• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,142 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

A fate undecided part two



Richard now stood in the spot he last saw the moon princess yet he had no clue where to begin looking. No matter how many scanning spells he used, her trail went cold a mere mile away from the spot he had appeared in.

“How am I supposed to find her if I can't even locate her?” Richard asked aloud as he sat on his rump and sighed aloud.

“The answer you seek, is very unique.” A voice spoke up which caused the unicorn to hop to all fours and put on his guard only to see a zebra-like equine creature walk into view with a saddle-pack on her back.

“Who are you?” Richard asked not letting his defenses down as he stared at her.

“I am not your enemy my friend.” Zecora said as she walked up to him.

“How do I know? What's your name?” Richard asked narrowing his eyes at the zebra.

“Zecora.” The zebra replied as she stood in front of him. “If it is the moon princess you seek, then I shall accompany you otherwise you chances of finding her are bleak.” Zecora said a few moments after she stated her name.

“Do you know where she is?” Richard asked curiously as he let down his guard now.

“That I do, I can direct you down the path the two legged creatures drew.” Zecora said and began to run to the right to which Richard followed.

“I worry for Pinkie Pie's big sister, tell me, what has happened to Cloudkicker?” Zecora asked as the two made a left turn in the forest.

“She's alive, but...” Richard began to say but trailed off.

“I see...” Zecora replied with a frown as the two continued to run down the path now.

“Whatever Josh did to her, I'm bet he knows how to bring her back!” Richard exclaimed just before the Zebra made a full stop.

“Your courage is to be admired, but here stealth and cunning is required.” Zecora said in a whisper as she began to walk slowly and carefully.

“You mean we're close?” Richard replied in an equally quiet whisper.

“Open your eyes and see, an illusion spell lies before us and we must tread carefully.” Zecora replied as the two continued to walk forward.

“Can't I just dispel it?” Richard asked curiously.

“If you wish to alert them and endanger our quest, then by all means be my guest.” Zecora replied with a slightly annoyed look now.

“Okay, I get it.” Richard replied as the Zebra stopped once again.

“The entrance to their hideout is here, simply use your magic to open the door and we are in the clear.” Zecora said as she pointed a hoof in front of her to a soft patch of grass.

Richard nodded quietly, focused magic into his horn, and shot a small beam of magic at the spot the zebra pointed at which caused it to glow for a few moments with a bright red glow before it slid to the side and revealed a ladder down a long tunnel. “Thank you Zecora, but I’ll handle things from here.” Richard said as he looked at the ladder.

“If you think I would allow these creatures to harm Cloudkicker and get away with this, then you my friend are in ignorant bliss!” Zecora replied to which Richard blinked twice.

“Who is Cloudkicker to you? Is she a close friend of yours or something?” Richard asked curiously to which Zecora gave a heavy sigh.

“It is a story I do not like to recall, but for you I shall tell you all.” Zecora replied and began to recollect memories from a sad past.


“Th-Thank you for helping me.” The dark blue Pegasus said in a weak voice.

“Your very welcome mare, but can you tell me where you came from if you dare?” Zecora asked curiously as she looked over the dark blue Pegasus's body.

“I-I don't know. When I came to, I was in a dark room. I could hear...voices. One of them said; she's a failure, get rid of her. The next thing I knew, I was out here.” The dark blue Pegasus replied and gave a mighty cough as if she was struggling to breath now.

“What is your name?” Zecora asked curiously as she looked at the mare now with a concerned glance.

“I...don't know.” The dark blue Pegasus replied after a few moments then began to cough again except this time she seemed to not stop.

“You must breath my friend, I do not wish to see your life end!” Zecora exclaimed panicked now as the mare continued to cough until her body seized up with a final dying gasp and the life faded from her eyes.

“Uhhh, uhhh....uhh!” Ericka moaned out now as if she remembered something but her eyes remained as blank as ever...

“Wh-where am I?” The dark blue Pegasus asked.

“You look just like the last one I found not long ago, tell me, do you have any memory that you know?” Zecora asked curiously.

“N-No. Who are you?” The dark blue Pegasus asked curiously.

“I am a friend who wants to help you, I wonder why you look exactly like the other one I found if your lack of memory is true.” Zecora replied curiously as she looked over the dark blue Pegasus. She looked to be in better health than the last one she found, but she still looked worse for wear.

“Thank you. I don't know where I came from, but I do remember voices speaking. One of them said that I was a failure and another said to get rid of me. I don't know what the voices were and when I came to, I saw you.” The dark blue Pegasus replied.

“A failure you say? What is happening over there I wonder in that strange building I saw next to that pathway?” Zecora remarked curiously.

