• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,143 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

Loyalty Part 3



(Let our hearts fight as one!)

As the five made their way down the stone hall in a brisk run, Twilight slowed down and eventually stopped as she looked behind herself with a worried expression.

Ericka soon realized that Twilight was not running beside her anymore, slowed down to a halt, turned and looked to see the lavender unicorn still staring down the hall. “Twilight? What are you doing? Come on!” Ericka called out as she rushed back to her friend and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Did we make the right decision? I know Rarity is more than capable of handling herself but...” Twilight began to say but trailed off with a sigh as she lowered her head with a frown.

Ericka sensing the lavender unicorns worry for her friend smiled softly as she turned Twilight to face her. “I understand you're worried about her, so am I. But we can't let that slow us down. Sometimes we just need to have faith in our friend's own strength. As long as we have faith in Rarity, she'll come through and meet up with us in no time.” Ericka said as she patted her friend's shoulder gently.

Upon hearing this a smile washed over the lavender unicorns face as she smiled, closed her eyes, and sighed once again before opening them to look at the dark blue Pegasus. “Thanks Ericka, you reminded me of one of my own lessons in friendship that I nearly forgot about.”

“No problem. Now lets catch up with the others, they might wonder why we are hanging behind if we stand around here any longer.” Ericka replied with a smile just before she turned about-face and dashed down the stone hall closely followed by Twilight.

Their sprint to catch up with the others was soon grinding to a screeching halt as they stopped just behind the other three whom were standing in place. “Hey, what's the deal? Why have you all stopped running for?” Ericka asked curiously as she looked past them only to see the reason and gasped.

“What in Celestia's name...?” Twilight asked in shock as she looked past the four to see a vast area with no ground in sight other than a few large flat ground surfaces hovering in mid-air as if suspended by magic.

“It also doesn't look like that magical net is present now either. What in god's name is going on here?” Ericka asked aloud as she flew a few feet out hesitantly.


The dark blue Pegasus heard Rainbow Dash's panicked cry, looked in the direction she was pointing which was down and saw a large dragon flying straight for her mouth gaping as if to swallow her whole. “Holy hell!” Ericka nearly screamed as she took a steep vertical climb mere moments before the dragon's mouth snapped shut a few feet away from her tail.

“Shit,shit,shit!” Ericka could be heard cursing as she flew as fast as her wings could carry her which was barely enough to keep a few feet away from the dragon's maw which was constantly attempting to snap down on her.

“Rainbow Dash, wait!” Twilight exclaimed as the cyan blue Pegasus erupted off the stone floor directly for the dragon ignoring the lavender unicorn's call to halt her.

“Hey, scales for brains!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she sped at the dragon so fast that a rainbow streak could be seen streaming from behind her now. “Back the buck off from my fillyfriend!” The cyan blue Pegasus exclaimed as she dove under the dragon and Ericka and proceeded to uppercut it with a hoof which caused it to halt mid-flight as it's head jotted up and down from the impact.

Mere moments after the dragon recovered from the impact it roared at the cyan blue Pegasus whom gulped loudly. “Eh-heh...suddenly I’m having a case of Deja-vu...wah!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she sped away from the dragon. Fortunately for her, unlike Ericka, she is much faster and put a fairly large gap between her and the dragon.

“Rainbow Dash, Ericka, this way!” Twilight exclaimed at the top of her lungs hoping the two would hear her at which point Ericka and Rainbow Dash looked over at the lavender unicorn and immediately darted in her direction.

“Ah think it's about barbecue them!” Applejack exclaimed as she pointed a hoof at the dragon which seemed to be taking a very large inhale at the moment.

“Not good! Ericka, Rainbow Dash, hurry!” Twilight exclaimed frantically to the two Pegasus as they neared her and the others.

