• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 510 Views, 5 Comments

What the Hell Happen to Equestria? - Spectrum Paxion

Why is Equestria in full chaos and why is everyone trying to kill us?

  • ...

An Ending

I felt a boot hit my right thigh. At first I thought Ugh... What the hell is Whooves doing? till I opened my eyes to see that the one I mistaken for Whooves was a raider with a blade in his belt that was mirroring light all over the room. He was alone and seemed more sane then the others we had encountered before. A hand outstretched to give me a lift up this was followed by an explanation of why he was here. He whispered to me "I am here to help you. I'm the leader of one the clans that roams the land."

I asked trying not to awake the blue haired one that I shared the night with before. "Are you one leader of the group that attacked on the way to Canterlot?"

"No. That is the clan lead by Draz, They call me Zeno."

"Well, why are you here?"

"I believe that I can solve the problem that everyone is facing."

"How?" I asked. Confused by his answer.

At which point the knife that was once placed on his belt now stuck out of the lower half of my left lung. He looked me in the eye and spoke "We take out the everyone that is not us." After being told this I gasped from the shock. This woke the dazed one on the floor with a yawn. See opened her to see my once white shirt stained and without missing a beat grabbed my shotgun, and shot at point blank which caused the raider to bleed, this flowed down to his feet and he toppled over. She looked at the frozen state that the event had left me in. She took my jacket, wrapped it around my mid-section and finished it with a strong, tight knot that was even tighter then the hug she gave me when this started. I was then set down on the sofa while she went to get the others who were in the state of shock as me.

"Ok we got to go. Now!" Whooves exclaimed, probably due to the fact that I was stabbed. Derpy walked up to me and took a little roll of fabric from her back pocket and removed the knotted jacket. She spun the small roll around my wound three times, before placing the jacket back to keep pressure. "You will be fine." She told me, but her eyes told the truth. I was going to die, but the questions remained how long would it take and how will it affect them.

I staggered as I rose from my sitting position. I began walking to the door and placed a hand on it. When I reached the knob my hand was covered by Vinyl's hand. "What the hell do you think your doing?" A rage erupted from her once calmed mouth.

"I'm leaving." I told her. My hand still covered by hers.

"No your not. Your not going to just leave me and the rest of us alone." She replied still very angry at my actions.

I took her hand off mine and held it while I explained myself."I'm going. Ok.. I'm dead weight and I will die eventually. I don't want you all to be dragged down with me cause of self pride. I will protected everyone I can, whether that is fighting with others at my side or me sacrificing myself for the greater good."

I placed her hands back to her side and turned back to the door. I was suddenly bound by
Vinyl. It was the same thing that I had done to her when I stopped her from entering Whooves and Derpy's room. I didn't move, knowing what I had caused. We stood as one while a few tears escaped from her red eyes.I was getting glassy eyed and I felt like holding her as she did to me, so I did. I put my around her back till they met and passed each other. "I won't leave." I whispered in her ear. She rose from my now damp shoulder to show a light smile that was followed with a tighter grip then before. I was released from her snake like binding, "Vinyl you are better at holding pressure then this jacket." I told her.

"Uh… I'm.. passionate? Yeah i'm passionate about losing things that I care about." She replied with a reddish blush starting to appear around her cheeks.

"Well." A familiar voice from the background "Should we head out."

"Shut up Whooves we got time."

"I just did the calculations and it seems that we are running late by ten minutes." He replied

"I don't know how were are running late? Wait. Did you factor in the fact that I was stabbed?"

"No, but I did put in the hour long moment you shared with Vinyl."

"What about the "moments" that you and Derpy have shared?"

I looked at Derpy to see her face turning a red that Vinyl had on her cheeks just seconds ago. "I'm sorry Derpy and fuck you Whooves." He looked at me with a sign of rage as well. "Ok lets just go." I said with the emotions of anger and love, but in most cases I felt these on a daily basis. As we all walked over the dead raider "Fucking prick." left my mouth for all to hear.

We entered the land that was now know as the Barrens with all of our supplies. I was constantly checking my wound, I could tell that it getting worse and that would take about a day or two till I be dead on the ground with my friends surrounding with sadness. Vinyl looked at me checking the bondage and walked over. She placed two hands on my chest and looked into my purple eyes. "I know that you going to make it through this." She told me with a sincere look on her face.

