• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,142 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

A Pinkie Pie promise


Ericka raced a crossed the town to the spot she recalled seeing Rainbow Dash in, stopped and looked around. “Where is she?” Ericka thought to herself curiously.

“Just great...” Ericka remarked aloud in a sour tone about five minutes later as she sat there waiting.

“Who you waiting on?” A voice asked.

“Rainbow D-GAH!” Ericka began to see only to suddenly realize that Pinkie Pie was suddenly standing right next to her when she wasn't a mere second ago which caused her to jump up in shock. “Can you ever not sneak up on a pony?!” Ericka asked between fast breaths in an annoyed tone.

“Your a strange pony Cloudkicker.” Pinkie Pie replied with a wide smile.

“So I'm told...” Ericka replied as her breathing finally regained a normal pace and looked up again.

“You looking for Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously which yanked the Pegasus’s attention back to the pink pony.

“Yes, do you know where she is?” Ericka asked in a hopeful tone as she looked at the pink mare intently now.

“Hmm...” The frizzy maned mare replied as she placed a hoof on her chin with a look of deep thought, though to Ericka, it looked like the pink mare's brain had just broken as she looked at Pinkie Pie's ridiculous expression.

After a few more minutes Ericka gave a dejected sigh. “This is a waste of time.” Ericka replied as she turned about face to walk away only for the pink mare to have somehow appeared right in front of her again which caused her to fall on her rump in surprise. “Wh-What the hell are you? A unicorn?!” Ericka exclaimed in a shocked tone as she once again took a few moments to steady her breathing again.

“No silly, I'm a earth pony!” Pinkie Pie replied enthusiastically.

“Could have fooled me...” Ericka remarked under her breath followed by an annoyed sigh. “Listen, Pinkie, I'm grateful for the welcome party, but I'm trying to find Rainbow Dash. So can you help me find her or not?” Ericka asked in the most polite tone she could muster despite her annoyed state at the moment.

“I think the better question is, can you find yourself?” Pinkie Pie asked as she leaned in so that her face was mere inches from Ericka's.

“Wh-What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ericka asked in a confused tone.

“Not sure, it just sort of came to me, kind of like my pinkie sense, but this is the first time something like this has happened.” Pinkie Pie replied with a confused expression now.

“Wait, pinkie sense? What the hell is that?” Ericka asked still trying to figure out what Pinkie Pie meant by her previous question.

“My pinkie sense tells me when things are going to happen before they do, like if my tail twitches, it means something is going to fall.” Pinkie Pie replied resuming her usual cheery expression now.

“Wait, so your psychic?” Ericka replied curiously as she stared at the pink mare now.

“What's that? You sure as hay say a lot of words that I don't understand. Like what is this hell you speak of?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

“Who boy, and here I thought I would be the only one asking questions.” Ericka replied as she ran her hoof along her face. “Okay, so hell is the place that, um, bad ponies go when they die. So when I say, what the hell, it's an expression that makes me wonder where the hell you got that question from.” Ericka replied in a matter of fact tone.

“Oooohhh, you mean tartarus!” Pinkie Pie replied a understanding expression now. “But um, you still haven't told me what this Psy-mic thing is.”

“It's psychic, and it means you can see into the future or read pony's minds.” Ericka replied and let out another sigh. “This is going no where and the longer I sit here wasting time with idle chatter, the less chance of have of finding Rainbow Dash before the sun sets and I have to return to my human body.” Ericka thought to herself in an annoyed tone.

“Twitchy, twitch!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed suddenly as she now held her tail and looked up.

“Wait, doesn't twitchy tail mean...” Ericka remarked aloud, looked up, gulped, and groaned.


“Fuck my life...” Ericka remarked aloud in a dismal tone as she sat on the ground covered in whip-cream.


“This just isn't your day is it?” Pinkie Pie remarked with a giggle as she poured water over Ericka's head as the dark blue Pegasus sat in Pinkie Pie's bathroom tub filled with hot water.

“Who the hell delivers whip-cream by air anyways?” Ericka asked aloud in annoyance.

“A a lot of stuff is delivered by air, it just so happened that Derpy Hooves was one of the Pegasus ponies delivering that cargo of whip-cream.” Pinkie Pie replied as she handed Ericka a bar of soap which slipped off of her hoof into the tub. “Still having trouble holding onto stuff with your hooves?” The pink mare remarked with a smirk upon seeing this.

“Yeah, I’m still adjusting to all this. I'm not exactly a normal pony you could say.” Ericka replied as she dipped her hooves into the tub and attempted to grab the bar of soap only for it to slid off her hooves no matter how much she tried.