Rainbow Dash of course by passed Ericka quickly but soon stopped to turn about and look at her lover whom was flapping her wings as fast as she could and while she was moving fast, there was no way she would make it in time. Realizing this, the cyan blue Pegasus darted back to Ericka, scooped her up mid-air and sped back to Twilight and the others as fast as her wings could carry her. “Remind me to give you some flight speed training when this is over.” Rainbow Dash remarked with a smirk to her lover as they landed safely on the stone ground only to see the dragon exhale a torrent of flames that sailed straight for them.

“Everypony behind me!” Twilight exclaimed to which the other four obeyed without question.

“By stars of twilight and the light of the moon, the providers of our beautiful nights, the givers of stars, the conveyers of the gentle moon's light...” Twilight began to say reciting a spell.

“Wait, she's saying the spell vocally? Can't she just cast it with horn?” Ericka asked curiously.

“Well ya, but a unicorn's magic is ten times more powerful when they recite the spell vocally in its entirety and with these consarned magic limiters in place she needs all the power she can get. Ah just hope she has enough time because that fire is getting mighty close now..” Applejack replied as the lavender unicorn continued to recite the spell.

“I call upon your magic to protect everypony, lunar curtain!” Twilight exclaimed as she finished reciting the spell and her horn began to glow so brightly that magical sparks could be see sputtering from it now and moments later seemed to explode with a purple magic that morphed into a large flat magical circle which held itself in place in front of the five mere moments before the torrent of flames impacted with it.

Even though the magical shield was protecting them from the fire itself, the five winced in pain as the intense heat from the flames pelted them mercilessly. “I'm sorry everypony, this was the best I could conjure with the magical limiters in place! Just hold on a little longer, it's almost over!” Twilight exclaimed as she continued to focus magic into the barrier to reenforce it.

The flames soon dissipated along with the intense fire only to have the dragon snap on the barrier with its mighty jaws shattering much to Twilight's shock being a mere foot from it and let out a startled audible gasp as the barrier shattered before her eyes and quickly followed the other five as they darted back into the stone hall a short distance to avoid being eaten alive.

Twilight panted loudly now looking thoroughly exhausted as she lay on her chest and stomach.

“N-Now you see why I am so scared of dragons!” Fluttershy exclaimed though her voice was high-pitched as she spoke.

“Oh put a hoof in it shy...” Rainbow Dash remarked as she caught her breath from the terrifying encounter.

“I-I thought Spike was the only dragon in Equestria till now. This surely puts things in perspective.” Ericka remarked aloud as she looked down the hall to see that the dragon was no longer there.

“Spike is a rare breed of dragon. Nothing like that thing in there.” Twilight remarked as she finally stood to all four hooves breathing relatively normally again. “Fluttershy, is there a possiblity you can talk to it and get it to let us pass?” Twilight asked curiously to the quivering yellow Pegasus.

“Wh-What? You want me to try to talk to that big scary dragon? There's no way I can do that!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she slapped both hooves over her face and continued to shake like a rattlesnake tail.

“Here we go again...” The cyan blue Pegasus remarked with an eye-rolling gesture.

“Again?” Ericka asked curiously looking to the farm pony whom was sighing.

“We had a run-in with another one of those consarned dragons awhile back and Fluttershy here was so plum terrified of the thing that she refused to confront it until we were all hurt a bit and she got a might upset with the varmint and was able to talk it down.” Applejack replied as she lay on the stone floor and sighed.

“B-but that one didn't blow fire!” The meek Pegasus chimed in causing Ericka and the farm pony to look at her.

“She's got a point thar Twi, no sense in her getting roasted alive while tryin to talk it down. Lets try to think of somethin else.” Applejack suggested which was met with an aggravated groan by the cyan blue Pegasus. “What the hay's got your tail in a knot?”
“Gee, I don't know A-J...maybe it has something to do with that dragon blocking our path and a certain yellow Pegasus being a chicken.” Rainbow Dash replied, the sarcasm so thick in her voice it could be cut with a knife.

