• Published 26th May 2012
  • 4,142 Views, 205 Comments

PONY - Deathsia

Ericka has been chosen among a few other people to study equine creatures who live on this planet...

  • ...

World Impossible


“So there's more than one cloud city? And Pegasus pony's can walk on clouds?” Ericka asked in disbelief as Twilight and her continued to walk down the street.

“Yes, though Pegasus ponies can't use magic like unicorns, they do have an inherent magic that allows them to walk on clouds and even move them around. Pegasus ponies are after all, in charge of weather in Equestria.” Twilight replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Wait, Pegasus ponies control the weather?!” Ericka exclaimed in shock as her mind had still not yet recovered from the fact that Pegasus ponies could walk and move clouds.

“Yeah, it's been their job since the beginning of equestrian time. The only place they don't manage the weather at is in the everfree forest. The weather there acts on its own there. A weird place that forest is. Any more questions?” Twilight remarked giving a glance over at the forest which lay far to the west of them right now.

To Ericka however that forest right now looked like the most normal place on this strange planet. Though she wouldn't tell Twilight this. “Yeah, this one has been on my mind since I arrived here. Where does the sun and moon come from? I uh, looked into a telescope awhile back and there's none in outer space.” Ericka asked trying her best to not let the fact known she was not from this planet known despite all of her questions that she had asked so far had been screaming this, her amnesia ploy was her only defense to this which had been working so far.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna manage the sun and moon. They use their magic to raise the sun and moon each day.” Twilight replied as she stopped short of her house about the same time Ericka did.

“Wait, what?!” Ericka exclaimed with a wide-eyed expression. There was no way this was possible. It defied all laws of science and not to mention reality itself!

“It's not so hard to believe when you think about it.” Twilight replied as she opened her door.

“That can't be right! I mean, it defies all laws of science!” Ericka exclaimed still unable to believe what she had been told and completely spacing for the moment that she was undercover.

“You're a weird pony Cloudkicker, you talk about science as if magic has no place in it. When magic itself is the core of all science in Equestria.” Twilight replied with a giggle as she walked through her doorway followed closely by Ericka.

“There's got to be a scientific explanation for all this though. Everything you've told me doesn't make a lick of sense. I may not know who I am, but my knowledge of basic science and laws of physics haven't been affected!” Ericka exclaimed still unable to believe what she was hearing.

“It may not make sense now, but it will once your memory comes back.” Twilight replied then looked about herself. “Okay, I know I left the light on.” Twilight replied as her horn began to glow which provided a dim light.

“Surprise!!!” A high pitched upbeat voice exclaimed as the lights flickered on which caused the dark blue Pegasus to jump up in shock as the pink pony she saw earlier suddenly appear in front of her which caused the dark blue Pegasus to jump into the air in shock.

Ericka landed back on the ground a mere second later breathing very quickly now as she held a hoof over her chest. “This mare is going to give me a freaking heart attack before the day is out! And how did she do that?! She just flicked the light on and suddenly appeared in front of me from no where!” Ericka thought to herself dramatically as she continued to calm herself taking note of the fact the entire room was filled with ponies now.

“Were you surprised? Were ya, were ya, were ya?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide grin at the dark blue Pegasus.

“You nearly made me jump out of my skin for pony's sake!” Ericka exclaimed in an pissed off tone.

“Oh, that's great! I got you good didn't I? You had no idea I had this super surprise party planned did ya?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hopped around the dark blue Pegasus.

“No idea at all.” Ericka replied in a sarcastic tone with an eye rolling gesture though she had a feeling the pink haired mare hadn't picked up on this as she continued to hope around her.

“Alright everypony! Lets party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she ran over to a record player, put the needle down on the record, rushed back to the middle of the room, and began to what Ericka assumed to be dancing.

“Suddenly this party idea doesn't sound so grand.” Ericka thought to herself dismally as she watched everypony in the room began to dance in the same fashion Pinkie Pie had. The Pegasus had no idea where to begin or even how to dance without falling on her face.

After sometime however Pinkie Pie walked over to her taking note of the fact the Pegasus looked nervous now. “What are you waiting for? It's your welcome to Ponyville party after all! Dance with me!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, grabbed Ericka's front hoof and began to drag her forward causing Ericka to nearly fall flat on her face three times until the pink mare let go of her hoof.

“I, uh, don't know how.” Ericka replied with a blush as she looked away to Twilight who up till this point was dancing with Applejack, noticed the dark blue Pegasus's nervous expression, and immediately used her magic to drag Pinkie Pie to her by the tail.

“Pinkie, there's something you need to know about Cloudkicker, she's got amnesia, she has no idea who she is or how to even fly.” Twilight said in a hushed tone.

