring at it with rage filled eyes.

“Orders confirmed, commencing attack, energy level; 3” The robotic looking creature said after a few moments, rose its left arm up which transformed into a gun yet didn't fire. “Error...unable to commence attack, assessing cause.” The robotic creature stated in the same robotic monotone.

Ericka's eyes darted around the room and fell upon her father's plasma-grade shotgun. She then lay her sister down and dove for it at which point the robotic creature turned to look in her direction and advance on her.

“Assess this!” Ericka exclaimed, fired one round, pumped the gauge, fired again, pumped the gauge once again, fired again, and repeated this over and over until there was a hole big enough to fit the better half of her body through.

“Error, error, error! Damage critical, support systems faiiillliinng...” The robotic creature said as it's monotone voice seemed to wind down to a slurring crawl until it fell backward as sparks jetted and flew from within the hole Ericka had blown in it with her father's shotgun.

Ericka stood up, shotgun still in hand, walked over to the robotic creature and stared at it noticing the creatures red eyes seemed to still be working as if it was still functioning even slightly. “Welcome to earth.” Ericka said aloud though her tone of voice was rage filled as she fired a round directly at the robotic creatures head blowing it clean off the main body which skipped along the ground with a loud clanging sound and stopped short of her front door which had been blown off its hinges earlier by the creature.


“Profile found, Princess Celestia, Specie, Alicorn, threat level... moderate. Adjusting magic level... Magic level adjusted, commencing attack protocol, magic rank; B” The Alicorn stated aloud in the same monotone as its horn began to glow brightly.

“Ericka, Rainbow Dash, listen to me, Twilight has a lock on a fluctuation of magical energy just southeast of here. They are already on their way check it, meet up with them.” Celestia said aloud as her own horn glowed brightly now.

“But Princess, what about you?” Rainbow Dash asked looking worried.

“I will be fine, now go!” The Alicorn exclaimed at which point Rainbow Dash darted off though Ericka hesitated.

“Be careful Princess, this thing will adjust its power to match yours and possibly even greater. Don't underestimate it!” Ericka exclaimed before following her lover in the same direction.

“Secondary targets escaping to the southeast, commencing anti-escape measures.” The Alicorn said as it turned to face in the direction Rainbow Dash and Ericka were flying towards and fired a beam of magic only for Celestia to appear in a flash of magic and project a barrier which effectively blocked and reflected the magic away.

“You will fight me!” Celestia exclaimed fiercely with a glare at the Alicorn.

The Alicorn simply continued to look past her towards the two Pegasus until they disappeared from its sight. “Secondary targets have escaped, switching to primary target.” The Alicorn replied and turned to face Celestia directly now.

“I don't know what you are, or what your reason for attacking my subjects is, but I will not allow you to harm them! I will issue this one and only warning; cease your assault now and I will overlook your transgressions and bring you in for questioning.” Celestia said sternly as she stared at the Alicorn.

“Commencing attack, Magic rank; B, variant one.” The Alicorn said as if it had not heard a word she had said and fired a beam of magic that seemed to split into five beams simultaneously, soar around the Princess, dart upward, and all sail at her from different directions and hit their mark resulting in a large explosion of magical power and smoke.

The smoke cleared a few moments later however and revealed Celestia unharmed and surrounded by a bright blue magical bubble shaped barrier spell. “Looks like peace talks are out of the question. It's been a few millennium since I have had to use my magic in this manner. I certainly hope I haven't grown rusty.” The Princess remarked to herself with a smirk as if she was attempting to relieve her own tension despite the situation. “Prepare yourself Alicorn, for you are about to see why me and my sister were crowned rulers of Equestria!” The Princess exclaimed as her horn glowed brightly now.

(Play Princess Celestia now)

“Years of painstaking research have all lead up to this point, the ultimate field test.”

“The most powerful Alicorn in Equestria versus my creation...”

“And... here... we.... go!”

At the exact moment Josh had said the word “go” the two Alicorn's spells collided with a massive explosion of magic that shook the very foundation of the skies seemingly. As the smoke cleared Celestia could be seen recovering from the recoil of the blast and assuming her combat stance while the Alicorn did the same thing.

“She's strong...” Celestia remarked quietly to herself as she stared on at the Alicorn whose expression did not change in the slightest.

“Commencing attack protocol, magic rank; B, variant, three.” The Alicorn said aloud at which point it's horn glowed brightly and moments later a beam of magic which was five feet tall and three feet wide sailed at Celestia however just as it neared her, it seemed to split in half in the opposite directions. The beams of magic then made a one-hundred and eighty degree turn and sailed at the princess from both sides.