“Uhhh....Uhhh...” Ericka moaned out once again as her head toppled back and forth.

“Wh-What's happening to me? I feel light-headed all of the sudden, so hard to breath...” The dark blue Pegasus said and began to cough non-stop and just like the last one, her body seized up, and she gave one last dying gasp before the life faded from her eyes.

“Uhh! Uhhh! Uhh!” Ericka moaned out yet these moans seemed to sound rather urgent in nature, as if she was pleading for something to stop.

Zecora stared at the pile of bodies that now lay before her, more specifically at the most recent one.

“No more, my heart can not take this pain anymore.” Zecora remarked aloud and was about to turn around and leave when the dark blue Pegasus spoke. “I know you...”


“Over the time I spent taking care of each version of Cloudkicker, the more her memories of me seemed to become clearer.” Zecora remarked aloud and sighed. “Though my time which each version of her was short, I soon realized that a friendship had formed in my heart.” Zecora said and sighed once again.

“That must have been so hard for you, taking care of each one of them and watching them die.” Richard remarked looking at Zecora whom was wiping tears from her eyes.

“The final one version of Cloudkicker whom was in my care, begged me to put an end to her affair. I promised her I would do so no matter the strife, even if it cost me my life.” Zecora replied as the two now stood in what seemed to an underground tunnel yet it looked as if the walls were made of metal.

“But how do you know the Cloudkicker you knew and the one I know are the same?” Richard asked curiously as they neared two large metal doors.

“Wither they are the same or not does not matter to me, I am keeping a promise to a friend you see.” Zecora replied as she nudged the door open with her nose and looked inside.

“What the...?!” Richard began to say but trailed off as his words seemed to leave him as he stared into a room full of what seemed to be nearly three hundred Alicorns.

“It seems Josh has been very busy in the short time he has been in hiding, or perhaps this is the result of his new finding.” Zecora remarked as she looked about the room.

“They look alive but they aren't alive, are they?” Richard asked curiously as he walked up to one and waved a hoof in front of it.

“No, but I can bet by the time they are through, with the moon princess's magical powers, your statement will become true.” Zecora replied and continued to walk forward followed closely by Richard.

“We have to stop them!” Richard exclaimed in a whisper as they neared the other side of the room to which two more large metal doors stood in there way.

“That we will do, but something I wonder about security as it seems rather skew.” Zecora remarked as they went into the next room.

“You don't think set a trap for us do you?” Richard asked only to suddenly be lifted up by an unseen force.

“And bingo was his name-o! Haha! You fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Honestly Richard, did you really think we didn't know you were on our tails from the beginning?” Josh's voice spoke up as he suddenly appeared in a flash of magic.

“Let him go you foul creature, or an image of fear I shall make you picture!” Zecora exclaimed as she stood in a combat stance.

“And what prey tell do you plan to do? You have no magic, your basically an earth pony.” Josh asked with a sneer as two other scientists appeared in a flash of magic.

“You underestimate your foe, Richard hold your breath or your lungs shall overflow!” Zecora exclaimed as she reached into her saddle-pack, took out what looked like a small bag, and chucked it into the air at which point it exploded into a green dust.

“What is this?!” Josh exclaimed as he and the other scientists began to cough loudly unable to focus any longer which allowed Richard to land on all four hooves at which point he teleported Zecora and himself to another room not far from the one Josh and the other scientists were in.

“Thanks for saving me, but what was that?” Richard asked curiously.

“I may not be a unicorn or anything that is fantastic, but I do have a large amount of zebra magic.” Zecora replied with a smirk.

“I think it's going to take more than a cloud of green dust to get rid of these guys though.” Richard remarked in a whisper as he heard Josh shouting orders to find and kill them.


Beams of magic pummeled the shield of rainbow light the six had summoned and though it seemed to hold strong, the six mares were begging to feel fatigued from using the elements power for so long. “Ah don't know how much longer we hold this Twi. I'm plum worn out and barely standin.” Applejack whispered wearily to the purple unicorn who looked just as exhausted as the other five.

“Unicorn's halt!” Celestia's voice roared at which point the barrage of magic stopped and the Alicorn stepped forward. “I give you one last chance Twilight and friends. Stand down and I shall overlook your transgressions.” Princess Celestia said as she looked at the six who were huffing and puffing at this point.

“No way, no how! I won't let you hurt Ericka!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed though she exclaimed this between huffs and puffs.

Upon hearing this the Alicorn's gaze shifted to Twilight and softened if only a little. “Please, do not make me do this. These humans are not worth protecting, they have my sister. What would you do in my position?” Celestia asked as she looked at Twilight.