“Now cut that out right this cotton pickin second, ah want to get to findin this Josh character a might bit mahself but ya don't be seein meh throwin potshots at mah friends because we hit a bump in the road do ya?!” Applejack exclaimed her temper rising.

“I'm not throwing any potshots, I’m just stating what I'm seeing.” The cyan blue Pegasus replied snootily as she sat in her rump, crossed her arms, and looked away from the farm pony whom could be heard grinding her jaws together so hard it could be heard by everypony.

“Uh, Rainbow-” Ericka began to interject until the lavender unicorn silently put a hoof up to her mouth and shook her head silently. “But-” Ericka replied only for Twilight to shake her head again wisely and quickly dragged her by the tail several feet away via her magic before she turned to face the dark blue Pegasus.

“You've never seen these two get into one of these types of arguments have you?” The lavender unicorn asked curiously.

“I've seen them argue plenty of times. How's this any different?” Ericka replied annoyed not getting the full picture.

“That's because Rainbow Dash has been doing her best not to get into one of her signature quarrels with Applejack since she began dating you. She told me herself that she didn't want you to ever see this side of her. Those two are so close that we thought for the longest time they were dating behind our backs and not telling us.” Twilight replied and sighed as she looked over at the two mares whom were getting more heated by the second.

“Wait, how the hell does them being so close mean anything about them getting into a hoof-fight?” Ericka asked confused now.

“It's hard to explain, but the best way to put it is, the two know each other so well that they aren't afraid to get into a hoof-fight to drive their point home if they feel strongly enough about it when they get into an argument. But they always stop before things get too serious and usually spend the next day laughing it off as if they had a friendly sparing match or something. And anypony who tries to stop the two usually ends up getting hurt. I learned this the hard way and got a hoof to the jaw three weeks after I had become friends with them. Like Fluttershy, her and AJ go back many years, not quite as much as her and Fluttershy though.” The lavender unicorn explained the best way she could.

“But even so, this is hardly the time to be fighting! We're chest-deep in enemy territory right now!” Ericka exasperated.

“Actually I think it's best to get this out of their system now than at a critical point when we need them most. These two have been hostile with each other since we got in here.” Twilight replied much to Ericka's shock.

“You mean the crack about Applejack being afraid of heights?” Ericka asked to which Twilight nodded.

“That's how it always starts.”

“But why would she be hostile with Applejack for?” The dark blue Pegasus asked still not quite getting the full picture.

As if to answer her question a few choice lines from the two mares caught Ericka's attention.

“You leave Ericka out of this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed feeling her temper reach it's breaking point.

“She's not even a real mare! You saw her! She's one of those consarned humans in those fancy magic devices! You shouldn't even be datin her! It's plum wrong!” The farm pony shot back.

“Don't you dare say another bad thing about Ericka! Especially after what she's been through!” Rainbow Dash roared at the top of her lungs as she rose up and stomped the ground in front of her so hard it echoed throughout the stone hall very loudly.

“Oh but you can say what ya want about Fluttershy, is that it?!” Applejack shot back.

“I can say what I want because it's true! She's a chicken!” Rainbow Dash roared as she took a threatening step forward.

“And what ah'm sayin ain't any less true! She's a human, not even our own specie!” The farm pony roared back at which point Rainbow Dash rose a hoof and thrust it forward to clock the farm pony a crossed the jaw.


Twilight was the first to gasp in shock followed by Applejack and Ericka was soon to follow as she placed a hoof over her mouth in surprise with a wide-eyed expression. At the very last moment Fluttershy had jumped between the two and had taken the hoof to her left jaw full force yet for some reason she didn't flinch, cry out, or even wince. She just stared back at Rainbow Dash whose face became horrified upon realizing who she had hit yet for some reason she couldn't retract her hoof. It might be the sheer shock of what she had just done or some other reason but regardless, Fluttershy continued to stare at her with a saddened yet hurt expression not moving her hoof away.