“It seems to be limited to basic magical attacks despite it's power.” Celestia remarked as she projected yet another magical barrier in preparation to endure the attack.

“Altering casting protocol, switching current spell to variant three, dash, two.” The Alicorn said aloud at which point its horn glowed once again and the beams of magic that were now sailing towards Celestia transformed into magical spears just before they collided with her barrier.

Celestia's eyes widened in shock upon hearing these words as her eyes darted to the left and right witnessing the sudden transformation of the magical beams. “What?!” The princess exclaimed moments before the spears connected with her barrier but instead of exploding seemed to be grinding into her barrier as if to penetrate and destroy it.

Celestia winced at the high-pitched grinding sounds as the spears continued to attempt to penetrate her barrier. “So it's not limited to basic spells as I thought, curses! I'll just have to-?!” Celestia began to say only for a loud cracking sound to snap her focus to her left and right sides taking note of the cracks now appearing now and moments later a loud shattering sound echoed throughout the skies followed an explosion of magical smoke and moments later by the sound of flesh being punctured.

“Target hit, projected damage, lethal.” The Alicorn remarked in the same monotone as it stared on waiting for the smoke to be cleared. However as the smoke cleared only the spears could be seen and though blood was obviously dripping from them, Celestia was not between them.

“Target lost, reacquiring target.” The Alicorn said as it looked around its surroundings only to be blindsided by a magical blast in the form of a five ton sledge-hammer which sent it flying a crossed the skies.

A short distance to the west, Celestia could be seen panting loudly as blood dripped from her sides. “That was too close! If I hadn't teleported when I had I would have been skewered!” Celestia remarked dramatically as she glanced down at each of her sides, “I didn't escape unscathed however...”

The Alicorn then reappeared a few moments later in a flash of magic staring at her with the same emotionless expression. “Assessing damage, Damage; Minimal.”

“Teh!” Celestia scoffed in response to the Alicorn's statement, rose up several feet in the air, channeled magic into her horn, summoned a volley of magical beams which numbered in the hundreds and sailed directly for the Alicorn.

“Activating magic barrier.” The Alicorn said at which point a dark red barrier surrounded the Alicorn just before the volley of magical beams struck creating multiple explosions upon impact.

“Again!” Celestia roared as she channeled more magic into her horn and fired yet another volley of magical beams at the Alicorn's barrier. The princess was sure she would penetrate the barrier this time as she continued to focus all her magic into this attack only her to sense something behind her, turned to look and gasped as she barely manifested a circular flat barrier to stave off the Alicorn's attack with it's hoof. “Duplication magic?!” Celestia exclaimed in shock as she continued to struggle to stave off the Alicorn's direct assault on her.

“Commencing physical support protocol, magic rank B, variant 4” The Alicorn said as it's horn glowed and the hoof that was currently grinding against Celestia's shield transformed into a joust which began to spin quickly as if to drill into her magical shield.

“Physically transforming a part of it's body?! That's taboo!” Celestia exclaimed in both outrage and shock.

Unknown to the princess the other Alicorn was charging strait for her from behind only to hit yet another magical flat shield. “I never forgot about you.” Celestia remarked through gritted teeth as she craned her head around as far as it would go to look behind herself with a glare.


Josh continued to watch this fight from the safety of his observation room.

“She's putting up quite fight. But nothing can beat my ultimate creation. My dear Celestia, you will soon learn that this Alicorn surpasses you in all forms of magic, heh,heh,heh.... HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!!!” Josh exclaimed as he laughed manically until a screen popped up showing a pony whom he immediately recognized as Pinkie Pie. “Hmm, so they finally found me. It seems I'll have some use for you after all.” Josh remarked as he looked over at another monitor screen which held an unconscious red unicorn with a malicious grin.


Ericka and Rainbow Dash soon arrived at the location that Princess Celestia had spoken of to find Twilight and the others. “Twilight, did you find his base?” Ericka asked urgently as she walked up to the lavender unicorn who nodded in reply.

“But we have a new problem, Pinkie Pie's disappeared. We think she may have rushed into the base ahead of us.” Twilight replied with a worried expression as the dark blue Pegasus and light blue Pegasus walked up to the entrance.

“She was probably worried about Richard and went to look for him.” Ericka replied to which Rainbow Dash made a facehoofing gesture and sighed.

“That mare is going to get herself killed! Come on everypony, lets get moving!” The cyan blue Pegasus exclaimed as she dived down through the base door entrance as Twilight looked at Ericka with a serious expression.

“It begins here.” Twilight said as she looked at Ericka whom nodded.

“And ends here.” Ericka replied jumped up and dove into the base entrance.

Author's Note:

Here ya go! I'll be working on the next chapter when i have the time to spare!