“What would you do in mine? Knowing what I know and yet you refuse to listen. Please Princess, hear us out.” Twilight replied as she looked back to the sun princess now.

“If you will not stand down then I have no choice, forgive me.” Celestia replied as she turned around and walked away as a single silent tear shed from her right eye and streaked down her cheek. “Unicorn's at the ready!” The Alicorn exclaimed yet her voice nearly cracked as she spoke.

“Twilight, what are we going to do? We can't take another assault like the last one. Even if we are the elements of harmony, we are still just six ponies!” Rarity exclaimed as she looked over to Twilight now with a worried glance as the unicorn's lined up and prepared to fire.

Twilight looked to each of her friends and realized just how exhausted they were. As if in slow motion she looked in front of her to see the unicorn's magic building up and preparing to fire then looked back to her friends. “If you want to run, I won't blame you.” Twilight said in a soft tone to the other five whom stared at her.

“Are you kiddin meh? Ah would never forgive mahself.” Applejack replied with a weary smile.

“Darling, I couldn't bare to let you face this alone.” Rarity chimed in.

“No way, whosay!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide grin.

“If I ran away now, the guilt would make me go crazy, so um, I'm staying, if that's okay with you.” Fluttershy replied with a weary smile.

“I'm not going anywhere.” The cyan blue Pegasus said simply.

Upon hearing her friends responses she giggled to herself and looked forward. “Any regrets fillies?” Twilight asked as the unicorn squad's magic was nearing it's full charge.

“Just one, I was really hoping I could have gotten that dress done. The client is not going to be happy.” Rarity replied to which the other five gave weak giggles to.

“Unicorns....fire!” The sun princess's voice roared at which point a hail of magic assaulted the six again.

“Ahh!” Rarity exclaimed in pain as a beam of magic managed to penetrate the shield and nicked her a crossed the shoulder which caused her to fall to her front knees.

“Rarity! Ahh!” Applejack exclaimed as she looked to see her friend only to be nicked a crossed the head which knocked her backward onto her back.


Ericka sluggishly turned to look at the six seemingly attracted to the noise now and stared as if transfixed by the fight before her.

(play Stand up now)

Look at all the lonely hearts

As the dark blue Pegasus stared at them, something seemed to call out to her...

Hiding from the truth

“Ah won't give up now!” Applejack exclaimed as she stood to all four hooves wearily with a slight stumble. “Ah've always prided mahself on mah honesty, but ah've done mah share of lyin. Nothin makes a mare perfect. And Ericka no different! Sure she's made some mistakes, but every mare deserves a second chance!” Applejack exclaimed as she did her best to channel her strength into her element now to strengthen the barrier.


“Name's Applejack, how ya doin?” Applejack asked as she continued to shake the stunned mare's hoof.

“H-How are you doing that?” Ericka asked in shocked tone still unable to comprehend how this pony was able to grip her hoof like this.

“Doin what?” Applejack asked curiously as she continued to shake Ericka's hoof for a little longer before she let go of it.

“Th-That! Holding my hoof like that! How did you do that?” Ericka replied still unable to figure out how she had managed this.

“All pony's can do that sugarcube. You raised in a rock farm of somethin?” Applejack replied with a smirk.

“I-I lived a very sheltered life.” Ericka replied trying to cover up for her lack of knowledge once again.


Cover up the proof

Demons that I've tried to hide


“Now then, how about I welcome you to Ponyville with a new dress, free of charge of course.” Rarity replied with a warm smile as she turned to face the Pegasus.

“A-A dress? For me?” Ericka replied in a shocked tone. She had no idea that these creatures even wore clothing, much less dresses.

“Of course darling! I always enjoy making a dress for Twilight's friends.” Rarity replied as she levitated measuring tapes and began to stretch them out around the mare looking at them.

“I-I suppose that would be okay.” Ericka replied nervously. Not like she had any choice in the matter though as the unicorn seemed to already be sizing her up.

“Wonderful Darling! Now just hold still while I take these measurements!” Rarity exclaimed enthusiastically as she stretched the measuring tape along each of her flanks, over her chest, and on her back.


Imprison me in my own lies

And all that I can do is cover up the proof

Don't be afraid to...


“Wow, I’ve never met a Pegasus pony who has never seen magic or unicorns before.” Twilight replied resuming her smile now.

“Y-Yeah, I've lived a sheltered life. Perhaps you can show me more of this magic you unicorns can do later.” Ericka replied with a nervous smile.

“I'd be happy to, but first let me show you around the rest of Ponyville.” Twilight replied, turned around and began to walk again followed closely by Ericka.


Stand up!

Stand up if you're broken

Stand up!

