• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,142 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

Loyalty Part 4



(Let our hearts fight as one!)

(play Sadness now)


The pained cry by the yellow Pegasus could be heard seemingly by no pony as she hit one of the large flat surfaces with a loud thud and skipped along the ground like a pebble being skipped a crossed a lake for several feet before rolling to a stop.

Fluttershy's body was scratched, bruised, and was bleeding from her face and right eye, legs and sides, but she stood up regardless with a pained grunt, stumbled slightly and glared at the dragon through her good eye. “I-I'm not afraid of you! Just listen to me! You don't have to do this!” Fluttershy shouted as the dragon landed in front of her rose one claw up and swiped at her knocking her several feet away and rolling to a stop just on the edge of the stone platform.

The yellow Pegasus stood up once more, this time struggling even more so than the last and stumbled once again as she stood to all fours.

At this exact moment Rainbow Dash was flying through the wide-area frantically searching for her friend. She finally spotted her as the yellow Pegasus stood at the edge of the floating stone surface and doubled her speed as she moved full throttled to her friend's side. “Hang on Fluttershy, I'm coming!” Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her lungs which yanked the mare's attention in Rainbow Dash's direction only to not see the claw coming down which knocked her clear off the stone surface.

Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash shrieked in horror as her friend sailed off and began to plummet to her death.

The cyan blue Pegasus's speed tripled now as she clasped her wings together and dive bombed for her unconscious friend. Rainbow Dash soon opened her wings and began to flap them as fast as she could now growing closer to Fluttershy by the second now.

“Come on shy, open your wings!” Rainbow Dash shouted hoping she could hear her as she grew close enough now that she could touch the mare's tail with her hoof now but we just out of reach to scoop her up. “Just... a little... more...!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as if she was talking to her wings asking them to put a little more effort into flapping to catch her friend.

The ground that was seemingly non-existent ground in this area could be seen now, growing more visible by the second and Fluttershy was still just out of scooping distance. “Luna blast it all, Open your bucking wings or you're going to die!” Rainbow Dash shrieked the tears in her eyes flowing freely now from her eyes and behind her.

“Uhh....R-Rainbow?” Fluttershy said as her good up fluttered open looked under herself, gave a terrified gasp, turned herself upright, and gave a mighty beat of her wings allowing the cyan blue Pegasus to catch her and lay her on the ground safely.

“You look terrible. This is all my fault! If I hadn't been such a featherbrain and called you a chicken, you wouldn't have run out here and gotten hurt like this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she hugged her friend tightly tears flooding from her eyes now as if somepony had left the water running in them.

“I-I'm fine, really.” Fluttershy replied bravely and attempted to stand on all four hooves only to fall to the ground with a pained cry.

“No you're not! Don't try to act brave in front of me Fluttershy, I know you better than this! It's okay to say you're scared!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she laid down next to her friend and placed a hoof on her cheek.

Upon hearing this the yellow Pegasus's brave face shattered and was replaced with one of pure terror and sadness. “I-I'm sorry Dashie! I tried to be brave, I really did!” She sobbed as she wrapped her hooves around the cyan blue Pegasus.

“And you were, it's okay to be scared and brave at the same time. Just do me a favor, next time I call you a chicken, slap me so hard it'll send my wing feathers flying.” Rainbow Dash replied doing her best to put on a smirk despite how guilty she felt now.


Ow! I didn't mean now!

The cyan blue Pegasus exclaimed as she held her sore cheek looking at her friend who smiled back at her and the two broke into spontaneous laughter.

Their laughter however was cut short as the dragon finally caught up with the both of them and landed on the ground growing fiercely at the two. “O-Oh my!” The yellow Pegasus exclaimed looking at the dragon now as did Rainbow Dash.

“Horseapples, this doesn't look good!” Rainbow Dash remarked under her breath as she stood in front of Fluttershy to protect her.

Unknown to Rainbow dash, Fluttershy was standing to all four hooves and stepped in front of her. “Please listen to me! I know you can understand me! This isn't right! I know you're upset and angry but if you let us go, I promise once we stop Josh, we'll find you a nice cave with a lot of gems for you. How does that sound?” Fluttershy said looking up at the dragon.

The dragon however rose its right claw up as if it had not heard a word she said and swiped at her which sent her flying past Rainbow Dash much to her own horror and landed on the ground a short way.