Ericka gave a sigh of relief as she noticed the purple unicorn talking to her. “Whew, saved by Twilight.” Ericka thought to herself in a relieved tone. Her relief however was short lived as the pink mare dashed back over to her grabbed her by the hoof and began to sway it back and forth causing Ericka to nearly fall on her face due tgo her lack of balance.

“Don't you worry your little head, Pinkie's gonna show you how to dance!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smirk.

“H-How? I can't stand on three hooves without nearly falling on my face! Besides, half the ponies here shouldn't be able to do half the things they are now. How am I supposed to dance like them when it's not scientifically possible?” Ericka asked with an shocked yet confused expression.

Pinkie Pie simply giggled at this remark however. “Your a strange pony you know that? Don't try to think about it! Just have fun!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, lifted Ericka off her front hooves, and spun her around quickly which caused Ericka to become dazed and dizzy.

“Whoa,whoa, whoa!” Ericka exclaimed in a dizzy tone expecting to hit the floor face first again only for Pinkie Pie to somehow keep her from falling on her face as she continued to hold her up by the hoof with her own.

“Come on Cloudkicker, dance!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she began to dance on her hind hooves kicking them out as she continued to dance ever so often.

“H-How? This isn't possible! I shouldn't be standing on my hind hooves like this!” Ericka exclaimed looking down at her hind hooves which she was standing on now.

“Were you listening you silly willy? Just have fun! Don't think about it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a giggle as she continued to dance on her hind hooves.

“Don't think about and just have fun?” Ericka replied echoing the pink mare's words as if trying to comprehend what she meant by them.

“Yeppers! Just have fun, like this!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she twirled the dark blue Pegasus around again.

This time however Ericka actually let out a laugh of enjoyment from this. Though she wasn't sure why. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot.” Ericka replied with a nervous smile and began to attempt to mimic the pink mare's movements expecting to fall on her face.

To her shock however she didn't and what's more, she was actually starting to have fun dancing with the pink mare. “H-Hey! I'm doing it! I'm dancing!” Ericka exclaimed joyfully as she continued to mimic Pinkie Pie's movements.

“I knew you could do it Cloudkicker! Now let's party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she continued to dance with her.

Throughout the rest of the party, Ericka no longer gave anything any thought, she no longer let the tons of questions that plagued her mind distract her, she followed the pink mare's advice, and just let things come naturally. It didn't make any sense, she couldn't explain it, but for now, she could care less. For the first time since she got into this creature's body, she was having fun and to her, that's all that mattered right now.



Time flew by faster than Ericka had expected to and before she knew it the party was over and she was catching her breath having danced for five hours strait as Twilight walked over next to her and sat on the floor.

“See you tomorrow Twilight! Nice meeting you Cloudkicker!” Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy said as she left the library shortly afterward with the exception of Rainbow Dash who walked over to the two.

“Hey Cloudkicker, come by my place tomorrow and I’ll give you some flying lessons okay?” Rainbow Dash said as she looked at the two.

“O-Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then!” Ericka replied breathlessly as the cyan blue Pegasus left the library.

“Told you Pinkie Pie knows how to party.” Twilight remarked with a smirk.

“Your telling me. I have no idea how I did that. It just didn't make sense, but that was the most fun I’ve ever had in my life!” Ericka exclaimed excitedly to the purple unicorn. This statement was more true than the unicorn realized though.

Her entire life she had never had never been to any sort of party, she had no friends on earth, and after her family had been brutally murdered by the last alien invasion, she had dedicated the remainder of her life to the military. She had dedicated her time and effort into protecting others so that no one else would have to go through what she had.

“Just like Pinkie Pie said, let things come naturally and don't think about it.” Twilight replied with a warm smile.

“I'll remember that.” Ericka replied as she stood to all four hooves and looked at the clock. She had only four hours till she was set to return to her real body now and she still had yet to get any real answers. “Twilight, do you have any books on this world's history? How it began and all.” Ericka asked curiously as her mission now came back to the front of her mind now. She had no idea if she could even read their language, but based on the fact that she recalled being able to read that poster easily she figured she could.

“Of course, I'll have Spike get it for you. Spike! Are you still awake? I need you to get the book titled, Equestrian origins!” Twilight called out.

“Okay Twilight! Let me grab it!” A male voice could be heard from the other side of the house.

“Who's Spike?” Ericka asked curiously.

“He's my number one assistant. I was hoping he was still awake so you two could meet.” Twilight replied looking at the dark blue Pegasus now.

“I didn't know you had another pony living here. I don't want to impose.” Ericka replied in a polite tone.

