• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,142 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

The voyage into a world unknown




A young woman sat in a state of the art space ship as it cruised through the endless stars towards a planet that the government had been studying for years.

“You excited Ericka?” A young man asked excitedly who sat next to her.

“Excited to have my mind shot into an alien creature? Thrilled.” Ericka replied in a sarcastic tone. This was the last thing she had wanted to be doing with her time. Sadly for her though, orders came from the top brass and only a fool would ignore them, unless they wished to be court-marshaled with a dishonorable discharge.

“You better start warming up to the idea soon private! Because we'll be strapping you into one of those devices a few short hours after we arrive.” A man whom wore several badges of significance said as he walked in.

“Yes, commander Stillborn.” Ericka replied in the best enthusiastic tone she could muster.

A few moments later a woman in a lab coat walked in looking at the group. “Alright, I've been charged of informing you on the creatures you will be inhabiting and the world in which you will be observing. My name is Amanda, but you can call me Amie for short.” Amie said in a stern tone as she walked up and pressed a button on the console which caused the computer screen to flicker to life and show images of what Ericka thought were horses.

“This creature you see on screen now is the dominate specie on the planet. They appear to have human like intelligence despite their equine appearance and even have a thriving society on this planet despite the fact that there isn't any kind of breathable gas on the planet.. This however creates many questions that we need answered. They don't speak any language that our technology can decipher to this date, so we have no idea how they communicate though many have theorized that their language is based on body movements. Secondly, due to their obvious physical limitations we need to learn how they were able to build such advanced structures like this.” Amie continued as she pressed a button on the console which changed the image on screen from the equine creature to that of a vast and large castle.

“Whoa! That place is huge!” The young man remarked in a shocked tone.

“Yes it is, Private Richard. That is why we are having you and two others infiltrate their society to study how they managed it, among other things. As I was saying however, their race has built many structures and also splits into three other sub specie.” Amie replied as she pressed a button on the console which caused the screen to change from the image of the vast castle to displaying three images of the equine specie except with physical differences between them being wings, a horn, and one specie even having both. “As you can see there are three variants of these race. This variant appears to have feathered wings and is able to fly about in this planet even though there is no wind to support flight..” Amie said as she pointed to the winged equine then pointed to the horned one. “This variant of this specie seems to have advanced telekinetic abilities which allow them to alter an objects appearance and lift heavy objects up. We have theorized that that the material on this planet is native to them or possibly apart of them. We have yet to pin down a factual explanation however.” Amie said in a matter-of-fact tone as she pointed to the horned specie, then pointed to the winged and horned specie.

“This variant of their race however is the most perplexing of them all. Only three of this type of creature appear to inhabit this planet and furthermore from what we have learned, are the alpha creatures of this society. Every other creature on this planet seems to obey them. Though we don't know much about them, we do know that they have the greatest telekinetic ability of any of the horned variant of this race and best flight ability of any of the winged variant of this race.” Amie said as she pressed a button on the console which caused the image to display an apparent overview of one of their towns.

“Your mission is this, study the race as one of them. Learn how they do what they do and above all, seek out answers to these questions, How this race thrives when they have no sun or moon orbiting their planet which are vital for supporting any kind of life, why a sun and moon appears on the planet when standing on it's surface even though there are none orbiting the planet, how they are able to change the appearance of objects on their planet even though it is scientifically impossible, how they are able to even breath when there is no gas to support life on their planet, and lastly, how great their military power is if they have any at all.” Amie said as she pressed a button on the console which caused an image of the horned, winged, and normal looking equine creatures.

“But Amie, if they don't speak any kind of language that we can understand or decipher, then how are we support to interact with them?” Ericka asked curiously.

“Excellent question, Private Ericka. Years of painstaking research have lead up to us being able to artificially create three of the race's variants. Sadly we have yet to be able to successfully create the dual winged and horned variant. Regardless, we will be using the latest in human technology to beam your mental conscienceless into these artificially created creatures. While your mind is within them, you will be able to understand their language and fully use every one of the creatures inherent abilities. At least by theory.” Amie replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“And if we can't?” Richard asked curiously.

“If you are unable to use the creatures inherent abilities, then you could possibly learn by watching the others.” Amie replied then looked at Ericka whom had a hand raised at the present time. “Yes, Private Ericka?” Amie asked as she looked at the woman.