“You're telling me, if I didn't know any better, I’d say you weren't even a pony!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed which caused Ericka's chest to go ice cold despite being in a tub of hot water only for the pink mare to burst out laughing a few moments later. “But that's just plain silly!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed a few moments after her outburst.

“Yeah, funny ain't it?” Ericka replied in an uneasy tone with a soft nervous laugh to match her uneasy expression.

Ericka then looked at Pinkie Pie as the pink mare walked about the bathroom. “She seems so innocent and carefree, and in some ways, she knows me better than I know myself.” Ericka thought to herself as she let out an audible sigh. “I've been lost for years now, hiding it from even myself. Ever sense my family was killed....”


“What are you going to do now Ericka?” A man dressed in a form black suit asked as they stood in front of three caskets.

“I-I don't know. I've lost my mother,father, and little sister.” Ericka replied with a sniffle as she wiped fresh tears from her eyes.

“You could always continue sell your paintings for a living.” The man replied.

“Are you fucking kidding me? My family was the secret to my inspiration. Without them, I can't even bring myself to lift a brush again.” Ericka replied and let out a sigh.

“What about the army then?” The man replied in a suggesting tone.

“Why would I join the army?” Ericka asked in an annoyed tone with a glare at the man.

“Well, they often go on interplanetary missions, who knows, maybe you'll be able to find the aliens who killed your family. They after all, did escape.” The man replied.

“So avenge them?” Ericka replied curiously.

“Something like that.” The man replied with a smirk.


“A lot of good joining the army did me. I spent years in it and not once did we encounter the aliens that attacked our planet...” Ericka thought to herself after recalling that painful event of her past.

“Are you okay Cloudkicker?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously which snapped the dark blue Pegasus out of her thoughts and looked at the pink mare.

“Y-yeah.” Ericka replied though it was clear she wasn't by the few tears that streamed down her cheeks.

“Lost your family too eh?” Pinkie Pie remarked aloud which caused Ericka to go wide-eyed and stare at her.

“Wait, how did you-Oh right, your pinkie sense. So you lost your family too?” Ericka replied as she began to say one thing, stopped mid-sentence upon realizing how she figured it out, and replied with her statement followed by a sigh.

“Yeah, my family disappeared about five years ago, but no pony ever found them. I know I look like I’m happy and chipper a lot of the time, but sometimes, it's hard for even me to keep a smile on my face when I think about them...” Pinkie Pie replied and for the first time ever, Ericka witnessed a frown appear on the pink mare's face.

To Ericka, this look didn't suit her. It seemed so much unlike her. Yet at the same time, she understood. Like her, she would put on a brave face and carry on. No matter how bad things became. Ericka was finally starting to realize that there was more to this pony than simple jokes and parties.

“Hey, what happened to that wide smile I always see on your face?” Ericka asked in a soft tone as she reached a hoof out and placed on Pinkie's cheek while water dripped from her hoof onto the floor.

“It sort of left me for a little while.” Pinkie Pie replied in a saddened tone.

Ericka stared at the pink mare frowning as well now. “I've got to do something to cheer her up, but what?” Ericka thought to herself in a determined tone. Then it came to her...



The pink mare's head popped out of the tub after being yanked into it by the dark blue Pegasus and stared at her in confusion. “Looks like your all wet.” Ericka replied with a smirk as she splashed some water at the pink mare who used her hooves as a shield to block the splashes of water though now she was laughing and giggling as she began to splash back a few moments later.

A full out water splashing war ensued between the two ponies now as they laughed and giggled at one another for some time. “Okay, okay! I give in! You win!” Ericka exclaimed between laughs as the pink mare assaulted her with waves of water from all four hooves now.

“Yeah! No pony beats Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed triumphantly with a smirk.

“You remind me a lot of my little sister.” Ericka remarked aloud with a smile.

“Your little sister? You had a sister? Does that mean your memory is coming back?” Pinkie Pie replied in a hopeful tone.

Ericka hesitated in answering this question however. If she did say it was coming back, it might jeopardize her amnesia act. After a brief moment of thinking she thought of an answer. “A little bit.” Ericka replied with a smile.

“That's super great news!” Pinkie Pie replied with a wide smile that Ericka new and recognized.

“Looks like she's back to her old self.” Ericka thought to herself in a relieved tone. Looked down to grab the bar of soap without thinking and managed to pick it up this time.

However at this exact moment she felt a familiar sensation and passed out on the spot and opened her eyes again to see herself back in her human body. Ericka's expression suddenly went panicked as she sat up.