Rainbow Dash immediately rushed to her friend's side and lifted her limp body up. “Fluttershy? Shy, say something!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she shook her friend in an attempt to wake her.



At the exact moment of Rainbow Dash's shriek Twilight, Applejack's elements began to glow brightly.

“What in tarnation?!” Applejack exclaimed as she stared down at her element.

“One of us is tapping into the elements of harmony's magic. But who?!” Twilight asked in shock and awe as she stared at her crown.

“What do you mean? Tapping into the elements of harmony's magic? I thought you could only do that rainbow magic beam thingy or that rainbow shield I saw awhile ago?” Ericka asked shocked by this sudden turn of events.

“The elements of harmony represent the greatest of friendships in Equestria. As bearers of the elements of harmony, our bond is what makes the elements magic so powerful. Our ability to use the elements of harmony isn't limited to using it in unison like we do, but it's what makes us the most powerful. For for one of us to be tapping into the elements so strongly either means that one of us is using all her strength to protect another.” Twilight replied.

“Rainbow...” Ericka said softly and immediately took off from the ground down the stone hall.

“Is it just meh, or do these consarned Pegasus seem to have a knack for flyin off without warnin?” Applejack deadpanned followed by a sigh.

Twilight soon was to follow Ericka down the stone hall at full gallop.

“And now ah'm sittin here talkin to mahself... does everypony hate mah guts now or something?” Applejack remarked and sighed as she lay on the stone floor with one hoof under her chin with an annoyed expression.


“Oh my! What's this?!” Rarity exclaimed as she looked down at her element looking worse for ware but faring well against the diamond dogs.


Pinkie Pie awoke with a start in her cell deep within Josh's fortress and looked at her element of harmony which glowed brightly while Josh stared at her through his monitor looking surprised. “The others are coming for me... I knew they wouldn't let that meanie pants Josh get away with foalnapping me!” The pink mare whispered to herself with the first smile she had since she awoke in the cell.

“What the hell is going on?! My magic readings are off the scale and that pink mare's little trinket is part of the source!” Josh exclaimed until he had an epiphany. “She's an element of harmony?!” Josh exclaimed in shock as he stared at his monitor screen. “But if that's the case than that means...”


(play new revelations now)

The others coming for her could also be elements of harmony!

As Josh exclaimed these words from the safety of his lab, a glyph could be seen under Rainbow Dash's hooves now with a lightning bolt symbol in the middle of it rotating under her clockwise at a semi-fast pace as her element of harmony glowed so brightly it was nearly blinding to the dragon.

“No pony...and I mean NO PONY hurts my friends!” Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her lungs, erupted off the ground at which point the glyph vanished and tackled the dragon head on at which point the dragon gave a pained cry as the cyan blue blur connected with its body and moments later was sent flying a crossed the skies for a short distance until it hit the ground as Rainbow Dash landed on the ground at which point the glyph reappeared under her.

The dragon quickly recovered from this blitz attack by the Pegasus, stood up, and took an inhale in preparation to blow flames at her and Fluttershy.

The exact moment the cyan blue Pegasus noticed this attack motion she erupted off the ground again dove down and uppercutted the dragon with such force that it literally lifted the two ton dragon off the ground a few feet before it's head snapped up in recoil of Rainbow Dash's attack. “Swallow those flames you over grown lizard! You aren't going to be blowing any while I'm here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she stood in place several feet from the dragon.

The dragon stared at the cyan blue Pegasus now. Growling fiercely at the mare who just foiled two of its attacks. It then lunged at the cyan blue Pegasus to which Rainbow Dash took off from the ground to evade the attack only to receive a swift strike from its tail which sent her flying to the ground with a loud thud and giving a pained cry as her body hit the ground.

“Lucky....shot!” Rainbow Dash groaned as she stood back to all four hooves wearily as the magical glyph reappeared under her.

Lucky shot or not, the dragon managed another and another strike against the cyan blue Pegasus. This one-sided battle was quickly turning in the dragon's favor. “What the hay is going on here?! It's like this thing is smart enough to adapt to my attack pattern or something!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in frustration only to see a display screen appear next to her.