“Is that all you think of me Rainbow Dash? A coward?” Fluttershy asked quietly yet her voice was filled with a deep sadness.

The cyan blue Pegasus attempted to muster the words to say this wasn't true but the only thing she could mutter were whimpering sounds as tears formed in her eyes, her hoof still seemingly lodged against Fluttershy's left cheek where a bruise could now be visible.

“I see...” Fluttershy replied her voice still filled with a deep sadness as she moved Rainbow Dash's hoof from her cheek, turned and began to walk down the stone hall.

“Fl-Fluttershy? Where the hay you goin?” Applejack managed to stutter out as Fluttershy walked towards Ericka and Twilight now.

“I'm going to go and talk to the dragon.” The yellow Pegasus replied simply without turning to face the farm pony.

“That's crazy talk! Y'all be roasted alive before ya even get close enough for it to hear a word! Don't let anythin this featherbrain says about ya get to ya Fluttershy!” Applejack exclaimed hoping she was talking sense into her friend.

“But she's right, I'm the only one who can reach it. And it's time I learned to face my fears.” The yellow Pegasus replied spreading her wings in preparation to take off.

“Are you sure about this Fluttershy? There might be another way around this.” Twilight said looking very concerned for her friend now.

“I'll distract it long enough for you four to get by, with luck I'll be able to reach it within a short time and meet up with all of you.” Fluttershy replied seemingly ignoring everything the lavender unicorn had just said and took off.

“Fluttershy wait!” Rainbow Dash nearly shrieked finally managing to bring words back to her vocal cords, but sadly it was too late as Fluttershy had already taken off and was out of earshot now even for a near scream by the cyan blue Pegasus.

With the present event not at the front of her mind anymore, Ericka was able to properly process what Applejack was upset about. It was Ericka's turn to be upset now as she walked up to the farm pony and glared at her.

“So that's what you've been breathing down Rainbow Dash's neck about for the last few days? Me not being a born pony like you?” Ericka asked looking at the farm pony whom felt like a royal heel now.

“Jealousy I can deal with, but prejudice? Applejack, I expected better from a pony who looked like she was raised on proper principles. You think just because I was not born a mare, I don't deserve love? I don't deserve a choice in who I want to be with because I'm I'm not really a pony in your eyes? I'm going to tell you something, something that up till now only the princesses knew of. A request I asked of them that they could not grant, do you know what that is Applejack? Go ahead, guess.” Ericka continued and stopped now as if expecting an answer. The dark blue Pegasus's voice now was cold but at the same time full of hurt.

“A-Ah got nothin.” The farm pony stuttered awkwardly after a brief silence.

“I asked the regal sisters if they could make me a mare, permanently.” Ericka replied at which point Applejack's expression went slightly wide-eyed along with Twilight whom said her name softly in empathy of her. “That's right, I asked them to get rid of my humanity. Something that until I met the six of you, I valued above all things. To put things in your perspective, that would be the same as asking them to turn one of you into a human being. Casting away your equine heritage for a human form. I don't regret asking that of them, and I would still go through with it if I could, do you know why?” the dark blue Pegasus asked once again pausing as if expecting an answer but instead continued speaking a few short moments later.

“Because I saw found something in your world that I couldn't find in the human world, something that until I came here, I didn't even realize was missing from my kind until I experienced it myself. It was a genuine caring for your fellow pony, it did not matter if you knew them or not, you would extend a hoof without a second thought. My other reasons however can be considered selfish. But regardless, what I found here that I never knew until I came here, was friendship...” Ericka said trailing off as she turned to look at Rainbow Dash whom was standing on all fours now listening intently to what she was saying. “And love.” she said as her eyes glistened looking at Rainbow Dash now but turned stern and cold as she looked back at the farm pony.

“So say what you like, I'll be out of your mane soon enough anyways. But even when that times comes, I will forever treasure this part of me. The part of me that is and will always be...”