"I wish I had your optimism when it came to death, but soon I will be like others that we have killed on this journey for a cure. A simple corpse that will turn to dust." I replied.

"Stop that you are going to be ok." A tone with anger behind it escaped her lips.

"No, I'm not and if you accepted this then the pain will lessen." And with that the conversation was ended abruptly. The rest of the day for me was being with Vinyl and her sniper rifle while we did the plan before. She laid down on her stomach and I sat about six feet from the spider nest and next to me was my revolver. I stood up from my sitting position and walk over to her and told her. "I'm going down a floor. Ok?"

"Fine." She said with a pissed off attitude. At this point I couldn't tell what she was still mad about, my best guess was the whole dying and turning to dust. I picked up my bag, placed the gun in my pocket, and ran down the stairs to the third floor. I opened the bag to take out the lock picking set Luna had gave me about three months after I started living at the castle. She learn this skill when trying to break into Celestia's liquor cabinet at the age of 15, then she taught me to do the same when I was 17. Now six years later I was using the two simple pieces of metal one with a bent tip. I jammed both of them into the keyhole and began teasing each tumbler up till I heard a click. After about forty seconds I turned the two devices to the right. The top lock was done and I reached to open the door.

I opened the door to notice the basic furniture from the store about twenty minutes from here. I looked around to see various pictures of a couple in their late twenties. I guessed that they had just moved in with each other. I looked at one of the pictures to see me in the background happily smiling. I checked the date in the bottom left corner. I was about four year ago, but Why didn't I know these people. Then it hit me that I knew these people, then after awhile we had once been friends. His name was Ryan and she was called Sarah. After about a minute of remembering those I had forgotten about, I looked around for supplies. I found a carton of cigarettes, when I got to it I tilted to to the left and three packs seemed to flow out on to the floor. I quickly picked up the tobacco treasures and placed them in the bag.

I looked into their room to see on one side there was a small gift wrapped in a black paper and a grey bow. I walked over to see a tag, it read "to: Spectrum from: Sarah and Ryan".I picked it up and thought of why this was to me. I sat down on the bed the present next to me. I tried to think of the reason, then I see if they had a calendar, they did and 22 was circled. I finally realized that this was meant to be a birthday gift. I took off the bow and gently broke the paper that the tape held. I pulled the paper off to reveal a small cardboard box taped up. I reached for my knife from the bag, grabbed it, and flung it open. After cutting the tape I opened the flaps and looked to see a jewelry box sitting there. I took it out to see what was inside. It was a platinum chain with a ring on it. The ring was also made of platinum with dark purple gemstones around the center. When placed over my neck it hung down to the middle of my sternum.

After taking everything that I did I got a piece of paper from their printer and wrote a thank you. Thank you for all that you have done. The ring and the chain, being with me and most of all not forgetting a friend who left. If you reading this then thank you, if not then you are in a better place then here.- Spectrum.

I went to get the other doors on the floor, but I was only able to get a few done. After the two hour long raid I only found the chain, the smokes, five shot glasses, a quarter of a bottle of rum, some bondage, a vest, a nice brown trench coat, and a package of apple cinnamon muffins. I went back to the floor above to see Vinyl packing everything up. Her anger had subsided for now. "We got get home." She said with a smile as if her and Derpy had exchanged roles.

"Ok?" I replied confused by her smiling. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just realized that if you die then I want our time to be special."

"Ok lets go then." I said stuttering

"First, what is that around your neck?"

"It was a gift from some lost friends."

We got back to the others and I took my bag off my shoulder and placed it on the counter. I spread the contents all over the counter. The muffins went to Derpy with the bondage for my wound. She was happy about the muffins, but also the fact that see could probably extend my life sightly. When I took off the old wraps they were brown and stiff. The clean and diamond patterned vest was fold for Octavia. The trench coat was fold like the vest and was handed to Whooves. The smokes were tossed to Vinyl who tried to juggle all three, but only catch one of the packs. The rum filled the shot glasses about three times. this was relaxing, but not in a drunk way but a sleeping way. We retreat back to our rooms to go to sleep.I laid on the comforting carpet, me arms spears like and eagle. Vinyl set herself on my arm using it as a pillow. "So" She said "Are you going to have a problem like at the castle?"