Stand up if you feel ashamed

You are not alone when you hurt this way

Stand up!

Stand up if you need love

Stand up!

“E-Ericka, I'm so sorry. I called you a traitor, but I’m traitor here. I'm a traitor to my own heart...” The cyan blue Pegasus remarked aloud as she stood to all four hooves and stared forward as the unicorn's continued to fire mercilessly.


“You gotta use a gentle hoof with it. Watch me.” Rainbow Dash remarked as she reached in to take the cloud material from the dark blue Pegasus at which point their hooves touched, the two looked at one another for a brief moment blushing, and Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed the cloud material and resumed showing her how to properly mold it.


Ericka stared at the cyan blue Pegasus now moaning out now more urgently than before something inside the dark blue Pegasus was stirring now. As if what was left of her was trying to resurface...

“E-Ericka was nothing but kind to me. I can't let any harm come to her...I know I'm weak and helpless most of the time, but...but...For Ericka, I must be be brave! Because she's the weak and helpless one now.” The yellow Pegasus said as tears streamed from her eyes yet she seemed to suck them back into her eye-sockets and gave a fierce growl. Well, as fierce as the meek Pegasus pony could muster anyways.

This is not judgment day

You don't have to hide

There's no need to run

Everything will be okay


“Fluttershy is the local caretaker of animals. If a pony needs help with their pet, they go to her.” Twilight said in a matter-of-fact tone taking note of Ericka's awed expression now.

“Oh I’m sure there are ponies much better than me at taking care of little woodland creatures. I just, um, haven't met any yet.” Fluttershy replied in a modest tone.

It was at this point and time a small white bunny walked up to Ericka and began to stomp on her front right hoof which caught the dark blue Pegasus's attention. “Oh, how cute! I love bunnies!” Ericka exclaimed in a sweet tone as she looked down at the bunny.


Ericka now stared at Pinkie Pie now moaning aloud more so as if she was fighting to find herself again.


“P-Pinkie, can you keep a secret?” Ericka asked the pink mare.

“Y-Yes.” Pinkie Pie replied in a soft tone.

Ericka then let out a heavy sigh and began to explain what she was doing here, how she got into this body, and the reason behind them being here. By the time she had finished Pinkie Pie stared in disbelief but she seemed to understand.

“Can you promise me that you won't tell anypony?” Ericka asked in a soft tone.

“Of course I can! I'll even pinkie pie promise and pinkie pie never breaks a pinkie pie promise!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed enthusiastically.


You say You love me
That's all I'll ever need

If You say I'm good enough

That's good enough for me

Ericka stared now as her memories of her sister and of the times she shared with Pinkie Pie flashed before her eyes as if two live actions movies were playing at once and overlapping one another.


Secrets got me torn apart

Ericka stood over her sister's casket now sobbing aloud as she stared at her body. “I'm so sorry little sis...You were counting on me...and I failed you...I'm so sorry!” Ericka said aloud between sobs.

Trying to destroy my heart

Ericka walked up the stairs to Pinkie Pie's room now and opened the door to see the pink mare.

“If it's another gift, I've gotten enough of them.” Pinkie Pie replied depressingly.

“I think you might like this one.” Ericka replied as she took the painting out of her saddle-pack and placed it in front of the mare who's eyes widened in surprise at this.

But I can see the light

As if in slow motion Ericka began to flail and strike at all her paintings, tearing some to shreds, and punching holes in others until she fell to her ass and looked at what remained of the picture she had drawn for her little sister, reached out, picked it up, and held it close to her heart.

It's cutting through the night

Don't run away

“Oh my gosh! This is so neat! And this is for me?!” Ericka's little sister exclaimed joyfully.

“Yes, I drew it just for you. Do you like it?” Ericka asked with a smile.

“I love it!” Ericka's little sister exclaimed and hugged her tightly. “I love you so much big sis!” Ericka's little sister exclaimed as she continued to hug Ericka whom returned the hug.

“I love you too little sis.” Ericka replied with a warm smile.

Don't be afraid to...

“Yeah, it's yours little sis.” Ericka replied without thinking.

“What did you call me?” Pinkie Pie asked with an wide-eyed expression.

It was at this point she had realized just what she had said and gasped aloud before she smiled, walked up to the pink mare and hugged her tightly. “You're my little sister. And I'll be there for you, always.” Ericka replied as tears streamed from her eyes now as did Pinkie Pie's but these were not tears of sorrow rather they were tears of joy as she returned the hug.


Stand up!

Stand up if you feel ashamed

You are not alone when you hurt this way

Stand up!

Stand up if you need love

Stand up!