“Put me back in! Do it now!” Ericka exclaimed in a panicked tone as she stared at the professor.

“I-I can't! The system suddenly went haywire! I don't know what happened, some kind of power surge by the looks of it!” Professor josh exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“This is very bad! I was in the middle of a conversation with one of them! How soon can you get it back online?!” Ericka exclaimed in a panicked tone as she walked over and looked at the professor.

“F-Five minutes, ten tops!” Professor Josh exclaimed as he frantically pressed keys on his keyboard.

Roughly about five minutes later, the system was finally online again and Ericka was sent back to her pony body to see a very pale and worried Pinkie Pie standing over her in the bathroom now.

“Y-Your alive! I thought you were dead!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hugged Ericka tightly.

“Wh-What do you mean?” Ericka asked in a worried tone.

“Y-You had no pulse, and you weren't breathing. What happened?” Pinkie Pie asked in a worried tone.

“W-Wait, I had no pulse and wasn't breathing?” Ericka replied in a shocked tone.

“Y-Yeah! I was just about to go get Twilight and the others when you came to.” Pinkie Pie replied still wearing her worried expression.

“They told me that these creatures were self supporting lifeforms, that they would be living and breathing on their own! Did the professor...lie to me? Is there more in this body than just my consciousness when they put me in that machine? No, that's ridiculous, it's not like they are streaming my soul into this thing....is it? No, that's stupid, that's not even scientifically possible.” Ericka thought to herself though she couldn't shake the notion then looked at Pinkie Pie who was paler than she already was.

“Your not really a pony...are you?” Pinkie Pie asked in a soft tone.

“Oh shit! She read my mind!” Ericka thought to herself in a panicked tone as she stared at Pinkie Pie sharing the pale expression that the pink mare wore.

“P-Pinkie, can you keep a secret?” Ericka asked the pink mare.

“Y-Yes.” Pinkie Pie replied in a soft tone.

Ericka then let out a heavy sigh and began to explain what she was doing here, how she got into this body, and the reason behind them being here. By the time she had finished Pinkie Pie stared in disbelief but she seemed to understand.

“Can you promise me that you won't tell anypony?” Ericka asked in a soft tone.

“Of course I can! I'll even pinkie pie promise and pinkie pie never breaks a pinkie pie promise!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Thanks Pinkie.” Ericka replied with a warm smile.

“Just one question though, Why did you tell me all this?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

This question halted Ericka in her thoughts causing her to look at the floor. Just why had she told her? She could have easily covered it up. And now she had carelessly risked exposure. She then looked at Pinkie Pie whom was smilingly widely again.


“Do you always have to smile like that?” Ericka asked in an annoyed tone as her little sister jumped around her having just startled the hell out of her.

“Of course I do! After all, if I smile, then everyone else will smile. And I love to see people smile!” Ericka's little sister exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Wait, how is you smiling going to make everyone else smile?” Ericka asked skeptically.

“Easy! If someone isn't smiling, then I’ll find a way to make them smile!” Ericka's little sister replied with the same wide smile.

“You're a weird little girl.” Ericka replied with a smirk.

“And your even weirder!” Ericka's little sister countered with a smirk of her own and a few moments later the two broke out laughing.


“I guess it's because you remind me of my little sister, she loved to see people smile, just like you.” Ericka replied finally.

“Well your sister sounds like an neat pony!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smirk.

“She really was neat.” Ericka replied thoughtfully.

“Well that explains a lot about you Cloudkicker! Guess I got my work cut out for me!” Pinkie Pie replied as she hopped around the dark blue Pegasus.

“What work?” Ericka asked curiously in a confused tone.

“Teaching you how to behave like a pony of course! I don't know what a human is, but I know it's not a pony which means you don't know how to be a pony, which means you don't know how to have fun, which explains why you can't fly or don't have a cutie mark, which means-mumph!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed only for Ericka to shove a hoof in her mouth.

“Okay,okay, I get it! You want to teach me how to behave like a pony so I blend in right?” Ericka remarked in an annoyed tone.

“No silly! I want to teach you how to act like a pony so you can have fun!” Pinkie Pie replied enthusiastically.

“Either way, I appreciate the help Pinkie Pie.” Ericka replied after a few moments with a soft smile.

“Oki, doki, loki! First thing, first! Teaching you how we speak!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smirk.

“First the princess and now Pinkie Pie...Geez! I really suck at this under cover gig.” Ericka remarked aloud to herself quietly as she followed the pink mare to her bedroom.