I just had a thinking expression on my face.

"What are you doing" She asked

"Thinking." I replied.

"About what I asked?"

"No, I'm just wondering if Celestia has a cure yet."

"Well, we will check tomorrow."

We awake to a loud shrieking from outside. The sound was similar to a WWII screaming meme flying though the sky. We all rushed to see the night sky was light up from what looked like fifty flares raining down on the land. Each trailed with a cobalt blue sparkle which seemed to hit the ground with a glowing shine that appeared to cause the plants to grow on the once dusty land. After the events that had taken place we rushed to Celestia. When we reached Canterlot we saw the Princess there smiling with a sign of relief. Knowing all was well I sat down to check my wounds and to took another smoke break. Vinyl walked over to see me trying to light it and asked me "What the hell are you doing?"

I told her with the cigarette in my mouth "Its a smoke and it won't light."

"It is probably a sign."

"Yeah I need a new lighter." I turned to a Royal Guard and asked "Hey man. You got a light?" He searched his pocket till a flip lighter was tossed my way. "Thanks." I lit the cigarette and threw the lighter back to the guard.

"So are you going to complain about my smoking?" I asked

"I sure as hell am." She replied

I got up from my resting place, packed my stuff and began to leave the city to head home.

"Now where are you going?"

"Home." I answered

"Thats it huh.. You're just going to leave me here?"

"Yep.. See you later."

She threw the three packs of cigarette I gave her yesterday.

She told me "Take back you disease sticks."

I replied sarcastically "Thanks, but you should keep one you seem to be stressed."

To this she yelled "Go to hell !"

"I will to lit all my smokes."

I treaded home to see Luna already back from the moon and awaiting to hear about everything. I headed straight for the celler to fill by bag with vodka and whiskey. She stopped me on my way and asked with a smile "Hey, what happened?"

I replied "Well ask your sister first and made a regret."

"When?" She questioned confused that I regretted something.

"Either at the start of my journey or the end." At which point I pushed her sightly to the side. "Oh.. and please let me be for a day. Ok?"

"I understand." She told me. And with that I went to drink all that was in my bag and visit apple acres to knock on the door of a sleepy AJ's house. I asked "Do you mine if I stay here?"

"Sure." She replied with a yawn and a shut of the door.

"Thanks." I proceed to go lay against the tree that I commonly slept at when I felt that anger would overwhelm me. I came here just incase I had rage flow over me I would help AJ with getting the apples from the trees. I had one incense of this happening in which I hung up my jacket on a branch and worked the anger out of my system. After what seemed about two hours the moon was about 3/4 the way to the Equestria's horizon. I set myself down against the tree's smooth bark and feel into a deep sleep were I replayed all of what had happened in the time we spent together.

I awoke to a rooster crowing in the coops. I got up and returned to Luna's and asked her to send this to Vinyl. It was 500 bits and a letter that read "I'm sorry." After that I walked up to my mage tower to only have the memory of her hugging my repeated over and over. That I left her in the same bed that I was sitting on now. I took a bottle from my dresser and held it vertically to get the last drops. I then unpacked my things to see inside was a note from Vinyl it read "I accept your apology." and below that in small text. "Don't you hate it when I'm right." I folded the paper and placed it next to the Reg and Blue picture and an old book that was decaying from overuse on my shelf.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait and that it is not up to par, but complex things and junk. This being the end there are no more of this (sad), but new stories to come. So.. Um.. Yeah. See you all later.

Comments ( 5 )

Okay, so I finally got through this chapter, and honestly, I love the way you've placed Derpy, Doctor Whooves, Vinyl, and the rest of the crew into this story. You should mark it as complete if it is, lol. It's a good story, and I hope you post more like it. :pinkiehappy:

Oops, you already marked it as complete. :derpytongue2:

2361626 Um.. it is labeled at complete. I will, but it will be only OCs. I am starting on the sequel to my first story and I have a line of what I want done by when and all of that.

2361643 That's brilliant! I should try writing my own deadlines for stories and work accordingly. Thanks for the inspiration!!

2361665 A while ago you thanked me for advice and I am sorry I didn't reply to that explaining my thankfulness to the comment.

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