A pony

Ericka spoke these last two words softly but even so, she may as well screamed them into the farm pony's face due to the impact they had on her now.

“Ah-Ah had no idea.” Applejack replied looking stunned by this short speech.

“Of course you didn't, how could you? This was something not even Rainbow Dash knew till now. Now let's get going, Fluttershy is risking her life this very moment to let us get by.” Ericka replied as she hovered over Twilight and lifted her up.

“Actually, I think it would be a better idea if you carried Applejack.” The cyan blue Pegasus remarked as she walked over to Ericka whom set Twilight down upon hearing this and looked at her. “Are you sure that's a good idea?” Ericka asked with an annoyed glare at the farm pony.

“Better you than me.” Rainbow Dash replied as she hovered over Twilight, lifted her up and began to carry her.

“Fine.” The dark blue Pegasus replied though she didn't like the idea any better than Rainbow Dash, they had a job to do. Ericka hovered over Applejack, lifted her up, and began to fly behind Rainbow Dash a short distance.

As the four flew they could see a faint yellow blur in a distance flying as fast as she could to evade the dragon. Among the four, Rainbow Dash clenched her eyes shut as tears flowed from them and pressed on.

Don't you dare die Fluttershy...you're stronger than that!

As Ericka continued flying on Applejack suddenly spoke up. “Listen, uh, Ericka, ah didn't mean to sound prejudice and all, it's just ah was bein a jealous mule. Ah really don't think any less of ya as a pony or a human for that matter.” Applejack said attempting to make amends with the dark blue Pegasus for her outburst a short while ago.

“It's fine Applejack.” Ericka replied simply but the farm pony continued on.

“No, it's not. Ah was totally wrong for talkin that way bout you. It's just that ah... ah sort of had this crush on Rainbow and all and well, you sort of jumped in the middle of mah life suddenly and it felt like you stole her from meh. Ah could help but feel jealious. It's not like we we're datin and all, but ah wanted ta'. Ah was just too afraid to say anythin.” Applejack continued and sighed.

“Applejack, I've known you have been jealous for a long time now. It's fine, really it is.” Ericka replied but the farm pony continued on.

“No, it's really not. Ah was being foalish and-”

“It's okay Applejack, I forgive you, just drop it already!”

“No, it's not! ah-”

“Applejack, how far does a pony need to fall for them to reach terminal velocity?”




“Sorry, nerves getting to meh and all...” The farm pony finally said after a few moments of awkward silence.

“I know.” Ericka replied simply as they landed next to Twilight and Rainbow Dash and continued down the hall only for the cyan blue Pegasus to stop in her tracks and look back.

“Rainbow Dash, come on, we don't have time to be dawdling.” Twilight said looking back at Rainbow Dash who's gaze was fixed on the open space behind them.

“Honey?” Ericka asked curiously as she walked up next to her lover and looked at her with a concerned expression.

“I'm going.” The cyan blue Pegasus replied simply.

“But Rainbow, we need you here. Who's going to carry Twilight or Applejack if we come to another gap like that?” Ericka asked looking at the cyan blue Pegasus.

“I'm sorry fillies, but I have to. It's my fault she out there now. If she died, I would never forgive myself.” Rainbow Dash replied as she clinched her eyes shut and more tears streamed from them.

“Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy is stronger than she looks and she-”

“No she's not! She may look like she handle her own, but she can't! I know her! She'll put on a brave face and carry on, but she's not like us!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed cutting off the lavender unicorn mid-sentence as tears flung from her eyes as she whirled herself around to look at Twilight.

“Rainbow, you need to have more faith in your friend's strength. Fluttershy will be fine.” Ericka replied placing a hoof on her lover's shoulder.

“No...she won't. I'm sorry!” The cyan blue Pegasus exclaimed and erupted off the stone floor and down the hall before anypony could stop her...

Author's Note:

Tensions get tense in this chapter and hidden feelings are revealed!