• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,141 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

A royal meeting


Ericka sat up in her bed and looked at her clock. “Five in the morning, Time to get ready.” Ericka thought to herself as she got off her bed, quickly filled out a report on what she had learned yesterday, walked to the bathroom, took a shower, and walked into the main room to see Commander Still born.

“You got some explaining to do private! Where is the creature's body? You were supposed to bring it back!” Stillborn exclaimed in a fierce tone.

“It's at Twilight's house, erm, I mean, it's at one of the creature's homes, they invited me to stay with them sir.” Ericka replied in an unsure tone.

“It's what?!” Stillborn roared at the top of his lungs.

“I had no choice, I was learning all I could from one of their books and I lost track of time.” Ericka replied as she handed him her report.

Stillborn read over the report. As he read it his expression became more and more pissed off if possible until he finally finished reading it and glared at her. “What the fuck is this private? There's more questions than answers in this thing!” Stillborn exclaimed as he placed the report on a table next to him.

“I'm aware of this sir. Their world is very confusing. I'm hoping to learn more today when I go back into the creature's body. I should have some answers for you then, sir.” Ericka replied in a firm tone though the uneasy could clearly be heard.

“At least private Richard's report was not a total loss.” Stillborn remarked aloud as he turned away from her and sighed aloud.

“If I may be as bold to ask, what was his report about sir?” Ericka asked curiously.

“The creature's reproductive behaviors. He was able to provide a detailed report. It should please Professor Josh.” Stillborn replied and sat down in one of the chairs. “You best be off to the lab private and I want some concrete answers when you return this time, understood?” Stillborn said a few moments after his initial statement.

“Yes, Sir!” Ericka exclaimed with a salute, turned around, walked over to the door, grabbed an oxygen mask, and made her way over to the lab.


“Where were you Ericka? I waited for thirty whole minutes before I headed back to base.” Richard said in a curious tone.

“I got held up. How the hell did you manage to get a detailed report on their reproductive behavior anyways?” Ericka asked curiously with an expression to match it.

“Oh, about that, well, um, lets just say it was a first hand experience.” Richard replied in a nervous tone before he abruptly walked away from her as Professor Josh walked up to her.

“First hand experience? Wait a second...!” Ericka said aloud as her eyes flashed wide in shock and was about to exclaim “You slept with one of them?!” only for Professor Josh to stand in front of her now which caused her to halt her outburst before it began.

“Your report was less than satisfactory I must say.” Josh remarked with a frown.

“I know, I'll get some real answers today hopefully.” Ericka replied followed by a sigh.

“Though I must say I am impressed that you have managed to gain a social status with one of them. I look forward to hearing more about how they interact socially.” Josh replied to this as he allowed a smile to wash over his face as Ericka walked over to the machine and laid in it.

“Well, at least someone liked my report.” Ericka thought to herself with a sigh as the lid closed over her and felt a familiar sensation as she once again passed out and opened her eyes again to see herself back in her pony body with Twilight next to her.

“You had me worried. I have been trying to wake you up for the last twenty minutes but you wouldn't budge.” Twilight remarked in a concerned tone.

“Sorry about that, I sleep like a rock.” Ericka replied with a nervous smile.

“Well as long as your okay. I have to run a few errands with Spike, so feel free to read anything you want.” Twilight replied with a smile as she turned around and left the room a short few moments later.

“Thanks Twilight.” Ericka called out hoping the unicorn heard her as she stretched her wings and legs out with an audible relieved groan.

Ericka walked out to the main part of the library and saw her book still laying out where she left it. “Good, now I can catch up on what I was reading.” Ericka remarked aloud, began to walk over to the book, but stopped just short of it. “What the-?!” Ericka exclaimed as she felt her body unable to move and in the next moment found herself in an unfamiliar room.

The room was vast and long with many windows along it that looked like they had images of ponies carved in the glass. “Where am I?” Ericka asked aloud as she began to walk down the hall and look around.

Her attention however was caught by a specific glass window. This window had figures of ponies carved into it that she recognized.

“I know them...” Ericka remarked aloud in a awed tone.

“Yes, Twilight and her friends have saved Equestria more than once.” A regal prim and proper voice spoke up from behind the dark blue Pegasus which caused her to whirl around and stare in shock.

It was once of the dual horned and winged creatures that Ericka was briefed on. But this one looked ten times larger than the one in the diagram. Compared to Ericka she was a tall as half of one of Ponyville's houses or at least that's how tall she seemed. The size wasn't the only thing she noticed however. It was her mane which glittered brightly and seemed to flow with an endless current in multiple colors.