“Exactly! I was wondering where the source of these massive magical readings were coming from! Even with my magical limiters in place your able to display such great magic with that little trinket. So you're one of the elements of harmony huh? Fascinating!” Josh exclaimed as his face appeared on-screen with a wide grin.

“Yeah! I'm the element of loyalty and don't you forget it! Who the hay are you?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed looking back at the screen now while the dragon stood stationary.

“Oh my, where are my manners? I'm professor Josh and this is my underground base.” Josh replied with still grinning as the cyan blue Pegasus’s eyes flashed into a glare.

“You're the mule who foalnapped Pinkie Pie! Give her back!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she lunged at the screen only to phase through it after which it disappeared and reappeared behind her as she stood back up and turned around to look at it again.

“So that's the little pink horse's name eh? Come and get her if you can.” Josh replied followed by a maniacal laugh.

“Count on it!” Rainbow Dash shot back with a glare.

The screen then disappeared once again and reappeared next to the dragon. “I have no use for the blue horse but that trinket around her neck is very valuable to me. Dispose of the mare how you wish but do not break the trinket.” Josh said to the dragon and moments later the screen disappeared and the dragon gave a mighty roar.

“So it only listens to him. Horseapples! Now I feel even worse for sending Fluttershy in here.” Rainbow Dash remarked looking back at her unconscious friend then back to the dragon whom was preparing to attack again.

“Come at me, scales for brains!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as glyph below her flashed brightly and moments later the cyan blue Pegasus erupted off the ground just as the dragon lunged at her missing her completely as did it's tail this time around.

Rainbow Dash continued her vertical climb until she was far away from the dragon. “It's time to give this dragon a taste of what I'm best known for!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed confidently as she dive-bombed at the dragon full throttle now pushing against the sound barrier as she picked up tremendous speed.

The dragon looked up at her now and began to inhale in preparation to blow flames at her. “Almost...there...!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed through a strained voice as she neared the dragon.

Meanwhile Ericka and Twilight where far above them now on one of the stone platforms. “Where are they?! You don't think they were....” Ericka asked trailing off looking around as Twilight and her searched around.

“No chance in Tartarus. Besides, my element is still glowing brightly which means Rainbow Dash is still alive and well.” Twilight replied until she spotted a yellow feather on the stone ground. “Ericka! I found one of Fluttershy's wing feathers!” Twilight exclaimed as she rushed up to it and levitated it in front of her with her magic as Ericka rushed to her side.

“It's stained with blood...” Ericka remarked fearing the worst for the yellow Pegasus now.

Suddenly the very foundation of the area they were in shook violently. “What in Equestria?!” Ericka exclaimed as she struggled to maintain her hooving as she looked over the edge as did Twilight to see a Rainbow colored shock-wave below them. They could barely see it, but it was still visible from their point of view.

“I'd know that signature rainbow shock-wave from anywhere! Rainbow Dash is down there!” Twilight exclaimed at which point Ericka quickly lifted Twilight up and began to dive down as fast as she could towards the source of the rainbow-colored shock-wave.

About fifteen minuets later the two made it to the ground below and quickly spotted a dragon that looked like it had been hit by a freight train but alive, a bruised but standing Rainbow Dash, and an unconscious, bruised, and bleeding Fluttershy.

Ericka quickly rushed to Fluttershy's side and examined her. While she was no expert at pony physiology, she at least knew enough to properly examine the mare.

“Is she....?!” Rainbow Dash asked allowed as tears flowed down her cheeks.

“She's alive but only just. Twilight do you know any healing magic?! She needs medical attention now if she's to survive another five minuets!” Ericka exclaimed looking at the lavender unicorn.

Without a single word Twilight rushed over to Fluttershy, focused magic into her horn and coated the yellow Pegasus in a soft purple light. “I don't know much, but this should at least stabilize her. I need complete quiet while I concentrate.” Twilight replied as she continued to cast her healing spell on the wounded Pegasus.

Tense silent moments passed now and all Rainbow Dash could do was look at her wounded friend as she lay there, fighting for her life. It was becoming too much for the cyan blue Pegasus to bear.



“Wah!” A small yellow Pegasus exclaimed as she nearly fell off a cloud only to be grabbed by the tail at the last second by a cyan blue rainbow maned Pegasus.