Before Twilight could replied however, a small purple dragon came running into the room which caused Ericka's jaw to drop for possibly the twentieth time today. “Wh-what is he?!” Ericka asked aloud in a shocked tone without thinking.

“Well, that's a rude thing to ask.” Spike remarked sourly with an offended expression.

“Don't take offense to her Spike, she's got amnesia.” Twilight said as she took the book with her magic and placed it in front of Ericka. “Cloudkicker, This is Spike, he's a baby dragon and also my number one assistant.” Twilight said a few moments after she spoke in the dark blue Pegasus's defense looking at her now as she spoke.

“H-He's a dra-dra-dra-dragon?!” Ericka exclaimed in disbelief. Despite everything she had seen today that made no sense at all to her, this right here, this baby dragon, took the cake. No only was he a dragon according to twilight, he could speak their language. The poor Pegasus's mind was set reeling and judging by her expression right now. It looked as if it might not recover.

“I'm going to go to bed now Twilight. I'm bushed.” Spike said followed by a yawn before he walked up stairs and to bed.

“I'll be up there in a few minuets Spike, I need to make sure Cloudkicker's brain is still working.” Twilight replied with a giggle as she looked at Ericka's expression which was still stunned. “Equestria to Cloudkicker, you there?” Twilight said in a joking manner as she tapped the dark blue Pegasus's shoulder which managed to snap her out of her stupor.

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine. It's just I never expected to see a dragon here. Don't they each meat?” Ericka asked curiously still trying to wrap her head around the fact she just saw a dragon in front of her.

“Nope, all dragons in Equestria eat gemstones. Spike's favorite is sapphire rubies.” Twilight replied with yet another giggle as she stood up to all four hooves. “I'm going to get some sleep, you can use the guest bedroom when your done reading. It's to your left, you can't miss it.” Twilight said as she began to walk upstairs.

“Hey Twilight.” Ericka said suddenly as she looked up at the purple unicorn who stopped walking up the stairs to look at her. “Thanks, for everything.” Ericka said in a genuine tone.

“It's no problem at all Cloudkicker. I'm always happy to help a pony in need. See you tomorrow morning.” Twilight replied with a soft smile then proceeded to walk upstairs and closed the door behind her.

Ericka had meant every word. Never before had she met anyone who was so kind to her. And she had only met her today. It both impressed and confused her. Right now however, she decided to open the book up and read it or she would have if she knew how. She didn't know how to grip the edges of the book to open it.

“How the hell am I supposed to read this if I can't open it without risking tearing the thing up?” Ericka thought to herself in an annoyed tone. Then it came to her, the purple mare's words.

Just like Pinkie Pie said, let things come naturally and don't think about it.

“Don't think about it, just let it come naturally...” Ericka remarked aloud thoughtfully as she stared at the book and placed a hoof on the side of the cover. “Well here goes nothing...just don't think about it Ericka.” Ericka said aloud as if she was telling herself what to do.

At first nothing happened, her hoof just slid along the edge like a normal flat hoof would. Then just as she was about to give up, she suddenly felt her hoof grip the side of the book which startled her. “How did I-?!” Ericka thought to herself dramatically then remembered Twilight's words once again. “Alright, once more.” Ericka said aloud as she placed her hoof on the edge of the book cover once more.

This time however she gripped the side of the book on her first try and successfully opened the book. “I did it!” Ericka exclaimed aloud joyfully and blushed slightly as she realized no pony was there to see her self accomplishment. “Well here we go, chapter one, the beginning of everything.” Ericka said as she read the title of the first chapter aloud.


Ericka glance up at the clock and went wide-eyed. She had completely forgotten to meet up with Richard and she only had five minutes now till she was supposed to return to her real body. Baring in mind what she had read so far, she bent a part of the book page so she held her place, quickly ran to the spare bedroom, and jumped in the bed.

The dark Blue Pegasus however had no time to get under the covers as she felt an all too familiar feeling and passed out a few moments later only open them again as the device opened from above her to see Professor Josh standing above her.

“So how was your first day as one of those creatures? I can't wait to hear all about what you've learned!” Professor Josh exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Your in for a big disappointment Professor...” Ericka thought to herself as she stood up from the device and walked past him. “I'll have my report on your desk tomorrow morning.” Ericka said in an exhausted tone. Despite the fact she had done nothing in this body all day, she felt as tired as she had in the pony's body.

If there was one thing she knew, she was going to get hell from her commander tomorrow. Course she didn't really care right now as walked sluggishly to her sleeping quarters and before she knew it was fast asleep in her bed.

Though she would never admit aloud, she couldn't wait to be a pony again.