“That's Twilight and her friends? But then who's that above them?” Ericka asked in a confused tone. Where she was at was now the farthest thing from her mind as she was curious to know now what Twilight and her friends had done.

“Discord, the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Long ago he plunged Equestria into darkness with an endless torrent of chaos with his dark magic until me and my sister defeated him. However, Not long ago he escaped once again and this time Twilight and her friends defeated him using the elements of harmony as me and my sister did before them.” The large creature replied.

“The elements of harmony?” Ericka replied in a confused tone.

“Six magical objects capable of great magic. There is one catch however, the elements of harmony will only work with a pony whom represents the element in it's most definitive sense. So you see, the elements can't be used by just any pony.” The large creature replied looking at the glass window for a few moments longer before it lowered it's gaze to her. “Now why don't you tell me your name.” The creature said a few moments after her initial statement looking at Ericka now with a piercing glance.

“C-Cloudkicker.” Ericka replied in a nervous tone however the large creature's eyes narrowed upon hearing this.

“Why don't you tell me your real name, Cloudkicker.” The large creature replied in a knowing tone.

“R-Real name? I-I-I don't know it. You see I have amnesia and...” Ericka began to say only for the large creature's expression to become stern with a glare now.

“You can't fool me. Twilight and her friends may not be able to sense it, but me and my sister could sense you from the moment you set hoof in our kingdom. You are not really a pony, yet somehow you've managed to take on the form of one. I don't know what kind of magic you used or why you are here, but you and your friends who are hiding in the everfree forest should leave this world before me and my sister are forced to act.” The large creature said looking at Ericka now as she stood tall and firm which made the blue Pegasus cower slightly.

“M-My name is Ericka Airfreed.” Ericka exclaimed in a panicked tone. This was it, she was exposed. Whoever this creature was, she could tell she wasn't a pony from the start. The most she could hope for now was to get away unharmed.

“Now that you have given me your real name, I see fit to give mine. My name is Princess Celestia. I am one of the rulers of all of Equestria. I hereby order you to leave our land. Be sure to pass the message onto your superiors. ” Celestia replied in the same firm tone, not lightening her expression in the least bit as her horn began to glow.

“Please, we mean no harm! We only want to learn about your race and culture!” Ericka exclaimed in a panicked tone. She had no idea what the princess was planning to do but judging by the glow on her horn she assumed it wasn't good.

Upon hearing this however, Celestia's horn stopped glowing and her expression lightened if only a little bit. “You only wish to learn about us?” Celestia asked in a curious tone.

“Y-Yes! We are here on a field study. We want to learn all about your kind. That's all, we come in peace.” Ericka replied hoping she was at least avoiding some sort of punishment from the large creature.

Celestia stood there for a moment as if she was debating on whether or not she was telling the truth. Then much to Ericka's shock, the creature smiled. “Very well, I will allow you and your friends to remain here for a little longer.” Celestia replied much to Ericka's relief. The creature's expression however became stern a few moments later. “However, if me or my sister sense any hostile intent from you or your friends, we will not hesitate to be rid of your kind, are we clear?” Celestia said in a stern tone with a expression to match it.

“O-Of course! But I assure you, we mean no harm!” Ericka exclaimed with a genuine smile feeling herself became much more relieved now.

“That has yet to be seen. Me and my sister will be watching you closely.” Celestia replied in her regal tone, turned around and walked away.

“If I may ask, how did you bring me here?” Ericka asked after a short period of silence between the two.

“By magic of course.” Celestia replied as she turned around to face her again from a distance now.

“Forgive me, but magic isn't real. I'm sure a powerful creature such as yourself knows this.” Ericka replied and gulped audibly as the creature's expression became stern once again.

“My race is known as an Alicorn, and there is much you do not understand about our world. I suggest you take the time I have given you to learn all you can. Oh, and one more thing.” Celestia said as she walked up to Ericka once again and stood before her.

“Yes, Princess?” Ericka replied making sure to keep her formalities as she spoke with the Alicorn now.

“I suggest you learn how to fly. Otherwise, you won't learn much about the race your are taking shape of. I will write to my student and instruct her to teach you all she knows about Equestria. And do not worry, I will not expose you, not unless you turn out to be a threat anyways.” Celestia replied as her horn glowed once again and in the next moment Ericka found herself standing in the same spot she stood before she was teleported to Celestia's castle.

“How did she know I couldn't fly? Was it that obvious?” Ericka asked herself aloud dismally then her eyes lit up as she recalled that Rainbow Dash had offered to teach her how to fly and darted out of the library to meet with the cyan blue Pegasus.