“Yesh, you're such a klutz. No wonder the teacher paired us together for our first day of flight school.” The cyan blue Pegasus remarked with an annoyed groan.

“I-I'm sorry.” the yellow filly replied as she looked back at her.

“Don't be sorry, just be getting better at flying okay? Anyways, name's Rainbow Dash, what's yours?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smile.

“F-Fluttershy.” The Yellow Pegasus stuttered slightly.


“Hey, watch out!” A brown Pegasus exclaimed as he barely dodged Fluttershy whom immediately fell out of the skies.

“Ahhhhhhhh-eh?!” Fluttershy began to cry out in terror only to snap her eyes open to see Rainbow dash holding her mid-air.

“Can't even recover mid-flight after five years of flight School? Lame...” Rainbow Dash remarked with a sigh.

“I-I'm sorry.” Fluttershy replied meekly.

“How many times do I have to say it Fluttershy? Don't be sorry, just get better at flying okay?” Rainbow Dash replied as she let go of the yellow Pegasus whom hovered in front of her.

“B-But I'm not so great at flying...” Fluttershy replied looking away ashamed now.

“Ugh... You're going to make me look after your flank for the rest of my life, aren't you?” The cyan blue Pegasus replied sounding annoyed but smiling just the same at her friend.

“N-No! I'll get better at flying, I promise!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she made a hoof-pumping gesture as if to attempt to boast some muscle in her front legs.

“Guess I have no choice then. You can rely on me when things get rough okay?” Rainbow Dash replied seemingly ignoring the yellow Pegasus boast.

“B-But I just said I'd get better at flying! You don't have to look after me for the rest of your life Dashie!” Fluttershy exclaimed at which point the cyan blue Pegasus blushed and blinked twice.

“D-Dashie?! That's such a lame nick-name!” Rainbow Dash replied looking away with her arms crossed in an attempt to hide her beat red face. “Just for that, I’m going to follow your flank for the rest of your life! Let's see how long it takes you to get tired of me saving your flank.” She remarked still looking away.


“No buts to it! You're stuck with me, deal with it.” Rainbow Dash said cutting off the meek Pegasus and finally turned her face to look at her revealing a large grin on her face.

The yellow Pegasus hesitated for a few moments longer before a smile washed over face. “Th-thanks... Dashie.”

“Ugh! Stop with the lame nick-name or I'm gonna start calling you shy!” The cyan blue Pegasus exclaimed blushing once again.

“I don't mind.” Fluttershy replied with a soft smile.

“Soooo lame!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a double facehoofing gesture to which the yellow Pegasus giggled...


Tears could be seen streaking down the cyan blue Pegasus's cheeks now as her eyes remained clenched tightly shut while her font legs quivered violently. “You always relied on me to protect you shy... but look at you now... I failed to keep my promise!”

Ericka looked at her lover and knew she was hurting more than any of them now. She didn't know what to do, what to say, so she did the only thing that came to mind. She wrapped her hooves around the Pegasus and held her tightly to which Rainbow Dash immediately wrapped hers around her lover.

“First you... Now shy... how many of our friends are going to nearly die or worse before this is over?!” The cyan blue Pegasus whispered into Ericka's ear her voice cracking as she spoke.

“I know what you want me to say, but I won't sugarcoat it, we most likely won't make it through this without being critically injured or worse.” Ericka replied softly and sighed.

“It's not fair... Fluttershy doesn't deserve this!” Rainbow Dash whispered back her voice nearly above a whisper now.

“None of you do, it's my fault this is happening. I came here, I played his ginny-pig, I lead the princess straight into Josh's clutches.” Ericka replied softly as she held her lover tightly.

“That's not true! You didn't know he was using you!” Rainbow Dash replied pushing her lover away just enough to look into her saddened eyes now.

“That's not entirely true. I suspected he was up to something for a long time but I let myself ignore it because I didn't want to stop being with you. It was selfish of me, if I had acted on my instincts from the beginning, this all could have been avoided. That's why this is my fault.” Ericka replied as tears gently streaked down her cheeks yet she never made an audible sob, her face never broke, she simply looked at her lover with the same saddened eyes.

“Don't you dare try to put the weight of this on your shoulders alone! There's no way you could have predicted this would happen!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed completely forgetting the lavender unicorn's request for quiet.