“I couldn't help but wonder. On the diagrams you showed us, I saw a small image on the side of their body. Do all the creatures on this planet have them?” Ericka asked with a curious expression now.

“That is one aspect of their race we have little or no information on. We do not know why they do, but we know that no image is the same on each creature. Though not all of them have it, primarily their young do not display them. It may be something that develops as they mature into adulthood. We however do not know why or how this occurs. Though that is not the point of this study, if you wish to seek information on how they obtain them, you are welcome to. The artificially created creatures do not have them however. We are unable to replicate how they appear due to how little we know of that mystery among their race.” Amie replied with a frown.

“I see.” Ericka replied in a understanding tone. “I guess that's something I’ll learn once I am able to communicate with them.” Ericka thought to herself. Though she had no interest in obtaining one, she couldn't help but wonder what the images on their sides represented.

“Your mission will begin once we land in eight hours, I suggest you get some sleep. You'll need it.” Commander stillborn said as he stood up and left the room followed by Amie.

“I don't know about you, but I’m bushed. See ya in eight hours Ericka.” Richard remarked as he stood up and left the room which left the woman alone to her thoughts.

“I guess I should get some sleep myself, but I can't help but wonder, what is it about those images?” Ericka thought to herself as she gave once last glance behind herself to the screen which showed the creature. It appeared to be a pink creature with a puffy tail and hair and on it's side, looked like balloons to her. “What could it mean?” Ericka asked herself once more before she left the room and went to sleep.



Ericka's eyes flickered open wearily as she sat up to the beeping of her alarm clock. The woman then reached over and shut the alarm off, stretched, and yawned before she stood up and went to the ship's bathroom.

Once in the bathroom she removed her uniform,bra, and panties, and stepped into the shower. Having spent many years in the army, Ericka was a slender yet well built white woman with cherry blond hair and modest breast size. At the age of twenty-three she was in the prime of her youth or at least that's how she saw it. Though still single, she preferred it that way.

Ericka reached forward, pushed a small button in the shower and water burst from within the hose nozzle above her which quickly soaked her hair and body. She then reached over for a small bottle labeled “Derp-clean bodywash”, squeezed a small amount onto a cloth she had picked up and began to scrub her body with the cloth making sure to get every part of her body. She then put the cloth down, picked up another bottle labeled “Do-well hair cleaner”, squeezed some of the contents onto her head, and proceeded to scrub her hair clean.

After she was satisfied with the amount of lather she achieved she rinsed her hair clean, shut off the shower, stepped out, wrapped a towel around herself, and stepped out into her room to dry off. She quickly dried herself off, put her uniform on, and walked into the main deck only to be greeted by her commander.

“Always the prompt solider, I like that about you Private!” Commander Stillborn exclaimed with a wide smile at the young woman who simply saluted at him.

“We'll be entering the planets atmosphere in one hour, commander.” A woman said in a proper tone as she walked into the main deck room and saluted the commander.

“Very good Lieutenant Greenwich.” Commander Stillborn replied then turned to look at Ericka once again. “Where is private Richard?” Stillborn asked curiously as she looked about.

“I'm not sure Commander. Shall I go check?” Ericka replied in the same proper tone.

“Please do Private. The last thing we need is a tardy solider.” Commander Stillborn replied, turned away, and walked into the pilot's quarters.

“That lazy ass is probably sleeping still.” Ericka remarked to herself in an annoyed tone as she walked back into the resting quarters and knocked on Richard's door.

“I'm awake! Give me a few minutes!” Richard's voice exclaimed from behind the door.

“Hurry the hell up! We are set to land in about a hour!” Ericka exclaimed back and began to tap her foot impatiently as she crossed her arms.

Moments after she had said this however the door swung open revealing the solider who smiled sheepishly at her. “Sorry about that Ericka. I guess I overslept a little.” Richard said with a chuckle.

“Why does that not surprise me? Three years we've been in the same squad together and you still can't get up on time. I won't always be around to cover for your ass you know.” Ericka replied in a slightly annoyed tone as she looked at the man who continued to smile sheepishly at her.

“Yeah, I know. Say, any word on which types of the specie we will be inhabiting?” Richard asked as he walked down the hall along side of Ericka.

“You're really stoked for this aren't you?” Ericka asked in a mellow tone.