The dark blue Pegasus suddenly felt her senses return to her as she looked about herself in panicked confusion and then saw Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie with various injuries and barely standing.

And then it occurred to her as she looked around and saw the base and then back to the six whom were projecting a shield but now the shield looked as if it was ready to shatter. “Th-This all my fault. I brought the moon princess here. I let her get captured. And they are protecting me? But why?” Ericka thought to herself unable to keep quiet any longer.

“Why are you protecting me?!” Ericka exclaimed out loud at which point all six turned to look at Ericka and smiles of relief washed over their faces.

“Ericka, you're back!” Twilight exclaimed with a relieved expression over the thundering sound of unicorn fire.

“Big sis, your back!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she ran over to Ericka hugged her tightly.

“But why? I thought you hated me?” Ericka asked as she stared at the other five with tears in her eyes now.

“I told them what happened and Richard helped me convince them it was the truth. He's off now in his pony body to go and find the moon princess.” Pinkie Pie said with a smile as tears streamed from her eyes. “I thought I lost your forever.” Pinkie Pie remarked aloud in a sad tone after she said this.

“Pinkie! We need you!” Twilight exclaimed urgently at which point the pink mare jumped up and ran back to her position.

“Ericka, go help Richard, we'll handle this!” Twilight exclaimed as she continued to project the shield.


Ericka's shout was so loud it was overheard by even Celestia whom stared in shock as the dark blue Pegasus lunged through the barrier much to the six mare's horror and took several magical shots before hitting the ground with a thud.

“Why....” Princess Celestia asked as her eyes glistened and seemed to shake now as she stared in shock. “Why would she carelessly jump from behind the safety of the barrier right into the line of fire like that? Isn't she the enemy? Isn't she just using them?” The Alicorn asked herself aloud as she stared on at the sight now as the unicorns halted their fire briefly due to the sheer shock of the dark blue Pegasus's sudden action before they began to resume.

“Ericka!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she lunged forward abandoning her post and laying over Ericka now yet the unicorns continued to prepare to fire once again.


A voice roared just mere moments before they were to resume firing. The voice was none other than the regal Alicorn herself as she walked forward and stared at Rainbow Dash whom simply glared at her.

“You touch her and I'll never forgive you!” The cyan blue Pegasus exclaimed as the Alicorn walked up to her.

“Why? Why did you do that? Did you not know that barrier was the only thing standing between the unicorn's magic and you?” The sun goddess asked as she stared at Ericka now whom turned her head weakly to stare at Celestia.

“I don't know why I did what I did. I just wanted the senseless fighting to stop. This isn't right. After what we humans have done to your sister, we don't deserve protecting.” Ericka replied and groaned aloud in pain.

The sun princess stared at Ericka now as her eyes glistened and seemed to shake as she stared at her.

“Josh is the real enemy princess. He's the one who foalnapped Princess Luna. He's hiding somewhere in the Everfree Forest. He plans to use your sister's power to create an army of Alicorns.” Twilight said as she stepped past the barrier herself and stood before her mentor.

“How could I have been so blind?!” Celestia exclaimed as she clinched her eyes shut while tears streamed from it and stomped the ground in anger.

“I don't blame you.” Ericka said weakly at which point the Alicorn's eyes snapped wide and stared at the dark blue Pegasus again. “When I lost my sister, I joined the army without a second thought to get revenge for her death. I was so blinded with vengeance that I lost sight of who I was. It took these six to help me rediscover myself. And I will help you find her, that is if you'll let me.” Ericka said as she did her best to sit up despite the fact she groaned and winced as she did so.

“After all I’ve done, after I attempted to destroy your base and take you with it, you...still wish to help me?” The Alicorn asked as tears streamed from her eyes.

“Of course. After all if Pinkie Pie was foalnapped, not even you would stop me from finding her.” Ericka replied as she mustered the best grin she could muster now as the pink mare wrapped her hooves around her and hugged her.

“I have done something unforgivable and lost sight of my purpose in this world for a time. I humbly request your help-No, I beg you for your help.” The sun goddess said as she knelled before Ericka and bowed her head much to everypony's shock.

“Stand up already your highness. I already said I would help.” Ericka replied with a smile as she attempted to stand to all four hooves only to fall to her knees.

“Not in that condition.” The sun goddess remarked as her horn glowed brightly and fired a beam of magic at the dark blue Pegasus which seemed to heal her wounds completely. After she had healed Ericka completely she then refocused her magic at the other six.

“Just when I thought my fate was decided...” Ericka thought to herself trailing off now in her thoughts.

“I was somehow given another chance. I won't let this second chance go to waste!” Ericka thought to herself dramatically as she stared forward now.