“I don't expect you to understand. It's not the first time someone's death or injury was my fault because I failed to act on my instincts.” Ericka replied as she let go of her lover and turned to look away from her.


Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in shock as she stared at Ericka whom lay on the ground now after being swiftly slapped to the ground by Twilight Sparkle herself whom glared at her while her horn continued to cast its spell on Fluttershy.

“Don't you dare blame yourself for this! If you do.... then I'll never be able to forgive myself!” Twilight exclaimed as tears streamed down her eyes. “I-I ignored one of my greatest lessons in friendship the day I turned you away when I found out what you really were. Never lose faith in your friends.... that's the lesson I ignored! And because of that, you were reduced to a hallow husk of your former self!” The lavender unicorn exclaimed as she looked at Ericka whom stared at her in shock.

“We're in this together and each of us holds a share of the blame for what's happening. So don't blame yourself solely because...” The lavender unicorn said trailing off on purpose as she extended a hoof to Ericka.

“That's what friends are for! We each will share your burdens, even if it's not our fault.” Twilight finished with a smile as Ericka reached out and allowed the unicorn to help her to all four hooves.

“Thanks Twilight.” Ericka replied as she smiled back at the lavender unicorn. “How's Fluttershy?”

“The worst is past now but she needs time to rest.” Twilight replied with a soft smile as she looked back at the yellow Pegasus whom while still looked to be in bad shape, looked far better than she did a short time ago.

At this exact moment a flash of magic appeared in front of the three revealing Richard. “Richard! You're okay!” Ericka exclaimed and began to rush to him only for Twilight to stop her with her right hoof.

“Something's off.” the unicorn remarked wisely and cautiously.

At this exact moment a display screen appeared in front of the four revealing Josh's grinning face. “Hello everypony! Oh, I said everypony, did you hear me?! You horses are starting to rub off on me I think, haha!” Josh jeered with a smirk followed by a light laugh.

“Shut the fuck up you egotistic prick. Why the hell are you showing your face?” Ericka asked the man, the hostility towards Josh so thick in her voice it would choke him if it were breathable.

“Aw, you're so mean Ericka! And here I brought you all a playmate too!” Josh replied feigning a hurt expression as he spoke.

“Playmate?” The cyan blue Pegasus interjected as she stepped beside Ericka and looked over at Josh.

“Oh, and you'll be happy to know I’ve removed the magical limiters in your area, so you all can have loads of fun!” Josh exclaimed his feigned hurt expression turning into a joyous one as he made gesture with his arms and hands as if he was tossing some invisible gift at the three.

“Okay, this guy is either one horseshoe short of a full set, or he's being really sarcastic!” Rainbow Dash remarked with a skeptical look at the man.

“Both.” Ericka replied simply not bothering to look back at the cyan blue Pegasus to respond.

“So mean! Humph! Then I'll just leave you four to have fun then! Ta-ta!” Josh replied at first with a feigned hurt expression followed by a wide smile and a waving gesture before the display screen disappeared.

With Josh's aggravating presence now gone, the four turned to look at Richard whom stared at them. “Richard...are you okay? He didn't brainwash you did he?” Ericka asked looking worried now.

“No. I'm fine but I can't let you pass either.” Richard replied though his voice sounded slightly saddened.

“Why not? What's wrong?!” Ericka asked not sure of what the problem was until it finally dawned on her.

“He promised to let her go...if I did what he said. So you see, I have no choice!” Richard exclaimed as his horn glowed brightly now.

“Pinkie Pie...” Ericka said softly catching on now.

“Ericka, Rainbow Dash, go! He only needs to fight one of us! Go rescue Pinkie Pie and stop Josh!” Twilight exclaimed as she stepped forward her horn glowing brightly as well.

“I'll carry Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said as she quickly scooped up the unconscious mare and took off from the ground.

“Richard no matter what happens, I just want to say... Thank you for being at my side for all these years, it really meant a lot to me.” Ericka said with a warm smile at which point Richard's composure was suddenly shaken as she nearly lost his hooving from the sudden compliment with a shocked expression for a moment.

“Same here Ericka.” Richard replied with a warm smile back at her a moment later.

Ericka then took off from the ground and followed her lover back up to the stone hallway...

Author's Note:

Pain, regret,and drama fill this chapter but don't let that turn you away! :)