“Of course! I don't know why you couldn't be! This is like stuff from those science fiction comics they have on earth!” Richard replied enthusiastically.

“Yeah, well keep in mind, this is for research only. We aren't here for a thrill ride.” Ericka replied as they entered the main deck room again and sat in a couple chairs.

“Just because we are researching them, doesn't mean we can't have fun. Come on Ericka, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity we are getting here that no other will get! Live a little!” Richard replied enthusiastically once again as he gave her a playful swat to the back only for Ericka to grab him by the arm and twist it behind his back.

“Touch me again, and the only time you'll be able to use this arm ever again is while in that alien creature's body.” Ericka said in a threatening tone as Richard winced and groaned under her grip.

“Okay,okay! I get it! No touchy!” Richard exclaimed in a pained tone upon which point Ericka released the man from her hold.

“See that you remember that.” Ericka replied with a glare as the commander walked into the deck room.

“Something the matter privates?” Commander Stillborn asked in a stern tone as he looked at the two.

“No sir.” Ericka replied quickly as she looked at the commander and replied quickly to this question.

“None at all sir.” Richard replied in a slightly pained tone as he flexed his arm in an attempt to subdue the straining pains in it.

“Good, we land in twenty minutes make sure you are properly seated.” Commander Stillborn replied in the same stern tone as he turned to sit down himself.



The ship entered orbit and landed a short time later in a deep and dense forest within the planet. Ericka and Richard both gasped in awe as they left the spaceship with oxygen masks on. Just as Amie had said, this planet was full of life and to Ericka looked beautiful.

“Welcome to Planet E! I'm professor Josh and I’ll be in charge of making sure you two get properly into your little equine bodies!” A whom wore a large lab coat exclaimed enthusiastically as he walked up to them.

“Nice to meet you Professor.” Ericka replied as she shook his hand.

“Now then, I’m sure you both can't wait to see which variant of the specie you will be inhabiting, so lets be on our way to the V-M-R room!” Professor Josh exclaimed, turned around, and lead them to a large building that seemed to have been constructed in recent months.

The professor walked up to the front door, pressed several keys on a numeral pad, put his eye up to a scanner, and said the words “Professor Josh” into a microphone before the door finally opened up and showed them in.

“Security is rather tight here for a facility on a planet full of creatures who don't speak the English language.” Ericka remarked in a curious tone as they stepped into a large room and gasped.

“Ahem, allow me to present the winged specie, and the horned specie. Marvelous aren't they?” Professor Josh remarked in a proud tone.

Ericka looked at the two equine creatures which seemed to be sleeping. Her focus then turned to the winged specie and gasped in awe at it.

“Is it real?” Ericka asked in a stunned tone as she looked at the creature. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

“What kind of question is that? Of course she's real!” Professor Josh replied in a annoyed tone.

“I'm sorry professor, she?” Richard asked curiously taking note of the fact that he had said the word”she” in his reply.

“Yes it is female. How the hell do you think these creatures reproduce? Laying some kind of egg inside an unsuspecting creature and let it explode out of their chest?” The professor replied in an annoyed tone before she turned to look at the screen which lay just beside the containment tube. “Her vitals are perfectly normal. Good!” Professor Josh remarked with a satisfied expression before he walked to the other containment tube and looked at it as did Richard and Ericka as well.

“So how do you determine which ones are male and female? Do you just lift the tail and check the pluming when you made them?” Richard asked curiously as he looked at the horned equine.

“Naturally we control which gender the creature will be during the embryo stages. Honestly, didn't you study biology at all?” Professor Josh replied in annoyance as he pressed a few buttons on the console before he walked over and spoke with a fellow scientist.

“He acts as if we should know all about this alien specie.” Richard remarked under his breath to Ericka in annoyance.

While she agreed with him she was too stunned by the creature that slept soundly before her eyes to respond. She had never thought she would ever see something so wondrous. She expected them to look weird looking like the one she saw in the diagram on the ship.

“Well, shall we prep you two for your first time in one of our V-M-R machines?” Professor Josh asked with a smile now which caused the woman to snap her gaze from the equine in the containment tube and look at him.

“Lets do this.” Ericka replied with a smile.

For the first time since she got assigned to this mission, she actually looked forward to being one of those creatures now.

Little did she know her journey was only beginning into this new world....